Using Windows.Devices.SmartCards API give 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException'

Hi everybody,
In the past I used the Windows.Devices.SmartCards APIs for Windows Phone 8.1 with success (
Now i want to use the same APIs to connect my PC (Windows 8.1) to a SmartCardReader (e.g. ACR122) and read some data from a SmartCard.
Unfortunately, when i use those APIs, a System.UnauthorizedAccessException is launched.
How can i resolve it?
Many thanks!
This is the code:
private async Task getSmartCardReader()
string selector = SmartCardReader.GetDeviceSelector(SmartCardReaderKind.Generic);
DeviceInformationCollection devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(selector);
Debug.WriteLine("Number of devices: "+devices.Count.ToString());
if (devices != null && devices.Count != 0)
foreach (DeviceInformation s in devices)
Debug.WriteLine("Device Id: "+s.Id);
Debug.WriteLine("Device Name: " + s.Name);
Debug.WriteLine("Is Device Enabled: " + s.IsEnabled);
//Here is the line that launches exception
SmartCardReader reader = await SmartCardReader.FromIdAsync(s.Id);
catch (Exception e) {

Does checking "Share User Certificates" in the capabilities help at all?
Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
NOTE: If I ask for code, please provide something that I can drop directly into a project and run (including XAML), or an actual application project. I'm trying to help a lot of people, so I don't have time to figure out weird snippets with undefined
objects and unknown namespaces.

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  • Figuring out how to access a device using Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice?

    Before I start, I would like to share this link I used to access windows RT libraries from Desktop applications (only the ones stated in MSDN documentation that are accessible from desktop applications): .
    After following the above instructions you can import some of the windows RT libraries in references. I have been trying to use the Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice library. I think my UsagePage and UsageId are off though. I am wondering
    if someone good in hex can translate them from my report descriptor. I already have the VID and PID (this should be enough along with the path if I called write file or some of the other win32/OS api's). Here's the code I am using in VB.NET:
    Public Class VirtualMouseDeviceOpen
    Class Enumeration
    ' Enumerate HID devices
    Public Async Function EnumerateHidDevices() As Task
    Dim vendorId As UInt32 = &HBEEF
    Dim productId As UInt32 = &HFEED
    Dim usagePage As UInt32 = &HFF
    Dim usageId As UInt32 = &H1
    ' Create a selector that gets a HID device using VID/PID and a
    ' VendorDefined usage
    Dim selector As String = HidDevice.GetDeviceSelector(usagePage, usageId, vendorId, productId)
    ' Enumerate devices using the selector
    Dim devices As Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation(Of Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformationCollection) = DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(selector)
    Dim count As Integer = devices.GetResults.Count
    If count > 0 Then
    ' Open the target HID device
    ' At this point the device is available to communicate with
    ' So we can send/receive HID reports from it or
    ' query it for control descriptions
    Dim device As HidDevice = HidDevice.FromIdAsync(devices.GetResults.ElementAt(0).Id, FileAccessMode.ReadWrite)
    Await Vendor.ReadWriteToHidDevice(device)
    ' There were no HID devices that met the selector criteria
    MsgBox("MUTT HID device not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
    End If
    End Function
    Class Vendor
    Public Shared Async Function ReadWriteToHidDevice(device As HidDevice) As Task
    If device IsNot Nothing Then
    ' construct a HID output report to send to the device
    Dim outReport As HidOutputReport = device.CreateOutputReport()
    ' Initialize the data buffer and fill it in
    Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte() {10, 20, 30, 40}
    Dim dataWriter As New DataWriter()
    outReport.Data = dataWriter.DetachBuffer()
    ' Send the output report asynchronously
    Dim a As Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation(Of UInteger) = device.SendOutputReportAsync(outReport)
    ' Sent output report successfully
    ' Now lets try read an input report
    Dim inReport As HidInputReport = device.GetInputReportAsync()
    If inReport IsNot Nothing Then
    Dim id As UInt16 = inReport.Id
    Dim bytes = New Byte(3) {}
    Dim dataReader__1 As DataReader = DataReader.FromBuffer(inReport.Data)
    MsgBox("Invalid input report received")
    End If
    MsgBox("device is NULL")
    End If
    End Function
    End Class
    End Class
    Here's my report descriptor to avoid scrimmaging through everything trying to find it:
    HID_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR G_DefaultReportDescriptor[] = {
    0x06,0x00, 0xFF, // USAGE_PAGE (Vender Defined Usage Page)
    0x09,0x01, // USAGE (Vendor Usage 0x01)
    0xA1,0x01, // COLLECTION (Application)
    0x09,0x01, // USAGE (Vendor Usage 0x01)
    0x15,0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM(0)
    0x26,0xff, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM(255)
    0x75,0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (0x08)
    0xB1,0x00, // FEATURE (Data,Ary,Abs)
    0x09,0x01, // USAGE (Vendor Usage 0x01)
    0x75,0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (0x08)
    0x81,0x00, // INPUT (Data,Ary,Abs)
    0x09,0x01, // USAGE (Vendor Usage 0x01)
    0x75,0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (0x08)
    0x91,0x00, // OUTPUT (Data,Ary,Abs)
    0x05, 0x01, // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)
    0x09, 0x02, // USAGE (Mouse)
    0xa1, 0x01, // COLLECTION (Application)
    0x85, 0x02, // REPORT_ID (2)
    0x09, 0x01, // USAGE (Pointer)
    0xa1, 0x00, // COLLECTION (Physical)
    0x05, 0x09, // USAGE_PAGE (Button)
    0x19, 0x01, // USAGE_MINIMUM (Button 1)
    0x29, 0x03, // USAGE_MAXIMUM (Button 3)
    0x15, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
    0x25, 0x01, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1)
    0x95, 0x03, // REPORT_COUNT (3)
    0x75, 0x01, // REPORT_SIZE (1)
    0x81, 0x02, // INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)
    0x95, 0x01, // REPORT_COUNT (1)
    0x75, 0x05, // REPORT_SIZE (5)
    0x81, 0x03, // INPUT (Cnst,Var,Abs)
    0x05, 0x01, // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)
    0x09, 0x30, // USAGE (X)
    0x09, 0x31, // USAGE (Y)
    0x15, 0x81, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (-127)
    0x25, 0x7f, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (127)
    0x75, 0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (8)
    0x95, 0x02, // REPORT_COUNT (2)
    0x81, 0x06, // INPUT (Data,Var,Rel)
    0xc0, // END_COLLECTION
    0xc0 // END_COLLECTION
    My UsageId is the first Usage Hex value in the report descriptor I believe (I am still a little confused too). My UsagePage is the hex values in the first Usage_Page in the report descriptor.
    Note: the problem with the VB.NET code is that it returns 0 on the count above which means it did not find a device using my criteria.
    Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes. speak softly and carry a big stick - theodore roosevelt. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering - Yoda. Blog -

    Before I start, I would like to share this link I used to access windows RT libraries from Desktop applications (only the ones stated in MSDN documentation that are accessible from desktop applications): .
    After following the above instructions you can import some of the windows RT libraries in references. I have been trying to use the Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice library. I think my UsagePage and UsageId are off though. I am wondering
    if someone good in hex can translate them from my report descriptor. I already have the VID and PID (this should be enough along with the path if I called write file or some of the other win32/OS api's). Here's the code I am using in VB.NET:
    Public Class VirtualMouseDeviceOpen
    Class Enumeration
    ' Enumerate HID devices
    Public Async Function EnumerateHidDevices() As Task
    Dim vendorId As UInt32 = &HBEEF
    Dim productId As UInt32 = &HFEED
    Dim usagePage As UInt32 = &HFF
    Dim usageId As UInt32 = &H1
    ' Create a selector that gets a HID device using VID/PID and a
    ' VendorDefined usage
    Dim selector As String = HidDevice.GetDeviceSelector(usagePage, usageId, vendorId, productId)
    ' Enumerate devices using the selector
    Dim devices As Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation(Of Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformationCollection) = DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(selector)
    Dim count As Integer = devices.GetResults.Count
    If count > 0 Then
    ' Open the target HID device
    ' At this point the device is available to communicate with
    ' So we can send/receive HID reports from it or
    ' query it for control descriptions
    Dim device As HidDevice = HidDevice.FromIdAsync(devices.GetResults.ElementAt(0).Id, FileAccessMode.ReadWrite)
    Await Vendor.ReadWriteToHidDevice(device)
    ' There were no HID devices that met the selector criteria
    MsgBox("MUTT HID device not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
    End If
    End Function
    Class Vendor
    Public Shared Async Function ReadWriteToHidDevice(device As HidDevice) As Task
    If device IsNot Nothing Then
    ' construct a HID output report to send to the device
    Dim outReport As HidOutputReport = device.CreateOutputReport()
    ' Initialize the data buffer and fill it in
    Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte() {10, 20, 30, 40}
    Dim dataWriter As New DataWriter()
    outReport.Data = dataWriter.DetachBuffer()
    ' Send the output report asynchronously
    Dim a As Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation(Of UInteger) = device.SendOutputReportAsync(outReport)
    ' Sent output report successfully
    ' Now lets try read an input report
    Dim inReport As HidInputReport = device.GetInputReportAsync()
    If inReport IsNot Nothing Then
    Dim id As UInt16 = inReport.Id
    Dim bytes = New Byte(3) {}
    Dim dataReader__1 As DataReader = DataReader.FromBuffer(inReport.Data)
    MsgBox("Invalid input report received")
    End If
    MsgBox("device is NULL")
    End If
    End Function
    End Class
    End Class
    Here's my report descriptor to avoid scrimmaging through everything trying to find it:
    HID_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR G_DefaultReportDescriptor[] = {
    0x06,0x00, 0xFF, // USAGE_PAGE (Vender Defined Usage Page)
    0x09,0x01, // USAGE (Vendor Usage 0x01)
    0xA1,0x01, // COLLECTION (Application)
    0x09,0x01, // USAGE (Vendor Usage 0x01)
    0x15,0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM(0)
    0x26,0xff, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM(255)
    0x75,0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (0x08)
    0xB1,0x00, // FEATURE (Data,Ary,Abs)
    0x09,0x01, // USAGE (Vendor Usage 0x01)
    0x75,0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (0x08)
    0x81,0x00, // INPUT (Data,Ary,Abs)
    0x09,0x01, // USAGE (Vendor Usage 0x01)
    0x75,0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (0x08)
    0x91,0x00, // OUTPUT (Data,Ary,Abs)
    0x05, 0x01, // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)
    0x09, 0x02, // USAGE (Mouse)
    0xa1, 0x01, // COLLECTION (Application)
    0x85, 0x02, // REPORT_ID (2)
    0x09, 0x01, // USAGE (Pointer)
    0xa1, 0x00, // COLLECTION (Physical)
    0x05, 0x09, // USAGE_PAGE (Button)
    0x19, 0x01, // USAGE_MINIMUM (Button 1)
    0x29, 0x03, // USAGE_MAXIMUM (Button 3)
    0x15, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
    0x25, 0x01, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1)
    0x95, 0x03, // REPORT_COUNT (3)
    0x75, 0x01, // REPORT_SIZE (1)
    0x81, 0x02, // INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)
    0x95, 0x01, // REPORT_COUNT (1)
    0x75, 0x05, // REPORT_SIZE (5)
    0x81, 0x03, // INPUT (Cnst,Var,Abs)
    0x05, 0x01, // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)
    0x09, 0x30, // USAGE (X)
    0x09, 0x31, // USAGE (Y)
    0x15, 0x81, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (-127)
    0x25, 0x7f, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (127)
    0x75, 0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (8)
    0x95, 0x02, // REPORT_COUNT (2)
    0x81, 0x06, // INPUT (Data,Var,Rel)
    0xc0, // END_COLLECTION
    0xc0 // END_COLLECTION
    My UsageId is the first Usage Hex value in the report descriptor I believe (I am still a little confused too). My UsagePage is the hex values in the first Usage_Page in the report descriptor.
    Note: the problem with the VB.NET code is that it returns 0 on the count above which means it did not find a device using my criteria.
    Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes. speak softly and carry a big stick - theodore roosevelt. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering - Yoda. Blog -
    I forgot anyone wanting a picture of what the device hierarchy looks like in control panel here it is (HID compliant vendor device is the first one in the report descriptor above I want to access and then the mouse device): 
    Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes. speak softly and carry a big stick - theodore roosevelt. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering - Yoda. Blog -

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    For some godforsaken reason the guys at sprint decided to name one of their utility classes System so it clashes with the java.lang.System class. Their must be an easy way to use both of these at the same time but I havent come across it yet. Anyone??
    Heres what I got so far:
    import com.sprintpcs.util.System;
    System.gc() //fails becasue it now looks at other sprint System class

    use the full class name (inc. package), so
    java.util.System.out.println( "format the bastards harddisk" );

  • Using Microsoft.UpdateServices.ClientServicing apis on windows operating systems.

    I am willing to use some apis from "Microsoft Update Services", but MSDN says that ,
    `This namespace is used in combination with the Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration namespace to support updates for clients using operating systems other than Windows (for example, the Windows Mobile operating system).`
    Does that mean that i cannot use the apis on windows Operating systems (eg. Desktop OS)
    Suraj K.

    There are two namespaces in the WSUS API:
    Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration - which is used to manage the WSUS server
    Microsoft.UpdateServices.ClientServicing - which (as you've noted) is designed to support custom written agents on systems other than Microsoft Windows -- a facility mostly pointless since the SDP schema used to package updates only supports
    Microsoft Windows executable file formats -- but theoretically it could have been used to support a Windows Mobile 6.x agent, or could even be used to support a Windows RT agent (if only the RT executables could be packaged into a WSUS package).
    If you want to leverage existing Windows systems (i.e. the Desktop OS) talking to existing Microsoft patch management systems (e.g. AU, WU, MU, or WSUS), you'll actually need to write to the
    Windows Update Agent API which is a COM interface.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile:
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

  • Can't enroll device for user and this user account is not authorized to use Windows Intune.

    We have SCCM 2012 R2 inegrated with intune via an intune subscription. When I enroll a device with my admin account there are no problems, but when I want to add it with another user account which is a member of the Intune users collection, it can't be enrolled.
    When I tested on with the credentials of the user I couldn't connect and received the following error: This user account is not authorized to use Windows Intune.
    Do I have to do anything in the as there is a checkbox saying Windows Intune. this is unchecked now for all the users even my own account on which I'm able to enroll a device.
    Or is this a license problem? I know configuration Manager uses licenses for Intune but where can we track how many licenses are used and how many available? Is there some kind of report available?
    I hope someone can help me
    Kind regards,

    I added them yesterday and this morning I was still not able to enroll a device with the added user his credentials.
    The UPN is correct. Maybe I need to force the DirSync then? Or will one day of waiting be enough normally?
    I can see the user in the intune management portal. Does this means it has been synced?
    Another thing I noticed is the cloudusersync.log doesn't show them being added? What I was thinking is I first used the all Users collection in the subscription and afterwards I changed it to a specific collection with only the test users. Could it be that
    they all synced already and the log doesn't show them anymore?
    A warning in this log shows this also:
    WARNING: Failed to get lsu url. default release one will be used. exception = System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.~~   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.DmpConnector.UserSync.CloudUserUpload..ctor()  
     SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:18    7684 (0x1E04)
    I don't know if that has anything to do with this?
    this is an extract of that log:
    CCloudUserSync::Process - User sync processing thread is now stopping.    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 14:59:42    8144 (0x1FD0)
    SMS_EXECUTIVE started SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC as thread ID 7684 (0x1E04).    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:15    7572 (0x1D94)
    CCloudUserSync::Process - User sync processing has started.    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:15    7684 (0x1E04)
    Starting user sync ...    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:15    7684 (0x1E04)
    WARNING: Failed to get lsu url. default release one will be used. exception = System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.~~   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.DmpConnector.UserSync.CloudUserUpload..ctor()  
     SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:18    7684 (0x1E04)
    Starting user delta sync, raise failure status messages = True    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:18    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users from SCCM to be removed from cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Successfully removed users from cloud 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users to add from SCCM = 0, Total Successfully added users to Cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    UserDeltaSync:- Users Added = 0, Users Removed = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:02:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Starting user delta sync, raise failure status messages = True    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:07:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users from SCCM to be removed from cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:07:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Successfully removed users from cloud 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:07:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users to add from SCCM = 0, Total Successfully added users to Cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:07:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    UserDeltaSync:- Users Added = 0, Users Removed = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:07:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Starting user delta sync, raise failure status messages = True    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:12:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users from SCCM to be removed from cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:12:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Successfully removed users from cloud 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:12:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users to add from SCCM = 0, Total Successfully added users to Cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:12:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    UserDeltaSync:- Users Added = 0, Users Removed = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:12:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Starting user delta sync, raise failure status messages = True    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:17:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users from SCCM to be removed from cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:17:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Successfully removed users from cloud 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:17:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users to add from SCCM = 0, Total Successfully added users to Cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:17:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    UserDeltaSync:- Users Added = 0, Users Removed = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:17:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Starting user delta sync, raise failure status messages = True    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:22:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users from SCCM to be removed from cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:22:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Successfully removed users from cloud 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:22:19    7684 (0x1E04)
    Total received users to add from SCCM = 0, Total Successfully added users to Cloud = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:22:20    7684 (0x1E04)
    UserDeltaSync:- Users Added = 0, Users Removed = 0    SMS_CLOUD_USERSYNC    23/04/2014 15:22:20    7684 (0x1E04)
    kind regards,

  • When accessing shared folder - 'You might not have permission to use this network resource" .. A device attached to the system is not functioning

    On a Windows 2008 R2 server that had been working fine, all of a sudden some shared folders became inaccessible.  Clicking on them returned the following: "<Folder> is not accessible.  You might not have permission to use this network
    resource.  A device attached to the system is not functioning."
    If I create another share with a different name for that same folder, it works fine.  If I delete the original share then recreate it with the same name, I get the same error.  However, if I right click on the problematic share and select 'map
    network drive' that works.  So this would not appear to be a permission issue.
    I discovered this problem because the path for mapping the home folder as a property of their AD account stopped working.
    I have tried most of the common things found on the internet.  I've tried accessing via IP, same issue.  While I only have a couple 2003 servers, those can access this resource.
    At this point, I'm pretty much out of ideas.  Any help would be appreciated.  I also have some reports of potential issues with some printer mappings too which I will have to investigate in the morning.
    If anyone has a solution to this I would be extremely grateful.  Thank you.

    Can you access the shard folder locally? Is a specific server cannot access the shared folder? Please try to Boot your server in Clean Mode to check if some third-party software cause the issue.
    How to perform a clean boot in Windows
    Best Regards,
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  • Using USB Devices in RDS VDI with Windows 8.1 Scenario

    We are currently in a Upgrade Scenario from our old Windows XP/ Citrix XenDesktop Farm to a new VDI Installation. The new Installation is a Windows Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Services Collection using Remote Desktop Virtualizaion Hosts on 2012 R2 too.
    The VD- Clients are Windows 8.1 ENT and the User Endpoints are HP ThinClients with Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise.
    The user connects to his Virtual Desktop via 8.1 Embedded (RDP8.1)
    We want all new USB- Drives to map natively in the RDP- Session (RemoteFX USB redirect) so USB- Sticks or CD/DVD Drives are controlled by the VD-Client OS.
    We understand, that there are so called "high level devices" which RDP is using per Default. We also know, that there is a GPO that redirects all "other supportet USB devices". That works well for e.g. Webcams, but we want to override the
    "high Level devices" policy an simply map a e.g. USB Stick natively to the RDP Destination.
    Currently the drive is mapped as a "high Level usb device" and the usb key has no drive letter, cant be formattet or used in other RemoteApp Sessions initiated on the VD- Client OS.
    The Systems we are using:
    Windows 8.1 Enterprise - VD Client on HyperV 2012 R2 FO Cluster
    Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Enterprise as ThinClient OS
    Windows Server 2012 R2 as Middleware (RDS VDI Collection, Web Access)
    Thank you in Advance

    Hi Chris,
    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    The USB devices that you would like to use in the remote session must be plugged in before starting Remote Desktop Connection; devices plugged in during the session will not be redirected.
    Have you tried to reconfigure the USB device?
    Please try to remove that device and reconfigure with use of following command and check whether issue get resolved.
    Set-RDVirtualDesktopCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName YourCollectionName –CustomRdpProperty "usbdevicestoredirect:s:{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f }"
    where {6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f} is the System-Defined Device Setup Class GUID.
    More information.
    1) RemoteFX USB Redirection in Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8
    2) Introducing Microsoft RemoteFX USB Redirection: Part 3
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

  • I've just moved from PC to Mac, with my PC i and using Vmware Player I used to work on 2 Virtual M/C both on 2 external drives, one Windows Server 2000 as operating system and the sec. WindowsXP, is their a way to open these m/c on my mac

    I've just moved from PC to Mac, with my PC i and using Vmware Player I used to work on 2 Virtual M/C both on 2 external drives, one Windows Server 2000 as operating system and the sec. WindowsXP, is their a way to open these m/c on my mac

    I am so glad to hear about your success. As you are new to the Mac environment, I will be glad to help you more.
    You said: "I can't change the setup yet but i have access". I don't understand what you mean about changing the setup! Please let me know more about that.
    I also recommend to use Boot Camp, which allows you to install windows on a partition of your internal hard drive. This has many benefits. First, you can restart your computer and start up in windows. This makes your Mac device a complete windows machine and you gain the most from your hardware when working in Windows. Second, if a problem occures to your Mac OS X, you can restart your machine in Windows and prevent your data from getting lost. Third, you can import the Windows installed on the boot camp partition in to the Mac OS X using VMWare Fusion and work with it as a virtual machine. In this situation, VMWare enables you to work directly with your Windows in the boot camp partition. So it does not create a file package for the virtual machine in OS X.
    Regarding the data safety and reliablity, I strongly recommend using Time Machine. You can also set it up to back up your virtual machines or not. This is possible to set up in the Virtual Machine Preferences Page in VMWare Fusion, or in the Time Machine preferences page in the System Preferences app of OS X.
    Please don't hesitate to ask any other question. I will be glad to help you.

  • I receive an error message when trying to install the latest Itunes program on my computer using windows 7, 64. I receive the message, "service  apple mobile device fails to start"

    What must I do to install the latest Itunes program using windows 7, 64. The program stops when the service portion is installing and states, "Service Apple mobile division fails to start"

    Well, shucks, i just spent almost 30 minutes trying to find your model user guide to explain it better, I guess they never got around to making it.....
    I would just borrow another Windows disk and try installing it again and if it does it again then you might take it to an Apple Store and see if one of the "Genius' " can figure it out.
    Make sure your internet is enabled and click on your blank desktop and at the top of your screen is a Help menu option, enter PRAM and it should give you a list of things relating to Pram. It may take a few seconds to list anything as it has to connect to Apples severs first. It should list the things you may have to fill back in when your done.
    "P-ram" stores some common information that is used in the background, your date, time, startup disk, etc, that you don't have to re-fill when you restart, it's a little different for each computer.

  • Got the following message when trying to install Photoshop CC "You are running an operating system that Photoshop no longer supports. Refer to the system requirements for a full list of supported platforms." I use Windows Vista so not sure what I need to

    Hi there
    I got the following message when trying to install Photoshop CC, "You are running an operating system that Photoshop no longer supports. Refer to the system requirements for a full list of supported platforms."
    I use Windows Vista so not sure what I need to do now! Any help would be much appreciated thanks.

    Photoshop CC only runs on Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. Not Vista.
    System requirements | Photoshop

  • My devices aren't being recognized by iTunes when I plug them in, so I can no longer sync.  I used to be able to.  I'm using Windows 7.

    My devices aren't being recognized by iTunes when I plug them in, so I can't sync.  I used to be able to and don't know what's happened.  I'm using Windows 7.

    Hi ngreg62,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    The steps in these articles can help troubleshoot if iOS devices or iPods aren't recognized in iTunes:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    iPod: Appears in Windows but not in iTunes

  • After updating to iTunes 12  the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is not listed, I use Windows 8.1, how can i solve this?

    After I updates ITunes to the latest version (12), ITunes wont find my iphone and Ipad anymore, after searching I found that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is not listed anymore, on the support website of Apple it doesnt explain how to solve this,.
    I use Windows 8.1 and so now also ITunes 12, both my Iphone 4S and Ipad Air have the latest IOS version.
    I hope anybody can tell me how to solve this that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is back, thank you

    Found a possible solution for me.
    While the phone was plugged into my computer and iTunes is CLOSED.
    1. I went to Services in Windows.
    2. I selected Apple Mobile Device and right clicked and selected "Stop".
    3. Then I right-clicked again and selected "Start".
    4. Then I went to Device Manager and right clicked my iPhone with the yellow alert icon and selected "Uninstall".  You will get a warning about uninstalling the device.  Click OK.
    5.  At the top of Device Manager I clicked the Action menu and selected "Scan for Hardware Changes".
    This re-installed the iPhone and everything started working again.

  • Using Windows 8.1 with Directx11, when I lauch Photoshop Elements Organizer, I see the error message "DirectX could not be initialized. Please be sure that it is installed on your system. You can download the latest DirectX installer from:[URL] I have the

    Using Windows 8.1 with Directx11, when I lauch Photoshop Elements 12 Organizer, I see the error message "DirectX could not be initialized. Please be sure that it is installed on your system. You can download the latest DirectX installer from:[URL] I have the latest version, Directx11, as verified by running dxdiag.

    Maybe you need to enable Direct Play under Legacy Components in the Turn Windows Features on or off dialog.
    1. Right click on the windows start Logo on the taskbar, select Control Panel and click on Programs
    2. Under Programs and Features click on Turn Windows Features on or off and then under Legacy Components enable Direct Play

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