Video track freezes/audio works

iMovie5 43 minute project stopped working when about 95% complete. At one point had no control - wouldn't start or stop playing. Now the first video frame freezes but audio continues to play and timeline marker continues normally. If I stop and restart, it will pick up a frame and then skip a few frames(jerky motion)and again freeze frame while audio continues normally. I'm wondering if the project file is corrupted and I need to scrap it and start over. It is somewhat complex( for me) with two cameras,quite a bit of extracted audio,overlays ,music etc. Project used about 15GB,and there is about 25 GB of space left on HD. Worst case scenario, I do have original tapes.

Hullo HiFive - I wonder if your problem is caused by the often-reported issue of too many extracted audio clips. A search for 'extracted audio' would bring up a number of such cases, and workarounds.
See here for example:
and also, another good fix:
Increasing sluggishness and jerkiness is the indicator of this issue. It can be tested by progressive removal of extracted clips. One workaround is to share the audio only to Quicktime (AIFF), and reimport the resulting single audio track.
What happens if you uncheck the two audio track tick-boxes?

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    Hey Thierry Arnould,
    You could use scripts.
    Create 2 scripts each with the function "Set System Stream"
    and select the "audio streams" which you want to use.
    Then add as Startscript to the corresponding story.
    hope that helps
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Hi s, well congrats on getting your brother's computer up and running. On your system, you have all correct Flash Player
    files for IE and FF, as well as the SWO and SWF.
    Since the Install of Flash Player, have you installed any programs that would have added any ActiveX Controls, or any other add ons or plug-ins?
    Have you had an opportunity to see if your brother's computer has the issue you have when watching the same websites?
    Are you using any ad-block in FF(Firefox) or any pop up blocker software installed?  I can't imagine updating to FP version 10 alone would cause this.
    Is this happening only on the BBC website? Does what you watch come thru the BBC website or youtube directly?
    We have your brother's computer to use to determine what is going on. If he is able to see the BBC website and what you
    are having problems with, then we can rule out the website.
    Other browser add ons, anti-virus programs, etc. affect the browser. Even tho, no problem with vs 9. Sometimes updates
    can have an affect, even with Windows as we all know:-)

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    Okay, this has happended to me before. It's user error, but right now for the life of me I can't remember what was wrong and what I did to fix it.
    Try this...highlight only one clip and try just one clip. Will that clip change duration?
    If it does it may be a problem in highlighting "all" of the clips. Give me a minute or two and I might remember what I did to fix the problem when I had it. Most likely when it happened to me I ...1. played with it...2. cussed....3. played with it some more....4. cusses....5. got a diet coke and forgot about it for awhile...6. somehow fixed it.
    You can always try the original suggestion. There's always more than one way to skin a cat. Sometimes, I go the long way just to get there. The short cut doesn't do you any good if the road is closed so to speak.
    Dual 2 GHz Power Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Two possible things.
    1) Go to System Preferences > Quicktime > Streaming tab and set the speed to 1.5Mbps and relaunch iChat so it "sees" the new speed.
    2) Check your modem/router for any DoS (Denial of Service) or SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) feature and turn it Off.
    Netgears have either DOS or SPI in the WAN Page
    Netopias have this Feature as part of the Firewall when you use a setting higher than Low.
    Linksys tend to have the same in the firewall in the Security tab.
    Basically they can be anywhere in the set up pages as the manufacturers never put them in the same place.
    Both features examine incoming data to see if it is an attack.
    In an iChat video chat so much data can be sent from higher speed processors over high speed inter net connections that it is regarded by DOS as a attack.
    SPI tries to evaluate the validity of the data and tend to get overwhelmed (Simplified view). looks more like an IP from a Linksys than the other two examples.
    9:24 PM Monday; April 6, 2009

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    Check the item properties of the clips in your FCE project and let us know their specs. Also, if you have any still images in the Timeline, make sure they are in RGB Color Mode - NOT Grayscale, Indexed or CMYK.
    Also let us know where the media is stored (hard drive type and formatting and how it is connected to your Mac).

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    thanks all

    Open the video document, select all, then use Copy. Now open the audio document, select all and use "Add to Selection and Scale." The video track will be added as a new track in the audio document and its duration will be scaled to match the audio duration. Scaling the video instead of the audio is easier for QT to carry out and will not leave problems like the altered pitch you would get if you scaled the audio.

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    I am wondering:
    Does Flash Access support encrypting the specific audio track or video track by giving the trackID for a specific bitrate inside this multirated mp4 file?
    Thanks in advance,
    Xia Hui

    I am not aware of existing or new feature which allows to encrypt particular track. You can encrypt all audio, all video or both.

  • Positioning multiple video tracks

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    Similarly you could combine several video tracks and reposition and resize them easily.
    I have found how to resize in QT 7 - but there doesn't seem to be a way to reposition a video or text track within the window. Am i missing something - or is this functionality gone?? Any help would be appreciated.
    dell   Windows XP Pro   also a G4 iMac
    dell   Windows XP Pro   also a G4 iMac

    Open the Movie Properties window.
    Highlight your video track and then click the Visual Settings tab.
    This is where you set the track dimensions and "offset". 0,0 is upper left and entering new data will "move" to the new position. Negative values can also be used.

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    When you converted the original files via MPEG Streamclip, what did you convert them to?
    Have you tried trashing your preferences in FCP? Trashing FCP prefs is usually the first step when FCP is performing strangely.
    Download Preference Manager from Digital Rebellion (free) at:
    It will allow you to archive your current preferences if you wish to restore them later.

  • Video Frozen audio works for a few seconds

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    Video frozen on frame navigated too with the track bar.
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    Every time the video is paused and then played again the audio starts from the
    same place and stops in the same place again
    All videos are downloaded from itunes.
    Works fine in Quicktime.
    VGA Card: GTX 480 - drivers up to date
    Processor: AMD Phenom II - Quadcore
    Itunes Version:
    The whole thing strikes me as a failure of the video to increment the current frame and not a result of the failure in the video prossessing
    the short amount of audio is proably just buffered ahead of the video for syncing reasons.
    I have no real idea though but it is my best guess.
    Thank you in advance for any assistance rendered,

    Hi Thomas,
    Ok this does seem to say that the ports are set up and iChat is connecting properly.
    iChat also thinks there is enough bandwidth at the start and makes the connection.
    Is this to a PC ? Video freezes have been seen here when connecting to faster PCs.
    What you describe though sounds more like a PC that has not "Tuned" their cammera or Mic to the AIM Application.

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    Sounds like Linked Selection is switched off. Check the button in the upper right of the timeline window. Shift-L will toggle it off and on.

Maybe you are looking for

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