Updates "suppressed" by the administrator???

Back again. Same problem. The 'updates' item under the HELP menu in Photoshop in CS6 is dimmed out.
When I try to open a downloaded Camera Raw plug-in, I get the message that "Updates have been suppressed by the administrator."
How do I fix that?

Are you trying to update through the Photoshop app or the Creative Cloud Desktop app?
My PSCS6 (Win 8) won't update through the app, but it WILL through the CCD app.

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    I have a situation where the administrator password is rejected when attempting a software update. I think this happened because of syncing an iPad to the iMac.  How can I reset the Software Update back to the administrator password?

    You can reset the password with the install disk.

  • Adobe Updates "Supressed By the Administrator" - Digital Publishing Suite / InDesign, Enabling Root

    I read: Adobe Updates "Supressed By the Administrator" - Digital Publishing Suite / InDesign (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1152766), but enabling root is not working either. I´m running Maverick and InDesign CC. Update tab is dimmed and tried doing everything that is posted on the forums. Can someone help please?

    Then the next step would be to remove all currently installed Adobe software using the available uninstallers.  I would then utilize the CC Cleaner tool available at Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs5-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html to insure complete removal.
    You should be able to then install InDesign successfully and apply the updates.
    If you continue to face difficulties then please uninstall all Adobe software and rename the /Library/Application Support/Adobe folder.

  • Updates have been suppressed by the Administrator

    Adobe Premiere CC 2014 will not update.  Updates are not showing up in Application Manager and when I manually download and attempt to install I get the following error.
    Updates could not be applied
    Please contact your Administrator if you wish to apply updates on your machine. updates have been suppressed by the Administrator

    VCT SCC is your computer in a managed environment?  If so then please contact your I.T. department.
    If not then remove and reinstall Premiere Pro CC 2014 to apply the updates.

  • After Effects CC "Updates could not be applied, Updates have been suppressed by the administrator"

    MacBook Pro
    Processor  2.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory  8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
    Software  OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
    I am the administrator of this machine with complete and full access.
    I tried to open After Effects and received this notification:
    I then proceeded to uninstall AE CC and reinstall using the Adobe CC Desktop App.
    Upon trying to reopen AE, I received the same message.
    I then started googling to troubleshoot and came upon this update:
    Downloaded and proceeded to install which then brought up this issue:
    Which then lead me to doing more troubleshooting via google.  I found this solution:
    which suggests that I:
    Delete or rename the  <Startup Disk>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat
    NOTE:  The file path works up until you get to the folder AAMUpdaterInventory.  The folder is wrong.  It is AAMUpdater (at least on my mac).
    None the less, I proceed and delete the file.
    I try reinstalling:
    Adobe After Effects CC (12.2.1) update
    And get the same message as before (shown above)
    I RETRY the same solution but this time rename it.  Same resulting error.
    I RETRY the same solution but this time utilize the terminal to find the file and delete it (per this suggestion: http://forums.adobe.com/message/5878107)
    Terminal can't find the files (for either spellings of AAMUpdaterInventory / AAMUpdater).
    Further troubleshooting and I follow this solution:
    http://blogs.adobe.com/kevinmonahan/2014/02/12/prevent-crash-on-export-with-premiere-pro-c c-adobe-media-encoder-cc/
    I uninstall and reinstall the Adobe CC desktop app.
    Run the program.  Doesn't work.
    Run the update.  Same Error.
    I contact Adobe Customer Support.  I end up in a screen share with some Adobe representative with his previous customers computer screen still open in the screen share program, basically showing me everything on her computer... and the agent sits there pretty much helpless blaming her for 15 minutes.  Clearly helpful.  (breach of security?)
    I have literally tried every avenue of troubleshooting to resolve this and it's beginning to seem hopeless.
    Who's got some useful solutions for me?

    Process:         After Effects [1752]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe After Effects CC/Adobe After Effects CC.app/Contents/MacOS/After Effects
    Identifier:      com.adobe.AfterEffects
    Version:         12.0 (12.0)
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [400]
    Responsible:     After Effects [1752]
    User ID:         1115053041
    Date/Time:       2014-04-22 12:35:21.115 -0700
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  E0811F87-6ECC-6EB8-414F-5D27B9C93261
    Crashed Thread:  0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000000000000000f
    VM Regions Near 0xf:
        __TEXT 0000000100000000-0000000100004000 [ 16K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Applications/Adobe After Effects CC/Adobe After Effects CC.app/Contents/MacOS/After Effects
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0   libc++abi.dylib                0x00007fff94b8a774 __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info::has_unambiguous_public_base(__cxxabiv1::__dynamic_cast_ info*, void*, int) const + 0
    1   liboptix.1.dylib                0x000000010f812017 __dynamic_cast + 119
    2   COR.dylib                           0x00000001017db0b3 CORp_InitBIB(bool) + 1075
    3   com.adobe.AfterEffectsLib.framework     0x000000010031c61f unsigned int U_RegisterExceptionTranslator<bool (*)(std::exception*, int*)>(bool (*)(std::exception*, int*)) + 351
    4   U.dylib                                 0x0000000102e36491 U_TranslateAndReportException(std::exception&) + 273
    5   FILE.dylib                           0x000000010186fc38 FILE_Create + 472
    6   com.adobe.AfterEffectsLib.framework     0x0000000100233881 CEggApp::GetWorkspaceDirs(std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >&, std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >&, std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >&) const + 545
    7   com.adobe.AfterEffectsLib.framework     0x000000010025f6cd CEggApp::BirthWorkspaceMgr() + 77
    8   com.adobe.AfterEffectsLib.framework     0x00000001002652ad CEggApp::IEggApp(bool, bool) + 861
    9   com.adobe.AfterEffectsLib.framework     0x000000010024cca2 CEggApp::CEggApp(bool, bool, int) + 1154
    10  com.adobe.AfterEffectsLib.framework   0x00000001002735ec MainMain(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, unsigned short const*, bool, void**, int, int, int) + 1052
    11  com.adobe.AfterEffectsLib.framework   0x000000010027319b EggMain(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, unsigned short const*, bool, int) + 59
    12  com.adobe.AfterEffects                0x00000001000039b7 main + 1927
    13  com.adobe.AfterEffects                0x0000000100003224 start + 52

  • Updates suppressed by administrator

    Same problem as above posts. 
    I tried uninstalling and re-installing AfterEffects CS6, but still the same problem; CS6 wont open, and when I try to run the 11.0.3 AdobePatchInstaller, it gives me the following message (which is eroneous, since I am logged in as the Administrator, and their only solution was to de- and re-install AE anyway). 
    I also tried updating the Application Manager and it simply tells me that all my CS6 software is up to date, suggesting that it isn't factoring in the 11.0.3 update.

    If it says that updates have been suppressed by the administrator, then it means that your software was distributed as part of an enterprise license agreement or similar, and the person who deployed the software disabled updates. This is sometimes the case for software deployed at educational institutions. This is something that you need to take up with your IT people who deployed your Adobe software.

  • Can't update CC apps. Updates 'Suppressed' in Mavericks. How to update?

    Really hope you can help.
    We have Creative Cloud for teams.
    I'm using a recent iMac running OS X Mavericks.
    I can't update any of my CC apps.
    The option to update is greyed out within each app (see image) and the Creative Cloud app tells me all apps are up-to-date.  They are not.
    InDesign particularly is really laggy / slow and stuck on 9.0.  I want to update to 9.2.1
    I've tried manually downloading the updates and installing them but am then given the message that updates have been suppressed by the administrator.
    The Administrator for our CC for Teams assures me that nothing has been suppressed.
    Now, when I log out of CC on my mac, and move to a different mac with an older OS (10.7.5) and log into CC there I can update on that mac with no issue. Everything is okay.
    How can I enable updates on my mac running Mavericks?

    Hi there – Answering my own question....
    I've done a fair bit of snooping around and found how to fix my issue.
    Posting here in case it helps anyone else.
    So, if you have an issue on Mac OS X where Creative Cloud tells you all apps are up-to-date when you know for sure that they are not, or if updates are suppressed when they shouldn't be try removing thefollowing file:
    <Startup Disk>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat
    Worked for me.
    NB: Try this at your own risk. It worked for me, but I take no responsiblity if things go wrong.
    Hope that helps

  • NI Update Service and non-administrative user

    On my Windows 7 PC I have 2 different users:
    a local Administrator user who can install application but can't navigate to the web (for security reasons)
    an User who can't install anything but can navigate to the web
    I launch NI Update Service under User account and it shows a list of available updates.
    I select one or more of these updates and I click on "Install" button
    Is asks me for the Administrator password, but then it gives a communication error with NI...
    Does it use Administrator user to download the updates?
    It should use it only to install and not to download
    In claris non fit interpretatio
    Using LV 2013 SP1 on Win 7 64bit
    Using LV 8.2.1 on WinXP SP3
    Using CVI 2012 SP1 on Win 7 64bit, WinXP and WinXP Embedded
    Using CVI 6.0 on Win2k, WinXP and WinXP Embedded

    Yes, I tried but if I select "Run as administrator" Windows asks me for credential of an administrator account.
    I enter username and password, but my administrator account can't communicate to the web and so I get the error in the attached image (comm_err.jpg).
    As I wrote, I think that the problem is that NI Update Service uses the administrator user not only to install the programs but also to download them from the NI servers.
    I don't think this is OK because as shown in the attached install.jpg the button with the administrator shield is "Install", but after I click on it and enter the administrator credentials, NI Update Service tries to download the selected programs.
    But with my administrator user this is not allowed.
    It should download them with the user that launched it (with this user it is able to find the list of available updates) and use the administrator user only to install.
    Could someone from NI confirm that this is the behavior of NI Update Service, please?
    In claris non fit interpretatio
    Using LV 2013 SP1 on Win 7 64bit
    Using LV 8.2.1 on WinXP SP3
    Using CVI 2012 SP1 on Win 7 64bit, WinXP and WinXP Embedded
    Using CVI 6.0 on Win2k, WinXP and WinXP Embedded
    comm_err.JPG ‏27 KB
    install.JPG ‏63 KB

  • A notice that a security update is available but UI do not have permissions to update, which I clearly do; I run Mac OS 10.6.4 and I am the administrator.

    I received a notice of a security/stability update to FireFox 3.6.3.
    I have a MacBook Pro 13" running OS 10.6.4. The claim is that I do not have permission to upgrade and I should consult with my system administrator.
    I am the administrator of this machine. I do not have another system administrator. I have never had this issue before, either with Firefox or any other software.
    I restarted Firefox and logged in again but the same thing happened
    ''(edited to stop the post from scrolling to the right)''

    Try doing a clean install.
    # Download the Firefox installer from http://www.mozilla.com
    # Trash the current Firefox application
    # Now try installing the new version of Firefox ([[Installing Firefox on Mac]])
    Doing the above will not remove your user data, that is stored elsewhere in the [[profiles|profile folder]], though if you wish you can back that up first
    If you are still having problems with privileges see [http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2963?viewlocale=en_US troubleshooting permissions issues in Mac OS X]

  • HT201240 I there i have a apple ibook  and i need to update but i can't remember the administrator password is there way i can change the administrator the password

    I there i have a apple ibook and i need to update but i can,t remember the administrator password ,is there way i can change the administrator password,

    Changing or resetting an account password

  • How to suppress 'spurious' update events where the entry is identical

    We often have clusters with event listeners on reference data caches. These caches are refreshed by calling putAll() to update values efficiently. Although this is efficient, and keeps refresh code simple, many unwanted 'spurious' update events are generated. Spurious in the sense that in most of update events the old and new values are the same.
    We considered using a MapTrigger to suppress these uninteresting update events. The problem is how to implement a 'veto' in the MapTrigger.process method. What we'd like to do from a trigger is:
    if (old value == new value)
      ignore new entry
      process, enrich, or validate new entry as desired...
    end ifWe'd like a clean way to signal from a MapTrigger that an entry should be ignored (rather than rejected). The Javadoc shows two possibilities:
    *(1)* undo the pending change by resetting the entry value to the original value obtained from MapTrigger.Entry.getOriginalValue();
    *(2)* reject the pending change by throwing a RuntimeException, which will prevent any changes from being committed, and will result in the exception being thrown from the operation that attempted to modify the map
    Of these *(2)* Causes a put() failure in the client. That is appropriate for something like a validation failure, but not for simply ignoring an unwanted update. Option *(1)* unfortunately generates an update event!
    Our current workaround is a MapEventTransformer to suppress the spurious updates:
    public class UpdateSupressionTransformer implements MapEventTransformer {     
      /** Avoid sending an update event if the value is unchanged */
      public MapEvent transform(MapEvent e) {
        if (e.getId() == MapEvent.ENTRY_UPDATED) {
          if (e.getNewValue().equals(e.getOldValue())) {
            return null;
        return e;
    }This works well but requires client code to register event listeners correctly. It also means that the unecessary change is still generated in the cache. For example a cache stores will be called needlessly.
    Can a feature be considered to allow a clean way for identical updates to be ignored, or to not generate events?
    Ideally this would be before the update is made - like a trigger. It seems a pity the MapTrigger design does not allow this.
    Such a feature would allow simple cache refresh logic using putAll() - without having to check for deltas - avoiding large numbers of unwanted update events. We think this is likely to be a common requirement.

    I dont think that this is the problem associated with portal.You are working on BI queries in portal but BI screen that you are working on is of SAP R/3 correct me is i am wrong??And the message you are getting is of R/3 screen,BI screens are shown in an iview and an iview cant show any message..

  • I try to update and I get "a recommended security and stabllity update is available but you do not have system permissions required to install it". I am the administrator and have password - how do I deal with this?

    this is my own single computer. I am the administrator and have the password,
    Mac OS 10.5.8

    Maybe it is better to wait with updating.
    * https://support.mozilla.com/forums/contributors/705144

  • MyMac won't let me update Firefox. The error message says I don't have the authority to do that. I am the administrator of the computer. I check the controls and I am still the administrator. I prevent kids from downloading anything.

    When I drag it per the installation window the popup error says
    "The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items."
    I have a macbook pro (unibody) running OX 10.5.8.
    I AM the administrator. It just let me update microsoft office so it looks like the failure to update is targeted at Firefox.
    I ran Avast for Mac (Beta and free) last night and it found 14 infected files mostly connected with Java (so much for the virus fee Mac theory). I deleted them all via the program. Then rebooted and redownloaded the new Firefox. Still got the same error message.
    I'd appreciate any suggestions, help... magic wands LOL

    If there are problems with updating or with the permissions then easiest is to download the full version and trash the currently installed version to do a clean install of the new version.
    Download a new copy of the Firefox program and save the disk image (dmg) file to the desktop
    *Firefox 8.0.x: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
    *Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean (re-)install
    *Install the new version that you have downloaded
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the Firefox Profile Folder, so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data if you uninstall and (re)install Firefox.

  • How do I update firefox for mac? every time i do it states i do not have sufficant privliges. I am the administrator.

    I am the administrator with the proper privileges and correct password. I have firefox 3.6. It prompts me to update and when I do it states i do not have sufficient privileges for certain items to update.

    Hello Marc, if you have any firefox problem, just tell us and we can help you.
    thank you

  • Updates suppressed by administrator error

    I think I am getting two errors Todd.
    First, it says I can not install the update because the administrator has surpressed updates. One, I am the administrator, and two, I didn't surpress updates.
    Second, my Creative Cloud App will not load. It just spins the gear. I have JUST reinstalled it from your website to make sure it was current. I am logged in on the site and not running in trial mode on my iMac.
    Thanks, Travis

    Todd, this is an Adobe Application Manager error, not an OS error. I had already turned off the Mac vault protection deal.

Maybe you are looking for