Update failed and wiped ipod clean

Hiya I was updating my ipod touch it got all the way to syncing the new files to it and then an error msg came up on itunes and it stopped syncing and now I have no information on my ipod ,so the comp isnt picking it up when I plug it in to my usb,any help would be appreciated. thanks

I have the same issue. I have a iPod Touch 5th Gen and got notified iOS 6.01 update was available.
I went to download it via iTunes and it then started updating software and after rebooting my iPod Touch,
It just displayed the connect to iTunes icon. When i connect it to iTunes i get message that my iPod is in recovery mode and I need to restore it.
I click on restore and then get message a new software is available and it will install that after restoring my iPod.
I agree to that and then it starts downloading and then after it downloads it just goes in that same cycle and just tells me my iPod is stuck in recovery and to restore it and update software.......
So frustrating !!!!!!!!!!! I wish had never updated the software.
I dont know if i go to Apple store if they will be able to help me with this technical issue... most of them are just pretty faces with selling skills.

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    Hi cfosofart,
    Please go follow the mentioned kb: http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/error-u44m1p7-installing-updates-ccm.html .
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    2-Nokia BB5 ADL Loader USB Genric
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    I've had that software installed for a long time (it was released back in November), and it is trouble-free.
    If you have only recently attempted to install it, go to 'Control Panel', select 'System', at the upper left corner of the screen click on 'System Protection', then roll back the system state to a date and time prior to when you installed the driver.
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    Hi baleslie,
    Thanks for giving the details of the error you are getting.  That would frustate me too.
    Recovery from the error "3014" is discussed in this article
    Error 3194, Error 17, or "This device isn't eligible for the requested build"
    It primarily sounds like an issue contacting the update server. Please check it out.
    Take care,

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