Using audio of current multicam clip?

When I am making cut between different videos in multicam, it only plays the audio from the first video. I want it so when I cut from the first video to the second video, the audio changes to the current video. How can I do this?

Enable the option "Multi-Camera Audio Follows Video." You'll find it in the panel menu for the Timeline as well as the Source Monitor.

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    I had this same issue! But fixed it by going into the finder, finding the event, and delted the files out of the "High Quality Media." My project then refreshed to normal and no red modified file slides. The cool part: I din't even shut fcpx down to mess with the files in the finder. It all worked like a charm.
    Good luck!

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    I would think it would be easiest to open the muticlip in the Angle Editor where you would have a clear view of each individual angle and its audio.

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    I do wish the PDF would include the original, manual method of multicam sequence creation, preferably as the first option, as that method still works just fine and often works better than the 'auto' methods now hyped.
    For interested readers, here's the process:
    1. Create a sequence.
    2. Add your clips.
    3. Sync them up.
    4. Create a second sequence.
    5. Nest the first sequence into the second.
    6. Right click that nested sequence and select Multi-Camera>Enable.
    A very simple process that works every time.

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    Thanks Tom,
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    Thank you!

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    Hi Brad, thanks for the reply!
    That sounds like a good workaround. What I have been doing in the meantime is create a new compound clip after I finish all of my cuts, and then apply the audio edits to the new contiguous audio clip in the compound clip.
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    Create your multicam clip including the PIP angle.
    Edit the multicam clip into the timeline.
    Select the PIP angle as the active angle. Go forward in the project a bit and cut to a different angle.
    Select the PIP angle in the timeline and use Opt-Cmd-Up arrow to lift it from the timeline.
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    You can do it this way.
    In the multicam select audio to left clip.
    Then find the right clip, detach its audio, take its audio & align it to the multicam clips.
    This way you have audio from let & right

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    Easy. Select them all. In the inspector, click the Audio tab. Under "Channel configuration", uncheck the box which would say something like "400 selected clips".

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    One last question that is not a glitch but a functionality I hope exists but cannot find.  Given that I have one angle of audio for the entire clip, I want very badly - and feel like it should be possible - to make adjustments to the audio as I would if it were one continuous clip; for instance, to be able to select a range across the clip transitions and adjust levels accordingly.  So far the best workaround is to select all the clips and use CTRL -/+ to adjust.  But this allows less control, because I must then go in and adjust sections of clips on the ends that I did not want changed.   Would love to  know if anyone knows a way! 
    Thanks for your time and assistance!

    I would think it would be easiest to open the muticlip in the Angle Editor where you would have a clear view of each individual angle and its audio.

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    My first thought was the same as Karsten's, but then I checked and, indeed, "Detach Audio" does not seem to be available in a multicam clip.
    I was able to do what you asked by adding a new angle. Made a copy of the existing angle and pasted into this new angle. Now you can use one angle just for the audio and you can do anything you want with the video in the other angle.

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    Probably best if you could post screen shots of the Inspecror window in extended view with a couple of the clips you using for the 2 angles.
    If you have audio from both cameras and have identified them separately, the sync is usually pretty reliable.

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