Video playback is still choppy....

I've tried the settings suggestions from Apple and nothing seems to be helping the choppy video playback. When downloading music, or video I can't even watch the video at all-- it just freeze frames, but will still play audio. I also tried to watch mpeg4's in Quicktime, with iTunes minimized and it still doesn't work. Anyone have any fixes or suggestions for this problem, or is it just my computer?

Finally, My video display return!
Please refer to this
Troubleshooting iTunes for Windows video playback perfomance issues
My steps:
1. Disable Direct3D video acceleration in QuickTime
2.Increase Display screen resolution(not color quality)
I increased the display to the highest resolution from 1024X768 to 1280X1024. Video works! But the characters for highest resoution is too small,I return to original resolution 1024X768. Solve my problem.
  Windows XP Pro   Itunes

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    Hello Wesleywilson2349,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities!
    Depending on your version of Windows, I would recommend either one of these 2 articles:
    Troubleshooting iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7 video playback performance issues
    iTunes for Windows XP: Troubleshooting video playback
    All the very best,

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    This is the first time I have had this, however I am not impressed at all. Video playback becomes laggy/choppy, the sound goes all fuzzy and becomes out of sync. It first started with "Blue Planet", I got it about 3 weeks ago now and I simply cannot finish the series as the play back becomes horrible. I have "Ancient Aliens" and that never done anything like that on the same machine. Even the HD version played perfectly.
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    Thanks for your reply.
    Ugh. Sorry. It is frustrating and in today's technological marketplace should be one of the easier things for the Mac to handle.
    Received another feedback from someone. Have to try when my daughter gets up, but right-clicking on iTunes and doing a Get Info will yield the 'Run in 32bit mode', Checking this box helped another person who was floggedw with this issue
    The whole thing is odd. The Choppy playback was an issue oh her machine prior to upgrading to iTunes 11 and me adding another 4GB of RAM. Ran disk utility, did all the normal things to try and solve. She doesn't have an i-device, so WIFI sync was a moot point.
    I do not have the issue on my MBPro 15" running the same compliment of software and iTunes. Same movie plays fine. On hers, the issue is there. So this has to be software... settings, conflict, something...
    Just tried the 32bit mode on her machine and same choppy results. Back to square zero.

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    <object> code below:
    <object width="352" height="288" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="FLVPlayer" style="position:relative; z-index:0;">
    <param name="movie" value="FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" />
    <param name="salign" value="lt" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <param name="scale" value="noscale" />
    <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
    <param name="FlashVars" value="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Clear_Skin_1&streamName=/Video/PressVideo&autoPlay =true&autoRewind=false" />
    <embed src="FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" flashvars="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Clear_Skin_1&streamName=/Video/PressVideo&auto Play=true&autoRewind=false" quality="high" wmode="opaque" scale="noscale" width="352" height="288" name="FLVPlayer" salign="LT" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />

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    jasonjantzen wrote:
    Ha, typical. No repsonse. Where's Durin when you need him?
    Give the man a break - he's probably asleep, and now you're expecting him to work over the weekend...
    I'm sorry, but I can't help you with the video problem. The only time I tried this recently, I couldn't get the damn video to play in Audition at all, so I gave up; fortunately it didn't matter. The only thing I know is that the video engine it uses has been changed at some stage (probably CS5.5) - heaven only knows what the implications of this are.

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    Hi lksdjfl,
    Thanks for the question. Based on what you stated, it seems like you want to install a prior version of OS X because of choppy video playback. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you isolate or resolve the issue.
    Mac OS X: How to reinstall a prior version - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.

  • Video playback slowdown (on window focus shift)

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    Thanks in advance.
    Mac Mini 1.42GHz PPC (512mb, 80GB, 10.4.7)   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    The video slowdown in the Flash player is a built in "feature" (I actually think it is a feature, but your milage may vary!) of Safari.
    I actually recently read something about this, but I'm not sure I'll get it all exactly correct. And of course I can't remember where I saw it. But the long-short of it seems to be that Flash doesn't have its own clock. It relies on the hosting platform to feed it its time cues. Different browser manage this differently, but Safari is evidently designed to drop Flash (and probably other things) to about 4 frames per second when the window doesn't have focus.
    There seemed to be a similar limitation within Firefox as well. The discussion I read was asking some Flash plug-in developer if they could bypass these controls. The developer pointed out that (especially in the Firefox case) that was a community decision as a way to limit folks from having the dreaded "Death of Five thousand little Flash banners."
    So even with a more powerful computer I don't think you will be able to get around this issue. Maybe I'm wrong.
    As for the DVDs issue all I can say is that with a Mini you probably won't be able to watch DVDs and do other stuff.

  • Apple TV 2 choppy video playback when mirroring from Macbook Pro (Yosemite) and Macbook Air (Yosemite) but not iOS devices

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    Hi leahmturner,
    I see that you are experiencing an issue with choppiness while AirPlay Mirroring from your computers to your Apple TV. I have an article that contains some helpful troubleshooting steps for you regarding this issue:
    About AirPlay Mirroring in OS X - Apple Support
    Optimizing image quality
    Resolution matching modes
    You can choose between two desktop resolution matching modes that let you select which display will have the best image. When AirPlay Mirroring is turned on, select an option under "Match Desktop Size To:" in the AirPlay Mirroring menu extra.
    Match Desktop Size To: Apple TV
    AirPlay Mirroring changes the desktop resolution to best match your Apple TV, resulting in a 16:9 image that fills the HDTV screen. This setting often produces the sharpest image on the HDTV. The aspect ratio and/or resolution of the built-in Mac display may change to accommodate the Apple TV.
    Match Desktop Size To: This Mac
    AirPlay Mirroring scales the contents of the desktop to fit on the Apple TV, leaving the resolution of your Mac's display unchanged. Use this setting for the sharpest image on your Mac's display. Depending on your Mac model, the resulting image may not fill the HDTV screen.
    Troubleshooting AirPlay Mirroring
    If you don't see mirroring options
    If your Mac and Apple TV are on the same network, but no AirPlay Mirroring menu appears, your Apple TV may be asleep. Simply press a button on your Apple TV remote to wake it up. After a few seconds, the AirPlay Mirroring menu extra appears. If you still don't see the options you expect, make sure your Apple TV has the current software update installed. Also make sure that you have the "Show mirroring options in the menu bar when available" option selected in the Displays pane of System Preferences.
    If the menu bar or Dock is cropped
    Some HDTVs have bezels that cover a small percentage of the screen. This can result in a slight cropping of a full-resolution HDTV image. Depending on the HDTV model, AirPlay Mirroring may automatically adjust the picture size to prevent cropping.  If you are using OS X Mountain Lion or later, and you see cropping of the menu bar or Dock when using AirPlay Mirroring, toggle the Overscan correction option in Displays preferences.
    Minimize video post-processing
    HDTVs often apply picture quality enhancements intended to improve the look of film and video sources. In some cases, these enhancements can lead to over-sharpening artifacts when displaying your Mac desktop. Some HDTV models have built-in settings to change or disable the enhancements for use with a computer (computer, presentation, or game modes). Otherwise, the controls for sharpness, detail enhancement and noise reduction can be used to optimize the appearance of the Mac desktop. Consult your HDTV’s manual for guidance on the appropriate settings for use with a computer.
    Firewall security settings
    If you use a firewall, make sure the following firewall security options have been set to allow AirPlay Mirroring to work:
    Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu ().
    Click Security & Privacy, then click Firewall.
    Click the lock icon to unlock it if it's locked, then type an administrator name and password.
    Click Firewall Options.
    Deselect (uncheck) the “Block all incoming connections” checkbox.
    Select (check) the “Automatically allow signed software to receive incoming connections” checkbox.
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

  • Online video playback is severally laggy/choppy on my macbook pro 2011?

    hey guys, got a bit of an issue here. I've been noticing some SEVERE lagging issues whilst viewing online (streaming) video, from various sites, including, novamov, youtube, and others. the videos rarely stop to buffer as i have a fast connection, but yet they still seem to lag wildly. what i mean by this, is the sound will continue as normal, the the picture will freeze sometimes for a good 5 seconds or so before resuming, this is happening increasingly more and more..
    i am running Mac OSX Lion (latest Update) on my:
    MacBook Pro
    17-inch, Early 2011
    Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB
    Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b)
    If it helps my hard drive space is:
    Macintosh HD
    Capacity: 664 GB
    Available: 179.79 GB
    The browser i am using is the latest version of Safari, although i have tried firefox and chrome and i experience the same issue.
    I have Sophos anti-virus installed and run regular scans on my system (all clear)
    i really can't think of anything else which could be causing an issue here. I haven't installed any additional software for a while, not in the time frame since the error started to occur.
    I am quite surprised to be experiencing such issues as lagging on something as simple as a youtube video when my £3000+ computer handles heavy applications such as Final cut pro and Photoshop with ease...
    i MUST be missing something here,
    I really would appreciate any help i can get here.
    thankyou very much for your time

    Hey Carolyn,
    Worked a treat, de-jaggy video for first time in months!!! Only point of clarification, I manually deleted the Flash plug-in before I uninstalled Flash. Don't know if this was why it worked for me rather than others but hey ...
    Thanks again!
    Carolyn Samit
    Re: Online video playback is severally laggy/choppy on my macbook pro 2011? 
    Apr 26, 2012 5:07 PM (in response to bcusick)
    Hi Ben...
    I am quite surprised to be experiencing such issues as lagging on something as simple as a youtube video
    Try troubleshooting the Flash plugin required for most YouTube video.
    Quit all open browsers. I'm using Safari as a test.
    Open System Preferences > Flash Player then select the Storage tab. Click: Delete All
    Now uninstall the Flash plugin then reinstall new >  Troubleshoot Flash Player | Mac OS
    Make sure and uninstall the current plugin first.
    Then launch Safari. From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Empty Cache
    Now try a video.
    BTW... if you have the ClickToFlash extension installed, that can prevent Flash based video from streaming. It can also be installed as a plugin in /Library/Internet-Plug-Ins.
    And check to see if Safari is running in 32 bit mode. Right or control click the Safari icon in your Applications folder then click Get Info. If the box next to:  Open in 32 bit mode  is selected, deselect, quit then relaunch Safari.
    edited by:  cs

  • ITunes 11 HD video playback slow/choppy/stutter/skipping in OSX

    Hi guys,
    I'm running iTunes 11.0.1 in OS 10.8.2 on my 2.66 GHzm, 8 GB RAM MacBook Pro and playback in HD (1080p) movies/TV shows in iTunes is slow, choppy, stuttering and skipping. Can't seem to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    I was having this same problem, and found one cause.
    I have an extensive library on a Drobo FS.  None of the AppleTV's in the house have any problem streaming full 1080p from it, but my new iMac does.  Choppy / laggy video play.  Movies and TV shows right from the iTunes store.  I can have 3 TV's streaming, and even a 4th laptop, all streaming from the iMac iTunes using the Drobo.  They all have zero issues.  No lag, no choppy, nothing.  iMac has the issue even when nothing else is running.  Every time.
    BTW, it's happend on my old iMac and the brand new one, both with iTunes 11.
    I was told to try setting up a second account on my iMac, and try playing video there.  It worked.  No problems at all.  Weird.
    So I started looking at differences between the new account, and my standard.  I'd already made sure nothing unusual was running, and no processor hogs (not that anything short of Handbrake at full settings has come close to pegging out the processers on the new box).  I found one thing, that made a difference.  I had Timemachine backups, going to the same Drobo FS (though a different partition) turned on on the iMac.
    Timemachine was running the whole time, and didn't impact any other streaming from the same machine, but it did make iTunes video playback of 1080p movies skip like my 6 year old daughter on the iMac.  I turned it off.... no more skipping.  I've watched 5 TV shows and 2 movies on that account, and not had another single incident.
    Obviously, there is still a problem.  The iMac and Drobo have enough bandwidth that they can do all the work at the same time (or I'd be seeing the problem on the other devices while streaming), but they are not playing well together on the same account.  I've also checked the throughput to the Drobo FS from the iMac... way more than necessary.  If it were a read / write thing on the Drobo, then I'd expect other devices to see the issue when I'm watching something on the iMac that is skipping, but there was still no skipping on any other device at that same time...
    But, as I said, I found the root cause in my case.  I can turn off Timemachine backups while I'm watching a movie on the iMac, or I can move where I write the Timemachine backups to (going to try this over the weekend to be sure it works).  If moving the Timemachine backup to a different drive doesn't work, it's a bigger problem.
    I'd really love to see Apple fix this and the issue where I have to turn iTunes on in 32bit mode when using an external library (of it gives the funky quicktime error until you delete and readd the movie).
    Hope this helps some of you, if not all.

  • Choppy HD Video Playback

    Okay I have a 2.6 Ghz Core 2 Duo with 4GB Memory 17" Macbook Pro. I got my MacBook Pro about a month ago and I could watch 1080p trailers perfectly no choppiness or anything. But now I've noticed when I watch them the video gets choppy at points, even videos I've saved and watch in the past perfectly are now getting choppy. What can I do? Should I go to genius bar and see if they can do anything? I have no programs or downloads going on in the background and it still gets choppy, any suggestions would be great, thanks!
    Message was edited by: Jokerboy649

    I had this exact problem and the cause was Perian.
    If you have installed Perian, get rid of it! It's crap and really bogs down video playback.

  • I may have a solution for choppy video playback for iTunes Windows users

    My setup:
    - Intel NUC (i5)
    - 8gb memory
    - Intel 5000 Graphics with 1GB memory (share of system memeory)
    - iTunes 12
    - iTunes library on NAS via GigaLan
    Had problems with very choppy and freezing HD video playback in iTunes and tried everything... Every other player works fine.
    1. downgrade audio playback
    2. played with Quicktime settings
    However, I think I might have a workaround. You need to do the following,
    1. Install Quicktime 7
    2. Install iTunes
    3. Download ffdshow (Sep 2014 version) and install the codecs: pretty much leaving all do default
    4. Set audio quality in Sound and Quicktime options in control panel, and iTunes to 16bit 48k
    5. In advanced options of Quicktime in control panel, deselect "Direct 3D" & "Enable directdraw on seondary display", ONLY tick "enable directdraw accerleration"
    Well, at least this works for me for now.
    @Apple! You need to address this issue once for all, I can't believe there is no solution. As a paying customer who buy quite a few of your movies in iTunes, I expect to have a harssell free experience. Consumers should NOT have to go through all these troubles trying to fix a product you have released and making billions out of.
    Reason why I switched from Android to Apple for my phones and tablets is becasue of the seamless user experience, regretfully I have to admit, this advantage is quickly going away. The amount of glitches in your recent ios updates and itunes are simply unacceptable.

    Downloading videos on 7.0.2 hasn't worked as well as everyone had hoped. I still can't get mine to work, but i do know a few people who haven't had trouble with the newer itunes.

  • Video playback on external monitor only producing still frame

    I am trying to use a HD TV as a playback device as managed to get it to work, however it has now stopped working and only produces a still frame. When I hit play it will play fine in the timeline but display only a still frame on the second monitor. I have made sure that the settings under video playback are set to full screen and that mirroring is turned off.
    Even when I play back on Main the image on the main monitor only displays a still frame until the second monitor is unplugged.
    Am I missing something?

    How is the TV connected?
    If via firewire and an analog/DV converter, are you feeding the HDTV something other than a DV signal? If so, it won't work.

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