Using Bash/Applescript to get rid of spaces in string

Hi Community,
Is there a way through Bash (or if not, through applescript) to delete the spaces in a string? ie. turn the string "hi my name is batman" to "himynameisbatman". Thanks.

As you can see, there really are a rediculous number of ways to accomplish this task! Here are a couple more AppleScript examples...
set theString to "hi my name is batman"
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of theString & " | tr -d ' '"
set theString to "hi my name is batman"
(words of theString) as string

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  • Can't Get Rid Of Space At Page Bottom

    I'm doing a redesign of my website and there is a space at the bottom of my page that I can't get rid of. Some pages the space is fine. But most are not. Here's a screen shot of the good and the bad:
    The Good:
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    I make the appropriate changes in Dreamweaver so it looks right but when I view it over the internet there is too much space. Does anyone know how I can remove this extra space?
    Thank You!

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          <p class="header1">HGH Weight Loss And Dieting</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><br />
            I have a couple questions about your product.  Its hard to get the straight facts regarding this supplement on the internet but the fact that you list your competitors directly on your site gives you credit in my mind.<br />
              <br />
            First I see the amount of human growth hormone in your oral spray per dose but I'm wondering how that would compare to the amount in a prescription injectable dose?<br />
            <br />
            Second can you find yourself in a situation for having this delivered to your home or having the purchase on your credit card since it is &quot;HGH&quot;<br />
            <br />
            And finally,  myself and 4 or 5 of my gym friends are looking at this product to restore our energy and help with our gains so I'm looking at ordering between 12 and 18 bottles at once.  Is there a better deal for buying in bulk?<br />
            <br />
          <p align="left" class="bodytext">Frank<br />
            Abington, VA<br />
            <br />
            PS: would you recommend taking your oral spray with a &quot;stimulator&quot; and if so which one?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext style8">First I see the amount of human growth hormone in your product per dose but I'm wondering how that would compare to the amount in a prescription injectable dose?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>Homeopathic HGH works differently than Injected HGH. Our product isn't as good as injected human growth hormone. It also isn't as expensive, doesn't involve the use of needles, and there are no side effects. Our oral spray gets 60%-80% of the same results as injected HGH. </em></p>
          <p align="left" class="style9">Second can you find yourself in a situation for having this delivered to your home or having the purchase on your credit card since it is &quot;hgh&quot;</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>That's why all the baseball players use our product. It's legal for over the counter sales and is undetected by any tests. The package and credit card statement says, &quot;21st Century Designer Health Products.&quot;</em></p>
          <p align="left" class="style9">And finally,  myself and 4 or 5 of my gym friends are looking at this oral spray to restore our energy and help with our gains so I'm looking at ordering between 12 and 18 bottles at once.  Is there a better deal for buying in bulk?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>We have a lot of body builders using our product. They all use the Advanced formula. You can buy it online, a dozen or two at a time, at the wholesale dealer price of $41.66 per bottle ($499/dozen).</em></p>
          <p align="left" class="style9">PS would you recommend taking your oral spray with a &quot;stimulator&quot; and if so which one?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>A lot of body builders do use our product with stimulators. You'll have to do your own research on that.</em></p>
          <p align="left" class="style9">I noticed that your oral spray and 1st hgh have the exact same bottle and label this has kind of thrown me off and made me skeptical of the product,  why is this?</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>1st HGH is an &quot;affiliate.&quot; That's an agent (sales rep) that uses our product to make their own sales and collect a commission. Somewhat like a franchisee. Nothing to be concerned about.</em></p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><em>We appreciate your business!</em></p>
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          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><a href="">Skin Laser | Huidlaser</a> - Bergman Kliniek - The plastic surgery clinic in Holland providing botox,  huidlaser ,laserontharing &amp; Skin Clinic. </p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext">At  <a href="">The Weight Loss Institute</a> you will find reviews on  pills and information regarding all known  diet pills  currently   on the market. They also offer detailed  information on the most  popular weight   loss programs.</p>
          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><a href=
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          <p align="left" class="bodytext"><a href="">Weight Loss Camp</a> - Weight loss summer camp for children of all ages, offering   useful articles and tips on kids weight loss and fighting childhood   obesity.</p>
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    <span class="bodytext"> © 2000-2012 Pros, Inc. All rights reserved.</span>
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          <p class="header1">Our HGH Guarantee </p>
        <p class="bodytext"> <span class="header2"><em>&quot;If you are not completely satisfied with this product within 90 days of your purchase we will refund your total purchase price, no questions asked. Simply return all used and unused bottles.&quot;</em></span> </p>
        <p class="bodytext">Send the bottle or bottles back to: 21st Century HGH, 22724 Meridiana Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33433.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">We appreciate your business and if you aren't happy neither are we. Returns are not a big deal for us. We only get about 1 or 2 per month, less than one half of one percent of our business. We don't hold your money for weeks and weeks.  It usually takes us only 24-48 hours to issue a refund after receiving all bottles, new and used, back in the mail from you. </p>
        <p class="bodytext">Some people don't react to homeopathic products of any kind, not just homeopathic HGH oral sprays, and the science of homeopathy doesn't know why. That's just the way it is. Everybody is different and 2% of the population falls into this category. So we don't require any kind of explanation from you. We enjoy having happy customers who use our product and happy customers who are unable to use our product. Our no-questions-asked guarantee and fast response to a refund makes this so.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">You don't need a return authorization number. We like to keep it simple. Please, though, make sure at least your name and address are on the inside of the package as sometimes the returned bottles get separated from the packaging. If you can include your order number that will streamline and speed the process but it's not necessary.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">You do have to pay for the shipping back to us, less than $5, but the complete amount of the purchase, including shipping to you, is refunded. The refund usually takes from 1-3 days to appear on your statement and if we have a valid email we will notify you of the refund.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">Why do we require that you send the bottles back? Well, unfortunately, there is a pretty common internet scam in which people buy products, resell them new, and then demand a refund. Pretty amazing, huh? We were victims of this scam when we first started out: you live and learn! So this policy keeps the scammers away.</p>
        <p align="center" class="toplinks">Other HGH Guarantees</p>
        <p class="bodytext">1. We ship your order within 24 hours of receiving it.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">2. We are not a Multi-Level Marketing company and never intend to be at any point in the future.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">3. Each purchase you make is a stand alone purchase. Unauthorized recurring charges will never happen.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">4. Your email address, your shipping address, and your phone number will never be used for any solicitation by us or by anybody else as we do not sell this information. We only email you if there is a problem with your order.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">5. We do not set &quot;cookies&quot; on your computer.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">We take pride in our customer service. We respect your time and your privacy. When we answer the phone or receive an email we always expect a pleasant experience for both us and you. Our guarantees make this a reality.</p>
        <p class="bodytext">Good Luck!</p>
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  • How to get rid of spaces between custom brush paths?

    I'm working on a design that includes a rope graphic, and to create that and be able to use the rope for different paths I created a custom pattern brush for it. Everything works fine, however I can't get rid of the spaces in between some of the patterns on my path.  I have "stretch to fit" checked off which minimizes the spaces slightly, but still does not join the patterns, and I also set seperate graphics for the corners, etc.
    Any help would be much appreciated!
    I'm using Illustrator CS5

    I suspect that this is the problem you are having. Hard to tell without screen shots. Hope this helps.

  • TS3112 I tried using sudo rm to get rid of remote desktops but the terminal responded as needing password and yet would not let me type in anything.  help please.

    I tried to type in details but unable to do so.  we lived in a gated apt buildings in Hi with 24-hour security guards and cameras.  This false sense of security led us to foolishly leave the computer on all the time, not log off even when out shopping.  Never expect people would open our locks (three locks) and walked into our apt while we were out.  We have dishes, clothes and corning vision cookwares missing.  We have all our important docs including computer serial numbers.  We noticed our computer not respond and files and applications move around.  We know they are not done by themselves and looked into console log list.  The person who remotely logs or links with our computer thought that we are old folks and knew little about how to discover their act. Tried many times to get rid of it but was not successful.  Finally today we hauled our  imac to the apple store and explained the need to get rid of remote desktop.  All went well and we thought our computer is at a factory installed state.   We forgot to start firewall, probably did not disconnect third party help status (apple store third party).  Forgot to write down cable provider IP and resulted in using wi fi.  Look into system log list and other diagnostics messages and found an mac book pro and went back to see if I can write down the entire message but this time it went blank.  system log blank, library logs blank and /var/logs blank and so is user log.  Activity monitor froze would not open.  We had it clean up in apple store today november 18, 2013.  We have an Imac and don't know anyone who owns mac book pro with log message dated on oct 22.  The question is how it still hangs around after reset at the apple store and how to get rid of it and if it is possible?  greatly appreciated. 

    The Terminal is letting you type it in. It just doesn't display anything when you do.

  • How to get rid of spacer.gif?

    Hello there,
    I have an assignment for class and my teacher hasn't gotten back to me yet.
    I created a site in fireworks (cs6) and then he says to export it. As I was building it and previewing it in a browser, I see these blank white boxes in certain areas and it's shifting things. I tried exporting thinking maybe it was just my browser and they were still there when I opened the file in DW. I think this is an issue because I'm using tables but I want to get rid of these.
    I tried deleting them from the code but then the entire layout went crazy. I tried aligning all the slices. I tried the different settings in the fireworks export options but it just shifts where the white squares appear.
    I'm really getting frustrated but don't know how to fix this. Please help!
    Below are three images. One with slices on. Second with preview in browser (same shows up in Dreamweaver) and finally what it's supposed to look like.

    Are you trying to export a table-based layout? It sounds like you are... Have a look at the export options available under File > HTML Setup. The Table options allow you to choose what methods are used for spacing or to fill empty table cells. If this doesn't help, then the General options might be worth experimenting with. In particular, try choosing another option under HTML Style (e.g., Generic XHTML or Dreamweaver HTML, instead of Dreamweaver XHTML).
    The other option is to create a layout with the intent to export it as HTML & CSS. In that case, upon exporting, you'd choose "CSS and Images" (instead of "HTML and images"). However, this requires that you build the file and slice it in a particular way; I mention this just in case you're attempting to export the file in this form, instead of as a table-based layout.

  • I have just updated the software on my pad to ios7. Big mistake. It is ugly and unpleasant to use. Also, on safari there are icons which I have no wish to use, but can't get rid of. Can I revert to the previous operating system?

    I have just updated the operating system on my ipad2 to iso7. Big mistake. It is ugly and unpleasant to use, and the Safari element comes loaded with icons I will not be using, but can't seem to get rid of. Does anybody know how to change the operating system back to the previous one?

    Firstly, the icons when you load safari are your bookmarks in the favourite section. To remove them you can simply either delete them or move them to another bookmark folder. To access your bookmarks tap the blue book in the top right corner and then go through to bookmarks and select and edit from there, goodluck :)

  • Can I use Time Machine to get rid of 2012-01 sec update??

    Can someone tell me how to use my Time Machine backup to get rid of the latest Security Update?
    Is there another way to get rid of the update?  It has screwed up two computers.  I always take Security updates in the past, I didn't think I should be suspicious of them, but now it's bad news.
    Any one can help????

    Just reinstall your OS. One of the options during the install is to restore from a Time Machine backup, and you can choose which snapshot you want to restore to. That should revert the complete system back to that point-in-time.

  • How do I use safe mode to get rid of a trojan virus? It is a backdoor that wa installed by a hacker.

     HP 11-1120  (3CR2210JN6)
    My security program finally told me about the Trojan but thhere must be malware on
    this computer also.  There are several corrupted extensions In my documents. I am blocked from seeing my files, deleting or altering permissions. I am the rightful owner of this machine so therefor am its administrator( although one handicapped without formal training for the job.
    I have purchased a disc from Microsoft for Windows 8.1 but cannot run it (if I can)
    until the computer is clean. I would like to save the family pictures if possible).  Everytime I try to run any program too close to the corrupted files I get a paper storm that drives me back.  The windows open so fast it feels like I will be buried.  All of my pictures have been locked away, both music and vidieo players are bound and will not serve the system.  Adobie is completely nonfunctional, I must use periphrial programs.  Windows viewer, Bonjuer and art programs.  I keep bring in different readers to read such docs as I can access.  The man that broke into the computer has copies of all my business and private files.  I have had private pictures of different members of my family posted around the web where I would rather not see them. I realize that I will need a clean up program but I do not trust any of the ones seen advertised on the web.  As a matter of fact one of them is the source of the backdoor virus, I'm sure of it.  This driver cleaning program is very agressive I cannot leave my computer for a minute or it will be rooting around in this machine before I know it, uninvited I should let you know.  I cut the DSL off when I leave it for any length of time.  Can you help me? Annie-

    Annie, welcome to the forum.
    Are you using Google's Chrome OS on the laptop?  I need to know which OS so I can find an answer to your question.
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

  • Can't get rid of space without the page shifting out of view

    Hello. I've got a big space appearing above my title line in this page. See how there is a lot of white space above the words "Schooner Adventuress"? So, I went to the code and saw this on line 56:  <p>& n b s p;</p> (put spaces in there, otherwise it won't show up)
    I tried to delete that line and it resulted in the entire page below the nav bar shifting over to the right, so that it is sort of "attached" to the right end of the nav bar. When I preview it in the Chrome browser, it looks like nothing's changed, but it remains shifted to the right in dreamweaver. Unfortunately, in that position, I can't get to the content. It's stuck off the side of the page and I can't scroll over to it.
    Anyone know how to fix this?

    Hi Sarah -
    Code view is a better place to delete unwanted code precisely. 
    In design view you can accidently remove more than you intended and disrupt your layout.
    You also have some wonky partial table code at the very bottom.
    <table width="850" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <tr>  </tr>
    After you remove it, run your URL through the validator at

  • Getting Rid of Space After Drop Caps?

    Styles are awesome, and using InDesign is a real treat! However, I'm having a rather frustrating problem when exporting to EPUB.
    My Drop Caps span only 2 lines, and they display just fine within InDesign itself. Yet, when exporting to EPUB, there's a large space after the Drop Cap. It;s really ugly and screws up the text flow, of course. How do I eliminate this problem??
    I'm new to InDesign, so a step-by-step would be great! In case it;s needed, here's the style setup for this paragraph:
    1. First two words are small-capped AND bolded
    2. First letter is, additionally, drop-capped (2 lines)
    The styles are applied separately - no nesting. I can use either CS5 or CS5.5, if that makes a difference. If you have any other questions to help me resolve this, please feel free to ask. Thanks!

    I do believe I answered my own question. I also had the first line indented 2p0, just like the other normal paragraphs. I set the drop cap to 0p0 - on a lark - and the problem resolved itself. I supposed, with a drop cap, there's really no need to indent, so I won't!
    However, if anyone knows a way to indent the first line 2p0 without the space after a drop cap, that'd be nice to know. otherwise, I'm okay for now. Thanks!

  • I'm trying to update my apps but I keep getting asked for my password to an email address I don't use how can I get rid of it

    I press update all apps, I get asked to input my password for my current appleID but then it pops up again asking for a password to an email address that I haven't used in years. Its never done this before what can I do?

    It tells me the old appleID has been disabled, I reset my password but the old ID keeps popping up asking for a password when I try to update my apps

  • Getting Rid of Space Mail Takes

    Hi all,
    All of the Mail messages that I've accumulated take up quite a bit of space.... 6 GB to be exact, and I want to free up that space so I can use it for other things.
    Now my plan was to use MailSteward to do an archive of all my mailboxes up until August '09 and then put that database on an external hard drive and delete all the messages from Mail... I thought that this would free up the space but it doesn't seem to have worked.
    Can anyone tell me what I might have done wrong or suggest a different solution? Basically I want those 6 GB (or at least some of them) back but I also want to have those emails stored somewhere.
    I would greatly appreciate it!!

    I'm not familiar with MailSteward. any questions about it are best directed to MailSteward devs. but if you wnat to archive some mail you can do it using built in tools too. make a mailbox in on my mac section and move whatever you want to archive there. then select this mailbox and go to mailbox menu->archive mailbox. after the mailbox is archived you can delete the original mailbox from "on my mac" section and this will free up the space.

  • Can I use time machine to get rid of Lion?

    Lion has been a total disaster for my iMac.  After installation, everything went very buggy very quickly.  Now it is freezing every few minutes.  I just want rid of it.  Can I use time machine to restore the old system?  If so, how?  Will my files be OK?  thanks.

    I point you to Pondini's TimeMachine restore page however you should also printout my instructions  as something may go wrong and you need to do it the hard way.
    Back to Snow Leopard from Lion install method
    Read and print out these instructions, your computer is going to be offline and you wil be cutoff from help until your machine is restored.
    Clear the Desktop, Downloads and Trash of anything you wish to keep by placing their files in the respective Documents, Music, Pictures, Movie folders.
    Disconnect other drives except the sole backup drive.
    Backup ALL your Users folders (Documents, Pictures, Movies, Music etc) manually (drag and drop methods) to a (not TimeMachine) external powered drive (HFS+ journaled formatted in Disk Utility) and disconnect, your going to be wiping the entire boot disk of ALL DATA.
    (warning, everything will be gone and not recovered, OS, programs, files, Windows etc all gone.)
    Note: You might want to hold c and boot off the 10.6 installer disk and use Disk Utility to format the new blank external drive instead of using OS X Lion if that's hosed. Then reboot into Lion and copy files, may be safer that way.
    Here we go!
    Hold c and boot off the 10.6 installer disk that comes with your computer and second screen in just STOP there, don't install OS X yet.
    Look at the Utilities Menu for Disk Utility.
    On the left is the name of your hard drive maker, click it and Erase (format HFS+ Journaled), give it the same drive name as before, and click Erase...
    (note: if you want to "scrub" the drive of old files that haven't been overwritten yet, then use the Security Option > Zero Erase, takes a lot longer)
    This should wipe the drive of ALL partitions (GUID, OS X and 10.7 Recovery, Windows if present)
    When it's done, quit and install OS X 10.6. Then install all your programs from fresh sources and validate/update.
    When you setup a first account, use the same user name as before, this way you can simply drag and drop the content of your previous Users folders from the external drive right back into the new Users folders and everything should work peachy. Links in iTunes to music, playlists and iPhoto links especially.
    Update OS X to 10.6.8 using the Combo Update for best results.
    (Note: If your original machine had 10.5 and you want the free iLife that comes with the disks with the computer, then you'll have to install 10.5 first using the same c boot/erase/format methods as above, then update to 10.6 via the disk, then Combo Update 10.6.8)
    Final step optional but highly recommended.
    A lot of people use a Carbon Copy Clone of their boot drive to a new HFS+Journaled external drive (used only for this purpose) as a "hold the option key" bootable backup in case something goes wrong with their boot drive or need to restore to a previous OS X version..  (in addition to TimeMachine drive for more immediate backups.)
    It's not advised to have a Bootable Clone and a TimeMachine partition on the same external drive, as two drives gives hardware protection in case one fails.

  • How to use recovery disks to get rid of hdd password?

    I got this compute and it's asking me to put in the built in HDD password, which I do not have so I purchased the recovery disks. I did what it said but didn't do anything? Help me please!

    The recovery disk will not delete the HDD password. Recovery disk will just reinstall Windows with all drivers and tools (factory settings) but not delete any HDD or BIOS password. Of course the Windows password will be deleted due recovery installation but thats all.
    You should check this article:
    [What is a HDD password?|]

  • To get rid of Schema name in output using DBMS_METADATA

    Hi all,
    Would someone be able to tell me how to get rid of the schema name output given by the below select stmt.
    Select Dbms_metadata.Get_ddl('FUNCTION','ACCOUNT_CODE')
    from dual;
    I checked for the documentation, but could manage to eliminate only storage clauses, tablespace etc. but not teh schema name.
    Please provide your advise on this.
    - Sandeep

    Which version are you on?
    In 10g, you can use DBMS_METADATA.SET_REMAP_PARAM to get rid of schema name:
    SQL> create table md_test(x int, y varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> declare
      2    l_ctx number;
      3    l_ctxt number;
      4    l_ddl sys.ku$_ddls;
      5  begin
      6    l_ctx :='TABLE');
      7    dbms_metadata.set_filter(l_ctx, 'NAME', 'MD_TEST');
      8    l_ctxt := dbms_metadata.add_transform(l_ctx, 'MODIFY');
      9    dbms_metadata.set_remap_param(l_ctxt, 'REMAP_SCHEMA', user, null);
    10    l_ctxt := dbms_metadata.add_transform(l_ctx, 'DDL');
    11    dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(l_ctxt, 'SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES', false);
    12    l_ddl := dbms_metadata.fetch_ddl(l_ctx);
    13    dbms_output.put_line(l_ddl(1).ddltext);
    14    dbms_metadata.close(l_ctx);
    15  end;
    16  /
       (    "X" NUMBER(*,0),
            "Y" VARCHAR2(10)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.In 9i, you have to resort to some manual tricks (with REPLACE, probably):
    SQL> create table md_test(x int, y varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> declare
      2    l_ctx number;
      3    l_ctxt number;
      4    l_ddl sys.ku$_ddls;
      5  begin
      6    l_ctx :='TABLE');
      7    dbms_metadata.set_filter(l_ctx, 'NAME', 'MD_TEST');
      8    l_ctxt := dbms_metadata.add_transform(l_ctx, 'DDL');
      9    dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(l_ctxt, 'SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES', false);
    10    l_ddl := dbms_metadata.fetch_ddl(l_ctx);
    11    dbms_output.put_line(
    12      replace(l_ddl(1).ddltext, '"' || user || '".'));
    13    dbms_metadata.close(l_ctx);
    14  end;
    15  /
       (    "X" NUMBER(*,0),
            "Y" VARCHAR2(10)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from v$version where rownum = 1;
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionHope this helps,

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