UrlIview Fetch Mode (POST /GET)

Hi ,
before i need shortly explain the activity:
I am using a UrlIview to a extern businness web application.
This web application is connecting by redirect to a shopping system where user can search and order items. The Basket of the shopping system is POST-back to the web application. In the POST-back Url (Hook Url) i trying to access the Iview by QuickLink like this:
The first Problem is that i am don´t arrive my Iview when the Basket is send back by POST i am allwas getting the start page of my Portal. It seems that the Portal did not realized the POST
The second Problem: In the shopping system there is an logg off button which send a GET to my Hook Url.
-If my iview is using Request-Method GET and Fetch Mode Client-Side i arrive my Iview and the Session is OK.
-If my iview is using Request-Method POST and Fetch Mode Server-Side i arrive my Iview but the web application cant get the session. How you sure can introduce the user cant´t go on without session
Does anybody has a idea how to resolve this? So that i can access my iview by POST and also getting the right session?

looks like a GET, not a POST. As a quiklink it will try to start the iView that has the quicklink quickLink. This will only happen if the iView is part of a role that belongs to the current portal user - it can't be used to start an arbitrary iView.
Why are you using the portal as the hookUrl? Why not just start the correct web application in your AS Java?

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    Thanks ahead,

    Bernd Speckmann wrote:
    > On the other hand I want to realize SSO to this webapp (form based authentication) with user mapping. Is it correct, that I have to user server-side fetch mode, when I want to use the POST request method?
    >Are there any additional points to be considered?
    Have a look at System Administration - System Configuration - Service Configuration - Applications - com.sap.portal.ivs.httpservice
    This is used to do the Server side fetch.
    Have fun

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    Reset PRAM: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH4405 and then try a normal boot.
    Run the Startup Manager to select Startup disk:  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1310
    If those did not work your disk may be sick or dying.  The top priority at this point is to make a backup copy of your data.
    Check the health of the disk.  Boot in Recovery Mode (Boot, Command-R).  Run Disk Utility.  Click on the upper left disk icon.  Does the S.M.A.R.T. status say “Verified”?  If not the disk/SSD is unhealthy and needs to be replaced.  Even if it does not show “Verified” you can still attempt a backup. 
    Click on the icon indented below, usually called “Macintosh HD” and Verify Disk.  If it finishes with a green “OK” message then all is well with the disk.  If it shows errors in red then you have found a problem to address once the system is backed up.  Do not attempt software repairs until you have secured the data.
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    If you have an external disk drive you can use as a backup drive then do so.  If not Google “Hitachi USB 3.0 external hard drive 1TB” to purchase one or go to a brick-and-mortar store (including an Apple store) to pickup one.  Any 1 TB external drive will do.
    Assuming it is still breathing you can try to recover the data without booting from the sick disk. 
    Reformat the external disk.  (This will erase all data on the external disk.)
    Boot in Recovery Mode.  Start Disk Utility.  Plug in the new disk.  Select it’s disk Icon (the second one down, left justified). Select the Partition tab.
    Partition Layout > Single Partition
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    Format: Mac OS Extended (journaled)
    Options… > GUID Partition Table > OK
    Select the Restore tab.
    Drag the old system volume (Macintosh HD) to Source.
    Drag the new disk volume (Emergency Recovery 1) to Destination.
    Click on Restore.
    It may take a long time for the backup.
    If that will not complete post back for other emergency data recovery methods, including those from a brody.
    If the backup succeeds, use the First Aid tab in Disk Utility to select the old volume (Macintosh HD) and Repair Disk.  If it does not finish with a green OK message try to repair it once or twice more.  If it repairs with a green OK message, will it boot normally?  If not, boot from the Recovery Partition and reinstall OS X.
    If it is still not healthy, post back for further instructions.

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    The simulation driver appears to be raising the error. By switching to specific driver simulation the error does not occur. This may be a problem in either the class simulation driver or the specific driver.
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

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    Great question. The iterators returned from association accessors use "Fetch as Needed" mode. So, if you are not exhausting the rows from an iterator (i.e. fetching all the rows) then the cursor will stay open.
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    Ayub H.
    Moderator message: duplicate post (different ID, same company...), see below:
    Performance issue calling bapi po create in test mode to get error messages
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Mar 9, 2012

    Hi Suvarna,
    so you need to reduce the number of PO-simulations.
    - Likely you checked already, that all EBAN-entries should already be converted into POs. If there would be a large number of "new" EBAN-entries, they don't need to be simulated.
    - If it's a temporary problem: give aid to correct the problems (maintain prices or whatever the error-reasons are) Then the amount of not-converted purchase requisitions (PR) should drop, too
    - If it's likely, that your volume of open PR will stay high: create a Z-Table with key of EBAN and a counter, simulate (once a day) PO conversions and store the results in the Z-table. In your report you can use the results... if they are "new enough". From time to time new simulations should be done, missing master data might be available.
    Maybe users should be allowed to start this 2nd report manually (in background), too -> then they can update the messages after some data corrections themself, without waiting for the result (just check later in online report and do something different in between).
    And you might need to explain, PO simulation takes as long as PO creation... there is no easy or fast way around this.
    Best regards,

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    is this a bug , or i am missing something?

    When you have a problem you'll get a faster, more effective response by including as much relevant information as possible upfront. This should include:
    <li>Full APEX version
    <li>Full DB/version/edition/host OS
    <li>Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener/host OS)
    <li>Browser(s) and version(s) used
    <li>Region/item type(s) (making particular distinction as to whether a "report" is a standard report, an interactive report, or in fact an "updateable report" (i.e. a tabular form)
    It's even more essential to include full version information if you suspect a bug. Knowing the versions involved enables Oracle and other forum members to try to replicate the problem properly. It also allows us to look at the documentation or MOS bug database to compare the problem to known bugs and fixes.
    http://screencast.com/t/m7lEYZ1m5FYou've even managed to crop the screenshot so it doesn't show the version number...
    while creating a DML ( Automatic Row Processing ) , can not set value of radio button .
    is this a bug , or i am missing something?Confirmed as appearing in ARP (DML) processes in APEX This does indeed appear to be a bug. However it is only cosmetic. DML Fetch Mode is an ARF (fetch) process option that is deprecated in APEX 4.x. Setting it for ARP (DML) processes is unnecessary, so you can safely ignore it.
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    Fallout75, good catch on the eXo plugin.  To remove it, in the Finder click "Go" on the menu bar and pull down to "Go to Folder" and then type ~/Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-ins
    When that Finder window opens, you should see an "eXo" subdirectory.  Just delete that "eXo" folder and iTunes should start without the error.

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    Hi Han38,
    If your iPhone is in Recovery Mode but isn't being recognized by iTunes on your Windows machine, you may find the following article helpful:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    - Brenden

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    How to rectify this?
    +91 7829755109

    This is no the right forum for this message. It should have been in Real Estate Forum. As far as your problem goes, when ur are running the tcode RERAIV, there is an option of putting the posting run ID. Whenever there is a posting through RERAPP a posting run ID is generated. If you pass the same in the RERAIV. The system will not pick any other value.
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    We are looping the internal table of eban(purchase requisition) and calling bapi po create in test mode to get failed messages.
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    Hi Suvarna,
    so you need to reduce the number of PO-simulations.
    - Likely you checked already, that all EBAN-entries should already be converted into POs. If there would be a large number of "new" EBAN-entries, they don't need to be simulated.
    - If it's a temporary problem: give aid to correct the problems (maintain prices or whatever the error-reasons are) Then the amount of not-converted purchase requisitions (PR) should drop, too
    - If it's likely, that your volume of open PR will stay high: create a Z-Table with key of EBAN and a counter, simulate (once a day) PO conversions and store the results in the Z-table. In your report you can use the results... if they are "new enough". From time to time new simulations should be done, missing master data might be available.
    Maybe users should be allowed to start this 2nd report manually (in background), too -> then they can update the messages after some data corrections themself, without waiting for the result (just check later in online report and do something different in between).
    And you might need to explain, PO simulation takes as long as PO creation... there is no easy or fast way around this.
    Best regards,

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    Hi Guys,
    i am facing an issue where my Appls is receiving more post request then what
    had been sent by the client.
    It was reported that Appls log 3 http post but client only submitted one request.
    To troubleshoot, does the CSS has the ablility to view HTTP POST/GET traces? Is there a history
    for such traces logged?

    You'll need a sniffer trace. Frontend and backend.
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  • We have three discussions forums with same subject. whenever a post gets new reply in one forum, it should automatically trigger workflow functionality to check conditions and send the same reply to other synchronized forums.

    we have three discussions forums with same subject. whenever a post gets new reply in one forum, it should automatically trigger workflow functionality to check conditions and send the same reply to other synchronized forums.
    Rajiv Kumar

    More details about your discussions forum will make others easier to find a corresponding solution on your requirement.
    If you mean there are three Discussion Board list waiting for synchronizing, I would suggest you create an Event Receiver for the three Discussion Board list.
    Here is a link with code demo about how to copy items from one Discussion Board to another including Replies:
    Here is a step by step sample on creating a simple Item added event receiver for Custom List in SharePoint 2010:
    More information on Event Receiver for your reference:
    Feel free to reply if there are still any questions. 
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    when I open Firefox outside of the safe mode I get a constant sound of the "Pac Man" game playing over my speakers
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == today

    help! when i open firefox I get the pac-man game sound and I can't get it to stop and I can't find it. I ran trend micro and avg9.
    Is it malicious? can it dump or damage my data?
    How do I finally remove it?
    what is it anyway??
    Thanks for your help.

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