Urgent help! audio is gurgling, like it's under water!

Dear everyone, I've just spent six hours taking animated movie and dubbing in my own voice and music. It worked perfectly: I even synched my words with the way the characters were moving their mouths. Then I moved a clip from the movie, and it bumped into another, which bumped into another, etc. Everything got jumbled and then the audio started gurgling. I've saved since then (oops). Is there any way to get back to the version that was working? Can I search the hard drive for previous versions? Is there any way to get the audio to work normally again, without going back and re-doing the whole movie. HEELLLLPPPPPP!!!!!

Hello, skybird,
Welcome to the discussions!
Yes and yes. You should not have to redo your movie.
In the future, make use of the option to 'Lock Audio clip at playhead' under Advanced to be sure that your audio stays with its appropriate video.
To try to retrieve your movie version prior to your last save, have a look a this thread and pay attention to Karl Peterson's instructions regarding finding the movie project files with the ~ .
Post back if this does not make sense to you or if you need more help.

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    Hello there, Kooglesac.
    The following Knowledge Base article addresses the issue you're describing:
    iPhone: Sound muffled or low from the speaker or when speaking into the mic
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.
    Pedro D.

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    Maybe you should define "fuzzy". If it's the same as "distorted", you should check if either the single track meters or the general volume meter in GB show clipping. Generally GB is more tolerant and you only hear it on the mixdown.

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    Intel 980X chip running Win 7 64bit (with MSI BigBang xPower MB installed in my old Dell XPS 730X)
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          2.  I never made any power changes or BIOS changes after I installed the new cooler.  Should I have?
          3.  After I reset the CMOS was I soupposed to reinstall the drivers from the MSI disk again?  I did not, and the system seems to be fine, but I thought I was soupposed to do that after a CMOS reset.
          4.  Is there a new BIOS version for my setup that may be better now?   Im currently on v1.5
    Here is a screenshot from CPUZ of the system information currently.  This is with it booting normally after my CMOS reboot.  I just figured id post it incase it helps with any of my questions.  Thanks so much for helping guys!

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    I really need some urgent help!

    1st, some FRAPS information
    These are for Premiere Elements, but may help with PPro
    Fraps & Elements http://forums.adobe.com/thread/871095
    -and more Elements http://forums.adobe.com/thread/943772
    -and yet more Elements http://forums.adobe.com/thread/967201
    2nd, it is REALLY better to have your project sequence match your video
    Please NOTE that the PPro CS6 screen may look a bit different (I use CS5)
    For CS5 and later, the easy way to insure that your video and your project match
    See 2nd post for picture of NEW ITEM process http://forums.adobe.com/thread/872666
    -and a FAQ on sequence setting http://forums.adobe.com/message/3804341

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    Scanner east = new Scanner(new FileReader("mseast.dat"));
    Scanner west = new Scanner(new File("mswest.dat"));
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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
         Unhandled exception type FileNotFoundException
         Unhandled exception type FileNotFoundException
         at ABC_Manufacturing.main(ABC_Manufacturing.java:38)
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    Please, I need urgent help. This is due tomorrow at noon, and I have no idea what to do at this point. I can't really continue, because at this point its just looking at what prints out and formatting it, and I don't want to do that without testing to see if my code to convert the file data into arrays work. You dig? Thanks for any and all help, and I'm going to kill my professor...she spent a week going over parallel arrays but did nothing to show us how to import files into projects or use the scanner class. Also it doesn't help that at uni we have to use emacs, which I don't use at home.

    d00erino wrote:
    This is the the main class, so far:
    public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
              Scanner west = new Scanner(new File("mswest.dat"));
              int [] eastParts = new int[13];
              int [] eastQuant = new int[13];
              int [] westParts = new int[17];
              int [] westQuant = new int[17];
    And I didn't ignore that one guy (sorry, don't remember your username) I tried you and the other guy's responce. Both didn't work. I dunno how to get around errors. Figures, you don't learn that in the course but she'll spend a week on parallel arrays...Ok, well that can't possibly be complaining with the same error message you got before, so now you need to be (more) specific about what "didn't work" means.

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    Hi RexRox,
    Based on your description, it sounds like you may have Continuity enabled, a feature in iOS 8 that allows you to take calls across more than one device (generally aimed at a single person with multiple devices on the same account). You may find the following article helpful, especially the following portion:
    Turn off iPhone cellular calls
    To turn off iPhone Cellular Calls on a device, go to Settings > FaceTime and turn off iPhone Cellular Calls.
    Connect your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch using Continuity
    - Brenden

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    I need some urgent help on this project. I have a 2 column table with values that need to be inserted into another existing table which has a sequence.
    This is the 2 column table:
    29587 05
    29587 07
    Existing table:
    Name Null? Type
    LIST_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) -- This is a sequence
    LIST_CODE_1 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(6) -- FUND from table above
    LIST_CODE_2 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(6) -- YEAR from table above
    The columns from table 1 (FUND, YEAR) correspond to columns (LIST_CODE_1, LIST_CODE_2) in table 2. The column LIST_ID is a sequence. I can put in sysdate for LAST_UPDATED_DT and my initials SN for LAST_UPDATED_BY. This is going to be for 2 unique WEB_USER_IDs which would be in the WHERE clause. I will be inserting 2200 rows for each id. A single insert statement would look like this -
    INSERT INTO EXISTING_TBL (list_id,web_user_id,resource_type,list_type,list_name,list_code_1,list_code_2,list_code_3,list_code_4,last_updated_dt,last_updated_by) VALUES ('470027','WEBUSER','GL','FUNDFYF',' FUND BALANCE SUM','12010','01',' ',' ',{ts '2010-5-19 10:16:9'},'SN')
    How would I do this to insert the 2200 values from my 2 column table to the existing table?
    All help is greatly appreciated!!

    Hello ,
    I think this will work
         <VALUE FOR LIST_CODE_1>,
         <VALUE FOR LIST_CODE_2>,
         <VALUE FOR LIST_CODE_3>,
         <VALUE FOR LIST_CODE_4>,
    Rahul Sharma

  • Urgent help needed for XML Tags using XMLForest()

    I need some urgent help regarding getting use defined tag in your
    XML output.
    For this I am using XMLElement and XMLForest which seems to work fine
    when used at the SQL prompt but when used in a procedure throws and error
    SQL> Select SYS_XMLAGG(XMLElement("SDI",
         From sdi
         where sdi_num = 22261;- WORKS FINE
    But when used in a procedure,doesnt seem to work
        queryCtx  DBMS_XMLQuery.ctxType;
        v_xml     VARCHAR2(32767);
        v_xmlClob CLOB;
        v_xml:='Select SYS_XMLAGG(XMLElement("SDI",
        From sdi
        where sdi_num = 22261';
        queryCtx :=DBMS_XMLQuery.newContext(v_xml);
        v_xmlClob :=DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx);
         xmlstr varchar2(32767);
         line varchar2(2000);
         EXIT WHEN xmlstr is null;
         line :=substr(xmlstr,1,instr(xmlstr,chr(10))-1);
         xmlstr := substr(xmlstr,instr(xmlstr,chr(10))+1);
         END LOOP;
    SQL> /
    .<?xml version = '1.0'?>
    .<ERROR>oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Character ')' is not allowed in an
    XML tag name.</ERROR>
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL>HELP is appreciated as to where I am going wrong?

    if you want to transform something to something else, you should declare, what is your source.
    I would prefer to use plain XSL-Transformations, because you have a lot more options to transform your source and you can even better determine, how your output should looks like.
    Kind regards,

  • Urgent help needed in achieving below ADF 11g flow

    Hi, I am using JDEV with ADF 11g.
    I have a below requirement.
    Say in below eg. I am getting col1, col2, col3 from a single tbl in screen 1. On clicking col1's row I should go to screen 2
    Col1     Col2     Col3
    Nm1     Code1     10
    Nm1     Code1     30
    Nm2     Code1     30
    Nm1     Code2     20
    Here in screen 2 I will have a calculated field as shown below. Besides this In the same screen I will have a list showing distinct of col2 for the value cliked in col1. So here in this eg. it will be for Nm1 I will have 2 values in the list Code1 and Code2.      
    Screen 2          
    Col1     Nm1     
    Col2     Code1     
    Tot     *40*     
    Col2     Select     
    Code1     X     
    Now here if user selects the radio of 'Code2' Then my above data should change as below
    Col1     Nm1     
    Col2     Code2     
    Tot     *20*
    Col2     Select     
    Code2     X
    I do this by passing the col1 value as a param to a query VO.
    I have tried this using different VOs like a VO with query, VO with user defined column... nothing helps.
    I am just unable to reach to screen 2. I am either getting invalid column OR missing in out parameters.
    Can any one help on how and what should be done? This is not even master-details stuff. master-details seems easier than this.
    Urgent help is needed.
    Thanks in advance

    I have resolved your problem and build a sample application.
    You have to create 2 views and use master detail.
    First view will be a simple view for the page 1 and second view will be readonly using group by. Then create a view link between them.
    Let me know your email id. I will email you the sample application.
    Edited by: manieshsailoz on Apr 26, 2010 5:12 PM

  • Urgent HELP required on forming the Matrix of data using PL/SQL

    Hi All,
    I'm new to this thread and require your urgent help in this regard.
    I've got a requirement for building a 5000 X 5000 matrix using PL/SQL. My original data tables have 5000 rows each and I need to do a correlation analysis using this data and need to store in a physical table and not in-memory. Is this feat achievable using mere PL/SQL? I understand that Oracle DB has a limitation of 1000 columns(but not sure) and hence I'd like to know whether there is any work-around for such scenarios. If not, what are the other alternative method(s) to achieve this feat? Do I need to use any 3rd party tools to get this done? An early reply from the experts is highly appreciated.
    Thanking you all Gurus in advance.

    Welcome to OTN!
    I'll get to your quesiton in a moment, but first some welcome information. Many OTN posters consider it impolite to mark threads as "urgent". We are volunteers and have jobs of our own to do without people we don't know making demands. You are brand new and deserve some patience but please understand this. It is very likely before I finish this post someone will complain about the word "urgent" in your subject.
    On to more interesting things :)
    You can do the matrix, but are out of luck with a 5000 x 5000 table because Oracle only allows 1000 columns per table. There are ways to work around this.
    How do do the matrix depends on what you want to do. You can do this different ways. You can create a table beforehand and use PL/SQL or simple SQL to populate it, or use the CREATE TABLE AS syntax to create and populate it in one step if you can get the underlying SQL to work the way you want, something like
    create table my_table as
      select a.*, b.*
        from table1 a, table2 bcan populate a matrix from 2 tables with an intentional cartesian join (the WHERE clause was left out intentionally, provided your data is already in the data base.
    If not you can use a PL/SQL routine to populate the data.
    There are a couple of ways to solve the 1000 column limit. The easiest way might be to have 5 collections of 1000 columns each. A more complicated but more elegant soltion would be to have nested collections, allowing 2 colliections that you can loop through - a collection of collections. Nested collections can be hard to work with. A third way would be to use nested tables in the database but I personally do not like them and the insert, update, and delete statements for nested tables are hard to use.
    I'm not going to give a code example because I am not sure which solution is best for you. If you have further questions post them.

  • Urgent Help Required for Unified wireless network help

    Dear Community
    i need urget help for a wireless unified network setup to deploy it in a college
    actually what is the senario for this network that i have a WLC 5500 and 12 lwapp 1252 series APs for this deployment ant there is allready an existing lan
    network to connect with it the new wireless unified setup.
    here is above proposed topology .
    i need help for this setup like
    i know the basic configuration on controller to do but i really do not know that from GUI what steps i need to configure on controller for each access points as you can see above i have three floors for building and i want to configur three SSIDs like Employ,contractors and Guest for each floor and how to configure encryption type and shared key for each SSiD.
    and what i have to configure for APs to join them with controller
    and hoe to configure RF grouping for each floor.
    please i need urgent reply because i have tp finish this all setup in one weekonly
    thans in advance.

    Wat ever you want.. the below link has everything.. Just click on the stuff that you neeed fro mthe menu and this will do it for you!!
    1>> Configure WLANs.
    2>> Configure AP Grouping.

Maybe you are looking for

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