Viewing CHM files

I have an interesting monday morning mystery. I have
generated multiple CHM files and I'm the only one who can view
them. Is there a required viewer for my clients to be able to see
the contents of the CHM file?

Hi Wendy
If you are the Wendy I know, we worked together at Worldspan.
The issue with the .CHM on the network has been around for a long
time and is described
this link.
Cheers... Rick

Similar Messages

  • Script error when viewing CHM file

    I recieved this error message when attempting to view the page in a CHM file that contains a Captivate demo:
    The demo was imported to FrameMaker and the FrameMaker files are live links in RoboHelp to make the CHM. Captivate and FrameMaker files reside on network, and RH project is on local drive. I cannot get rid of the error message by selecting either yes or no, so I can't navigate any further in the CHM file.

    Check this link out for some possible solutions.
      The RoboColum(n)
      Colum McAndrew

  • RoboHelp for HTML 9 - Problem with viewing .chm file on 64bit machine

    I am working with RoboHelp for HTML 9 on a 32 bit machine. Recently, we encountered problems when viewing a .chm file on a 64 bit machine. The TOC was fine, but the topics did not appear, only error message "Navigation of this web page cancelled". My compilation settings did not change since the last compilation some months ago. What happens?

    Generally, I've only ever seen the need to ensure the CHM is unblocked if it has been downloaded from the web. I could see where it could possibly occur if one moved the CHM from a network drive to a local drive, but I'm skeptical that would be required in that case.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Error message when viewing CHM file

    after successfully creating the .chm file. when I go to view it, I get an error message in the view window stating "Navigation to the webpage was canceled" My contents show on the left side of the window.

    Hi there
    It would appear you are trying to furnish an image and you are trying that by replying via email with the image either embedded or as an attachment.
    Unfortunately those don't survive the trip into the forum post. If you have an image to show, please visit the forum web page where you started this thread and use the camera icon to insert the image.
    Cheers... Rick

  • How to view .chm file in internet explorer

    Hi Friends,
    I have one .chm file with me and I have to add this file as a help file for my application.
    When I tried to open this file in browser its not opening properly. Can anyone suggest how to open this .chm file in proper format?

    .CHM is a microsoft compressed html suite. It is not directly openable in a browser. You can open it up in the windows html help application usually by just double-clicking on the .CHM file. You can also extract the HTML from the CHM using the html help app (hh.exe).

  • CHM files and Windows Server 2008

    RH 7, HTML
    Support person has a customer trying to view .chm files in Windows Server 2008. They went ahead and tried the "normal" registry fix to view chm files over a network, but that didn't not fix the issue.
    My understanding is that chm files can't be viewed in Windows Server at all, but thought I'd verify - is there any way to view chm files in Windows Server 2008?

    I don't think that anything has changed in Windows 2008, and .chm files are certainly viewable in this version of Windows. However, it may be that the customer needs to tinker with the security settings in Internet Explorer to make remote .chm files viewable. See this article for details:
    To ensure that the correct registry changes are being made, the customer could try making them with the free HHReg utility. It's available from here:

  • Unable to view help when press F1. CHM File too large?

    We have a chm file who contained many PDF files (its size is
    13MB) and some people cannot view help when press F1. This file is
    a part of merged chm files structure (the total size of these files
    is 17MB)
    Do you think that the size of the file contained PDF may be
    the problem?.

    I don't think the size of the file should be an issue, even
    when it's 13 MB. I'm sure that other people have been distributing
    much larger files than this without problem for many years.
    You say "
    some people cannot view help", which suggests that other
    users are not encountering the problem. In other words, the methods
    that your software developers have used to connect the help file to
    the application do work properly, if not for all users.
    When users who cannot view the help press F1, does nothing
    happen, or does the help viewer open but with an error message in
    the right-hand topic pane? Is the large file the only one that is
    affected by this issue, or are all the other help files in the
    collection also affected?
    If it's of any interest to you, you don't need to compile a
    PDF file into a help file in order to display the contents of the
    PDF in the help file. Microsoft has published the following script
    for linking to an external file from a help topic:

  • Index in .chm file is incorrect

    I'm using RoboHelp X5 with Windows XP SP3. I have an index that is correct in RoboHelp but not in the .chm file. In RoboHelp, I have General Ledger as a keyword and several sub-keywords. However, in the .chm file, the sub-keywords show up under General Ledger Journal instead of General Ledger. I've attached screen shots of both at the bottom of this post, and I've pasted the applicable section of the project's .hhk file. (The .hhk file is really long, so I didn't want to insert the whole thing.)
    While troubleshooting this issue, my coworker changed the keyword from General Ledger to General edger, and that fixed the problem, but obviously we can't keep it that way.
    I tried the following:
    Compared that section of the HHK file to others. I may have missed something, but it looked OK to me.
    Started the project, deleted the HHK file, and then saved a change to the index so RH regenerated the HHK file.
    Deleted the .cpd file.
    Deleted and reentered all of the keywords.
    When the issue first started, the General Ledger subkeywords appeared under Future Periods instead of General Ledger Journal - I'm not sure what I did to change that, but I think it was when I deleted and then reentered the Future Periods keyword.
    Unfortunately, none of these worked.I saw another thread with a similar issue where the solution was to create a second index and copy the keywords to it, but I don't think X5 allows a second index.
    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
      <li><object type="text/sitemap">
        <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Journal">
        <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Journal">
        <param name="Local" value="GLOverviews\GLJournal_Overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="overview">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Journal">
          <param name="Local" value="GLOverviews\GLJournal_Overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="fields">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Journal - Fields">
          <param name="Local" value="GLFields\GLJournal_Fields.htm">
      <li><object type="text/sitemap">
        <param name="Name" value="General Ledger">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="account record layout">
          <param name="Name" value="Account Segments Record Layout">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\Account_Segments_Record_Layout.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="adding account groups">
          <param name="Name" value="Add or Change General Ledger Account Groups">
          <param name="Local" value="GLProcedures\Add_a_General_Ledger_Account_Group.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="adding accounts">
          <param name="Name" value="Add or Change General Ledger Accounts">
          <param name="Local" value="GLProcedures\Add_or_Change_a_General_Ledger_Account.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="daily activities flowchart">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Daily Activities Flowchart">
          <param name="Local" value="GLFlowcharts\GL_Daily_Activities_Flowchart.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="data, limiting export of">
          <param name="Name" value="Limit Export of General Ledger Data by Account Number">
          <param name="Local" value="GLProcedures\Limit_Export_of_General_Ledger_Data_by_Account_Number.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="deleting accounts">
          <param name="Name" value="Delete General Ledger Accounts">
          <param name="Local" value="GLProcedures\Delete_General_Ledger_Accounts.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="exporting information">
          <param name="Name" value="Export General Ledger Information">
          <param name="Local" value="GLProcedures\Export_General_Ledger_Information.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="features">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Overview">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\accounts_receivable_overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="flowcharts">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Maintenance Flowchart">
          <param name="Local" value="GLFlowcharts\General_Ledger_Maintenance_Flowchart.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="history, purging">
          <param name="Name" value="Purge General Ledger History">
          <param name="Local" value="GLProcedures\Purge_General_Ledger_History.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="import utilities">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Import Utilities">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\General_Ledger_Import_Utilities.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="importing information">
          <param name="Name" value="Import General Ledger Information">
          <param name="Local" value="GLProcedures\Import_General_Ledger_Information.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="integrating with Accounts Payable">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Overview">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\accounts_receivable_overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="integrating with Accounts Receivable">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Overview">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\accounts_receivable_overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="integrating with Advanced Consolidations">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Overview">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\accounts_receivable_overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="integrating with Cash Management">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Overview">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\accounts_receivable_overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="integrating with Inventory Management">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Overview">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\accounts_receivable_overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="integrating with Multicurrency Management">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Overview">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\accounts_receivable_overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="integrating with Purchase Order">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Overview">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\accounts_receivable_overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="overview">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Overview">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\accounts_receivable_overview.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="multicurrency reports">
          <param name="Name" value="Multicurrency Reports for General Ledger">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\Multicurrency_Reports_for_General_Ledger.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="period-end flowchart">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Period End Flowchart">
          <param name="Local" value="GLFlowcharts\General_Ledger_Period_End_Flowchart.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="Registers">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Registers">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\General_Ledger_Registers.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="reprinting transaction registers">
          <param name="Name" value="Reprint a General Ledger Transaction Register">
          <param name="Local" value="GLProcedures\Reprint_a_General_Ledger_Transaction_Register.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="transactions record layout">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Transactions Record Layout">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\GL_Transactions_Record_Layout.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="using reports as auditing tools">
          <param name="Name" value="General Ledger Reports as Auditing Tools">
          <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\General_Ledger_Reports_as_Auditing_Tools.htm">
        <li><object type="text/sitemap">
          <param name="Name" value="viewing account information">
          <param name="Name" value="View General Ledger Account Information">
          <param name="Local" value="GLProcedures\View_General_Ledger_Account_Information.htm">
      <li><object type="text/sitemap">
        <param name="Name" value="Future Periods">
        <param name="Name" value="Future Periods">
        <param name="Local" value="GLConcepts\Future_Periods.htm">

    Hi there
    Are you using any Build Tags along with a Build Expression to control the output?
    I ask because the screen capture of the CHM seems to intimate that General Ledger is absent from the list. If it was linked to a topic and the topic was removed from the build, it would seem to make sense.
    Cheers... Rick
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  • Hyperlinks to XLS, DOC, and PDF files that are included in a .chm file work intermittently.

    Hyperlinks to XLS, DOC, and PDF files that are included in a
    .chm file (and the Baggage Files) only work intermittently. The
    only solution appears to be deleting the Temporary Internet Files.
    1. I place the XLS, DOC, or PDF file in the Windows
    sub-directory that corresponds to the RoboHelp project sub-folder
    where the topic in which I’ll place the hyperlink exists.
    2. I open the help project in RoboHelp HTML.
    3. I right-click on the project’s Baggage Files
    sub-folder that corresponds to the Windows sub-directory in which I
    placed the XLS, DOC, or PDF file (in step 1).
    4. I import the XLS, DOC, or PDF file.
    5. I open the topic in which I’m going to place the
    hyperlink in the WYSIWYG editor.
    6. I “drag and drop” the Baggage File into the
    topic (in the WYSIWYG editor) to create a link to it.
    7. I save the changes and then generate HTML (.chm) help.
    8. I open the .chm file and click the hyperlink. The XLS,
    DOC, or PDF file may or may not open.
    9. When the hyperlink works correctly, for DOC and XLS files,
    a “File Download – Security Warning” dialog box
    appears asking, “Do you want to open or save this
    file?”. The buttons that are available are
    “Open”, “Save”, and “Cancel”.
    These buttons work then as one would expect. (When the hyperlink
    works correctly for a PDF file, it simply opens the PDF file in a
    new window; there’s no prompt to save, open, or cancel.)
    10. When a hyperlink does NOT work, for DOC, XLS, and PDF
    files, no dialog box or other visual message is displayed. Instead,
    the sound that is associated with the “Exclamation”
    program event is played (the “Windows XP
    Exclamation.wav” file is the WinXP default).
    Other Notes:
    - The hyperlinks ALWAYS work when I view a topic using the
    “View Selected Item” function (Ctrl+W) in the RoboHelp
    HTML project.
    - Once a hyperlink stops working, it will not start working
    again until I delete all the Temporary Internet Files.
    - A hyperlink will stop working even if Internet Explorer
    (iexplore.exe) is closed the entire time.
    Through trial and error, I have discovered that if a
    hyperlink stops working, I can get it to work again using the
    following steps:
    1. Leave the .chm file open.
    2. Open Internet Explorer.
    3. Click Tools>Internet Options….
    4. From the “Internet Options” dialog box, select
    the “General” tab.
    5. Under the “Temporary Internet Files” section,
    click the “Delete Files…” button.
    6. From the “Delete Files” dialog box, select
    “Delete all offline content” and then click
    “OK”. The files are deleted and the “Delete
    Files” dialog box closes.
    7. Click “OK” to close the “Internet
    Options” dialog box.
    8. Without closing Internet Explorer and without re-starting
    the .chm file, all the hyperlinks that didn’t work before
    will now work.
    - Windows XP Pro, SP2
    - Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180
    - RoboHelp X5, 5.0.2 Build 801
    - HTML (.chm) help project files exist on my local machine
    - HTML (.chm) help file is run from my local machine
    - Project is under RoboSource version control
    - “Check for newer versions of stored pages” is
    set to “Automatically”
    - “Current location” for the Temporary Internet
    files folder is set to “C:\Documents and Settings\My
    Username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\”
    - “Amount of disk space to use” is set to
    “594” MB
    “View Files…”
    - An XLS or DOC file will be listed here if I click its
    hyperlink and then click either “Open” or
    “Save” from the “File Download – Security
    Warning” dialog box.
    - A file will appear here even if I click “Save”
    and then click “Cancel” from the subsequent “Save
    As” dialog box.
    - If I click “Cancel” from the “File
    Download – Security Warning” dialog box, the file does
    not appear in the Temporary Internet Files folder.
    - When a file does appear in the Temporary Internet Files
    folder, its Internet Address is displayed similar to the following:
    “View Objects…”
    Here’s a list of all the program files that appear:
    - “Microsoft Office Template and Media Control”
    (Last Accessed 12/13/06) (Version 12,0,6024,0)
    - “Shockwave ActiveX Control” (Last Accessed
    12/14/06) (Version 10,1,4,20)
    - “Shockwave Flash Object” (Last Accessed
    12/18/06) (Version 9,0,28,0)
    - “Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool”
    (Last Accessed 12/14/06) (Version 1,5,722,0)
    - “WUWebControl Class” (Last Accessed 12/13/06)
    (Version 5,8,0,2469)
    Today is 12/18/06 so the only program file that is listed as
    having been “Last Accessed” today is the
    “Shockwave Flash Object”.
    I really want to include certain PDF, DOC, and XLS files in
    their native format in a .chm file. However, I need a better
    solution to my problem than the one I discovered. What I really
    want is to avoid the entire problem altogether.
    Have anyone seen this before or have any suggestions?

    You wont be able to do that. The embedded objects would appear as images only.

  • Browse sequence buttons not appearing in RoboHelp 9 .chm file

    When I first created this project two years ago, I didn't think I'd be using browse sequences. Well, of course, things change, and now I think it would be a good idea.
    I followed the instructions for creating a browse sequence automatically (Tools > Browse Sequence Editor, then Auto-create from TOC). That seemed to work.
    I compile the .chm file. No >> buttons.
    How do I enable them? I looked at the master page layout and didn't see anything there. I looked at the Project Settings (File > Project Settings) and couldn't see anything there.
    I've searched the RH 9 help and can't find any reference. My guess is that they must appear automatically and I must have, in my infinite wisdom (HA!) deleted them two years ago when I thought I didn't need them.

    Hi, MM Acton
    Allow me to chime in with my esteemed colleagues. The first issue I see is that you do not have a Window Defined. You need a window in order to select the Browse Sequence Option for the CHM.
    In Project Set Up create a new window, selecting Microsoft HTML Help as the type
    On the Microsoft HTML Help Options Dialog, give the Window a name such as "CHMWindow" (No spaces)
    Be sure to "tick" the Browse Sequence option and click OK
    Double click the Microsoft HTML Help Single Source Layout to bring up the HTML Help Options dialog
    From the Default Window drop down, select the CHMWindow you created
    Save and Generate
    This will show the browse sequence "icon avenue" (the showy icons at the top of the CHM)
    As for the Citrix thing. If the machine hosting the CHM being viewed has the HHActiveX.DLL installed, the CHM should display as advertised. Tell your Admin that Adobe licenses unlimited re-distribution of that DLL.
    You can find documentation on this redistribution license and how to register it in the online help: ml
    Here is the path where you will find the DLL itself:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe RoboHelp 10\Redist
    BTW, the reason the DLL was created in the first place is that Microsoft never provided a Browse Sequence or a Glossary tab in their "out of the box" offering so RoboHelp conveniently provides this to authors as a "extra".
    Hope this helps
    John Daigle
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp and Captivate Instructor

  • Map ID Processing for a CHM file

    This is just a question so I understand fully how this
    I have created a Map file for my project and assigned numeric
    map ID's to each topic that needs to be linked from my application
    to my CHM file. I have a topic with:
    Topic Title = "Historical HPI Data Viewer"
    File Name in source = "Historical_HPI_Viewer_Overview.htm"
    MapID = 60
    My developers use the map ID of 60 and are having a problem
    getting to the topic (all other maps work). Not sure what the
    problem is just yet (developer just emailed this morning that "it's
    not coming up"). I tested in the CSH tester in the Tools tab and it
    works fine.
    I just want to understand how the CHM file interprets the map
    ID sent to it and would like to know how the map ID works with the
    topic and the call from the application.
    Does RoboHelp put the map ID in the topic source somewhere?
    I cannot find any notation of the map id in the topic source.
    Is this put into the CHM file when compiled or does it
    interpret the Map ID to the Topic Title?
    What if the topic title is modified and no new Map file is
    generated, is this a problem?
    As always, any information would be appreciated.
    Thanks - Michael F Weart

    Hi Michael.
    There are two parts to context sensitive help. The first is
    the map file that assigns a mapid number to a topic. This uses a
    topic id that is linked to the file via the second element - the
    alias file. This file - look for the project's .ALI file - contains
    the topic id and the file name. Hope this helps.

  • How do I assign mapids to reference a merged chm file?

    I am using RoboHelp on a Windows 7 64 bit machine to create chm files. I have 2 chm files I would like to merge and be able to create mapids for context-sensitive help.
    I created each chm in its own project directory with each having its own mapids setup. I would like to merge them for a special project and still be able to use the mapids. I merged them using the toc | new | merged project. I also have the merged chm as a baggage file in the first chm.
    As far as viewing and searching after recreating the first chm, all appears to work with the toc also showing the toc of the merged chm.
    However I can’t seem to get the mapids of the merged chm to work in the first (master) chm. I have seen other posts about similar problems but I didn’t see anything I can use.
    Is there a way to create mapids to reference the topics in the merged chm when using the master chm? The mapid editor doesn’t seem to know anything about the merged chm file.

    Okay, yea I knew that you can create a static list, and I have tried this. Thanks for the input Frank!!
    Currently I have a database attribute, Priority, which is a Number (1,2,3), but I want to display these values as Low, Medium, High respectively. I use this list in 2 places, first place is to filter a table based on priority, and secondly when I create a new row or edit a row, I need to be able to change the priority. If I use the approach you mentioned, and which I also tried using, I get stuck because on the new/edit row page this list is not bound to any source and when I try to edit the page, the selected value is ' ' rather then the correct value that was selected previously (I hope that makes sense). If I use the code that I had in my original post, it works fine, but the display values are 1,2,3.
    What are my options on how to display the values correctly? And I wonder why the List Binding Editor doesn't allow you to display labels other than the labels you assign in the set of values (so in my case, my set of values is 1,2,3, because those are the valid values in the database)

  • RoboHelp HTML 9 - CHM file Different color shown for text of dropdown hotspot.

    Dear all,
    In Design view of Robohelp, I see all dropdown hotspot text are green.  But when I preview or genereate the topic to CHM file, all dropdown hotspot text are blue like color of hyperlinks.
    I don't understand why it behaves like that. Please tell me.

    I recreated your index keywords and have identified what is going on.
    When you click on CTV, Accept it opens the correct topic.
    Now notice what happens when you start typing app after CTV. The highlighting goes to Enable so when you press Enter, Rh opens the highlighted topic. The highlighting will go to the last sub keyword. Try adding Zulu.
    I will see if I can create something similar tomorrow using another authoring tool.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Chmsee will not open chm files.

    I have 3 seperate chm files, I've tried opening them using chmsee, everytime I try and open or view the chm file this is all that shows up each time.
    Mammon slept. And the beast reborn spread over the earth and its numbers
    grew legion. And they proclaimed the times and sacrificed crops unto the
    fire, with the cunning of foxes. And they built a new world in their own
    image as promised by the
    sacred words, and spoke
    of the beast with their children. Mammon awoke, and lo! it was
    naught but a follower.
    from The Book of Mozilla, 11:9
    (10th Edition)
    Last edited by SirEdgar2nd (2011-10-25 21:34:42)

    bohoomil wrote:Therefore I removed chmsee and installed xchm (at first) and an appropriate Firefox plugin (then).
    Which addon?

  • CHM file looks fine on my Desktop - but Topic contents missing in Dropbox

    When I try to zip the .CHM file and mail it to the developer or when I upload it to Dropbox everything seems to be fine. The file is 5.8 MB (72 Topics)
    But when he tried to open it all he sees are the purple "books" and the individual Topic Titles - but the Topic pages are not appearing.
    What am I doing wrong?
    He also needs the mapping numbers for all 72 Topics. I generated these - now how do I send them to him?
    Where is the file I need and what is it called (BCCSDefualt.h ?)
    I am using RoboHelp 10 on a Windows 7 computer - haven't used RoboHelp in 6 years so I am very rusty!
    Peter Thayer
    Thayer Birding Software

    Hi there
    It's because of the security restrictions Microsoft implements for CHM files.
    Have your recipient save the file to their local hard drive before opening it. If there is still no content visible after doing that, they will need to "unblock" using the instructions at the link below:
    Click here to view
    Cheers... Rick

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