Variable Selection- urgent please

Hey Guys
I am really stuck here; please help me out.
I have 5 cost objects like cost center, wbs element, internal order etc. and in the report each on them I made a variable because user should be able to pick any values for any one of them. But at the same time the user should select at least one. So how do i do that because I can't make all mandatory or even one mandatory and that's why they are all optional but then the user can miss all of them and the report will run for all of them(which would be forever). Is there a way to enforce at least one of them.
I will assign full points right away.

Hi Mark,
In user exit for variables (TC CMOD) you can trigger a return
to variable input at event I_Step = 3.
This is processed once per query, raises a message and returns to variable screen. You just have to check values
of variables for at least one entry.
Hope this jelps

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  • Row is not deleted when check box is selected urgent please

    my problem is, i am creating number of rows dynamicaly and storing the values in the database. I do have one delete check box. if the user checked that box that row should be deleted. I am using array to return the check box values. It is working fine when there is multiple rows.. suppose if i do have only one row and trying to delete that row i am getting an exception. Please help me to solve this issue, here ismy jsp
    <%@page language="java" import="java.lang.*, java.sql.*,*,
    <%@ page import="DatabaseConnection"%>
    <%@ page import="AdjustmentsBean"%>
    <%@ page import="AdjustmentTransactionInfo"%>
    <%@ page import="CustomerLocationInfo"%>
    <%@ page import="EmersonGlobalConstants"%>
    <%@ page import="CallPLSQLFunc"%>
    <%@include file="Security.jsp" %>
    AdjustmentsBean adjustments = new AdjustmentsBean();
    String userName=(String)session.getAttribute("user_name");
    String divisionCode=(String)session.getAttribute("division_code");
    String divisionName=(String)session.getAttribute("division_code_name");
    GregorianCalendar calendar = (GregorianCalendar)Calendar.getInstance();
    CallPLSQLFunc callPLSQLFunc = new CallPLSQLFunc();
    Vector months = callPLSQLFunc.getMonths(divisionCode);
    String cMonth = callPLSQLFunc.getCurrentMonth(divisionCode);
    System.out.println("%%%%%%%%%" +months);
    //int mm = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    //int yyyy = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    if(months ==null){
    months=new Vector();
    int mmst=0;
    int yyst=0;
    //mmst=Integer.parseInt(new String(((String)months.get(0)).charAt(0)));
    StringTokenizer token1 = new StringTokenizer(cMonth,"-");
    int ddst = Integer.parseInt(token1.nextToken());
    String currentDate= (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst;
    System.out.println("The current date is" + currentDate);
    String slectedMonth = request.getParameter("selectedMonth");
    String selectedDate=currentDate;
    if(slectedMonth != null && slectedMonth.trim().length()>0){
    boolean modifyAllowed=false;
    String admin=(String)session.getAttribute("admin");
    if(admin.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ){
    Vector transactions = adjustments.getTransactionsOfMonth(selectedDate,divisionCode);
    Vector customers = adjustments.getAllCustomers();
    System.out.println("customers : "+customers.size());
    var modifyAllowed;
    if(<%=modifyAllowed%> == true){
    modifyAllowed = '';
    modifyAllowed = 'disabled';
    var EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var EAS_Cust_Num_Key = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var EAS_Cust_Num = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var EAS_Cust_Name = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var customerWiseLocationNumKey = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var customerWiseLocationName = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
    CustomerLocationInfo cl = (CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
    EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key()%>";
    EAS_Cust_Num_Key[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Num_Key()%>";
    EAS_Cust_Num[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Num()%>";
    EAS_Cust_Name[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Name()%>";
    var locationNumKey = new Array(<%=cl.getLocations().size()%>);
    var locationName = new Array(<%=cl.getLocations().size()%>);
    int j=0;
    Enumeration enum = cl.getLocations().keys();
    String s = (String)enum.nextElement();
    String name = (String)cl.getLocations().get(s);
    customerWiseLocationNumKey[<%=i%>] = locationNumKey;
    customerWiseLocationName[<%=i%>] = locationName;
    function changeMonth(){
    function populateLocation(id){
    var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
    var rows = table.rows.length-2;
    var theForm = document.forms[0];
    var wRow = theForm["location"];
    var wCustRow = theForm["customer"];
    var len;
    var locobj ;
    var custobj ;
    if(rows ==1){
    locobj =wRow;
    locobj =wRow[id];
    if(rows ==1){
    custobj =wCustRow;
    custobj =wCustRow[id];
    len = locobj.options.length;
    locobj.options[z] = null;
    locobj.options[0] = new Option("Select Any Location");
    var cIndex = custobj.selectedIndex;
    if(cIndex !=0){
    locobj.options = new Option(customerWiseLocationName[cIndex-1][i-1],customerWiseLocationNumKey[cIndex-1][i-1]);
    function addRow(id){
    var table = document.getElementById(id);
    var sHTML = new Array() ;
    var cus = "<select name=customer onChange='javascript:populateLocation("+(table.rows.length-2)+")'"+modifyAllowed+"><OPTION VALUE=''>Select Any Customer</OPTION>";
    var options;
    options = options+"<OPTION VALUE='" + EAS_Cust_Num +"'>" + EAS_Cust_Name + "</OPTION>";
    sHTML[0] = "<input type=checkbox name=chk "+modifyAllowed+" onClick=changedisable("+(table.rows.length-2)+")><input type=hidden name=adid value='' ><input type=hidden name=isdelete value='false'>";
    sHTML[1] = cus;
    sHTML[2] = "<select name='location'"+modifyAllowed+"><OPTION VALUE=''>Select Any Location</OPTION>";
    sHTML[3] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=sku"+modifyAllowed+"> <input type=button value=Search'SearchSKU.jsp?cnt="+(table.rows.length-2)+"','SearchSKU','width=350,height=350,top=150,left=150,scrollbars=yes')>";
    sHTML[6] = "<input type=hidden name=shipnotbilled "+modifyAllowed+" onClick=changeisshipnotbilled("+(table.rows.length-2)+")><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='false'>";
    sHTML[4] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=units "+modifyAllowed+">";
    sHTML[5] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=amount "+modifyAllowed+">";
    var newRow = table.insertRow(-1);
    var sHTMLIndex = sHTML.length ;
    for(i=0;i<sHTMLIndex;i++) {
    var newCellSelect = newRow.insertCell(-1);
    newCellSelect.innerHTML = sHTML;
    function validate(){
    var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
    var theForm = document.forms[0];
    var wRow = theForm["amount"];
    var custRow = theForm["customer"];
    var locRow = theForm["location"];
    var quantityRow = theForm["units"];
    var count = table.rows.length;
    var rows = table.rows.length-2;
    var obj;
    if(rows==1){ //only one row..
    alert("Amount field is mandatory. Please fill in amount");
    return false;
    alert("Customer is mandatory. Please select the customer");
    return false;
    alert("Location is mandatory. Please select the location");
    return false;
    if(! isAmount(wRow.value) ){
    alert("Amount is numeric. Please enter numeric value for amount");
    return false;
    alert("Quantity is numeric. Please enter numeric value for quantity");
    return false;
    }else{ //this means more than one rows..
    alert("Amount field is mandatory. Please fill in amount for transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    if(wRow.value== 0){
    alert("Please fill non zero value for Amount "+(i+1));
    return false;
    alert("Customer is mandatory. Please select the customer for transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    alert("Location is mandatory. Please select the location for transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    if(! isAmount(wRow.value) ){
    alert("Amount is numeric. Please enter numeric value for amount of transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    alert("Quantity is numeric. Please enter numeric value for quantity of transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    if(quantityRow.value== 0){
    alert("Please fill non zero value for Units "+(i+1));
    return false;
    return true;
    function isQuantity(value){
    for (k=0;k<value.length;k++){
    if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9) ){
    if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9)){
    if(k == value.length){
    return true;
    return false;
    function isAmount(value){
    for (k=0;k<value.length;k++){
    if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9) ){
    if((!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9)) ){
    if(value.charAt(k) !='.'){
    if(k == value.length){
    return true;
    return false;
    function changedisable(index){
    function changeisshipnotbilled(index){
    function backtoHome(){
    function setData(cnt,num){
    var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
    var rows = table.rows.length-2;
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
    <%= EmersonGlobalConstants.TITLE %>
    <body class="trAppId1" alink="blue" vlink="blue" link="blue">
    <form name="adjustmentForm" method="get" action="AdjustmentServlet"
    Manual Sales Application
    <br>User Name: <%=userName%>, Division Code: <%=divisionCode%>,
    Division Name: <%=divisionName%>
    <b>Date: </b>
    <Select name="selectedMonth" onChange="javascript:return changeMonth();">
    for(int i=0;i<months.size();i++){
    String mon = (String)months.get(i);
    System.out.println("mon *********** : "+mon);
    //mmst=Integer.parseInt(new String(((String)months.get(i)).charAt(0)));
    out.println("<option value='"+ (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst+"' "+(selectedDate.equalsIgnoreCase((mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst)?"selected":"") +">"+getMonth(mmst) + ", " + yyst+"</option>");
    for(int i=0;i<months.size();i++){
    String mon = (String)months.get(i);
    StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(mon,"/");
    String mmm= token.nextToken();
    String yyy= token.nextToken();
    System.out.println("mon *********** : "+mon);
    System.out.println("selectedDate**** "+selectedDate);
    out.println("<option value='"+ (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst+"' "+(selectedDate.equalsIgnoreCase((mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst)?"selected":"") +">"+getMonth(mmst) + ", " + yyst+"</option>");
    <table id="myTable" class="tableForm" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" align="center">
    <tr class="trFormHead"><td colspan="7"> Adjustment Transactions</td></tr>
    <td width = 2%><b>Delete</b></td>
    <td width = 25% align=center><b>Customer<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <td width = 25% align=center><b>Location<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <td width = 20% align=center><b>SKU<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <!-- <td width = 5% align=center><b>SNB</td> -->
    <td width = 9% align=center><b>Units<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <td width = 9% align=center><b>Amount<font color=red> *</font></td>
    int index=0;
    AdjustmentTransactionInfo transacrionInfo;
    transacrionInfo = (AdjustmentTransactionInfo)transactions.get(index);
    <input type=hidden name=adid value='<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentId()%>' >
    <td><input type=checkbox name=chk <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changedisable(<%=index%>) >
    <input type=hidden name=isdelete value='false'></td>
    <td >
    <select name=customer <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onChange='javascript:populateLocation(<%=index%>)' >
    <OPTION VALUE="">Select Any Customer</OPTION>
    for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
    CustomerLocationInfo cl =(CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
    //this is done considering that EASCustLocNum of transaction is same as EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key of customer table.
    String selected = cl.getLocations().containsKey(transacrionInfo.getEASCustLocNum())?"selected":"";
    out.println ("<OPTION VALUE='" + cl.getEAS_Cust_Num() + "'"+selected+">" + cl.getEAS_Cust_Name() + "</OPTION>");
    <select name="location" <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    <OPTION VALUE="">Select Any Location</OPTION>
    for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
    CustomerLocationInfo cl = (CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
    Hashtable locations = cl.getLocations();
    Enumeration enum = locations.keys();
    String key =(String)enum.nextElement();
    out.println ("<OPTION VALUE='" + key +"'"+(key.equalsIgnoreCase(transacrionInfo.getEASCustLocNum())?"selected":"")+">"+ locations.get(key) + "</OPTION>");
    function openURL(URL,windowName){
    <input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=sku value="<%=transacrionInfo.getProductionSKUNum()%>"<%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    <input type=button value="Search"onclick="'SearchSKU.jsp?cnt=<%=index%>', 'SearchSKU', 'width=350,height=350,top=150,left=150,scrollbars=yes');">
    <input type="checkbox" name="shipnotbilled" <%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"checked":""%><%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changeisshipnotbilled(<%=index%>)><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='<%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"true":"false"%>'>
    <input type=hidden name="shipnotbilled" <%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"checked":""%> <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changeisshipnotbilled(<%=index%>) ><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='<%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"true":"false"%>'>
    <input type="text" size="10" name="units" value="<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentQty()%>"<%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    <input type="text" size="10" name="amount" value="<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentAmt()%>" <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    /*if(transactions== null || transactions.size()==0){
    out.println ("<tr><td></td><td colspan=6 align =
    center><b> Transactions not available</b></td></tr>");
    <br><b>Transactions marked will be deleted on submit</b>
    <b>Fields marked with <font color=red>*</font> are mandatory.</b>
    <input type=submit value="Submit Form!" onClick='javascript:return validate()'>
    <input type=button value="Back to Home Page" onClick='javascript:backtoHome()'>
    String getMonth(int month){
    case 1:
    return "JAN";
    case 2:
    return "FEB";
    case 3:
    return "MAR";
    case 4:
    return "APR";
    case 5:
    return "MAY";
    case 6:
    return "JUN";
    case 7:
    return "JUL";
    case 8:
    return "AUG";
    case 9:
    return "SEP";
    case 10:
    return "OCT";
    case 11:
    return "NOV";
    case 12:
    return "DEC";
    return "JAN";

    I haven't read your code, but can make a guess at what's going wrong. Checkboxes do behave in a weird manner depending upon whether you have selected one or many.
    Assuming this is the statement where you are generating the checkbox :
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkBoxName" value="<%= someValue %>">
    What you could do is read the checked checkBoxes in an array :
    String[] values = request.getParameterValues("checkBoxName");
    int sizeOfValues = values.length;
    Then use the sizeOfValues to perform your delete action :
    if (sizeOfValues==1)
         for (int i=0; i<sizeOfValues(); i++)
    Hope this technique works.

  • Urgent: Custom Text in Variable Selection Screen

    Hi Experts,
    I know that it is not recommended by SAP to customise the variable screen, I am sorry but that is ridiculous coz there are no alternatives provided for even simple editing. I''ve searched every where in SDN to find a way to simply add a custom text element in this bizarre screen.
    I need to do that because I have to group variables that look similar in a container and add some instructions to users on how to base their selections.
    I am also not sure what exactly the web item whcih is behind this selection screen or perhaps if it is another web template that is being invoked by the standard template ""0analysis_pattern"" and if any what is that web item invoking it.
    If you have any clues of how i can achieve this please adivce as soon as you possibly can.
    Points will be assigned.
    Edited by: Jad on Apr 30, 2008 8:27 AM

    To customize your variable screen you should neeed developer access can see whether you have got or not in table Devaccess..
    Personalisation of variables is for saving all inputs for future use. ( In your case save without any pre determined values )
    Below PDF link will surely answer your doubts.
    The personalization option can be activated in the system (using the program RS_PERS_ACTIVATE or the IMG guide (BW Customizing Implementation Guide -> Business Information Warehouse -> Reporting-Relevant Settings -> General Reporting Settings -> Activate personalization in the BEx).
    You can manage your personalization variable through BEX Analyzer "Change Variable Values" menu option "Business Explorer --> change query --> change variable values.
    Go through this link for making cange in Variable selection screen..
    Re: No Text displayed in the Input help in WEB
    For creating the Web Template..
    Go the web application designer, create a new web template in the template
    in the left hand side you will find web items , from there drag and drop table , navigation block for your navigation attributes and in the table you have to assign the data provider
    for that first you have to do
    <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
    <param name="CMD" value="SET_DATA_PROVIDER"/>
    <param name="NAME" value="DATAPROVIDER_1"/>
    <param name="QUERY" value="your query name"/>
    <param name="INFOCUBE" value="your cube or multiprovider name "/>
    now you can asssign the data provider 1 to the table.
    you can all the neccessary things you want , like check box, radio button group, charts etc.
    while saving this save it in a role.
    If you want to do this for a workbook, which has been created in the BEx Analyzer, do the following:
    After embedding the query in the workbook, right click -> choose 'properties' in the context menu -> click the 'interaction' tab -> check the 'save and reuse variable values' option.
    After doing this, once the workbook or query is refreshed, the already entered variable values are taken.
    Also see
    Hope it helps you,Revert me back if you have any queries
    Assign points if helpful

  • Variable selection is very slow in WAD

    Hi All,
    Variable selection is very slow, It  takes 2 min to 3 min to get the variable list.
    There are Lots of Data in the system and This query is from Multicube
    please help me out from this issue. It's Urgent !!

    Hi Greg,
    I have the same issue.
    It is very important to improve performance of the F4 function in the web.
    For one query in BEx, it takes about 2 seconds to open the F4 screen for 0CUSTOMER. In the web (WAD) it takes a lot more even with HTTP compression enabled!
    Anybody with a solution to improve performance of the variable selection screen?

  • How to add customize message on the variable selection screen in the query

    Hi all,
    Can we add an customise message on the variable selection screen in the query? If yes please let me know how it can be achevied?

    Hi Rani,
    I faced a similar issue (for what I understand your request is).
    My requirement for the Variable Screen was to do:
       1) place a link to a ppt file
       2) remove buttons "Save", "Save As...), "Delete"... the standard buttons come when running the Query or WebTempl
    We were using a Web Templ for BI7.0
    I struggled trying to find out how to do it. My conclusions are:
    - WAD, not sure we can accomplish it using a Web Template but i did not "play" a lot with the Web_Template Properties in order to know
    - XHTML, I was told in my post HTML modification was the way, but I have close to nil background in HTML and couold not find the way of accessing the Variable Entry screen
    For instance, I had to remove similar buttons and change some font size from a link on the Web Template (WAD), which was pretty straight forward. In WAD the buttons come with its own icon and to increase the Font size for that link we used XHTML (<font size="2" >). But the heck of the variable screen...well, i just did not get trhough to it to modify it in any way.
    Good luck,
    Definetly in a Query I would say that no.
    PS: If anyone had a better insight, please feel free to share it.

  • Error when executing query without passing variable selection

    Hi Gurus
    I am getting an error while executing a query with out passing values for variables
    When executing the query by passing the filter values report returns the data
    When executing the query with out passing variable selections the error message is
    Unknown error in SQL interface
    Error reading the data of Info Provider ZCRM_O08
    Error while reading data; navigation possible
    System error in program SSAPLRS_EXCEPTION and form
    No Data Available
    can any one please help me in resolving this
    Thank you

    Hi Srini
    Thanks for your quick response
    When i am executing the query with selection it is returning the data
    giving error when executing with out passing the selection
    is there any other cause for this problem
    like any particular info object causes this sort of problem
    Thank you

  • UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION when a user is executing a variable selection in WT

    Hi Experts,
    There is strange problem to one User, when ever she uses the Varibale selection for 0FUNCT_LOC in Portal, the systems throws the below UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION, in the Webtemplate screen.
    When i Checked that is displayed in  *Root Cause*,  it is showing as follows.
    " The initial exception that caused the request to fail was: 
    Termination message sent
    ABEND RSBOLAP (000): Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
      MSGV3: UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION Termination message sent
    ABEND RSBOLAP (000): Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
    And other messages that were displayed are below.
    ABEND: Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
    ABEND: System error in program CL_RSBOLAP_VARIABLE_CHARACTERI and form No hierarchy available (see long text)
    Here the problem is that, while others users have no problem with  the same Webtemplate,that is there is no exception raised for Functional location for them (And also when i checked from my side in Webtemplate, there was no problem displayed at my side too )
    But when We created the copy of the user id (With same roles and profiles) again it has showed the same problem again.
    We also checked in the Roles and Authorizations for that user, but could find no problem.
    Also the user is able to access the Function Loaction variable selection in Bex Analyzer without any problems.
    But  only when she uses the selection in Portal she is getting UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION.
    Could anyone please help me how to trace where the problem is, and why it is happening only for that user.
    And when there is no problem at Bex Analyzer side, why the exception is raised at Portal.
    Thanks in advance for helping

    Thanks Javier,
    But it could not help me to fix the issue, the problem occurs to only one user, when she selects Functional Location variable (Hierarchy Infoobject) in Portal. For me and others we do not have problem, but when i copy replica that user id with problem, and execute at my side i too see the same problem, any idea why?
    Do we need to do any user specific configuration at portal side, for case of Hier Infoobject variables incase?.
    Any help on this would be appreciated.
    Thanks a lot.

  • Port number from 7777 to 8080 - URGENT please

    dear all,
    i'm using Apex 2.2,
    i wanted to change port number from 7777 to 8080,
    due to Security Reasons, i have to change the port from 7777 to 8080
    in which File i need to do the Changes & what are the Steps to be Followes,
    i wanted to change the same to
    please Help me out in this,
    its is Very URGENT PLEASE
    Many thanks

    This is unlikely to be any help becaue your URL specified 'pls' in the path indicating that you are using mod_plsql, but but you might like to check that you are not inadvertently servicing your Apex instance with the embedded PL/SQL gateway.
    Check to see if you are using EPG with the simple sql :
    If value returned is 7777 then you appear to be using EPG.
    Change the port using EXEC DBMS_XDB.SETHTTPPORT(8080);
    And then navigate your
    As I said it's unlikely to be any help but wort checking all the same.

  • SAPGUI 640 patch 19, BEX SAP BW 3.x, , Netweaver04 - No variable selection

    The above in subject line is installed. Checked the installation w/sapbexc.xla, no major issues, all components were selected during frontend install. When the BEX Browser is launched I connect to BW and I select a report a Visual Basic error "Run-time error '91' Object variable or With block variable not set" occurs. Excel is opened but the expected variable selection screen does not appear. In addition to the above the BW addon patches 8 and 9 are installed and a couple of entries made into the PC registry per note 542961. SAPGUI works well for everything else as far as I can tell. What have I missed to make this work? prkctybum

    Please help me with this issue. We have the same similar issue you had. We can do the Global Settings going to the individual users but we are not able to push the resolution to every machine in the company, please see the note below. If you could send the resolution showing how you were able to push the code to every machine. You can mail me to [email protected].
    I’ve attempted to use .NET 2’s storeadm /LIST command to pull the BEXAddin info from the IsolatedStorage Assembly where it keeps a record of the bexaddin.dll information. However the record it keeps is of no help. The file path:
    C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\IsolatedStorage\x1smiiqw.qws\p1vq0mkf.2u2\Url.fc1l2xts4acc5iv3nxl2uoy0btkfeen5\AssemFiles\BExAddin.xml
    …is not kept here, or anywhere else that I can find. I’m going to have to do this the hard way and build something to check if IsolatedStorage exists, if so, query the folder structure, and check to see if the BEXADDIN.XML has been built, if it has, rewrite the legacy option. If it doesn’t exist, that’s the BIG issue, we’ll have to initiate Excel to run the BExAnalyzer that way it generates the IsolatedStorage and then repeat the above. The problem is that running Excel without the customer realizing that I’m running it is kinda tricky, what’s worse is that this would have to run for every user on a machine, and that’s impossible to do without everyone’s password, so essentially, this would only work for the logged on user, or what USD perceives as the logged on user, and since USD runs under the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account that’s what it will see as the current user. So, long story short, I don’t think I can automate a fix for this.
    So, while I could query every existing users folder structure within IsolateStorage, I cannot guarantee that they’ve run BEX once to generate the folder structure for themselves in order for me to patch it. We could force BEX open after pushing SAP, but again, it would open for the SYSTEM account, not a “real” user. The only way to automate is to get the customer involved and have them run BEX one time, but how would we know to then push the fix…

  • How to use Keyfigures in the Bex variable selection screen.

    I have a scenario, where the user whats to see the keyfigures like volume, amount in the variable selection screen, so that he can dynamically, set the condition according to his requirement.
    For example , he wants to see all the PO's for a particular calmonth which have volume >  1 Million or on someother day, he may input the value as volume > 2Million or Volume < 0 , so it depends. Similarly he wants to dynamically select the Amount values.
    I have tried using condition with "greater than"and value as a formula variable and it works for one condition, but if I add another condition i.e, "less than"and value as a formula variable then it conflicts and the query is throughing below error.
    "ERROR BRAIN (418): Variable ZCS_VAR_CH_KG_LT (DC015DZ850NUYVFDMPJHRGHXW) does not exist or is incorrectly used 4 Volume"."".
    Do we have a option to use customer exit in such a scenario ??, any suggestions please.

    Please check out the below link.
    Hope it suffice your requirement.

  • Need to skip the variable selection screen when using dropdown

    Hello Friends,
    I have created a web template having a dropdown, a table and a text element. Basically I am trying to follow the guide "How to Use a Dropdown Box to Set Variable Values". It shows how to select values for a variable using dropdown.
    NOTE: The guide can be found here:
    What is happening is when I select a value for the variable in the dropdown, the correct url is getting formed but instead of displaying the report using the selected value, the variable selection screen appears. Given below is the url that gets formed:
    Please assist me to get rid of the variable selection screen. Thanks!

    Hello Ray,
    Thanks for your reply. This has partially resovled the issue. I have awarded you points for that. Now I am able to skip the variable screen.
    However, the query results are not getting refreshed. I wanted to restirct the values based on the value given in the variable selection (In my case the dropdown box). Somehow I am not able to link the dropdown with the variable or the "SAPBWOpenURL(url);" function is having some issues.
    Please assist. Thanks!

  • Text info  in the variable selection screen

      I want to show some text info together with variable selection screen. Is it possible in WAD ? How to do it?
    Help please.

    Basically its not suggestable by SAP that to modify the variable screen, since that has been directly delivered by SAP Object... If you still wants to modify the variable screen then your F4 will not work ijn the variable screen... Usually dont go and modify your variable screen..

  • How to put variable selection and the query result the same screen

    Dear all,
       how can I put the variable selection and the query result in the same screen? Please advise. Thanks.
    Jin Ming

    Not sure if you are saying you want the prompts on the same page as the results... however in 7.0 with BEx Analyzer, you can insert a text object from the design toolbar and assign it to the variable.... this way, lets say you run query for period 6, then the text object will display "6" on the same area where the query results are.

  • # value in Variable Selection screen

              Can you please help with the below:
    How do we remove # (Not Assigned) value from Variable selection screen. When I select PLANT in one of the  report, I see # value. But there are no empty values in the cube. So, I am not sure as why I am getting this # value in Selection Screen.  The seeting in Web designer for READ MODE is "Posted Values" and  not  "Master data or Dimension Table".

    have you checked what Bex properties are set in the Info Object for "Query Def. Filter Value S"
    Select Values from Info provider.
    that might solve your problem. But ensure you're not disturbing anything else by changing this property.
    Regards, Siva
    Message was edited by:
            Siva Bonam

  • Display Key and Text in Variable Selection Box by Default in BEx

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement to display both key and text in the variable selection box by default.
    Currently, only the text is being displayed.
    The 'wrench' can be used to change the display, but the client would like to see both key and text by default.
    Is there  a way I can accomplish this?
    Points will be assigned!

    hi experts,
    i have done the same settings in development and its working fine and we can see key/text bydefault in variable selection in Dev. and when i transport the cube into quality the settings are reflecting but in analyzer(QA) variable selection screen still its giving text(DEFAULT). could you please provide me the solutions to do it.
    thanks & Regards

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