Using @outlook mail without skype ID

Hello! I've subscribed with an outlook email but haven't any skype ID. How could I create and associate that? Tks in advance.


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    Never heard of that.  I suspect it thinks that's an email address and you're seeing that screen b/c you don't have an email account setup on your iPhone.
    Assuming the number is valid, try a reset by pressing the home and sleep buttons until you see the Apple logo, ignoring the slider. Takes about 5-15 secs of button holding and you won't lose any data or settings.

  • Can I use iOS mail without SMTP?

    I am using iPhone 5s and iPad Mini, both with iOS 8.3.
    My question is this: Can I use something other than the iCloud SMTP server in order to use the native iOS mail app on my iPhone and iPad? (i.e. [email protected])
    I work for a public company that offers free wifi to its customers. Our IT staff blocks email over SMTP so that people can't come in and use our wifi to send spam/junk mail through our servers. I have Gmail and Yahoo addresses that I would like to condense into my one iOS address. But since I spend a majority of my day at work, I am not able to send or receive messages due to the SMTP blockage. This does not affect which is accessed through a hard wired connection on my desk, but I am not always at my desk, hence the need for iOS mail portability.
    I've checked online for an answer and can't seem to find one. I was told by our IT staff to configure the mail setting to go through a cloud server instead of SMTP but I don't know if that's possible.
    I would appreciate any information or insight you can offer.
    Thanks and best wishes,

    You do not get to pick which servers to use when you subscribe to someone else's email service. Gmail, Apple, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, MS Live all use SMTP to send from their user accounts.  You can use any of those systems with the iOS mail app, but they all use SMTP relay to send from your device to their internal mail sending system (which may not use SMTP, but the only way for you to get an outgoing mail into their system is to use SMTP). If your company blocks all SMTP traffic, then you'll never be able to send from a subscriber email service on a wifi device with a dynamic IP.
    You also cannot "condense" (whatever that means - merge?) any other proprietary email service you use (like Gmail or Yahoo) with another proprietary email service like Apple's. These are separate services run by independent companies.
    You should be able to use your browser to use Gmail or Yahoo or another service via their web interface though. When logged in via the web page, you are not sending mail from your device at all, but directly from the service providers system.

  • Email attachments Forms 6/Ora using Outlook

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    I have spent the last few hours researching this, now I'm finally posting because I can't find an answer...
    Is there any way to e-mail an attachment in Outlook 2000 from Forms 6?
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    UTL_SMTP : will only e-mail text correct?
    We are using Outlook 2000 - without exchange. But if we need to get exchange we will.
    Thanks for any input at all.

    1) Yes it is possible to include an attachment in outlook when using OLE to automate it. If you look at the OLE interfaces for Outlook you'll see there is an attachments collection that can be used for this. I did this about 5 years ago and don't have the code any more but it can be done. :-(
    2) You can use JavaMail to do the sending - this does allow attachments - In Forms 9i we have a demo that uses Java on the middle teir to hook into JavaMail and supports attachments as well as plain emails.
    The 9i code could be backported for 6i both Client server or Web Deployed.

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    I'm running
    It looks like it might be working--at least I'm getting the same emails as on my computer.  I'll give a try for a while.  Thank for your response.

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    Hi - thanks for the instructions but where do you get the option for Quicktime. If I do File - Export I only get the options for File name, place and size but no option that allows to select quicktime:-(
    Have you got any more tips?

  • Is there a way to import Outlook 2010 emails  to Mavericks Mail without 3rd party software?

    I'm hoping that there is a fairly straight-forward way this can be done.
    My friend has just purchased a MacBook Air with Mavericks operating system.  This is her first Mac and she needs to get all her old business emails onto her new MacBook.
    She paid for '1 on 1' Apple support and had a session with an 'expert' yesterday - taking along her old PC laptop in the hope that he could help her.  He basically told her she should 'start a new life using Mail'.  This is not what she needed to hear.
    I'm using Mail version 5.3 on my 5 year old MacBook with OS X 10.7.5.  I don't want to give her incorrect advice but my version of Mail allows one to Import mailboxes but not, unfortunately, it would seem emails from Microsoft programs for the PC.
    My question is this -
    Once she has created an Outlook Data File (.pst format) is there a way she can convert this to .mbox format so that the data can be imported into Mavericks Mail without the use of third-party software?
    I'm sure that she's certainly not the first person who has faced this situation but, from the attitude of the (less than helpful) Apple help person I fear that the answer may not be yes.

    Patricia Henwood wrote:
    Do you know where she should look on her Outlook program to find this out?  She hasn't started using Mail yet because she hasn't been able to transfer her emails - so she's still sending/receiving emails from her laptop PC.
    No idea, I try not to have anything to do with Outlook except provide a way out of it for the sensible. But aren't you an Outlook user?
    Here's the link to the site I found -
    That should be fine, it is the same as the one in the Mac app store (which would be the preferred version to use)
    My 'help' situation is a little worse than it would first seem - we're in different countries (very grateful for Viber) - her attention span for matters technological is rather short so I'm trying to make everything as painless as possible - and yes, she has backups of her backups so all should be well in that regard.
    Thanks so much for your help.
    You're welcome.

  • Outlook Connector Without Mail Server

    Installed Java Connector (v 7.2.310.1) for MS Outlook 2002 with SP3.
    I have different usernames and passwords for the mail server and the calendar server. Used fake server name for the mail server in the deployment program, and kept getting the 'Unable to connect to the new server' error when installing on the end user computer.
    Is it possible to use the connector just to connect to the sun calendar server and not configure the other servers?

    simba1 wrote:
    Installed Java Connector (v 7.2.310.1) for MS Outlook 2002 with SP3.
    I have different usernames and passwords for the mail server and the calendar server. Used fake server name for the mail server in the deployment program, and kept getting the 'Unable to connect to the new server' error when installing on the end user computer.
    Is it possible to use the connector just to connect to the sun calendar server and not configure the other servers?it's not possible to use the Outlook connector without any of the following components. Missing any of the following will result in a large number of warning/errors (and potentially crashes of outlook):
    -> Sun Calendar Server (calendar data)
    -> IMAP server (email data)
    -> UWC instance (addressbook data)
    You could probably use a non-Sun email server but this would obviously not be a supported configuration and the username/password would have to be the same as the other three servers.

  • I can't send mail from iphone4 using outlook

    I am able to receive mail, but cannot send mail from my iPhone4. I am using Outlook - please help!

    Email does not sync to the phone via iTunes. Don't know where you got this idea. Email account info can be synced from a computer to the phone via iTunes, but that's it.
    If the OP told us what happens when he tries to send mail, it might actually be helpful in troubleshooting. Without this information, we're just shooting in the dark.
    That said, I'm willing to bet the SMTP server settings are incorrect.

  • HT4864 Can you use Windows Live Mail to send/recieve iCloud email and share contacts or can I just use iCloud email on my PC without use Live Mail?

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    You can only use Mail, contacts and calendars will not work, for that you need Outlook.

  • If I click on an e-mail address link in a web page instead of a blank message opening I always get a pop up screen with a log-in for googlemail. I do not have and do not want a googlemail account. I just want to be able to send e-mails using Outlook.

    If I click on an e-mail address link in a web page instead of a blank message opening I always get a pop up screen with a log-in for googlemail. I do not have and do not want a googlemail account. I just want to be able to send e-mails using Outlook.

    OUtlook was already set as the mail client for FF, and is my operating system (XP)'s default mail programme. therefore problem not solved at all. what I get whenever I follow a link in a webpage to send an e-mail is a little pop up window asking me to sign in to gmail or open an account. any other suggestions?

  • PLEASE help!! I use Outlook for my email and the Mail App Icon in my dock was also storing all my emails. So, I tried to delete ONLY the emails in the Mail App but somehow (under Preferences maybe?) I also deleted all my emails in my Outlook inbox.

    PLEASE help!! I use Outlook for my email and the Mail App Icon that is in my dock, that I know nothing about, was also storing all my emails. So, I tried to delete ONLY the emails in the Mail App but somehow (under Preferences maybe?) I also deleted ALL my OUTLOOK emails in my inbox.  Can someone please please tell me if there is a way to get my Outlook inbox emails back OR EVEN the emails that were in my Mail app - because even tho I never use the Mail app, at least the emails would be there.
    When I was trying to delete the emails in my inbox for the Mail app - I followed THESE directions.  It did in fact clear my inbox for the Mail app.  But then I went to log on to my Outlook account and EVERY SINGLE EMAIL was gone.  And not in the Deleted box.  Just gone.  Here are the directions I followed that screwed everything up.  Please help.
    Top menu bar, Mail > Preferences > Accounts > Mailbox Behaviors.
    Uncheck "Store deleted messages on the server".
    At the drop list for "Permanently erase deleted messages when", choose "Quitting Mail".
    Top menu bar, Mail > Preferences > General.
    At "When searching all mailboxes, include results from", uncheck "Trash".
    Select All = command A

    i found out my prob!
    here is what you do.
    go to the "system preferences" on your dock.
    click "software updates".
    click "installed software"
    if it shows something about a recent update about "EFI UPDATE, FIRMWARE, THUNDERBOLT" or anything like that, exit out of it.
    go to mail.
    click "mail" at the top.
    click "preferences...".
    find the account you are having trouble with, once you do, make sure its highlighted, then click the "-" at the bottom of the window (this will only effect that mail account, it will not effect your ical weather or not its synced thought that email account)
    hit the "+" (right next to the "-") and add your accout back!
    its something with that update that effected mail, i hope this works out for you, if not reply back

  • The Java plugin has created a time unfriendly issue with my e-mail account, I can not open or send any e-mail without using this plugin, how can I eliminate this problem without dropping m. firefox?

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == last week

    Sorry, I have no idea what you mean by '''"The Java plugin has created a time unfriendly issue with my e-mail account, I can not open or send any e-mail without using this plugin,"'''.
    If you think your problem is caused by the Java plugin, you should visit the Java support forum for assistance.
    If you could explain what you mean by '''"time unfriendly''' issue with my e-mail account", maybe we'll be able to help you solve that issue.
    It might be helpful for us if we knew exactly which web-mail provider you are using. It seems strange to me that viewing or sending web-mail would actually "need" Java for operation, its more likely that some other item on the web page needs Java to run some advertising or other garbage that isn't a necessary part of the web-mail functionality you want to use.

  • HT3748 since upgrading to Mountain Lion, my Mac Mail no longer works well w/exchange email; so, I have had to switch back to outlook. Now, how can I use outlook for mac's calendar and contacts with icloud?

    Since uprgading to Mountain Lion, my mac mail no longer works with my exchange email properly. I finally gave up and moved back to outlook for mac, but now my new issue is using outlook calendar and contacts with icloud; possible?

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    And everything else works fine. I love Safari. It's just my mail that doesn't work. Here's the message that pop up several times.
    "The MobileMe IMAP server “” rejected the password for user “akcastaldo”
    Please re-enter your password, or cancel."
    The only problem here is, even though I enter my password it doesn't do anything. It makes that message go away for about 3-5 mins. After that it pops right back up. And I can't even go into my preference and change my email password. So I don't know what to do.

  • Having been without my Mac for a month I've been using iCloud mail. The new mail boxes that I set up there do not automatically show up in Mail on my replacement Mac. Is there any way to transfer them from ICloud mail to Mail?

    Having been without my Mac for a month I've been using iCloud mail.on a PC. The new mail boxes that I set up there do not automatically show up in Mail on my replacement Mac. Is there any way to transfer them from ICloud mail to Mail? Thanks.

    sure pretty simple.  make a backup of your current settings
    then restore device from old backup you need pics off of
    then import pics to computer
    you may need to save pics to camera roll first
    then restore the new backup and sync pics back to phone via itunes
    Peace, Clyde

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