Using mouse listeners?

I looked in the mouse listener API, and I am having trouble finding a function which will continually be called when a mouse is being dragged. i.e. to support drag & drop (where the user selects and item, and drags it across the screen). OpenGL has a function just for this use, and I was wondering if there was a quick way to do it in java?

I didn't realize that there was seperate code supporting drag n drop. Thanks anyways!

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  • Unable to paint (using paint() in JPanel) inside mouse listeners

    This is hard to explain but I'll do my best :)
    I've created a little game and at some point I needed to make images "move" on the JPanel (through paint()), on a checkers-based game board.
    The game works like so:
    it has a mouse listener for clicks and movement, and the main game process is THINK(), REPAINT(), which is repeated until the user wins (the above is inside a while).
    The mouse actions were added to the constructor so they are always active, THINK changes the enemy's locations, and REPAINT simply calls "paint()" again.
    The picture is either an enemy or the player, and it can only "rest" on squares.
    (e.g. point's x and y must be divided in 50).
    While doing that, I wanted to make the movement more sleek and clean,
    instead of them simply jumping from one square to the other with a blink of the eye.
    So, I've created MOVEACTOR, that "moves" an enemy or a player from its current point (actor.getPoint()) to the requested future square (futurePoint).
    //actor = enemy or player, has getPoint() that returnes the current point on the board where he rests on.
    //futurePoint = the new point where the enemy or player should be after the animation.
    //please ignore obvious stuff that has nothing to do with what I asked -- those will be deleted in the future, for they are only temporary checking extra lines and stuff.
    //also feel free to ignore the "jumpX" things. Those are just to change images, to imitate physical "jumping" animation.
    protected void moveActor(Actor actor, Point futurePoint)
              Point presentPoint = actor.getPoint();
              int x = (int)presentPoint.getX(), y = (int)presentPoint.getY();
              int addToX, addToY;
              if (futurePoint.getX() > x) addToX = 1;
              else addToX = -1;
              if (futurePoint.getY() > y) addToY = 1;
              else addToY = -1;
              Point middlePoint = new Point(x,y);
              int imageCounter = 0;
              while ( (middlePoint.getX()!=futurePoint.getX()) && (middlePoint.getY()!=futurePoint.getY()) ){
                   /*if (imageCounter<=10) actor.setStatus("jump1");
                   else if (imageCounter<=40) actor.setStatus("jump2");
                   else if (imageCounter<=50) actor.setStatus("jump3");*/
                   try {animator.sleep(1);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
         }I use the above on several occasions:
    [1] When an enemy moves. Summary:
                             if (playerIsToVillainsRight) xToAdd = 50;
                             else if (playerIsToVillainsLeft) xToAdd = -50;
                             else if (playerIsOnSameRowAsVillain) xToAdd = 0;
                             if (playerIsBelowVillain) yToAdd = 50;
                             else if (playerIsAboveVillain) yToAdd = -50;
                             else if (playerIsOnSameColumnAsVillain) yToAdd = 0;
                             Point futurePoint = new Point (villainX+xToAdd, villainY+yToAdd);
                             moveActor(actors[currentVillain], futurePoint);[2] When the player moves. Summary (this is inside the mouseClicked listener):
    //mouseLocation = MouseWEvent.getPoint();
    //stl, str, etc = rectangles that represents future location of the player on the board.
              if (waitingForPlayer) {
                   if (stl.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(stl)) {
                        moveActor(actors[0], stl.getLocation());
                        waitingForPlayer = false;
                   if (str.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(str)) {
                        moveActor(actors[0], str.getLocation());
                        waitingForPlayer = false;
                   if (sbl.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(sbl)) {
                        moveActor(actors[0], sbl.getLocation());
                        waitingForPlayer = false;                                   
                   if (sbr.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(sbr)) {
                        moveActor(actors[0], sbr.getLocation());
                        waitingForPlayer = false;
    What I see when I run the game:
    the animation of the enemy (first code) works, but the animation of the player (second code, inside the mouse listeners) -- doesn't!
    The purpose of the moveActor is to move the enemy or player pixel by pixel, until its in the future point,
    instead of skipping the pixels between the squares and going straight for the future location.
    So what comes out is, that the enemy is moving pixel by pixel, and the player simply jumps there!
    I doublechecked and if I use moveActor with the player OUTSIDE the mouse listener, it works (i think).
    Any ideas what is the source of this problem?
    Hope I made myself clear enough :D

    I don't know if thats what happens, nor how to fix the thread problems. The mosue actions are "threaded" by default, no? And the moving thing happens after the mouse was clicked, and if the enemy's moving the user can still move his mouse and get responses, like "enemy didn't move yet" and stuff.
    Here's the complete
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import java.awt.MediaTracker;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    //panels, buttons, etc
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    /** The Game Panel.
    *The panel's size is 500x500, and each square is squaresized 50.
    *This is where the game actually "exists". Here its being updated, drawn, etc.*/
    public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements Runnable
         private static final int PWIDTH = 500;                              //Width of the panel.
         private static final int PHEIGHT = 500;                              //Height of the panel.
         private static final int SQUARESIZE = 50;                         //Size of each square in the panel.
         private boolean working = false;                                   //Game keeps going until this is FALSE.
         private volatile Thread animator;                                   //The animation thread.
         private ImageIcon stand,fall;                                        //Images for the background - ground and water.
         private static ImageHandler ih;                                        //An image handler for image loading.
         private int numOfImages = 0;                                        //Number of total images (max image qunatity).
         private Actor[] actors;                                                  //The actors: [0] is the player, rest are enemies.
         private Point mouseLocation;                                        //Saves the current mouse location for checking where the mouse is
         protected Rectangle stl, str, sbl, sbr;                              //squares around the player, for mouse stuff.
         protected Rectangle v1, v2, v3, v4, v5;                              //squares around each villain, for mouse stuff.
         protected Rectangle wholeBoard = new Rectangle(0,0,PWIDTH,PHEIGHT);
         protected boolean waitingForPlayer = true;
         private int currentVillain = 1;
         private boolean inSight = false;
         // in methods other than the listeners.
         /** Waits for the Window (or whatever this panel loads in) to settle in before doing anything.*/
         public void addNotify()
              super.addNotify();                                                                           //When the super finishes...
              go();                                                                                                         //..go, go, go!
         /** Starts the game.*/
         private void go()
              if (animator==null || !working)     {                                        //if the game isn't in process,
                   animator = new Thread(this);                                        //make the animator as the main process,
                   animator.start();                                                                      //and start it (because of the runnable it launches "run()".
         /**Constructor of the Game Panel.*/
         public GamePanel()
              numOfImages = 14;                                                                      //Total image num.
              ih = new ImageHandler(this,numOfImages);               //Setting a new image handler for the images.
              ih.addImage("player_idle", "images/p_idle.png");          //Adding images.
              ih.addImage("villain_idle", "images/v_idle.png");
              ih.addImage("stand", "images/stand.gif");
              ih.addImage("fallpng", "images/fall.png");
              ih.addImage("fall", "images/fall.gif");
              ih.addImage("ghost", "images/ghost.gif");
              ih.addImage("villain_angry", "images/v_angry.png");
              ih.addImage("player_angry", "images/p_angry.png");
              ih.addImage("player_jump1", "images/p_j1.gif");
              ih.addImage("player_jump2", "images/p_j2.gif");
              ih.addImage("player_jump3", "images/p_j3.gif");
              ih.addImage("villain_jump1", "images/v_j1.gif");
              ih.addImage("villain_jump2", "images/v_j2.gif");
              ih.addImage("villain_jump3", "images/v_j3.gif");
              setPreferredSize(new Dimension(PWIDTH,PHEIGHT));     //Setting size of the panel.
              setFocusable(true);                                                                                //This and the next makes the window "active" and focused.
              /** Mouse hovering settings.*/
              addMouseMotionListener( new MouseMotionAdapter()
                   /** When the mouse is moving, do these stuff.*/
                   public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e1)
                         *  |  stl  |       | str   |          stl = squareTopLeft
                         *  |_______|_______|_______|       str = squareTopRight
                        *   |       |current|       |         current = player's location
                        *   |_______|_______|_______|       sbl = squareBottomLeft
                        *   |  sbl  |       |  sbr  |       sbr = squareBottomRight
                        *   |_______|_______|_______|
                        mouseLocation = e1.getPoint();
                        Dimension defaultSquareDimension = new Dimension(50,50);
                        //current-player-location points
                        Point topLeft = new Point((int)actors[0].getPoint().getX(), (int)actors[0].getPoint().getY());
                        Point topRight = new Point((int)actors[0].getPoint().getX()+50, (int)actors[0].getPoint().getY());
                        Point bottomLeft = new Point((int)actors[0].getPoint().getX(), (int)actors[0].getPoint().getY()+50);
                        Point bottomRight = new Point((int)actors[0].getPoint().getX()+50, (int)actors[0].getPoint().getY()+50);
                        //four-squares-around-the-player points
                        //T = top, B = bottom, R = right, L = left
                        Point ptl = new Point((int)topLeft.getX()-50,(int)topLeft.getY()-50);
                        Point ptr = new Point((int)topRight.getX(),(int)topRight.getY()-50);
                        Point pbl = new Point((int)bottomLeft.getX()-50,(int)bottomLeft.getY());
                        Point pbr = new Point((int)bottomRight.getX(),(int)bottomRight.getY());
                        stl = new Rectangle (ptl, defaultSquareDimension);
                        str = new Rectangle (ptr, defaultSquareDimension);
                        sbl = new Rectangle (pbl, defaultSquareDimension);
                        sbr = new Rectangle (pbr, defaultSquareDimension);
                        Rectangle player = new Rectangle(topLeft, defaultSquareDimension);     //rectangle of player
                        if (stl.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(stl))
                             actors[8] = new Actor("ghost", ptl);
                             else actors[8] = null;
                        if (str.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(str))
                             actors[9] = new Actor("ghost", ptr);
                             else actors[9] = null;
                        if (sbl.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(sbl))
                             actors[10] = new Actor("ghost", pbl);
                             else actors[10] = null;
                        if (sbr.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(sbr))
                             actors[11] = new Actor("ghost", pbr);
                             else actors[11] = null;
                   private boolean hoveringVillain(Rectangle r)
                        boolean onVillain = false;
                        for (int i=1; i<=5 && !onVillain; i++) onVillain = actors.getRect().equals(r);
                        return onVillain;
              /** Mouse-click settings.
              Note: only usable after moving the mouse. /
              addMouseListener (new MouseAdapter()
                   /** When the mouse button is clicked */
                   public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent me)
         private boolean hoveringVillain(Rectangle r)
              boolean onVillain = false;
              for (int i=1; i<=5 && !onVillain; i++) onVillain = actors[i].getRect().equals(r);
              return onVillain;
         public void mouseClickedAction(MouseEvent me)
              System.out.println("Point: "+me.getX()+","+me.getY());
              if (waitingForPlayer) {
                   //causes error if the mouse wasn't moved uptil now. try it.
                   mouseLocation = me.getPoint();
                   if (stl.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(stl)) {
                        moveActor(actors[0], stl.getLocation());
                        waitingForPlayer = false;
                   if (str.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(str)) {
                        moveActor(actors[0], str.getLocation());
                        waitingForPlayer = false;
                   if (sbl.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(sbl)) {
                        moveActor(actors[0], sbl.getLocation());
                        waitingForPlayer = false;                                   
                   if (sbr.contains(mouseLocation) && !hoveringVillain(sbr)) {
                        moveActor(actors[0], sbr.getLocation());
                        waitingForPlayer = false;
              } else MiscTools.shout("Wait for the computer to take action!");
              if (actors[0].getPoint().getY() == 0){
                   for (int i=1; i<=5; i++){
                   MiscTools.shout("Game Over! You Won!");
         /** First thing the Game Panel does.
         Initiating the variables, and then looping: updating, painting and sleeping./
         public void run() {
    Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();                                                  //Enables the restart action (two threads needed).
    init();                                                                                                                                            //Initialize the variables.
    while (animator == thisThread && working){                                                  //While the current thead is the game's and it's "on",
                   think();                                                                                                                             //Update the variables,
                   repaint();                                                                                                                             //Paint the stuff on the panel,
                   try {Thread.sleep(5);} catch (InterruptedException ex) {}                    //And take a wee nap.
         /** Initializing the variables.*/
         private void init()
              currentVillain = 1;
              working = true;                                                                                //Make the game ready for running.
              inSight = false;
              actors = new Actor[12];                                                                      //Six actors: player and 5*villains.
              actors[0] = new Actor("player", 200, 450);                                             //The first actor is the player.
              int yPoint = 50;                                                                           //The Y location of the villains (first row).
              /* ACTORS ON TOP, RIGHT, LEFT
              actors[1] = new Actor ("villain", 0, 350);
              actors[2] = new Actor ("villain", 0, 150);
              actors[3] = new Actor ("villain", 50, 0);
              actors[4] = new Actor ("villain", 250, 0);
              actors[5] = new Actor ("villain", 450, 0);
              actors[6] = new Actor ("villain", 450, 200);
              actors[7] = new Actor ("villain", 450, 400);
              /* ACTORS ON TOP*/
              for (int i=1; i<actors.length-4; i++){                                                  //As long as it doesnt go above the array...
                   actors[i] = new Actor ("villain", yPoint, 0);                                   //init the villains
                   yPoint+=100;                                                                           //and advance in the Y axis.
         /** Updating variables.*/
         private void think()
              if (!waitingForPlayer){
                   int playerX = (int)actors[0].getPoint().getX();
                   int playerY = (int)actors[0].getPoint().getY();
                   boolean moved = false;
                   wholeBoard = new Rectangle(0,0,500,500);     //needed to check whether an actor is inside the board
                   //for (int in = 0; in<=5; in++) actors[in].setStatus("idle"); //"formatting" the actor's mood
                   if (playerY <= 1000) inSight = true;     //first eye contact between the player and villains.
                   int closestVillainLevel = 0;
                   int[] vills = closestVillain();
                   int moveCounter = 0;
                   if (inSight) {
                        while (!moved){               //while none of the villains made a move
                        if (moveCounter == 5) moved = true;
                             currentVillain = vills[closestVillainLevel];
                             int villainX = (int)actors[currentVillain].getPoint().getX();
                             int villainY = (int)actors[currentVillain].getPoint().getY();
                             //clearing stuff up before calculating things
                             boolean playerIsBelowVillain = playerY > villainY;
                             boolean playerIsAboveVillain = playerY < villainY;
                             boolean playerIsOnSameRowAsVillain = playerY == villainY;
                             boolean playerIsToVillainsRight = playerX > villainX;
                             boolean playerIsToVillainsLeft = playerX < villainX;
                             boolean playerIsOnSameColumnAsVillain = playerX == villainX;
                             //System.out.println("\n-- villain number "+currentVillain+" --\n");
                             int xToAdd = 0, yToAdd = 0;
                             if (playerIsToVillainsRight) xToAdd = 50;
                             else if (playerIsToVillainsLeft) xToAdd = -50;
                             else if (playerIsOnSameRowAsVillain) xToAdd = 0;
                             if (playerIsBelowVillain) yToAdd = 50;
                             else if (playerIsAboveVillain) yToAdd = -50;
                             else if (playerIsOnSameColumnAsVillain) yToAdd = 0;
                             Point futurePoint = new Point (villainX+xToAdd, villainY+yToAdd);
                             if (legalPoint(futurePoint)){
                                  moveActor(actors[currentVillain], futurePoint);
                                  moved = true;
                                  //System.out.println("\nVillain "+currentVillain+" is now at "+actors[currentVillain].getPoint());
                             else closestVillainLevel=circleFive(closestVillainLevel);
                        } //end of else
                        } //end of while
                        //currentVillain = circleFive(currentVillain); //obsolete
                   } //end of ifInSight
                   waitingForPlayer = true;
         private boolean legalPoint(Point fp)
              return (wholeBoard.contains(fp) && !onPeople(fp) && legalSquare(fp));
         private boolean legalSquare(Point p)
              if ( (p.getX()==0 || p.getX()%100==0) && (p.getY()/50)%2!=0 ) return true;
              if ( (p.getX()/50)%2!=0 && (p.getY()==0 || p.getY()%100==0) ) return true;
              return false;
         //return the closest villain to the player, by its level of distance.
         public int[] closestVillain()
              //System.out.println("Trying to find the closest villain...");
              double[] gaps = new double[5];     //the distances array
              //System.out.println("The villains' distances are: ");
              for (int i=0; i<5; i++){
                   gaps[i] = distanceFromPlayer(actors[i+1].getPoint());     //filling the distances array
                   //System.out.print(gaps[i]+", ");
              int[] toReturn = new int[5];
              double smallestGapFound;
              double[] arrangedGaps = smallToLarge(gaps);
              for (int level=0; level<5; level++){
                   smallestGapFound = arrangedGaps[level];
                   for (int i=1; i<=5; i++){
                        if (smallestGapFound == distanceFromPlayer(actors[i].getPoint())){
                             toReturn[level] = i;
              return toReturn;
         private double[] smallToLarge(double[] nums)
              //System.out.println("\nArranging array... \n");
              double[] newArray = new double[5];
              int neweye = 0;
              double theSmallestOfTheArray;
              for (int i=0; i<nums.length; i++){
                   theSmallestOfTheArray = smallest(nums);
                   //System.out.println("\t\t>> Checking whether location "+i+" ("+nums[i]+") is equal to "+theSmallestOfTheArray);
                   if (nums[i] == theSmallestOfTheArray && nums[i]!=0.0){
                        //System.out.println("\t\t>> Adding "+nums[i]+" to the array...");
                        newArray[neweye] = nums[i];
                        //System.out.println("\t\t>> Erasing "+nums[i]+" from old array...\n");
                        nums[i] = 0.0;
              /*System.out.print("\nDONE: ");
              for (int i=0; i<newArray.length; i++)
                   System.out.print("["+newArray[i]+"] ");
              return newArray;
         private double smallest (double[] nums)
                   //System.out.print("\tThe smallest double: ");
                   double small = 0.0;
                   int j=0;
                   while (j<nums.length){               //checking for a starting "small" that is not a "0.0"
                        if (nums[j]!=0.0){
                             small = nums[j];
                             j = nums.length;
                        } else j++;
                   for (int i=1; i<nums.length; i++){
                        if (small>nums[i] && nums[i]!=0.0){
                             small = nums[i];
                   return small;
         private double distanceFromPlayer(Point vp)
              Point pp = actors[0].getPoint(); //pp=plaer's point, vp=villain's point
              double x = Math.abs(vp.getX() - pp.getX());
              double y = Math.abs(vp.getY() - pp.getY());
              return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2) + Math.pow(y,2));
         private int circleFive(int num)
                   if (num>=5) return 0;
                   else return num+1;
         private boolean onPeople(Point p)
              for (int jj=0; jj<=5; jj++)
                   if (jj!=currentVillain && p.equals(actors[jj].getPoint()))
                        return true;
              return false;
         /** Painting the game onto the Game Panel.*/
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
              Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D)g;                                                            //Reset the graphics to have more features.
              //draw bg
              graphics.setColor(Color.white);                                                                                //"format" the panel.
         char squareType = 'f';                                                                                                    //First square's type (stand or fall).
         for (int height=0; height<PHEIGHT; height=height+SQUARESIZE){     //Painting the matrix bg.
                   for (int width=0; width<PWIDTH; width=width+SQUARESIZE){
                        if (squareType=='f') {                                                                                               //If a "fall" is to be drawn,
                             ih.paint(graphics, "fallpng", new Dimension(width,height));          //Draw a non-animated image to bypass white stuff.
                             ih.paint(graphics, "fall", new Dimension(width,height));               //Draw the water animation.
                             squareType = 's';                                                                                                    //Make the next square a "stand".
                        } else if (squareType=='s'){                                                                                //If a "stand" is to be drawn,
                             ih.paint(graphics, "stand", new Dimension(width,height));          //Draw the ground image,
                             squareType = 'f';                                                                                                    //and make the next square a "fall".
                   if (squareType=='f') squareType = 's';                                                                 //After finishing a row, switch again so
                   else squareType = 'f';                                                                                                    // the next line will start with the same type (checkers).
              for (int i=actors.length-1; i>=0; i--){                                                                           //Draw the actors on the board.
                   if (actors[i]!=null)
                        ih.paint(graphics, actors[i].currentImage(), actors[i].getPoint());
         /** Restart the game.
         Or, in other words, stop, initialize and start (again) the animator thread and variables./
         public void restart()
              System.out.println("\n\n\nRESTARTING GAME\n\n\n");
              animator = null;                                                                                                                   //Emptying the thread.
              init();                                                                                                                                                 //Initializing.
              animator = new Thread(this);                                                                                     //Re-filling the thread with this panel's process.
              animator.start();                                                                                                                   //launch "run()".
         protected void moveActor(Actor actor, Point futurePoint)
              Point presentPoint = actor.getPoint();
              int x = (int)presentPoint.getX(), y = (int)presentPoint.getY();
              int addToX, addToY;
              if (futurePoint.getX() > x) addToX = 1;
              else addToX = -1;
              if (futurePoint.getY() > y) addToY = 1;
              else addToY = -1;
              Point middlePoint = new Point(x,y);
              int imageCounter = 0;
              while ( (middlePoint.getX()!=futurePoint.getX()) && (middlePoint.getY()!=futurePoint.getY()) ){
                   /*if (imageCounter<=10) actor.setStatus("jump1");
                   else if (imageCounter<=40) actor.setStatus("jump2");
                   else if (imageCounter<=50) actor.setStatus("jump3");*/
                   try {animator.sleep(1);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}

  • Draw a line using mouse

    Hello there:
    I'm trying to draw a line using mouse pointer: My code is:
    public class DrawLine extends JFrame implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
        int x0, y0, x1, y1;  
        public DrawLine()
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
             x1 = e.getX();
             y1 = e.getY();
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { }
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){ }
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }
        public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e) { }
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
              x0 = e.getX();
              y0 = e.getY();           
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
              x1 = e.getX();
              y1 = e.getY();
       public void paint(Graphics g)
              g.drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1);
        public static void main(String[] argv)
             DrawLine dr=new DrawLine("Test");
    }when mouse is dragged, multiple lines are being drawn....
    could you else please tell me what should I've to do???
    thanks n regards...

    You can implement the listeners on any class, even one that (implicitly) extends Object. What matters is that the listener is added to the component that needs to use it.
    That said, why do you want to extend JFrame? Are you adding functionality to the JFrame to justify extending the JFC class? Note that extending JFrame allows the users of your class to access the functionality of a JFrame, is that really indicated here?
    one class that extends JFrame, and one can draw a line on JLabel, embedded within JFrame!So you still have to override paintComponent of the JLabel, which implies using an anonymous inner class.
    Starting with the example already posted, that would be:
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    public class DrawLineTest
        implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
      JLabel label;
      int x0, y0, x1, y1;
      private void makeUI() {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("DrawLineTest");
        label = new JLabel("FFFF") {
          public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            g.drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1);
        label.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 500));
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            new DrawLineTest().makeUI();
      public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
        x0 = e.getX();
        y0 = e.getY();      
      public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
        x1 = e.getX();
        y1 = e.getY();
      public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
        x1 = e.getX();
        y1 = e.getY();
      public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { }
      public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){ }
      public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }
      public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e) { }
    }Better spend more time with the tutorials, there's a separate section on writing event listeners.

  • How to use Mouse Wheel Events

    Hello Everyone
    I am using Datagrid in my Canvas.
    I use mouse wheel to scroll the datagrid. But in one scroll
    through that wheel make the more than 4 rows to be scroll.
    So Now my requirement is to control the delta value of mouse
    wheel event and how to use that with my datagrid so that i will
    able to scroll one row through mouse wheel scroller.

    please give me some suggestion around it.
    I want to scroll one row of datagrid with per mousewheel
    scroll. I am not getting how to use the scrollMouseWheelMultiplier
    property of the IConfiguration class because i am not able to
    create the object of this class.
    I am using the Flex 3.0 and flash 9 version.
    please help me out around this.

  • HI .. I have a new macmini 2.5 Ghz 10.7.3 Lion, had a problem today ,it froze so I could not shut down using mouse or tablet. used the power switch, when I tried to restart I got audible 'beeps' from it.

    HI ....I have a new macmini 2.5 Ghz 10.7.3 Lion, had a problem today ,it froze so I could not shut down using mouse or tablet pen. used the power switch, when I tried to restart I got audible 'beeps' from it. I managed to restart it but kept getting a message come up on one ot the dual screens ' restart using the power swich to turn it off , then press it again to restart.'
    This worked okay , but now it just keeps freezing whenever I start it up. I thought the issue could be my old Epson Expression 1680 scanner not being compatible , so I have unplugged it. I also had a look at the new memory I installed when I got it, but this seems not be the problem.
    It is connected up to an Eizo Flexscan S2231W using a cable straight into the HDMI input , the other monitor is a small Acer using the VGA into Thunderbolt port.
    When I turn the Eizo screen on first and then press the power button on the mac-mini, I hear the chime then the screen flahes the 'Digital no signal' message on and off for about 30 seconds , then the monitor comes on as normal. But it is still freezing up on me after using it for a while and I am having to use the power switch button to turn it off again.
    Can anyone help please.

    I really don't have an answer for that one. I guess that while trying to get things working correctly, I would use the most basic monitor I had which in your case would be the Eizon using the Thunderbolt port and adaptor.
    When you boot into Safe Mode the startup is quite slow, but you should get the Apple logo and then the spinning gear below it (release the SHIFT key when it appears.) Then after a little more time you should see a gray progress bar appear below the spinning gear. When that disappears the computer will startup to a login screen.

  • After las update some menus doesn't work properly. Ther is non possibility to use mouse. Why?

    After las update (9.2.1) some menus doesn't work properly. Ther is non possibility to use mouse. Why?

    Operating System?

  • [Fixed?] Cannot use mouse and touchpad at the same time after upgrade

    Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop, Synaptics touchpad, external wireless USB mouse (Logitech).
    Yesterday I did a full system upgrade which among other packages upgraded
    [2007-11-08 00:06] upgraded synaptics (0.14.6-2 ->
    [2007-11-08 00:06] upgraded tzdata (2007h-1 -> 2007i-1)
    [2007-11-08 00:06] upgraded xf86-input-keyboard (1.1.1-1 -> 1.2.2-2)
    [2007-11-08 00:06] upgraded xf86-input-mouse (1.2.1-1 -> 1.2.3-1)
    [2007-11-08 00:06] upgraded xf86-video-i810 (1.7.4-2 -> 1.7.4-6)
    [2007-11-08 00:06] upgraded xf86-video-vesa (1.3.0-1 -> 1.3.0-5)
    [2007-11-08 00:06] upgraded xorg-server (1.2.0-5 -> 1.4-4)
    Before the upgrade, I was able to use both the touchpad and the mouse at the same time, using the following xorg.conf settings:
    Section "ServerLayout"
    InputDevice "Touchpad" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "USB Mouse" "AlwaysCore"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "USB Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Touchpad"
    Driver "synaptics"
    Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
    After the upgrade, the touchpad was still working with these settings but the mouse wasn't.  I then changed the xorg.conf settings as follows:
    Section "ServerLayout"
    InputDevice "USB Mouse" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "Touchpad" "AlwaysCore"
    with the InputDevice sections remaining the same for USB Mouse and Touchpad.  After this change the mouse was working but the touchpad wasn't.  Finally, I changed the xorg.conf settings as follows:
    Section "ServerLayout"
    InputDevice "Touchpad" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "USBMouse" "SendCoreEvents"
    with the InputDevice sections remaining the same for USB Mouse and Touchpad.  This didn't change anything from the last setting: the mouse was working but the touchpad wasn't.
    How can I restore the ability to simultaneously use mouse and touchpad?
    Last edited by RobF (2007-11-09 20:20:54)

    Try this:
    Move "SendCoreEvents" to the Touchpad line (replacing the "AlwaysCore" bit) and then comment out the USB mouse.  So in the end, it'll look like this:
    Section "ServerLayout"
    InputDevice "Touchpad" "SendCoreEvents"
    # InputDevice "USBMouse"
    Restart X and see if everything is working right.
    PS: You may also want to consider changing the Touchpad device line to "/dev/input/mouse2" instead of "/dev/psaux" as I believe psaux has been deprecated in kernel 2.6.  I could be wrong, but I can tell you that /dev/input/mouse2 works great with the touchpad on my Dell e1505.

  • Is it possible to delete a plot with using mouse to select it on the graph control?

    For example, when I use PlotLine to plot thousands of lines on the graph control, I want to delete some of them, but there is thousands of plotHandle generated.
    How can I get the plotHandle of the specific line on the graph control with using mouse to select it?
    If I record information of the lines, ex. the plotHandle and the coordinates, on a table or list, etc. , I have to compare the information of lines to get the plotHandle of the specific line.
    Is there any user-friendly way to delete a plot by select it on the graph control?
    Go to Solution.

    Sure! Look at the example located in \samples\userint\graphcursors for an example of how to accomplish this task.
    The cursor must be in "Snap to point" mode
    (To be confirmed) The graph must be in "Retain" data mode
    You must have a callback for the graph control
    You can use GetGraphCursorIndex to retrieve the plot handle
    GetGrpahCursor retrieves values of cursor position in engineering units
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Using mouse overs with pop-ups

    I'd like to create a pdf using mouse overs to display otherwise hidden text (in describing various portions of a photo in the doc).  Can anyone lead me in the right direction as specific guidance in 'Help' has so far been limited?

    You can use the "Tooltip" for an easy method. You can also use teh "On Focus" and "On Blur" action of a field to show or hide a hidden field by either the drop down actions or JavaScript.

  • Scroll list down by page wise using mouse

    hi experts,
      how   can we scroll a list page wise  rather than line wise using scroll button of  mouse .
      my requirement is to generate a list consisting of 38 lines per page and each set of 38 lines
      should come in a new page that i have done using new-page, but problem is when i scroll
      down a list using mouse scroll button next page should be displayed rather than scrolling
      line by line . just like using pagedown key of the keyboard,
    thanks in advance.

    I think this is not possible, I don't think controlling the mouse operation is possible

  • How to make image resizable using mouse ?

    I want to know about that how to resize image by using mouse in Java Canvas. I created some tools like line, free hand, eraser. And want to know how to make an image resizable in canvas by using mouse. An image is jpeg, png, or gif format. I want to make image stretch and shrink by using mouse.
    Please help me..
    Thnax in advance.

    You make a listener to handle the mouse event that you want to capture, then program the affect you want using the event as the trigger.

  • Move components using mouse - drag and drop action?

    As attached, I want to move one component at the bottom to top using mouse in drag and drop action.
    But I don't know why it returns to the origianl position. it never move.
    Is there anyway I can change configuration to accomplish this?

    I tried this as you said, but it wont' work.

  • 1st-I was able to log into my account but was not able to open any applications, tried another account and same thing.  was able to log out and restart but now am unable to use mouse.  g5 dual core

    1st-I was able to log into my account but was not able to open any applications, tried another account and same thing.  was able to log out and restart but now am unable to use mouse.  g5 dual core, can't remember the os without seeing it.

    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    Let us know how far you get, or results.

  • Using mouse on macbook air is unnatural and not accurate

    I have been using macbook air for web development. It seems pretty good or almost perfect when it comes to using trackpad. The only problem is when I use a mouse, it just feel unnatural and strains many hands until I give up using mouse and return to trackpad. I love the windows natural feel of using mouse and mac way of using trackpad. As far as I know, the issue is caused by peculiar acceleration curve for mouse. I hope Apple is listening to this issue and FIX it as soon as possible. It does not help when only online community is responding and not Apple. This problem is worse when it comes to gaming especially FPS game. That's why those kind of game is almost impossible on mac. I know Apple is kind of perfectionist, judging from the way the products are designed. So, don't let's this blemish the user experience of mac OS, Apple!

    I hope Apple is listening to this issue
    We're all Users here like you, Apple does not monitor or participate in these boards.
    You can send Apple your thoughts here:

  • Scrolling using mouse in webdynpro applications

    Is it possible to scroll using mouse  in webdynpro applciations in portal? Currently we are not getting this functionality by default, although it is there in the BSP pages in portal.
    Why is there a difference ?
    Thanks in adv.

    I agree - there should be no coding required. This is more a function of the Operating System and the Browser to map the actions of the scroll wheel. I experience the the same when I test for WDA.  The scroll will scrolls the entire page unless focused on a table that has scrolling active. Then it scrolls within the table.  However from a development standpoint I didn't do anything to make this functionality active in my application.

Maybe you are looking for

  • XML Publisher error..urgent

    Hi all, I am new to XML Publisher.I have tried to publish a Oracle Report in EBS with XML publisher, but failed. I defined the data definition and the Template as said in the UserGuide.Then i set up the report (in the Concurrent..Program..Define wind

  • Linkage of inspection lot when the stock is posted to new material in UD.

    Dear QM Gurus,     My client has the following requirement.    The stock is sometimes posted to the new material whle Usage decision(Partially or completely)     In this case the target  material has no linkage with the inspection lot of the material

  • Having issues updating podcasts

    Please help!

  • Gcc and gdb integration in Sun Developer 11

    Is it possible (and how easy) to integrate gcc and gdb into Sun Developer Studio 11. Also, if yes, would one be able to use any of the visual debugging functionality (setting breakpoints etc..) in the Studio.

  • Address book directories view not acessible

    Hi I'm having a problem with address book. In the 'view' pane, I can only access two of the three possibillities: "Card" and "columns". "Directories" is in grey and I cannot click on it. I want to see the directories view, so I can see a list of addr