Using External Firewire Drive

I have a Maxtor Firewire drive connected to my Power Mac G5. I have it powered up and mounted but I just wonder if it is ok to leave it on for indefinite periods. The alternative is to keep disconnecting, but when I have it on and mounted I can sometimes hear it spinning when I am using the Mac, and I am not sure if this is a good thing or not. I would appreciate some advice as to the best way to use these external drives

Hello! Don't worry just leave it on. A drive is gonna fail when it fails and it has little to do with leaving it on. I personally think it does more harm than good to turn stuff off. I leave everything running 24/7/365. I rarely have any problems whatsoever. I've got external drives that have been running for 4-5 years with no problems and internals running for the last 3-5 yrs. Tom

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    Connect it via firewire 800. USB2 is not good for audio or video streaming.
    I have 3 D2's connected to my mac pro, works like a charm.
    good luck.

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    First, what Disk Utility tells you is correct, that SMART indicators aren't supported on an external drive. Nothing is wrong.
    I might try this approach .... get SuperDuper at, download it to your internal hard drive, then use it to copy your internal drive to your external drive. Make sure the option to make the external drive bootable is checked. When that's done, reboot holding the option key down, and choose the external drive to boot from. That should work with the firewire connection.

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    Create an ISO (Encore) or folder on your hard drive (Encore or Premiere Elements) and then use the FREE to write files or folders or ISO to disc for DVD or BluRay (send the author a PayPal donation if you like his program)
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    What did Apple tell you about what they did (or did not) find here?
    See if working on the main disk is any faster.
    USB2 is glacial, as I/O interconnects go.  And USB2 disks have been known to fail, or sometimes to drop back to USB1 speeds, too.  FireWire 800 is substantially faster than USB2, but still not as fast as the internal drive connections can provide.
    Put another way, start varying your configuration, and see which configuration changes (still) have the problem, and which don't.

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    Message was edited by: Majordadusma

  • External Firewire drive does not mount on desktop now.

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  • HELP! - Error 1309 - Can't copy file over 10gig to External firewire drive.

    I know this is more of a hardware issue but I know that only other final cut users would be copying single files over 10gigs.
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    If you don't want to format it for the mac, you are limited to file sizes under 2gb.
    Another alternative is to hook a firewire drive to your Mac and then share it with your windows machines (the program SHAREPOINTS is useful for this).
    The drive can then be formatted Mac OS Extended and, once shared, the PCs can access all files without size limitations.
    good luck.

  • How do I back up my Boot Camp partition to external firewire drive?

    I have a 15 GB Windows XP Boot Camp partition (FAT32). I want to back it up to a 120 GB external Firewire drive. (I know the backup won't be bootable). In OX X Disk Utility, I formatted the external drive as MS-DOS (FAT). I planned to do the backup using the Windows Backup utility.
    However, when booted into WinXP, Windows will not recognize the external hard drive. I thought I might need to create a FAT32 partion of 32 GB or less on the external drive, but I apparently can't do this in OS X or Windows (since Windows doesn't recognize the drive).
    Any suggestions on how to backup the Boot Camp partition will be appreciated. I'm mainly interested in preserving all programs and data. Ideally, a clone could be created that could be restored back to the original partition in bootable form, but from studying this and other forums, it dosn't seem to be easy to do this for a FAT32-formatted volume.

    My goal was to create a bootable clone of my FAT32 Boot Camp partition, while at the same time increasing the size of the partition from 15 GB to 32 GB if possible. This is what I did:
    1. As suggested in this thread, I used Disk Utility to create a disk image. I formatted it as MS-DOS (FAT), and made it 32 GB in size.
    2. Used the Finder to copy all files from my 15 GB Windows XP partition to the new disk image.
    The following steps were only to determine if the disk image is a viable backup:
    3. Removed the internal hard drive with my original Win XP partition, and installed a new internal hard drive.
    4. Used Boot Camp Assistant to create a 32 GB Boot Camp partition on the new internal drive.
    5. Inserted my Win XP installation disk and started the Windows installation. Formatted the new partition as FAT32. (I used the long rather than the quick format method--not sure if this was necessary.)
    6. Continued the Windows installation to the point of restarting the computer, at which time I used the Option key to boot back into OS X.
    7. Used the Finder to copy all the files from the 32 GB disk image to the new Boot Camp partition. (This overwrote a few Windows files installed by the aborted Win XP installation.)
    8. Restarted and used the Option key to select the new 32 GB Boot Camp Partition. Windows booted as usual with all files, programs, etc. from the original 15 GB partition. Windows did complain about "new hardware" and required a restart, but all appears normal.
    This indicates that the disk image containing all the files from my original Boot Camp partition is a viable backup, and can be used to restore the partition if necessary. I'm not sure if formatting the disk image as MS-DOS (rather than Mac OS extended) was necessary, or not.

  • How to boot from external firewire drive

    Apparently my internal HD on the powerbook has died as it repeatedly gives me the black screen "restart" message and re-install of system software fails.
    I have an external bootable firewire drive, which is a "carbon copy" of my iMac, however, it's SnowLeopard not Leopard, so is there any way I can use the firewire drive to boot off of on the G4 or any other suggestions?
    Also, does anyone know what Apple typically charges to replace the internal drive in the PB G4? I looked at the video for doing it myself and that is not an option for me.

    The black screen restart message, or kernel panic, can be caused by a number of causes, most which are typically hardware-related, and many times a problem with memory. Try re-seating the memory to see if that makes a difference.
    This is a good read on kernel panics:
    If you have the original OS X disks that came with the system, find the first one that should say 'AHT Version x.x' in small print on the label. Insert it and reboot while holding the alt/option key down. Choose the Apple hardware test, and when prompted, choose the extended test. That might give you some additional information on any hardware issue(s).
    You can't use your Snow Leopard bootable drive on the Powerbook, as Snow Leopard requires an Intel-based system.
    If it turns out it is a hard drive issue, be aware that Apple will keep your current hard drive as a trade in on a new drive. Some people have private data on the hard drive and have a concern with it leaving their ownership (even if the drive isn't working).

  • Trouble with installing 10.5 from an external firewire drive

    I have a family pack of 10.5 and installed it just fine on my macbook. But, I'm having trouble getting my imac DVD player to read the DVD. It just spins and spits it out, and spins and spits it out. The imac is not covered under applecare so spending money to get the DVD drive fixed (which I barely use) is not something I want to do right now.
    Anyway, I followed instructions on a this website to install 10.5 from an external firewire drive. ( eopard-from-external-firewire-hard-drive/)
    But I get stuck and am not able to actually get my imac to boot from the installer. Basically, I am able to use disk utility to create a copy of the disk image on my macbook. That resulting file ends in ".cdr" and it mounts when I double click it.
    And I partitioned my firewire hard drive without problems.
    I think I'm messing up when it comes to doing the restore. If I try to drag the .dmg mounted file in to the "source" it doesn't work (is greyed out). If I try to drag the mounted .dmg there than it works, but I get an error when I click "restore" (something about scans and images not being found). I tried physically copying the .dmg file onto the partition, but then when I plugged the HD into my imac, I wasn't able to get the imac to boot from the installer.
    What am I doing wrong? If someone could walk me through these last steps I'd appreciate it!

    Okay I finally got around to creating the bootable disk image of 10.5 using Carbon Copy Cloner. Still my iMac is not booting from the firewire drive!
    Here's a recap of everything I've tried. I'm at a complete loss now!
    - I partitioned the HD into 2 partitions-- a 10gig one for the 10.5 install, the then the rest for Time Machine. I make the partition in Disk Utility on my MacBook.
    - I've partitioned the drive a few times-- always partitioning it in APM format (b/c it needs to boot my non-intel iMac).
    - I've created the disk image using "restore" in disk utility. I've again tried this a few times.
    - I am able to boot my MacBook from the disk image I create! So I know the FW drive is able to be used to boot from!
    - Here's what I've tried in terms of getting the iMac to boot from the FW drive. It always just boots to my internal drive instead. Sometimes I briefly see a folder and question mark. I've tried all 3 FW ports. I've selected the install partition at start up in preferences. I've also held down the option key at start up (only my internal drive shows) and I've held down command-option-shift-delete and again I get the question mark and it boots to my internal drive.
    - And I installed Carbon Copy Cloner and made the disk image that way on my macbook. Still, I tried everything and the iMac is not able to boot from the firewire drive!
    Since my DVD drive is broken, this is the only way for me to install 10.5! Help!

  • Connecting DV camera via firewire disconnects external firewire drive

    All of a sudden this has started happening.
    When i connect my video camera via firewire to my external Lacie harddrive, and turn the camera on, the drive I have it connected to goes off line. A window come up saying 'Device Removal'. When I disconnect the camera, the drive comes back online.
    I have 4 drives connected inline and it happens to any one of them, whichever I attach the firewire to.
    I trashed FCP permissions, but that didn't help. I'm running FCPHD 4.5.
    Any ideas?
    PowerBook G4 15 Titanium   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Its the canon camera. Firewire and canon cameras apparently don't play in the same sandbox very well. All macs have only one firewire bus. For a macbook pro you can use an express card slot, but the imac's you are kinda stuck. The best course of action is to copy to hard drive and then move it within imovie. I read this in Tom Wolksy's book on FCE. It is weird. I have a Sony HDV and an older imac and i can use one firewire port for importing and go straight to an external firewire drive--no problem. However, in his book on page 56. It states the firewire issue. I know this is an imovie forum, but i can assume its also the same for imovie.

  • 60 GB external Firewire Drive Won't Mount

    I have a 60GB external Firewire Drive that I have been using for a long time. I just turned on the computer and it won;t mount. I opened up the Disk Utility and I see that on the left side it says "57.3 GB Maxtor." I repaired permissions and verify disk. It still won't mount.
    I don't want to have to erase it if possible. There are files I need on that drive. How can I get it to mount so I can grab some files off of it and move it to another drive?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Edwurd,
    What the message is telling you is that Disk Utility and the "underlying task," the Unix utility fsck, can't repair the volume.
    Time for stronger medicine if the data is critical. There are commercial products that work differently and can recover disks when fsck can't. Look at Disk Warrior or Drive Genius. BUT... given that Disk Utility thinks it's a "non HFS volume," I wouldn't be optimistic.
    If the external drive's data is unimportant - e.g., a backup you could rewrite - then see if Disk Utility can repartition and erase the drive. If only the catalog or partition map is bad, this will get you a working drive. But if you can't repartition with Disk Utility, suspect a hardware malfunction and check your warranty.
    Good luck,

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