URL Item Security

When a URL item is created that points to a file on the windows file system, which userid is used to connect to the windows file system?

There is no connection between the portal and the target of a URL item (unless the URL item is pointing to another location in the portal itself, or another application bounded by the Single Sign On server).
The user will be connected to the Windows file system using their Windows session id.

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    SELECT IT.Name,
    COUNT(IT2.Name) Subs
    WHERE IT.SiteId = (
    AND Default_Language = 'us')
    AND IT.Active = 1
    AND IT.ParentId is null
    AND IT.Id = URL.Object_Id
    AND IT2.ParentId(+) = IT.MasterThingId
    GROUP BY IT.Seq,
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    Please refer to the content area APIs. These are documented in
    the PDK-PL/SQL.

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    I don't remember exactly where I got this solution -- I think it was from a TAR -- but I have the following comment on the copy of WWSBR_ALL_ITEMS that we use to replace the one that ships with Portal
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    Thanx & Bye all

    I solved this problem.
    There is a table called wwv_things (portal30) where u can modify the column 'inplace' to '0' where the value is '1', then all works.

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    just a note:
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    No, you can't substitute a parameter this way on a URL item.

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    The problem seems to be related to cache yet you have done quite a bit to see if it really is due to caching.
    you can try to verify if it is a cache issue and then fix it as follows:
    1. change the browser to access it. if you were accessing it through IE then try using firefox or netscape or some other browser.
    2. or use some other machine, ask a colleague to access that file from their system. if the item persists it would be above system's cache problem.
    3. now to clear the cache for the AS, you may also clear plsql cache. for that, if you are using version beyond 30x then
    - remove the folders of pmd, session and plsql in midtier\apache\modplsql\cache\.
    - then restart the oc4j_security in infra-home;
    hope that helps.
    syed naqvi

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    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by:

    You'll need to determine the values and populate the URL in a PL/SQL activity earlier in the process.
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    I see
    DRG-11614: URL store: communication with host specified in http://www.news.com t
    imed out
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    (Oracle Portal Version:

    Does your database host require a proxy in order to be able to contact the website?
    You can set the proxy that Portal uses from the Global Settings pages - there is a link to these from the Services portlet, an instance of which can be found on the Administration tab of the Desgin Time pages.
    Once you've changed the proxy setting you'll need to recreate the URL index so that it can have another go at indexing your website with the Proxy. Please refere to the Search Configuration chapter in the Portal Configuration Guide for more information.

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    Thank you.

    Thank you very much Linc. After allowing the command to run and restarting the terminal, that seems to have had the desired effect. +2 for you!

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    file://X:\name_of_folder\name_of_sub_folder\document1 (this will work)
    file://X:\name of folder\name of sub folder\document1 (this will not work

    We are currently running version Apparently this version does not support that function as well as the newer versions.
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    Thanks for the information you provided. We are in the process of migrating to 10g and it sounds like this issue should be resolved.

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    Delete Form (URL Link)
    Description: This forms is used to delete projects from the database.
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    How can i force the URL to lunch in the same folder or portlet.???
    For Oracle Support team, this problem is a reference to TAR #13591315.6

    Was there a resolution?
    For those that cannot view TARs it'd be helpful to put that here.

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