Updation of info structures

Hi SAP Gurus,
Can anybody help me to find how  below infostructures are updated :
       S881 received order  
  S882 backlog order  
  S883 received order 
  S884 order whose shipping instruction was done
  S885 order whose shipping instruction was done
  S886 billing
  S887   billing 
Thanks & Regards ,

Hello Pallavi
Your question is rather cryptic.
Let me try to help you in the way I can. Firstly all of your infostructures are custom ones and not standard SAP delivered ones like S001 etc.
1) You can check the update log using T code MC30. or simulate using MCVR. This will show how/whether the update is happening or not.
2) If you want to see how the update is configured, use T code MC26.  Fill in the infostructure # and update group 1.
Let me know if you are stuck anywhere.

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    Hi All,
    I am new to info structure concept. Can someone help me out with the below query.
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    See different links about LIS :
    What's an infostructure ? : http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/bd/a140eb44d511d188fe0000e8322f96/frameset.htm
    Events Updating in SIS : http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/c1/3756d5449a11d188fe0000e8322f96/frameset.htm
    For SIS, all documents (if custo is activated) can update LIS :
    - Sales order --> Event : VA
    - Delivery --> Event : VC
    - Invoice --> Event : VD
    If you look at the custo of update rules for the standard analysis S001, you can see the link between key figures and event --> Tcode : MC26 for Infostructure S001 / Update group 1)

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    can any body tell me that how to update old data in newly created sales information structure.

    Old Data cannot be updated in Standard Report. It can be done only through 'Z' Report development.
    Rajesh Banka
    Reward suitable points.
    How to give points: Mark your thread as a question while creating it. In the answers you get, you can assign the points by clicking on the stars to the left. You also get a point yourself for rewarding (one per thread).

  • Settings for updating info structures of purchasing and inventory managemen

    Hi Experts,
                    Infor structures of MM aren't updating in my system. Is there any indicator to be maintained in material and vendor master for updating these info structures? and kindly tell me the settings for this.

    Plz some one help

  • Info structure in not updated

    Dear all,
    I am creating one info structure containing Customer Group is added to characteristics.
    But when i am updating the info structure then it dosenot update.
    Can u plz send me the detail customization for creating new infostructure.
    Also why it is not updating?
    Plz sent me the details regarding the same.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Goto OMO1 tcode and select ur info structure and double click on it and sel;ect the radio button "synchronus updating" and check.
    compare ur settings with the below configuration.
    please gothough this config
    IMG menu path for SIS: IMG>Logistics General>Logistics Information System (LIS)
    Figure 1: IMG menu path for SIS configuration steps
    Task 1: Create Self-Defined Information Structure
    • Use transaction code MC21 (menu path Logistics Data Warehouse>Data Basis>Information Structures>Maintain self-defined information structures> Create) to create a Self-Defined Information Structure. Give a customer-range number 990 (any available number between 501 and 999). To make it easier, use ‘copy from’ to copy structure from S001.
    Figure 2: Create a Self-Defined Info Structure
    Figure 3: Structure S990 is created as a copy of S001
    Structure S990 is created as a copy of S001. Accordingly, you will see defaulted characteristics and key figures. Review various settings (unit, sum, etc.).
    • Add two more characteristics: Sales Order Number and Item Number.
    Click on ‘Choose Characteristics’ Icon and then click on ‘Selection List’ icon to choose fields from ‘field catalogs’.
    Choose field catalog ‘SD: Bus transaction (order)’ by double-clicking it. Double-click on ‘Sales Document’ and ‘Sales document item’ from ‘field catalog fields’ (you may need to scroll-down).
    Figure 4: Choose fields ‘Sales Document’ and ‘Sales Document Item’ from Field Catalog
    You can view technical names by toggling the Switch Display icon.
    Figure 5: ‘Switch display’ to view technical names
    Make sure that you have selected correct characteristics as: ‘MCVBAK-VBELN’ and ‘MCVBAP-POSNR’.
    Click on ‘Copy + Close’ icon and then click on ‘Copy’ icon to accept the changes.
    • Review information
    Double-click on characteristics and key figures to review technical information. This step is not mandatory, just for information.
    Figure 6: Review technical field information for characteristics: Customer (KUNNR), Sales Order (VBELN), Item (POSNR) and Key figures: Incoming Order (AENETWR), Open Order (OAUWE)
    System displays the generation log.
    Figure 7: Generation log for Structure S990. Table S990E is ‘Structural Information’ for Table S990
    Task 2: Maintain Update Groups
    • SIS IMG>Logistics Data Warehouse>Updating>Updating Definition>General Definition Using Update Groups>Maintain Update Groups
    Figure 8: Update Groups for Sales and Distribution
    No new entries need to be created. You can use the existing system-delivered update groups. Use Update Group (UpdGrp) 1 for the standard order process of: SIS: Sales Document, Delivery, Billing Document and use UpdGrp 2 for the SIS: Returns, Returns Delivery, Credit Memo.
    Task 3: Maintain Update Rules
    • SIS IMG>Logistics Data Warehouse>Updating>Updating Definition>Specific definition using Update Rules>Maintain Update Rules>Display
    Info Structure S001 and Update Group 1.
    Before we create update rules for S990, let's review how update rules are defined for S001. Review rules for Characteristics and key figures.
    Figure 9: Update Rules for combination of Structure S001 and Update Group 1
    Double-click to review specific details of the update rule for Key Figure ‘Incoming Orders’. Note that the event is ‘VA – Sales Order creation’.
    Figure 10: Update rules for Key Figure ‘Incoming Orders’
    Figure 11: Characteristics for Incoming Orders
    Similarly review details of Key Figure ‘Sales’. Note that the Invoiced Amount (Sales Amount) is updated by event ‘VD – Billing Document’.
    Figure 11: Update rules for Key Figure ‘Sales’
    Figure 12: Characteristics for ‘Sales’
    • Similar to Update Rules of ‘S001’, we need to create Update Rules for our Self-Defined Structure ‘S990’.
    SIS IMG>Logistics Data Warehouse>Updating>Updating Definition>Specific definition using Update Rules>Maintain Update Rules>Create (transaction code MC24). To make it easier, use ‘copy from’ to copy update rules from S001.
    Figure 13: Create Update Rules for Structure S990
    Please make sure the Source information is properly updated for all the characteristics. Since you copied the rules, the sales order and item rules are defaulted too. Make sure appropriate changes are made for events VC (delivery) and VD (Invoice).
    Figure 14: Source Characteristics for Sales Document and Item
    Since we copied the Update Rules, the source field and table information is also copied. We need to change appropriately to make sure correct source information is populated. Click on “Rules for charact” and verify source information for every key figure, by clicking on ‘previous key figure’ and ‘next key figure’.
    Figure 15: For Event ‘VD – Billing Document’, Sales Document and Item are present in MCVBRP table
    Figure 16: For Event ‘VC – Shipping’, Sales Document and Item are present in MCLIPS table
    Figure 17: Maintain Update Rules for Structure S990 and Update Group
    Task 4: Maintain Statistics Groups
    • Maintain Statistics Groups
    Maintain Statistics Groups for Customers, Materials, SD Document Types etc. Most of the pre-defined settings are enough. Make sure that settings are updated for customized objects too, e.g., SD document types for your organizations.
    Also, make sure that the customer (sales view) and material Master records are updated with appropriate Statistics Groups.
    Figure 18: Maintain and assign statistics groups. IMG path: Updating> Updating Control> Settings: Sales> Statistics Groups
    Maintain Statistics Groups for Customers (OVRA)
    Figure 19: Statistics Groups for Customers
    Maintain Statistics Groups for Material (OVRF)
    Figure 20: Statistics Groups for Materials
    Maintain Statistics Groups for Sales Document
    Figure 21: Statistics Groups for Sales Documents
    Assign Statistics Groups for relevant Sales Document Type
    Figure 22: Assign Statistics Groups to relevant Sales Documents
    Assign Statistics Groups for each Sales Document Item Type
    Figure 23: Assign Statistics Groups to relevant Item Categories
    -Assign Statistics Groups to each Delivery Type
    Figure 24: Assign Statistics Groups to relevant Delivery Types
    -Assign Statistics Groups to each Delivery Item Type
    Figure 25: Assign Statistics Groups to relevant Delivery Item Categories
    Determine Billing Document Types Relevant to Statistics
    Figure 26: Assign Statistics Groups to relevant Billing Types
    Note: As mentioned earlier, most of the settings are already set in standard system. Make sure that customized objects specific to your company are also updated appropriately.
    Update Customer Master for Statistics Relevancy
    Transaction Code XD02 (Sales view, field “Cust stats.Grp”)
    Figure 27: Assign Statistics Groups to Customer Master Records (Sales view)
    Update Material for Statistics Relevancy
    Transaction Code MM02 (Sales 2 view, field “Matl statistics grp”)
    Figure 28: Assign Statistics Groups to Material Master Records (Sales view)
    Task 5: Assign Update Groups to Header and Item Levels
    • Assign Update Groups on Header and Item levels
    For combinations of Sales Area (Sales Org, Distribution Channel, Division), assign Update groups (transaction codes OVRO and OVRP).
    SIS IMG>Logistics Data Warehouse>Updating>Updating Control>Settings: Sales>Update Group
    Update Groups at Item Level
    Figure 29: Update Groups at Item Level
    Figure 30: Update Groups at Item Level - details
    Update Groups at Header Level
    Figure 31: Update Groups at Header Level
    Figure 32: Update Groups at Header Level - details.
    Task 6: Activate LIS Update
    • Lastly, Activate LIS Update for the Structure (transaction code OMO1)
    SIS IMG path: Logistics Data Warehouse>Updating>Updating Control>Activate Update>Choose Activity as Sales and Distribution.
    Let's update our LIS structure S990 with period as ‘Month’ and update option of ‘Asynchronous Updating (2)’.
    Figure 33: Activate LIS Update for S990
    Finally u go through t.code MCSI, select ur info structure. Then execute the LIS report.
    rewards if it helps
    Edited by: kishore gopala on Feb 14, 2008 6:43 AM

  • Update info structure S070

    I have a requirement wherein I need to update the info structure S070 with floc value so that during analysis the data is displayed for Functional Location as well as Equipment.
    Currently S070 structure updates with Floc value only incase the reference object in notification contains Floc and not equipment where as in my requirement we use 1:1 relation for reference objects and hence we need to see Floc in S070 structure with equipment.
    Is there any way that we can modify the way S070 structure updates? As of now I am exploring on using user exit MCI10001 but have not get any success yet. Thanks!!

    Much of this update logic is contained in specific code and you will not be able to influence by exit or other means. An option would be to create a custom defined infostructure based on S070.

  • Update-S &D Info structures

    In Updating-Sales &Distribution Info structures (OMO1) what are the importance of the controlling fields
    1. period split
    2. updating

    Period split: info structure
         Period, or time unit, in which the information structure is updated. That means here you can set the info structure sholud be updated Daily, weekly, monthly.
    Indicator for U1/U2/U3 updating of info structures
         Indicator that defines the type of updating. i,.e No update, update in V1, V2, V3 Info structure.

  • Problem with Self defined info structure.

    Hi All,
    We have Create some Self define Info structure Like ;--
    S061 Location  and Planning               --->S501
    S062 object class and manufacturer --->S502
    S063 Danage analysis                        --->S503
    S065 Object Statistics                         --->S504
    But probleme is when we excute S501 self defined info structure heading comes as
    Standard Analysis for Info Sstructure S501: Selection where as in Standard it is coming as Location Analysis: Selection
    Any one can tell how can i solve this probleme.

    steps to create own infostructure by copying standard infostructure.
    steps.... 1) First Create your own info structure using menu path SPRO> Logistics general > LIS > Logistics data warehouse > Data basis > information structure > maintain self defined ino structure Here create a New stucture called S901 (Follow Custom defined structure naming conventions) for application 07, by copying S115 .
    Once inside this Choose the Charateristic button below and CHOOSE SELECTION LIST.
    This will popup a list of fields that can be added to the structure for analysis per field catalogue.
    Navigate to the notification Object field catalog to select the Order number.
    Select other field as appropriate from other field catalog and copy them.Then select or de-select the "Key figures" thats relevant for your needs Check ,generate and activate the same structure and save.
    2) Create Update rules for updating this info structure by copying the rules of S115.
    SPRO> Logistics general > LIS > Logistics data warehouse > Data basis >Updating > Specific definition using update Rules > Maintain update rules.
    Enter the newly created Structure name and choose teh Update group 26 (use drop down) and enter the S115 and 26 as teh group and rules to copy from.
    Delete the rules thats not relevant for your needs and then check, and Choose "generate: and then activate the "UPDATING" and save.
    3) Activate the Update type for the new structure. SPRO> Logistics general > LIS > Logistics data warehouse > Data basis >Updating > Update Control > Activate Update.
    Choose PM and double click on the new structure that you had just created and chosoe Period and Type of updating (2: Similar to other standard info structures). and save.
    This should start updating New orders that you are creating from Now on.
    However if you would like to pre-populate existing data in this structure for analysis, then you would have to run through the generation program in background for this specific structure.
    SPRO> Logistics general > LIS > Logistics data warehouse > Data basis >tools > setup of statistical data >Application specific setup of statistical data > perform setup - PM.
    Here make sure to do the PMIS statistical setup (This might be redundant, if you havent changed any value category that updates PMCO table) and Set Up: Plant Maintenance IS(Make sure to choose your specific structure).
    You should be able to check the table entries to confirm that the program has updated the table (Name of the info structure).
    The defaulted version could be different from the standard version (000).You could copy the data from one verion to another version using the first step in this block.
    Once the genration is complete you should be ready to use this structure using MCIS transaction (PMIS > Standard analysis > User defined analysis).
    This will list out all the user defined structures and you can pick and execute the one that you had just created.
    Edited by: Dhiren Kumar Sahoo on Feb 2, 2010 3:55 PM

  • Info structure S961 & S951

    HI All,
    Which standard program / Enhancement update the info structure S961 & S951.

    HI Jelena,
    Where these kind of  custom infostructure are configured?

  • Process flow of info structure updation through plan version.

    Hi Experts,
    Can you please suggest me that how info structure get updated through plan versions ???
    Helpful response will be rewarded.

    <u>Logistics &#8594; Production &#8594; SOP &#8594; Tools &#8594; Planning Type/Macro &#8594; Change</u> or TCode <b>MC8B</b>
    -> Create or <b>MC8A</b>
    Select Planning Type SOPKAPAM &#8594; Enter
    You will find the Info Structure -> In the Application Toolbar Select the Header Icon (Planning Type Info or CtrlShiftF2)
    In the window ‘Define Planning Type‘:
    Update the information in the Historical Periods as well as the Planning Start Date (Planning Horizon).
    Transaction <b>MC88</b> - Version

  • Info structures update

    I'm new to info structures (I'm otherwise ABAPer) and I'm probably not posting this question on the right forum. If so, please redirect me.
    Anyway, here's the question:
    How do I set an info structure to be filled with data on certain actions? My first idea (as ABAPer) is to use brutal force like user-exit and direct table insert. But I suppose that info structures were not ment to be treated this way, because otherwise they wouldn't differ from Z* tables. Does anyone know the proper way to do this(or proper forum for this question)?
    Kind regards,
    Igor Barbaric
    SAP Consultant (ABAP)
    Kaufland Croatia

    Our LIS structures were set up by the implementation team so I'm getting this second hand by looking at SPRO.  I have loaded them and made mods in the past. I'll tell you what I can.
    We use LIS to capture order and sales data.  I'm not familiar with the event you're talking about but it is likely in there some place.  I'll tell you what I can about how mine is set up and maybe you can get a clue therein.  I must say that is is one area of SAP that I really dislike.  Very complicated and documentation is hard to find.
    I'm not sure how far you are but if you've managed to build an infostructure (it should be an empty transparent table. ex. S501) then let's see if just turning on the update is all you need.  If not, we'll have to look at the structure and update rules.
    See the section under LIS called Updating/Updating Control.  Run the Activate Update tran, select the area you data comes from, and take a peek at that list.  For each structure, there is an update control.  It shows the level up rollup of the data (daily, monthly, etc.) I believe.  IN the updating section, you'll see update methods K 1 2 3.  K is "OFF", no updates.  1 is synchronous (V1 update, transaction save waits until LIS is updated), 2 is async (V2 update, transaction requests an update but let's it run async), 3 is the same as 2 accept that the update is scheduled differently.  Just check the F1 help on each of these radio buttons.
    Once you turn on an update, your transaction should spawn an entry into the LIS structure if all went well.
    See if that clue gives you a boost. If not, let me know what specific questions you have and I'll try to assist.

  • Info structures S031, S032 & S033 stopped updating since 09/2009.

    Hello friends,
    In our DEV system, Info Strucres S031, S032 & S033 stopped updating after 09/03/2009.  There are material documents after that date, but infostrucres are not updated.   All these info structures are active, and all their requirements are also active.  So, what could have gone wrong - how to resolve this ?   BTW, in QAS and PRD, these info structures are being updated.  Kindly help.
    - Chetan

    The structures are always updated when you execute a transaction that is supposed to update the struture, almost real time. The small technical difference: it is updated asynchronous.
    Means you have a time difference of a few milliseconds to seconds from the synchronous posting of a material document and its update in the infostructure.
    And if the update of the infostructure fails for some technical reason, then this would have no impact to the original material document. In other words, an update error of an infostructure can lead to inconsistencies.
    Tthe regeneration of the infostructure is certainly the way to get the info back to have good numbers in the infostructures. However, you have to investigate first why you have this inconsistencies and what caused them, then you have to make sure that this failure will not happen again (maybe by implementing an OSS note), and then you can think about regenerating the infostructure.
    For re-generation, nobody must post anything that updates this infostructure, and the re-generation can last some hours, so it is not a task that can be executed every week.

  • Report generation and Info Structure updation

    When are the Tables: S094 and other info structures gets updated?? For Example S094 is updated with materials and has the stock details and it have Goods issue MRP Goods issue Valuation etcu2026 I tried creating a material and created a PIR and run MRP for it and checked the tables its not updated in the S094 table.
    Also I am not able to execute Transaction MCEC and MCEA transaction for generating reports for LTP run.
    Is there any configurations that has to be done for the above??? Like the LIS (Logistics information system settings) that has to be done for generating the above reports.

    See different links about LIS :
    What's an infostructure ? : http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/bd/a140eb44d511d188fe0000e8322f96/frameset.htm
    Events Updating in SIS : http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/c1/3756d5449a11d188fe0000e8322f96/frameset.htm
    For SIS, all documents (if custo is activated) can update LIS :
    - Sales order --> Event : VA
    - Delivery --> Event : VC
    - Invoice --> Event : VD
    If you look at the custo of update rules for the standard analysis S001, you can see the link between key figures and event --> Tcode : MC26 for Infostructure S001 / Update group 1)

  • User exit for update rule of info structure

    Hi gurus,
    Can anybody tell me how to implement a user exit of update rule for LIS info structure, for ex,S140.
    Eric xu

    There is no user exit and we are not allowed to modify the update rules of the standard SAP info structures. However, you can create your own info structure with the same or similar configuration and then apply a formula or a requirement in the update definitions (MC25 transaction), as you please.
    After that you can just turn off the update of S140 (in OMO1 transaction) and use your own info structure instead in MCSI transaction.

  • Info structure update

    Dear Friends,
    We have changed country code in customer master data. In the billing document we can see the new country code but info structure still displays the old data. How can we solve this problem? Where should we check?
    Thanks in advance,

    See these notes
    Note 174134 - SIS: Collective note - reorganization
    Note 204130 - SIS update: Collective note
    I suggest you to avoid reorg the standard info structures (I avoid to do it). The data is copied from data to documents and to info structures in the moment of the SD docs were created. Think that invoices and deliveries, and foreign data (and some declarations as INTRASTAT in EU) linked to these document have the former country.
    I hope this helps you

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