Unwanted Fields in OVS outputQuery UI

I have build a very simple OVS help in web dynpro application.
Now I am using a RFC which fetched data from PA001 HR table which contains a lot of standard field columns.
Our ABAPer has built the RFC where he has directly used PA001 as table and giving output for all the columns.
Now when I import this RFC as model in my application, It brings all fields for PA001 table with it.
When I define usage and bind context data from my custom controller to created model for RFC, I am selecting only fields that I want and unchecking all unwanted fields.
Now the problem is:
The fields that I have not selected while context binding are actually also getting displayed in output table section of user interface of OVS.
My OVS is working fine and correctly fetching records as per search query, nut it is giving output for all fields from PA001.
i.e. even for all fields that I have not selected while context binding.
Please throw some light on the same.
Thanking you in anticipation.

sayan ghosh wrote:
> The advantage of this approach is, if you would have been using the RFC node as the source of your OVS, so everytime you need to repopulate the source, you need to execute the RFC.. this is a performance issue. Following this approach, your RFC is executed once and all data is present in RFC node. Everytiem you need to repopulate values into the source node of your OVS, simple copy them from the RFC node.
> Regards,
> Sayan Ghosh
Hello Sayan,
Above statement confuses me a bit.
Normal work process of OVS is :
1. User enters a query string in input boxes og OVS UI.
2. User presses the Go button.
3. This is the moment when RFC is called...and based on input from user..it fetches data from R/3 and then displayes it in table.
Now in your statement above when you say:
" everytime you need to repopulate the source"
do you refer to step 3.
Because if you refer to step 3...then I think better approach to actually to call the RFC as user input might change every time user hits the Go button.
I hope you are not refering to step 3....when you say " everytime you need to repopulate the source".
Because in that case I would like to know what does repopulating of node refer to.....as I can also use this somewhere in my application to increase performance.
However, the other part of your answer clears all the doubts in my mind and completely answers my original question.
Thank You...
(I will be waiting for your reply...then only i will mark it as answered)

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    Hi friends,
    I have crated a OVS search help for matnr.
    i have two input field like matnr and mat desc.. user can enter any value and hit SEARCH..
    im getting results.
    Now i want to hardoced a value of matnr = 001.. and make this field read only..
    how can we do it..
    i just took a example of matnr and mat desc. to make u understand easily...
    kindly help.

    Hi Niraja,
    You can initialize the value for MATNR in the phase 1 of the eventhandler method for OVS. Try refer the code segment below. Am initializing the values for MATNR & MAKTX fields in the lines:
    ls_search_input-matnr = 'D*'.
    ls_search_input-maktx = '*'.
    *     pass the values to the OVS component
              input = ls_search_input ).
    Below is the complete code from my eventhandler method:
    method ON_OVS .
    " declare data structures for the fields to be displayed and for the table columns of the selection list
        begin of lty_stru_input,
    "   add fields for the display of your search input here
          matnr type string,
          maktx type string,
        end of lty_stru_input.
        begin of lty_stru_list,
    "   add fields for the selection list here
          matnr type string,
          maktx type string,
        end of lty_stru_list.
      data: ls_search_input  type lty_stru_input,
            lt_select_list   type standard table of lty_stru_list,
            ls_text          type wdr_name_value,
            lt_label_texts   type wdr_name_value_list,
            lt_column_texts  type wdr_name_value_list,
            lv_window_title  type string,
            lv_group_header  type string,
            lv_table_header  type string.
      field-symbols: <ls_query_params> type lty_stru_input,
                     <ls_selection>    type lty_stru_list.
      data: lv_matnr type mara-matnr,
            lv_maktx type makt-maktx.
      case ovs_callback_object->phase_indicator.
        when if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_0.  "configuration phase, may be omitted
    " in this phase you have the possibility to define the texts,  if you don't want to use the defaults (DDIC-texts)
          ls_text-name  = `MATNR`.  "must match a field name of search
          ls_text-value = `Material Number`. "wd_assist->get_text( `001` ).
          insert ls_text into table lt_label_texts.
          ls_text-name  = `MAKTX`.
          ls_text-value = `Material Description`.
          insert ls_text into table lt_label_texts.
          ls_text-name = `MATNR`.  "must match a field in list structure
          ls_text-value = `Col1 -> Material Number`. "wd_assist->get_text( `002` ).
          insert ls_text into table lt_column_texts.
          ls_text-name = `MAKTX`.  "must match a field in list structure
          ls_text-value = `Col2 -> Material Description`. "wd_assist->get_text( `002` ).
          insert ls_text into table lt_column_texts.
                    label_texts  = lt_label_texts
                    column_texts = lt_column_texts
                    group_header = lv_group_header
                    window_title = lv_window_title
                    table_header = lv_table_header
                    col_count    = 2
                    row_count    = 10 ).
        when if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_1.  "set search structure and defaults
    " In this phase you can set the structure and default values of the search structure. If this phase is omitted, " the search fields will not be displayed, but the selection table is displayed directly.
    " Read values of the original context (not necessary, but you may set these as the defaults). A reference to " the context element is available in the callback object.
                                               ( importing static_attributes = ls_search_input ).
    " Setting the default values to be displayed in the selection screen
        ls_search_input-matnr = 'D*'.
        ls_search_input-maktx = '*'.
    "     pass the values to the OVS component
          ovs_callback_object->set_input_structure( input = ls_search_input ).
        when if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_2.
    "  If phase 1 is implemented, use the field input for the selection of the table
    "  If phase 1 is omitted, use values from your own context.
          assign ovs_callback_object->query_parameters->*
                                  to <ls_query_params>.
          lv_matnr = <ls_query_params>-matnr.
          lv_maktx = <ls_query_params>-maktx.
    replace all occurences of: '*' in lv_matnr with '%',
                               '*' in lv_maktx with '%'.
    select a~matnr
           b~maktx into corresponding fields of table lt_select_list up to 10 rows
                     from mara  as a inner join
                     makt as b on a~matnr = b~matnr where
                     ( a~matnr like lv_matnr and b~maktx like lv_maktx and b~spras = 'EN' ).
    "     call business logic for a table of possible values
    "     lt_select_list = ???
          ovs_callback_object->set_output_table( output = lt_select_list ).
        when if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_3.
    "   apply result
          assign ovs_callback_object->selection->* to <ls_selection>.
          if <ls_selection> is assigned.
                                   name  = `MATNR`
                                   value = <ls_selection>-MATNR ).
            concatenate 'Description from MAKT:'
                        into <ls_selection>-MAKTX separated by space.
                                   name  = `MAKTX`
                                   value = <ls_selection>-MAKTX ).

  • Missing fields in OVS pop-up

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    Everything's working fine except that the OVS pop-up doesn't have all the input fields, just the one where the OVS is attached to on my selection screen.  The table in the OVS pop-up has complete fields though.
    Can anyone tell me what's wrong?  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Just to make it clearer, i'm talking about the selection fields on the pop-up. 
    Valery,  I did data binding on a bapi so i guess the answer to your question is over query?  I expected the fields to just automatically display but it's not... here's the structure of the binding:
    <name of bapi>_INPUT
      - Output
    <table fields>
      - <input parameter for Bapi>

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    You would need to add the field to the DataSource, so that reading the Flat File in would be correct. From that point forward, there would be no need to map it to target InfoProviders.
    Edited by: Dennis Scoville on Nov 4, 2009 12:28 PM

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    Debug and find out what is the sy-ucomm when you add a new line in the ALV. And then In the validation of "enter a valid credit/ debit indicator " put a IF condition to check the if the SY-ucomm is not for inseting new line.
    Hope this helps.

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    seb ( [email protected])
    http://webtrans1.com | high-end web
    An Ingenious WebSite Builder:

    var sVar:String =
    var my_array:Array = sVar.split("|");
    for (var i:Number = 0; i<=3; i++) {
    i hope that it'll help you

  • Transformation fields getting misplaced

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    Please help me.

    My problem has been solved , i upgraded my SP level 17 to 19, By this i overcome that problem.
    Be sure to upgrade SP level latest patch if and so
    ->if your transformation mapping to one to and many
    -> Even though if you activate it will show inprocess
    Otherwise 17 patch is enough.

  • F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST - return more than 1 field in return_values?

    In a dialog program I"m using the 'on value request' to call a routine that builds a dropdown on a field.  It looks like this:
      FIELD ekpo_ci-zzlicnum module build_search.
    Within build_search, I build itab_values with the dropdown values and the function module is called:
                   DYNPPROG = w_progname
                   DYNPNR = w_scr_num
                   DYNPROFIELD = 'ZZLICNUM'
                   VALUE_ORG = 'S'
                   VALUE_TAB = ITAB_VALUES
                   RETURN_TAB = RETURN_VALUES
                   PARAMETER_ERROR = 1
                   NO_VALUES_FOUND = 2
                   OTHERS = 3.
    The routine calls F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST and in the dropdown, 5 fields are shown in each row (built in an internal table itab_values).  When I select one of the rows, it returns the field value for zzlicnum in return_values.  Is there a way to also return the other values I have in itab_values (other than just zzlicnum) - I need to use the other fields that are associated with zzlicnum in my program for some additional logic.
    I appreciate any help!

           refer to these codes:
           you can change something according to your requirement.
      a TYPE char10,
      b TYPE char10,
      c TYPE char10.
      BEGIN OF tab OCCURS 0,
        field1 TYPE char10,
        field2 TYPE char10,
        field3 TYPE char10,
      END OF tab,
      wa LIKE LINE OF tab,
      dyn_wa TYPE DSELC,
      lwa_return TYPE ddshretval.
      wa-field1 = 'aaaaa'.
      wa-field2 = 'bbbbb'.
      wa-field3 = 'ccccc'.
      APPEND wa to tab.
      wa-field1 = 'aaaaa'.
      wa-field2 = 'bbccc'.
      wa-field3 = 'ddddd'.
      APPEND wa to tab.
      wa-field1 = 'aaaab'.
      wa-field2 = 'bbccc'.
      wa-field3 = 'eeeee'.
      APPEND wa to tab.
      dyn_wa-FLDNAME = 'FIELD1'.
      dyn_wa-DYFLDNAME = 'A'.
      dyn_wa-FLDNAME = 'FIELD2'.
      dyn_wa-DYFLDNAME = 'B'.
      dyn_wa-FLDNAME = 'FIELD3'.
      dyn_wa-DYFLDNAME = 'C'.
    *     DDIC_STRUCTURE         = ' '
          retfield               = 'FIELD1'
    *     PVALKEY                = ' '
          DYNPPROG               = sy-cprog
          DYNPNR                 = '1000'
          DYNPROFIELD            = 'A'
    *     STEPL                  = 0
    *     WINDOW_TITLE           = WINDOW_TITLE
    *     VALUE                  = ' '
          VALUE_ORG              = 'S'
    *     MULTIPLE_CHOICE        = ' '
    *     DISPLAY                = ' '
         CALLBACK_PROGRAM       = sy-cprog
         CALLBACK_FORM          = 'CALLBACK_F4'
    *     MARK_TAB               = MARK_TAB
    *     USER_RESET             = USER_RESET
          value_tab              = tab
    *     FIELD_TAB              = FIELD_TAB
          RETURN_TAB             = lt_return
    *     PARAMETER_ERROR        = 1
    *     NO_VALUES_FOUND        = 2
    *     OTHERS                 = 3
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    form callback_f4 TABLES record_tab STRUCTURE seahlpres
                CHANGING shlp TYPE shlp_descr
                         callcontrol LIKE ddshf4ctrl.
        ls_intf     LIKE LINE OF shlp-interface,
      ls_prop     LIKE LINE OF shlp-fieldprop.
    *Hide unwanted fields
      CLEAR: ls_prop-shlpselpos,
    *  MODIFY shlp-fieldprop FROM ls_prop
    *    TRANSPORTING shlpselpos shlplispos
    *  WHERE ( fieldname NE 'F0001'  AND
    *          fieldname NE 'F0002'  AND
    *          fieldname NE 'F0003' ).
    *  " Overwrite selectable fields on search help
      REFRESH: shlp-interface.
      ls_intf-shlpfield = 'F0001'.
      ls_intf-valfield  = 'A'.
      ls_intf-f4field   = 'X'.
      APPEND ls_intf TO shlp-interface.
      ls_intf-shlpfield = 'F0002'.
      ls_intf-valfield  = 'B'.
      ls_intf-f4field   = 'X'.
      APPEND ls_intf TO shlp-interface.
      ls_intf-shlpfield = 'F0003'.
      ls_intf-valfield  = 'C'.
      ls_intf-f4field   = 'X'.
      APPEND ls_intf TO shlp-interface.

  • How to Raise New Pop-Up After OVS Data Selection

    In my development i've done one custom search help(OVS) for one field. When i'll select ovs,there i'm fetching data from DB and showing. After selection of data from OVS means in Phase-3 i've some validation based on selected data. if selected data is wrong then i need to raise one popup and have to display some data from other DB. i tried in phase-3,raised popup method but no use its closing pahse of OVS,its simply closing the OVS.

    Hi Jack,
    Jack sparrow wrote:
    if selected data is wrong then i need to raise one popup and have to display some data from other DB.
    I think, the selected data from ovs cannot be wrong in any means, as you are populating the help list for the user and search help hit list should be always having valid data
    Once user selects data from ovs, it reaches the final phase of OVS cycle and hence it closes automatically.
    Instead, I suggest you to restrict the user at PHASE2, i.e. while user searches for specific list of help data, you can validate the input and if his/her search is valid, you can fetch data accordingly and populate the hit list.
    Please refer the below document:
    How to validate the fields on OVS window - Webdynpro ABAP
    Hope this helps you.

  • Error while deleting an AET field

    Hi Experts,
    I tried deleting an unwanted field from AET tool which I had added earlier. I clicked the delete button and the field got set for deletion.
    Then I clicked on Save and Generate button on the top. The system got timed out. After I tried logging in again, I received a system dump that the append a structure doesn't exist.
    If anybody has faced similar kind of issue, please share your views.

    How did you resolve it ? I am also facing the same issue.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Nikhil Kulkarni

  • Validation of values in an input field.

    Hello togther,
    I've created an input field with a value-selector, so that the user can choose a value from help-list. But he can also enter a value directly into the input field. Is there any "STANDRAD" method to check whtether the value which is in the input field is valid against the values from the value-selector?
    I've found a standard method to check whether  mandatory fields are field and the method works fine. Is there anything like this also for checking values against values from the selector?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Florian,
                           You can create an event CHECK_DATA  for OnEnter event of  you input field.
    Then go to the Action tab and select the action type as Validation-Independent .
    Hope this will work for the input field with OVS help .

  • Regarding deactivation of fields in the form context

    Hi friends,
    In Adobe forms going into the form context when we drag and drop Global data from the Interface into the Context the data displays all the fields regarding the specific table.
    So in that we can deactivate unwanted fields.
    But my question is how can we deactivate unwanted fields in bulk rather than deactivating each and every unwanted single field which is time consuming?
    Edited by: Madhav.Reddy on May 26, 2011 8:19 PM

    Hi friends,
    In Adobe forms going into the form context when we drag and drop Global data from the Interface into the Context the data displays all the fields regarding the specific table.
    So in that we can deactivate unwanted fields.
    But my question is how can we deactivate unwanted fields in bulk rather than deactivating each and every unwanted single field which is time consuming?
    Edited by: Madhav.Reddy on May 26, 2011 8:19 PM

  • Make fields invisible in SAPLBBP_MON_SC 1200

    Dear SRM-gurus,
    for making fields unvisible in Shopping Cart Detail you can go to SE51 --> SAPLBBP_SC_UI_ITS --> e.g. 100 and set fields whether "Invisible" or in Screen Painter double-click on the specific field and enter "MOR" in the 4th group field.
    This works perfectly for SAPLBBP_SC_UI_ITS.
    Now we'd like make the same restriction of fields in "Monitor Shopping Cart" transaction.
    --> SE51 --> SAPLBBP_MON_SC --> 1200
    Here when I click on Layout and set the field as "Invisible" this works alright for the description of the fields (e.g. Description) BUT for all the fields where values can be entered there is no way to make them invisible in transaction BBP_MON_SC. No matter if I set Invisible and/or the value MOR in 4th group field.
    Do you have any idea how I can also make the dropdown and value fields invisible (not available)?
    Thanks a lot for your help.Points will be given!
    Best regards,

    Hi Henning,
    The trick cannot work in SAPLBBP_MON_SC_1200, because in the application there is no handling for the modification group. That is the difference with SAPLBBP_SC_UI_ITS / 0100. We used the trick there to avoid modifications in HTML because HTML has no modification-assistent and ABAP does.
    In your case I would suggest to modify the HTML-template (service BBP_MON_SC, template SAPLBBP_MON_SC 1200 ) to hide the unwanted fields simply by deleting or commenting the unwanted tablerows.

  • More than 1 OVS in 1 View

    I used OVS for creating Search Help,
    I got the problem when using more than 1 OVS in 1 view,
    I've been creating 2 Component Use : OVS and OVS_MATNR , then creating Method ON_OVS to handle OVS and Method ON_OVS_MATNR to handle OVS_MATNR.
    the problem is when I running input field for OVS_MATNR why method ON_OVS is always execute not method ON_OVS_MATNR that should be execute?what a linkage between OVS input field and OVS method,I think only in co_phase1 anything else?
    Thanks you,for your help,
    Edited by: Dona Wirawan on Aug 12, 2010 5:22 AM

    HI Dona Wirawan ,
    1 . Make sure you reuse WDA_OVS only once in the used component tabs .
    2 . create your ovs events in views [http://i34.tinypic.com/j0vad2.jpg|http://i34.tinypic.com/j0vad2.jpg]
    3. for handling the correct event .
       reffere the piece of code .
    method ovs_emp     "1st OVS
      data  : ls_parameter TYPE  wdr_event_parameter_list,
                 ls_ovs TYPE wdr_event_parameter,
                 lv_value TYPE string .
         ls_parameter = wdevent->parameters .
      LOOP AT  ls_parameter INTO ls_ovs WHERE  name = 'OVS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE'.
        CALL METHOD wdevent->get_string
            name  = 'OVS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE'
            value = lv_value.   " you will get the attribute name of the ovs Help Field
           IF lv_value = 'EMP_NO'.
                  lv_flag = 'X'.
    IF lv_flag EQ 'X'.
    " Perform the OVS coding here
    endif .
    endmethod .
    method ovs_req_type.  "2nd OVS
    data  : ls_parameter TYPE  wdr_event_parameter_list,
                 ls_ovs TYPE wdr_event_parameter,
                 lv_value TYPE string .
         ls_parameter = wdevent->parameters .
      LOOP AT  ls_parameter INTO ls_ovs WHERE  name = 'OVS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE'.
        CALL METHOD wdevent->get_string
            name  = 'OVS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE'
            value = lv_value.   " you will get the attribute name of the ovs Help Field
           IF lv_value = 'REQ_TYPE'.
                  lv_flag = 'Y'.
    IF lv_flag EQ 'Y'.
    " Perform the OVS coding here
    endif .
    endmethod .
    its worked for me .. Hope for you too ..
    Chinnaiya P
    Edited by: chinnaiya pandiyan on Aug 12, 2010 2:56 PM

  • How to delete a field from already created search help

    i got a requirement that delete a search help field which is already delivered

    Hi Krishna,
    1. Go to SE80 and Enter the Package name
    2. Dictionary objects --> Search helps ---> select ur Srarch help[double click it]     --->  CTRL + F1.
    3. Then remove the unwanted fields.
    Reward If Helpful.

Maybe you are looking for