Use own AttributeDefImpl [revisited]

So, I did what Shailesh has recommended in:
Use own AttributeDefImpl? How?
And it works quiet well. One question is left. Well, two actually.
How can I determine whether an attribute of a ViewObject is actually based on an entity's attribute?
I understand that AttributeDef.getAttributeKind() can do that. I would have guessed that ATTR_ENTITY_DERIVED is the return value to look for. The Javadocs say: "An attribute derived from an Entity Object." But a little bit down the page one can read: "These attributes are View Object attributes derived from transient Entity Object attributes."
So what's correct? Or is ATTR_PERSISTENT what I am looking for? What return value of getAttributeKind() indicates unambigously that it is an entity's attribute, transient or not?
I also thought about overriding the methods findAttributeDef(), lookupAttributeDef(), getAttributeDef() and getAttributeDefs() in ViewObject. Would it be wise (and safe) to do that? I have second thoughts about that. Right now my wrapper (which is not a subclass of AttributeDefImpl) only works on entity level.
Sascha Herrmann

Forget both questions. I tried overriding the methods in ViewObject and it seems to work perfectly. No need to determine whether the attribute definitions are entity or VO definitions.
So .... BC4J is extensible there.
Anyway thanks for your assistance.

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    We have to extend the AttributeDefImpl class (I guess).
    We would like an attribute not only to carry that one label. We need several other things, like a label when used in a worklist, when used on an input form, short tooltip, long tooltip .... . We would like to define those additional labels on entity level, so that they can be used consistently throughout the whole application. Currently one can define one label. If want to define additional labels, I guess, we would need a new AttributeDef class. These additional labels should reside within the normal entity's file, to facilitate internationalization. This is rather important. So we cannot use the everyday properties. We don't want to give the XML files to our translators. We may be not too bright, but we're not that stupid.
    Now in the BC4J Javadocs one can read:
    Advanced users can provide their own implementation of EntityDefImpl (by subclassing EntityDefImpl). Within it, they can create their own AttributeDefImpls by using:
    new AttributeDefImpl(...);
    From what I've described above, is that what we need? If yes, could you give us a little push in the right direction? What steps are necessary to pull that off?
    Regards and thanks in advance!
    Sascha Herrmann

    expose this message bundle class to the client via an
    attribute propertyDon't understand that concept.
    But eventually we will need our own AttributeDefImpl and AttributeDef anyhow, since we want to add more metadata to the attribute. For example, we will need a flag indicating whether the value of the attribute should be displayed in upper case in certain cases. Just one of many examples.
    Having our programmers access this metadata by getProperty(IS_UPPERCASE) is not really an option. We want real methods, e.g. AttributeDef.isUpperCase(). This method can then access properties alright. No problem.
    With regard to labels, the goal is to override the approriate methods in the JClient files. For example in JUTableBinding:
    public String getColumnName(int attrIndex)
    return getAttributeDef(attrIndex).getUIHelper().getTableColumnLabel(null);
    Creating our own AttributeDef, AttributeHint interfaces and an AttributeDefImpl class is not a big deal. But I don't understand how I can make EntityDefImpl use our implementation when it instantiates the DefImpls. And I don't understand how from the entity's AttributeDefImpls the ViewAttributeDefImpls are created.
    I mean, the Javadocs tell that it can be done. But there's not enough information to actually do it, IMHO. Just a hint here, and a hint there.
    Sascha Herrmann

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    ======================== mamun

    The only way to do it is using some custom code to display fonts, since there is no way to install new fonts onto a device.



    Hello NEON BLUE,
    First step first upload u r log in the sap system using the below steps.
    1.  Goto the transaction OAER
    2.  Enter the class name as 'PICTURES'
    3.  Enter the class type as 'OT'
    4.  Enter the object key as the name of the logo you wish to give
    5.  Execute
    6.  Then in the new screen select Standard doc. types in bottom window
         Click on the Screen icon 
         Now, it will ask for the file path where you have to upload the logo
    7.  Now you can use this logo in REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE
    call the FM
      I_LOGO                   =
      I_END_OF_LIST_GRID       =
      I_ALV_FORM               =

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    Hi all, the solution is very simple.Simply save the pictures that you want to use as your lockscreen into storage/sdcard0/Download/pictures/lockscreenYour lockscreen picture should be in 16:9 or (1920 x 1080 pixels). To set the pictures as your lockscreen, go to theme setings, swipe to the right and tap the lockscreen wallpaper option that is on the right (red box).You'll see all the lenovo default lockscreen wallpapers, as well as the lockscreen pictures that you saved. Just tap the picture and set as lockscreen wallpaper.

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    Thanks and Regards,

    No you cannot maintain your own history tble.
    The only columns available are the ones displayed in the alert history data object.
    Apart from this no other information will be available.
    Alternatively you can create another Data object and create a look up field pointing towards the alert history label based on a particular key.
    If the key matches then the data from the alert history DO will be pulled into this DO.
    To this DO you can add your own columns and populate them with your own data.

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    I know how i have explained this is a bit hard to understanbd but any help is greatly appreciated.
    Thank You

    the document is not for me to use but for me to give to a large group of peopleand they will themselves select their own colours, i want to be able to intergrate my own colour palette into it which will have hundereds of colours....very similar to a room planner kind of thing, where you select a colour and the object you selected changes to that colour, but i need it for somthing else.

  • BUG? using own EntityResolver with SAX doesn't work

    I was experimenting with the oracle.xml.parser.XMLParser using
    the SAX interface.
    I've written a test program that instantiates a driver and
    registers my own handlers (which just print to System.out).
    I also have my own org.xml.sax.EntityResolver, it looks like
    public class SAXEntityResolver implements EntityResolver {
    public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId,
    String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException {
    System.out.println("<<Call to resolveEntity>>");
    try { //assume it's a URL of some sort
    URL url=new URL(systemId);
    return new InputSource(url.openStream());
    catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
    try { //it's not a URL, assume a file spec
    FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream(systemId);
    return new InputSource(fin);
    catch (FileNotFoundException e2) {
    return null;
    //don't understand it, let the parser handle it.
    when I parse the following xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE dinner SYSTEM "dinner.dtd">
    <location planet="Earth">Alma 3</location>
    The parser generates an error to my org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler
    which prints it to the screen. The output looks like this:
    [C:\temp\xml]java -cp c:\TEMP\xml\oracle\lib\xmlparser.jar;.
    SAXParseXML oracle.xml.parser.XMLParser dinner.xml
    Locater accepted: oracle.xml.parser.SAXLocator@6ba51a96
    document parsing start
    [error: Couldn't find external DTD 'dinner.dtd']
    element dinner start: null:4:1
    (other output follows with no more errors)
    It seems as if the Oracle XMLParser doesn't use my EntityResolver
    to resolve it's external entities (the dinner.dtd file in this
    case, the file is indeed there, trust me!), otherwise it would
    have printed the message seen in the code above (<<Call to
    resolveEntity>>). If you're wondering how I configured the
    systemId in the SAX parser, here's how:
    File f=new File(args[1]);
    InputSource src=new InputSource(new FileInputStream(f));
    Can you tell me why this is? (I use NT4 with jdk 1.2)
    I've tested the same thing with the IBM, Microstar and Sun
    parsers, and they all seem to work fine with this example...
    Hope to hear from you! (cc in with mail please)

    Thanks for the post. You have identified a bug which will be
    fixed in a maintenance release. Until that time you can parse a
    String type rather than a InputSource type in as
    a workaround.
    Oracle XML Team
    Erwin Vervaet (guest) wrote:
    : Oracle XML Team wrote:
    : : Which version of the parser are you using? If not
    : : latest) try that version. If the problem still exists it
    : : help if you could provide your test program.
    : The readme.html in the file (I download
    : on monday 8/2/1999) says: 'Oracle XML Parser'.
    : So that's not the problem, below are all the files of the test
    : program. The command I use to start the program is the
    : (note that there cannot be a classpath clash problem!, I use
    : jdk1.2 on NT4 SP4):
    : [C:\temp\xml]dir
    : Volume in drive C is unlabeled Serial number is 2C90:8BDE
    : Directory of C:\temp\xml\*
    : 11/02/99 10:50 <DIR> .
    : 11/02/99 10:50 <DIR> ..
    : 9/02/99 16:34 <DIR> aelfred
    : 9/02/99 21:56 <DIR> oracle
    : 8/02/99 17:44 <DIR> xml-ea2
    : 8/02/99 14:10 <DIR> xml4j
    : 9/02/99 22:44 <DIR> xp
    : 9/02/99 16:42 215 dinner.dtd
    : 9/02/99 23:03 167 dinner.xml
    : 8/02/99 15:23 438
    : 11/02/99 10:50 2.402 SAXDocHandler.class
    : 9/02/99 21:14 1.585
    : 11/02/99 10:50 1.129 SAXEntityResolver.class
    : 9/02/99 22:04 737
    : 11/02/99 10:50 976 SAXErrHandler.class
    : 9/02/99 15:39 495
    : 11/02/99 10:50 1.261 SAXParseXML.class
    : 9/02/99 22:09 629
    : 10.034 bytes in 11 files and 7 dirs 12.800 bytes
    : allocated
    : 201.152.512 bytes free
    : [C:\temp\xml]java -cp c:\temp\xml\oracle\lib\xmlparser.jar;.
    : SAXParseXML oracle.xml.parser.XMLParser dinner.xml
    : Here are the files:
    : //file
    : import org.xml.sax.*;
    : public class SAXErrHandler implements ErrorHandler {
    : public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws
    : SAXException {
    : System.err.println("[warning: " + exception +
    : public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws
    : SAXException {
    : System.err.println("[error: " + exception + "]");
    : public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
    : throws SAXException {
    : System.err.println("[fatal error: " + exception + "]");
    : //file
    : import org.xml.sax.*;
    : import*;
    : import*;
    : public class SAXEntityResolver implements EntityResolver {
    : public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String
    : systemId) throws SAXException, IOException {
    : System.out.println("<<Call to resolveEntity>> " + publicId + "
    : + systemId);
    : try { //assume it's a URL of some sort
    : URL url=new URL(systemId);
    : return new InputSource(url.openStream());
    : catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
    : try { //it's not a URL, assume a file
    : spec
    : FileInputStream fin=new
    : FileInputStream(systemId);
    : return new InputSource(fin);
    : catch (FileNotFoundException e2) {
    : return null; //don't understand
    : it, let the parser handle it.
    : //file
    : import org.xml.sax.*;
    : public class SAXDocHandler implements DocumentHandler {
    : private Locator locator=null;
    : public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
    : System.out.println("document parsing start");
    : public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
    : System.out.println("Locater accepted: " + locator);
    : this.locator=locator;
    : public void startElement(String name, AttributeList atts)
    : throws SAXException {
    : System.out.println("element " + name + " start: "
    : + locate());
    : for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++)
    : System.out.println("attribute " +
    : atts.getName(i) + "=" + atts.getValue(i) + " (" +
    : + ")");
    : public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
    : throws SAXException {
    : System.out.println("char data: " + new
    : String(ch,start,length));
    : public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int
    : length) throws SAXException {
    : System.out.println("ignoring some whitespace: " +
    : new String(ch,start,length));
    : public void endElement(String name) throws SAXException {
    : System.out.println("element " + name + " end: " +
    : public void processingInstruction(String target, String
    : data) throws SAXException {
    : System.out.println("PI: " + target + "=" + data);
    : public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
    : System.out.println("document parsing end");
    : private String locate() {
    : if (locator!=null) {
    : return locator.getSystemId() + ":" +
    : locator.getLineNumber() + ":" + locator.getColumnNumber();
    : return "";
    : //file
    : import org.xml.sax.*;
    : import org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserFactory;
    : import*;
    : public class SAXParseXML {
    : public static void main(String[] args) {
    : if (args.length>1) {
    : try {
    : Parser
    : p=ParserFactory.makeParser(args[0]);
    : p.setDocumentHandler(new
    : SAXDocHandler());
    : p.setErrorHandler(new
    : SAXErrHandler());
    : p.setEntityResolver(new
    : SAXEntityResolver());
    : File f=new File(args[1]);
    : InputSource src=new
    : InputSource(new FileInputStream(f));
    : src.setSystemId(f.toURL().toString());
    : p.parse(src);
    : catch (Exception e) {
    : e.printStackTrace();
    : //file dinner.xml
    : <?xml version="1.0"?>
    : <!DOCTYPE dinner SYSTEM "dinner.dtd">
    : <dinner>
    : <location planet="Earth">Alma 3</location>
    : <time>12:30</time>
    : <date>Vandaag</date>
    : </dinner>
    : //file dinner.dtd
    : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    : <!ELEMENT dinner (location, time, date?)>
    : <!ELEMENT location (#PCDATA)>
    : <!ELEMENT time (#PCDATA)>
    : <!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)>
    : <!ATTLIST location country CDATA "Belgium">
    Oracle Technology Network

  • Using own SQLite DB in combination with Data Management

    Currently on a huge project we're we are using LCDS 3.1 in combination with a AIR 2.5 client.
    I've been reading "Using Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES2 version 3.1" and I have a question. In the chapter "Building an offline-enabled application" it says on the very first line:
    "You can use an offline adapter with an AIR SQLite database to perform offline fills when a desktop client is disconnected from the LiveCycle Data Services server. An offline adapter contains the SQL queries for AIR SQLite for retrieving cached items like an assembler on the server retrieves items from the data source."
    However, in my experience that AIR SQLite database is not just any DB but one that Datamanagment designs and generates itself, based on the Dto the DataManagement destination is managing. The offline adapter doesn't work like an assembler at all, because the documentation says you can only override the methods pertaining to constructing the WHERE, and ORDER BY parts of the queries, not the SELECT, CREATE, FROM,... parts.
    In our case, we have a database on the server, constructed according to a very specific ERD, and we have a SQLite database on the client, also constructed according to a very specific ERD. What we want to do is execute every fill, create, update, delete against the offline cache and only synchronize with the backend when we want it the synchronize (technically possible by playing with the autoMerge, autoSaveCache, autoConnect,... properties). So what part of datamanagement can we customize to use our DB instead of a generated one?
    Thx in advance!

    You are correct in noting that Data Management does not allow you to use your own database to store offline data.  This data is exclusively managed by the LCDS library for the developer.  The intent is that the local cache is a reflection of the server data, not an independent copy.
    If you have an existing database in AIR, then you will have much more direct control over the querying and updating of that data by using the SQLite APIs directly.
    That being said, you can in essence replicate the data stored on the server, managed by Data Management, in the offline cache.  In an upcoming release (winter 2011) we will have a few features ('briefcases' and a 'changes-only' fill) that will make this story even more compelling for your use cases.  But even with the 3.1 functionality, you can do something like the following:
    Perform a fill() to collect the data you want to have available on the client, save this in the offline cache
    Construct an Offline Adapter Actionscript class that implements the fills you want to perform on the local data
    Use the DataService.localFill() API to perform all of the client application fills, turn off autoCommit.
    When the client is online, call commit() to store client changes and call fill() to refresh the cached data.
    This should give you some ideas on how you could go about constructing your app to leverage the offline features of Data Services.

  • Using own domain name on Business Catalyst / Muse

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    From checking this forum and FAQ it appears I should be able to link a domain name I currently own to a BC site so my URL drops the element of the name. I have changed teh NS to  (and ns2 / ns3) and the next stage is to go to Site Settings and enter the doman name.
    My problem is where do I find the menu Site Settings as I can not see it within Muse?
    Peter H

    Hi Peter
    The settings to add the domain is not with Muse but in Business Catalyst domain settings.
    You would need to publish the site first to Business Catalyst and then make the site live.
    After performing the steps you can add the domain.
    More Details :

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    Hi all,
    i am making a smart forms in which i want to use my own created STYLE even tough i already copied my style from the existing one and activate it it but when i m going to use it at SMART FROM,it give me  SMART FROM default style.i can't understand what is the issue and why it is not showing in smart form even i have already activate it.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Thanks every body,i have resolved it by my own self.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How to use own or other creditcard in Family Share?

    Hello together,
    i'm using the Family Sharing functionality(for example my dad set up the Family Share), great ideal. But now i want to buy an App on my own and do not want to use the Family-Creditcard but my own creditcard (sometimes i want to pay on my own).
    Each time i buy an App in the AppStore the Money is taken from the creditcard which is registered for Family Sharing.
    is there a way to decide which creditcard Shall be used for buying an App?
    if yes, were i have to change which creditcard shall be used?
    Or is there no function to decide and only the "Family" creditcard of my father  is used?
    please help,

    you can't directly store a tree in a list.Ummm... Just to be contrary... Yes you CAN store a tree in a table.... In fact that's how the windows file system works.
    Having said that... you would be well advised to investigate tree data-structures before resorting to flattening a tree into a list.
    So... Do you have a specific requirement to produce a List? Your umming-and-erring about Vector vs ArrayList makes it sound like you're still at the stage of choosing a datastructure.
    Cheers. Keith.

  • Problem when using own domain name

    I recently updated my site and gave it a fresher look. I have my own damian name and use iweb and mobileme to host it. the site works fine but the one problem i have is that no matter what page I view of my site it always says my web address in the address bar. For example my site is It this site I have 7 pages plus some pages of photos. Now when i'm viewing my about me page the address bar still only says the main site address not me. It does this for all my pages. It's a problem because nobody can bookmark an the actual page they want only the first pages that loads up (welcome page). How can I change this?

    It sounds like you're using Forwarding rather than CNAME to link to MobileMe. See this article for the difference in the browser address bar:
    Also this Apple doc for setting up CNAME:
    iWeb ’08: Using your own domain name

  • Problem with "Run Web Layout" using own template

    When I run a report (using Run Web Layout) which uses my own template (a modified version of rwblue.tdf), it outputs a plain page on the browser (as though it has no template).
    When running the same report (using Run Paper Layout), the output is as it should be.
    Can anyone help? Thank you in anticipation.

    Hi John
    Take a look at Reports product site on otn site. It has an example on how to create a web template for Reports Web View. In addtion to tdf file, for web layout, you need to have a .css file as well as a html code template.
    Hope this will help.

  • New bt infinity with HH5. How to use own router?

    Hi guys,
    I have just this morning had my infinity 2 installed. Went with BT as I had read it's very easy to use your own router.
    My engineer has just left. I was expecting an openreach modem, but didn't realise HH5 had the modem built in. No problem, must be very similar to my old virgin superhub, combo device. I'll putt he home hub into modem only mode right?
    Nope, can't see such an option. Is there anyway I can get around this? Will be a deal breaker for me!

    At worst you can buy a HG612 from "a well known auction site"
    If you found this post helpful, please click on the star on the left
    If not, I'll try again

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