Virus, ordi infecté ?

Bonjour, j'ai un problème sur Safari. Quand j'ouvre une fenêtre parfois pendant un bref instant la page est pixelisé (parfois avec une image fantôme de Facebook par exemple) parfois couplé à une surchauffe. J'aurais pas attrapé un virus style cheval de troie par hasard ?

Cela ne ressemble pas à un cheval de Troie. Nous voyons beaucoup d'adware (pas un virus ou un cheval de Troie). Voir ce site pour plus d'informations.
La sete de Thomas Reed: L'outil de suppression sécurisée Mac »Adware

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    These files would appear to relate to a Malware infection - the reason the specific DLLs cannot be loaded may well be because your existing security software has already removed them.
    Try the following.
    On another PC, follow the procedure on the link below to create a bootable CD which you can use to scan your computer and hopefully remove the Malware.
    When this has completed, boot into Windows, then download and install the free versions of MBAM and SUPERAntiSpyware on the links below.
    When installed, run full scans with both these utilities - if any malware is detected, remove/quarantine it and run the scan again until both applications come back clean.
    If the above doesn't help, post back with the following.
    1.  The full Model No. and Product No. of the notebook ( from the service tag underneath your notebook ) - see Here for a further explanation.
    2.  The full version of the operating system you are using ( ie Windows 7 32bit ).
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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    Best regards Pierre W

    Does it help if you create a new profile or uninstall and reinstall Firefox?
    If you reinstall Firefox then be sure to remove the Firefox program folder to remove possibly left over files in it.
    You can try to create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See "Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile":
    There may be extensions and plugins installed by default in a new profile, so check that in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions & Plugins" in case there are still problems.
    If the new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile, but be careful not to copy corrupted files.
    See also:

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    this is the exact path its in: /private/var/db/kcm-dump.bin
    Thank you.

    macstr wrote:
    Furthermore, when I clicked the description it brings me to the sophos website where it describes what the virus is and it says it is windows only.
    Correct, it's not uncommon for a Mac to be able to transfer a Windows based virus, so it can appear on the machine (but not affect it, but it can be passed to another Windows machine on the files),  only in the present User account.
    However the pathname you describe is a root level based with the highest degree of security and very highly unlikely a Windows based malware would appear there or that you would be using root user as it's disabled by default.
    The strenght of Unix's security comes from the various permission levels employed, combined with the fact that the malware in question is Windows based, not OS X or Unix based, so it won't even run on a Mac to begin with.
    So since we know there isn't any Mac based viruses, this one being a Windows based one, it's more likely a "false positive" since it didn't appear the second time a scan was issued. Confirmation with ClamXav (runs only when you need it, not always on) should clear it up as a false positive.
    It is possible you have installed a trojan, software from quesitonable sources, that you gave your admin password too and thus could have infected the root user, but the malware is Windows based (actually it's a
    a polymorphic encryption engine which is used as part of the viruses
    However if you didn't install anything from questionable sources, then more likely than not it's a false positive.
    I wouldn't worry about it unless you started noticing more issues.

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    Thank you.

    You may have installed the "VSearch" trojan. Remove it as follows.
    Malware is always changing to get around the defenses against it. These instructions are valid as of now, as far as I know. They won't necessarily be valid in the future. Anyone finding this comment a few days or more after it was posted should look for more recent discussions or start a new one.
    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Step 1
    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    Uninstall any extensions you don't know you need, including any that have the word "Spigot," "Trovi," or "Conduit" in the description. If in doubt, uninstall all extensions. Do the equivalent for the Firefox and Chrome browsers, if you use either of those.
    Reset the home page and default search engine in all the browsers, if it was changed.
    Step 2
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
              Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item named "com.vsearch.agent.plist" selected. Drag the selected item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator login password.
    Repeat with each of these lines:
    Restart the computer and empty the Trash. Then delete the following items in the same way:
    /Library/Application Support/VSearch
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ConduitNPAPIPlugin.plugin
    Some of these items may be absent, in which case you'll get a message that the file can't be found. Skip that item and go on to the next one.
    The problem may have started when you downloaded and ran an application called "MPlayerX." That's the name of a legitimate free movie player, but the name is also used fraudulently to distribute VSearch. If there is an item with that name in the Applications folder, delete it, and if you wish, replace it with the genuine article from
    This trojan is often found on illegal websites that traffic in pirated content such as movies. If you, or anyone else who uses the computer, visit such sites and follow prompts to install software, you can expect more of the same, and worse, to follow.
    You may be wondering why you didn't get a warning from Gatekeeper about installing software from an unknown developer, as you should have. The reason is that the Internet criminal behind VSearch has a codesigning certificate issued by Apple, which causes Gatekeeper to give the installer a pass. Apple could revoke the certificate, but as of this writing has not done so, even though it's aware of the problem. This failure of oversight has compromised both Gatekeeper and the Developer ID program. You can't rely on Gatekeeper alone to protect you from harmful software.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

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    Quit Safari (by force if necessary.) Relaunch it by holding down the shift key and clicking its icon in the Dock. That will stop the page from reloading automatically. Select Safari ▹ Preferences ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove all website data to get rid of any cookies or other data left by the server. Open your Downloads folder and delete anything you don't recognize.

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    Do an Archive & Install installation, saving user and network settings. That should remove the said "unknown, nasty viurs", which I sincerely doubt has anything to do with your machine, but might be tagged to some Microsloth app macro. Details in

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    See Eliminating browser redirects and advertisements. There are a number of possible explanations and fixes there, and some tests you can run to determine which are appropriate.

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    Several years ago, my oldest brother was stupid enough to let himself be duped into being a major participant in a personal situation having a direct impact upon me.  Prior to the rift that developed which ultimately tore our relationship apart, I suggested we meet for lunch one day as all I was wanting was for him to be honest with me.   Feeling guilty and hating all confrontation, he just had to get out of there, and so instead of answering my question he jumped up and shouted "YOU'RE ALWAYS DOING THAT TO ME!!" right in front of everyone at the restaurant.  As a tension breaker I shouted right back, "didn't YOU ever learn the word ALWAYS should NEVER be said during an argument?"   And so yes, you're right, I should have qualified my question more by saying "relatively impervious" instead.   MY BAD!!    I still want to say "THANKS" anyway for providing such a quick and accurate answer! 

  • Am I infected by virus? Please help me~

    Dear friends,
    When I online yesterday, I used the Microsoft msn (Mac version) to chat with friends and received a link from my friend. The link said that there are pictures of us in an earlier function. Because we actually had a function the day before I received it. Hence, after I accepted the file transfer, I stopped it as I am afraid of virus in the middle of the transfer...
    Today my friend (he is using windows not Mac) tells me his msn is infected with virus and send the above messages to friends in his contact list unstoppedly and seemingly it is spreading the virus...
    Do u think I will be infected by the virus? Or the Mac is immuned? How can I check for virus infection? How can I remove the virus if infected?
    Pls help help help!!!
    For your information, I do not use any of the BootCamp. Parallel Desktop or VM and not install Windows in my Mac.
    What should I do? I tried to search in the finder for the.exe file or.dll file but none is there. I entered "*.exe" and "*.dll" as searches. Is it correct to search in this way? If not, could u please kindly advise the appropriate way? I love the new Mac very much and don't want it to be infected...
    Beg for your help please.

    As mentioned earlier, there are no known viruses in the wild for OSX. That is not to say you shouldn't use common security practices, such as not running from an administrator user account, only download from trusted sites, and not installing anything unless you know what it is. Even if you don't run Windows, it is possible to pass infected files to other Windows users - in that case, the freeware ClamXav is a popular virus checker.

  • My MacBook Pro has been infected by a virus. What do I do?

    I attempted to download a file from a website ( probably shouldn't have ) and my Anti virus gave a error message reporting a virus has infected my mac. After this, the virus corrupted the Avast application completely. So I deleted it and reinstalled it, now my internet and my mail is unsecure. What virus is this and what should I do? I am currently using an on screen keyboard in case what I have is a Keylogger. I have 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.

    Mac_Journal wrote:
    Nothing is in the Virus Chest. Is my Mac safe?
    I don't know. The act of reinstalling Avast might have destroyed that information.
    I would run a full scan of your hard drive with Avast and see what turns up. If nothing, then you're probably safe. If something turns up, post the full name of the malware detected as well as the path to the file identified as that malware.
    After you are done, I strongly advise removing Avast. It has a serious problem with false positives. For information on how to protect yourself, see my Mac Malware Guide.
    (Fair disclosure: The Safe Mac is my site, and contains a Donate button, so I may receive compensation for providing links to The Safe Mac. Donations are not required.)

  • Yahoo Mail Worm/Virus?

    This morning my Yahoo mail account sent out a series of Spam emails to random people from my address list. No one was logged into the account at the time this happened. My wife and I routinely access the account from a PC running Norton 360 and from two different Macs. So we're fairly confident none of these computers are infected with anything. I called AT&T/Yahoo tech support, and they indicated that the account appears to have been hacked by some sort of bot... and they thought the issue may be with my iPhone and the fact that it has no antivirus protection.
    I took a look at the full headers of the Spam emails and was able to track the originating IP address to Sunnyvale, CA (Yahoo's headquarters). I then compared this with old emails sent from both my home PC and my iPhone. Only the iPhone generated emails went through the Sunnyvale IPs. The emails sent from all three computers on my home network originated from local IPs.
    So, bottom line... this leads me to believe that it was indeed my iPhone that somehow triggered the emails. I was driving at the time the emails were sent... so I know I didn't click anything, open any emails, or take any other actions that would have triggered the Spam.
    Any idea what's going on here? Should I be concerned that my iPhone has a worm or virus that is triggering these messages? I'm particularly trying to determine if this is just a worm or if an actual person has hacked my account. I changed the password... but that password was also used for some other accounts of mine too. My biggest concern at this point is the potential for identity theft.

    I called AT&T/Yahoo tech support, and they indicated that the account appears to have been hacked by some sort of bot... and they thought the issue may be with my iPhone and the fact that it has no antivirus protection.
    Sorry, but what a crock.
    I seriously doubt this is a worm or virus on your iPhone. If so, you will be the first.
    Nothing can be installed on an iPhone from a received email, from a website, or from a received MMS except for a photo, and I haven't read about any viruses or worms being included with a JPEG file. Unless your iPhone has been hacked/jailbroken and you have installed unofficial software on your iPhone from an unknown or untrusted source, it would be some trick for a virus or worm to be installed on your iPhone especially since there are no viruses that infect or affect OS X, and the iPhone runs an optimized version of OS X.
    Spammers spoof email addresses - using a random/valid email address to appear as the sending email address for the spam usually making use of valid email addresses gathered from their "known good" email address list which is rotated from what is a huge list. A significant portion of spam is generated from Windows computers that have been taken over remotely by spammers with email generated with a spoofed email address without the user's knowledge.
    I venture to say the emails were not generated from your iPhone. More than likely your email address has been spoofed by a spammer only - your email account has not been hacked but it can't hurt to change your account's password.

  • Can't remove virus.

    Hi, I have the viruses autorun.inf and ise32.exe on my Macbook running 10.5. I can ID and locate the viruses with Clam and Sophos. I have put them in the trash but cannot remove them. If I try to empty the trahs I get a message that I do not have authorisations.  Even the terminal app refuses rto delete them from the hard drive.  What can I do besides completely efface the hard drive?  Of course I can do that and move the data to another drive (though the virus has infected my backup drives as well).  But if there is a way to remove these POS I would like to know.

    After much searching I found a solution at besttechie:
    Move it to the gtrash, then:
    How to force the Trash to empty using Terminal
    This technique uses a Terminal command to fore the Trash to empty.  It is important that you follow these steps very carefully.
    1.      Launch Terminal, located in the Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities folder or search Spotlight for Terminal
    2.      At the Terminal prompt, type the following command exactly as written:
    sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*

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    yes that is correct. Windows Phone 8/8.1 is very sandboxed, so there is no risk at all of getting infected by viruses etc. if a page does contain malicious content, it warns you and throws you back out anyway. i have done banking and other activities on my 920 and other WP8 phones since and have had absolutely no issues.

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