Updating Podcast author info???

I'm trying to update the author information and other details for my podcast - how do I do it?? I'm going crazy trying to find it. Thanks.

If you have access to your feed's XML file, you can modify the "tags" for the various fields that iTunes pulls that information from.
In the example will be an tag that says:
<itunes:author>Your name here</itunes:author>
just put whatever you like between the tags.
Each <item> or episode you have in your feed can also have its own author. So if your feed has episodes by various people like a guest host or something you can have the <itunes:author> tag be different from the feed's author.
The <itunes:author> tag is where iTunes pulls the information to populate the Artist column in iTunes.
If you can't modify the XML file directly and you used an online feed generator or something similar you are at the mercy of whatever options they have made available to you...

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    We are fellow users on here, you're not talking to iTunes Support or Apple.
    On your computer's iTunes you should be able to edit your payment info by going into the Store > View Account menu option and logging into your account, and on your account's details page there should be a payment link.  If you are doing it on your iPad then you can tap on your id in Settings > iTunes & App Store and select 'View Apple ID' on the popup - that alos also give a payment information link on your account's page.

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    I hope by now you found it already, but if not ...
    iTunes Store: Changing account information - Apple - Support
    it is the same as itunes account.

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    Contact iTunes support at expresslane.apple.com and explain your problem

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    I'm having the exact same issue with this version of iTunes.
    I have podcasts dating all the way back to 2006, my library is unmanageable now.
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    Thanks in advance.

    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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