Visual Basic Script is not installed or has been disabled

I have installed the newest version of Windows script form Microsoft. Ihave enabled this in my internet options, i have also tried and retried to install itunes. Won't let me. What am I doing wrong? I just bought this ipod and am very close to returning it? Is there a phone number for apple? This is soooo ridiculous

try working through the techniques from the following document (that you haven't already tried):
iTunes and QuickTime for Windows: What to do if the Installer crashes with a 2738 error

Similar Messages

  • Need help creating full battery alert using visual basic script

    I have been searching for resources, programs and code that will create an alert for me to unplug my charger when my laptop
    battery is charged to full (or almost full).
    The only problem with this code is that
    Line 13: iRemaining (or RemainingCapacity called from BatteryStatus returns a 0 (might be a floating point which I can't figure out why). I even checked the microsoft documentation and its supposed to be a percentage.
    I want to get either the current percentage of the battery or the total Fullchargedcapacity and the EstimatedRemainingCapacity to find the % of battery level.
    Essentially what I am asking is how can I return the battery % using visual basic script.
    The Code:
    1 set oLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    2 set oServices = oLocator.ConnectServer(".","root\wmi")
    3 set oResults = oServices.ExecQuery("select * from batteryfullchargedcapacity")
    4 for each oResult in oResults iFull = oResult.FullChargedCapacity
    5 next
    7 while (1)
    8 set oResults = oServices.ExecQuery("select * from batterystatus")
    9 for each oResult in oResults
    10 iRemaining = oResult.RemainingCapacity
    12 bCharging = oResult.Charging
    12 next
    13 iPercent = ((iRemaining / iFull) * 100) mod 100
    14 if bCharging and (iPercent > 95) Then msgbox "Battery is at " & iPercent "%",vbInformation,"Battery monitor"
    15 wscript.sleep 30000 ' (30 seconds)
    16 wend

    14 if bCharging and (iPercent > 95) Then msgbox "Battery is at " & iPercent "%",vbInformation,"Battery monitor"
    On my Windows 7 machine your script returns the desired percentage (after adding the missing "&" to the right of "iPercent" in Line 14).

  • Running a Visual Basic Script...

    Is there a way to run a visual basic script from a director project?

    You can use Buddy API to run a vbs script file.
    baOpenFile( _movie.path & "My Script.vbs", "Normal" )
    You could also try the inbuilt open command but I haven't tested it.

  • A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time

    Hello Everyone.   I just downloaded Dreamweaver CS 5.5 Trial version (Win 7), and I have been working on my home page.  I've created a wonderful image map with spry widget tooltips (about 60 tooltips), and I'm really happy with the results....until this error started to pop-up.  I have re-started the computer, deleted winfilecache****, and updated Dreamweaver through the help window.   I have googled this error, and found it existed in CS3 and CS4, and even in CS5, but no information as to why it's happening in CS 5.5.    I really want to buy this software, but am unsure as to why I would spend this amount of money on something that's going to give me a headache.  I am a layman, and work on my site recreationally.  I'm new to CSS and Spry so if i missed the obvious I apologize for that.   I inserted the spry widgets in the CODE screen by highlighting my hotspot CODE and clicking INSERT>SPRY>SPRYTOOLTIP.  Each tooltip is checked to "follow on mouse" and "hide on mouse out" and horizontally moved -400.
    So now every time I open this page in Dreamweaver this error "A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time.  Do you wish to continue?" pops up, and whenever i try to edit the spry tooltip properties.  Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.  thanks for your help and time.  Part of the code looks like this: //
    <area shape="poly" coords="89,180,68,203,60,213,65,232,96,225,103,201,101,188" href="#" id="sprytrigger57" />
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip57">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Corvus.jpg" width="199" height="170" alt="Corvus" />CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven).</p>
    <p> Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
          var sprytooltip57 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip57", "#sprytrigger57", {offsetX:-403, closeOnTooltipLeave:true, useEffect:"fade", followMouse:true});
    Hope I included most everything needed to diagnose, let me know what I forgot.  Thanks again.

    oops i tried to copy the code here but it didn't work. Is this better?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    background-color: #000025;
    .img_class {
    height: 514px;
    width: 499px;
    <link href="CSS/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryTooltip.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryTooltip.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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    <div id="right">
    <p>Ps 19:1-6<br />
    1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.</p>
    <p> 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.</p>
    <p> 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.</p>
    <p> 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,</p>
    <p> 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.<br />
    Stars a STORY-book.<br />
    6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.</p>
    <p>Ps 19:7-14<br />
    7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.</p>
    <p> 8 The statutes of the LORD are right,  rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.</p>
    <p> 9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.</p>
    <p> 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.</p>
    <p> 11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.</p>
    <p> 12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.</p>
    <p> 13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.</p>
    <p> 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.<br />
    <p><br />
    <div id="Footer">Site updated June 2011</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip57">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Corvus.jpg" width="199" height="170" alt="Corvus" />CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven).</p>
    <p> Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip56">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Crater.jpg" width="180" height="196" alt="Crater" /></p>
    <p>CRATER (The Cup). </p>
    <p>The cup of Divine wrath poured out upon him.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip55">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Hydra.jpg" width="184" height="142" alt="Hydra" /></p>
    <p>HYDRA (The Serpent). That old Serpent— Devil, destroyed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip54">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Leo.jpg" width="198" height="130" alt="Leo" /></p>
    <p>LEO (The Lion). </p>
    <p>The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending of the Enemy.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip53">
    <p>Chapter IV - TWELFTH -</p>
    <p> Messiah's Consummated Triumph      LEO (The Lion). The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending of the Enemy.           </p>
    <p>1. HYDRA (The Serpent). That old Serpent— Devil, destroyed.     </p>
    <p>2. CRATER (The Cup). The cup of Divine wrath poured out upon him.     </p>
    <p>3. CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven). Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip52">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Argo.jpg" width="200" height="199" alt="Argo" />ARGO (The Ship).</p>
    <p> The redeemed pilgrims safe at home..</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip51">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/UrsaMajor.jpg" width="200" height="150" alt="Ursa Major" />URSA MAJOR (The Great Bear).</p>
    <p> The fold and the flock.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip50">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/UrsaMinor.jpg" width="185" height="133" alt="Ursa Minor" /></p>
    <p>URSA MINOR (The Lesser Bear). </p>
    <p>The lesser sheepfold.</p>
    <p> The 7,000...? -</p>
    <p>This star was called by the Greeks the "Cynosure." Aratus seems to apply this term to the whole of the seven stars of the Lesser Bear. Mr. Robert Brown, Jr., shows that this word . . . transliterates An-nas-sur-ra, and renders it, "as it literally means, high in rising, i.e., in heavenly position.". Is not this the primitve truth of the Revelation? Will not this Lesser Fold be high, yea, the highest in heavenly position?</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip49">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cancer.jpg" width="183" height="200" alt="Cancer" />CANCER (The Crab).</p>
    <p> The possession held fast.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip48">
    <p>Chapter III ELEVENTH -</p>
    <p> Messiah's Redeemed Possessions      </p>
    <p>CANCER (The Crab). The possession held fast.          </p>
    <p>1. URSA MINOR (The Lesser Bear). </p>
    <p>The lesser sheepfold.          7,000 - This star was called by the Greeks the "Cynosure." Aratus seems to apply this term to the whole of the seven stars of the Lesser Bear. Mr. Robert Brown, Jr., shows that this word . . . transliterates An-nas-sur-ra, and renders it, "as it literally means, high in rising, i.e., in heavenly position.". Is not this the primitve truth of the Revelation? Will not this Lesser Fold be high, yea, the highest in heavenly position?</p>
    <p> 2. URSA MAJOR (The Great Bear). The fold and the flock.
    3. ARGO (The Ship). The redeemed pilgrims safe at home..</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip47">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/CanisMinor.jpg" width="170" height="123" alt="CanisMinor" /></p>
    <p>CANIS MINOR (The Second Dog), or PROCYON, the exalted Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip46"><img src="images/Constellations/CanisMajor.jpg" width="193" height="228" alt="CanisMajor" />CANIS MAJOR (The Dog), or SIRIUS, the coming glorious Prince of Princes.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip45">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Lepus.jpg" width="198" height="196" alt="Lepus" />LEPUS (The Hare), or</p>
    <p> THE ENEMY trodden under foot.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip44">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Gemini.jpg" width="197" height="228" alt="Gemini" />GEMINI (The Twins). </p>
    <p>The twofold nature of the King.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip43">
    <p>Chapter II - TENTH  - </p>
    <p>Messiah's Reign as Prince of Peace      GEMINI (The Twins). The twofold nature of the King.</p>
    <p> 1. LEPUS (The Hare), or THE ENEMY trodden under foot.<br />
    2. CANIS MAJOR (The Dog), or SIRIUS, the coming glorious Prince of Princes.<br />
    3. CANIS MINOR (The Second Dog), or PROCYON, the exalted Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip42">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Auriga.jpg" width="197" height="289" alt="Auriga" />AURIGA (The Shepherd). </p>
    <p>Safety for the Redeemed in the day of that wrath.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip41">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Eridanus.jpg" width="198" height="86" alt="Eridanus" />ERIDANUS (The River of the Judge). </p>
    <p>Wrath breaking forth for His enemies.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip40">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Orion.jpg" width="185" height="262" alt="Orion" /></p>
    <p>ORION,  </p>
    <p>Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip39">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Taurus.jpg" width="200" height="165" alt="Taurus" />TAURUS (The Bull). </p>
    <p>Messiah coming to rule.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip38">
    <p>Chapter I - NINTH - </p>
    <p>Messiah, The Coming Judge of All the Earth      
    TAURUS (The Bull).</p>
    <p> Messiah coming to rule.           </p>
    <p>1. ORION,  Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.</p>
    <p> 2. ERIDANUS (The River of the Judge). Wrath breaking forth for His enemies.</p>
    <p> 3. AURIGA (The Shepherd). Safety for the Redeemed in the day of that wrath.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip37">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Perseus.jpg" width="167" height="257" alt="Perseus" /></p>
    <p>PERSEUS (The Breaker).</p>
    <p> Delivering His redeemed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip36">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cetus.jpg" width="198" height="93" alt="Cetus" />CETUS (The Sea Monster). </p>
    <p>The great enemy bound.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip35">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cassiopeia.jpg" width="128" height="196" alt="Cassiopeia" /></p>
    <p>CASSIOPEIA (The Enthroned Woman).</p>
    <p> The captive delivered, and preparing for her husband, the Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip34">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Aries.jpg" width="200" height="165" alt="Aries" />ARIES (The Ram or Lamb). </p>
    <p>The Lamb that was slain, prepared for the victory.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip33">
    <p>Chapter IV - EIGHTH - </p>
    <p>Their Blessings Consummated and Enjoyed      ARIES (The Ram or Lamb).</p>
    <p> The Lamb that was slain, prepared for the victory.</p>
    <p> 1. CASSIOPEIA (The Enthroned Woman). </p>
    <p>The captive delivered, and preparing for her husband, the Redeemer.</p>
    <p> 2. CETUS (The Sea Monster).</p>
    <p> The great enemy bound.</p>
    <p> 3. PERSEUS (The Breaker). </p>
    <p>Delivering His redeemed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip32">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cephus.jpg" width="144" height="164" alt="Cephus" /></p>
    <p>CEPHEUS (The King).</p>
    <p> Their Redeemer coming to rule.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip31">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Andromeda.jpg" width="181" height="189" alt="Andromeda" />ANDROMEDA (The Chained Woman).</p>
    <p> The Redeemed in their bondage and affliction.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip30">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Pisces.jpg" width="198" height="94" alt="Pisces" />PISCES (The Fishes). </p>
    <p>The Redeemed blessed though bound.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> THE BAND—, but binding their great enemy Cetus, the sea monster.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip29">
    <p>Chapter III - SEVENTH - </p>
    <p>Their Blessings in Abeyance      PISCES</p>
    <p> (The Fishes). </p>
    <p>The Redeemed blessed though bound.           </p>
    <p>1. THE BAND—,</p>
    <p> but binding their great enemy Cetus, the sea monster.</p>
    <p> 2. ANDROMEDA (The Chained Woman).</p>
    <p> The Redeemed in their bondage and affliction.
    3. CEPHEUS (The King).</p>
    <p> Their Redeemer coming to rule.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip28">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cygnus.jpg" width="198" height="224" alt="Cygnus" />CYGNUS (The Swan). </p>
    <p>The Blesser surely returning.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip27">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Pegasus.jpg" width="201" height="130" alt="Pegasus" />PEGASUS (The Winged Horse).</p>
    <p> The blessings quickly coming.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip26">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Aquarius.jpg" width="198" height="109" alt="Aquarius" />AQUARIUS (The Water-Bearer).</p>
    <p> The living waters of blessing poured forth for the Redeemed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip25">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/PicisAustralis.jpg" width="198" height="63" alt="Piscis Australis" />PISCIS AUSTRALIS (The Southern Fish).</p>
    <p> The blessings bestowed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip24">
    <p>Chapter II - SIXTH  -</p>
    <p>Their Blessings Ensured      AQUARIUS </p>
    <p>(The Water-Bearer). </p>
    <p>The living waters of blessing poured forth for the Redeemed.</p>
    <p> 1. PISCIS AUSTRALIS (The Southern Fish). The blessings bestowed.     </p>
    <p>2. PEGASUS (The Winged Horse). The blessings quickly coming.</p>
    <p> 3. CYGNUS (The Swan). The Blesser surely returning.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip23">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Trio.jpg" width="198" height="133" alt="Trio" />1. SAGITTA (The Arrow). </p>
    <p>The arrow of God sent forth.</p>
    <p> 2. AQUILA (The Eagle). </p>
    <p>The smitten One falling.</p>
    <p> 3. DELPHINUS (The Dolphin). </p>
    <p>The dead One rising again.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip22"><img src="images/Constellations/Capricornus.jpg" width="199" height="145" alt="Capricornus" />CAPRICORNUS (The fish-goat). The goat of Atonement slain for the Redeemed.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip21">
    <p>Chapter I - FIFTH -</p>
    <p> Their Blessings Procured      
    CAPRICORNUS (The fish-goat). </p>
    <p>The goat of Atonement slain for the Redeemed.           
    1. SAGITTA (The Arrow).</p>
    <p> The arrow of God sent forth.</p>
    <p> 2. AQUILA (The Eagle).</p>
    <p> The smitten One falling.</p>
    <p> 3. DELPHINUS (The Dolphin).</p>
    <p> The dead One rising again.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip20"><img src="images/Constellations/DracoMap.jpg" width="200" height="161" alt="Draco" />DRACO (The Dragon). The Old Serpent— Devil, cast down from heaven.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip19">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Ara.jpg" width="143" height="142" alt="Ara" /></p>
    <p>ARA (The Altar). Consuming fire prepared for His enemies.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip18">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Lyra.jpg" width="139" height="117" alt="Lyra" />. </p>
    <p>LYRA (The Harp).</p>
    <p> Praise prepared for the Conqueror.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip17"><img src="images/Constellations/Safittarius.jpg" width="198" height="213" alt="Sagittarius" />SAGITTARIUS (The Archer). The two-natured Conqueror going forth "Conquering and to conquer."</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip16">
    <p>Chapter IV -</p>
    <p> The Redeemer's Triumph      
    SAGITTARIUS (The Archer). The two-natured Conqueror going forth "Conquering and to conquer."</p>
    1. LYRA (The Harp). Praise prepared for the Conqueror.</p>
    <p> 2. ARA (The Altar). Consuming fire prepared for His enemies.    </p>
    <p>3. DRACO (The Dragon). The Old Serpent— Devil, cast down from heaven.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip15"> <img src="images/Constellations/Hercules.jpg" width="198" height="190" alt="Hercules" />HERCULES (The mighty man. A man kneeling on one knee, humbled in the conflict, but holding aloft the tokens of victory, with his foot on the head of the Dragon). The mighty Vanquisher seeming to sink in the conflict.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip14"><img src="images/Constellations/Serpens.jpg" width="199" height="152" alt="Serpens" />SERPENS (The Serpent struggling with the man).</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip13">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Ophiuchus.jpg" width="199" height="227" alt="Ophiuchus" /></p>
    <p>O-PHI-U-CHUS (The man grasping the serpent). The struggle with the enemy.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip12"><img src="images/Constellations/Scorpio.jpg" width="198" height="186" alt="Scorpio" />SCORPIO (The Scorpion) seeking to wound, but itself trodden under foot.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip11">Chapter III - THIRD  - The Redeemer's Conflict SCORPIO (The Scorpion) seeking to wound, but itself trodden under foot.      <br />
    1. SERPENS (The Serpent struggling with the man). <br />
    <br />
    2. O-PHI-U-CHUS (The man grasping the serpent). The struggle with the enemy. <br />
    <br />
    3. HERCULES (The mighty man. A man kneeling on one knee, humbled in the conflict, but holding aloft the tokens of victory, with his foot on the head of the Dragon). The mighty Vanquisher seeming to sink in the conflict.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip10">
    <p>Chapter II - SECOND -  The Redeemer's Atoning Work</p>
    <p> LIBRA (The Scales). The price deficient balanced by the price which covers. <br />
    1. CRUX,  The Cross endured. <br />
    <br />
    2. LUPUS, or VICTIMA, The Victim slain. <br />
    <br />
    3. CORONA, The Crown bestowed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip9">
    <p>Chapter I -FIRST -  The Prophecy of the Promised Seed of the Woman</p>
    <p><br />
    VIRGO (The Virgin. A woman bearing a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left). The Promised Seed of the woman. <br />
    1. COMA (The Desired. The woman and child). The Desired of all nations. <br />
    <br />
    2. CENTAURUS (The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim). The despised sin offering. <br />
    <br />
    3. BOOTES (a man walking bearing a branch called ARCTURUS, meaning the same). He cometh.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip8">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/CoronaBorealis.jpg" width="69" height="55" alt="CoronaBorealis" /></p>
    <p>CORONA, The Crown bestowed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip7"> <img src="images/Constellations/LupusOrTheVictim.jpg" width="197" height="191" alt="Lupus" />LUPUS, or VICTIMA, The Victim slain.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip6">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Crux.jpg" width="67" height="100" alt="Crux" /></p>
    <p>CRUX,  The Cross endured.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip5">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Libra.jpg" width="185" height="176" alt="Libra" /></p>
    <p>LIBRA (The Scales). The price deficient balanced by the price which covers.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip4">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Bootes.jpg" width="162" height="191" alt="Bootes" /></p>
    <p>BOOTES (a man walking bearing a branch called ARCTURUS, meaning the same). He cometh!</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip3"><img src="images/Constellations/Centaurus.jpg" width="198" height="123" alt="Centaurus Pic" />Centaurus -(The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim). The despised sin offering.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip2">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Coma.jpg" width="156" height="161" alt="Coma" /></p>
    <p>Coma (The Desired. The woman and child). The Desired of all nations.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip1"><img src="images/Constellations/Virgo.jpg" width="199" height="364" alt="Virgo Pic" />Virgo VIRGO (The Virgin. A woman bearing a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left). The Promised Seed of the woman.</div>
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    var sprytooltip56 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip56", "#sprytrigger56", {offsetX:-400, useEffect:"fade", closeOnTooltipLeave:true, followMouse:true});
    var sprytooltip57 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip57", "#sprytrigger57", {offsetX:-403, closeOnTooltipLeave:true, useEffect:"fade", followMouse:true});

  • TS2446 Hi! I tried to update a few apps from AppStore and to install new applications, but i got a message : " your Apple ID HAS BEEN disabled" !!! Please help me!!! What can i do now? How can i use my Apple ID? Please, i need help, i have this ID for 2de

    Hi everyone!
    I tried to update a few apps from my iPhone, and to install  new applications from APPSTORE. But i got a message :" Your Apple ID has been disabled"!!!!!!
    What can i do now? Can you help me please?
    The same thing happend with my IPAD....
    How can i do to function all this in the same way which was working till this problem appears.
    I want to mention that i have 2 email adresses asociated with the same Apple ID.
    wait for an feedback!
    Thanks a lot!

    Depending on why it's been disabled you might be able to re-enable it via this page :, then 'reset your password'
    Or you might need to contact Apple : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page
    If it then works on your computer's iTunes but not your phone/iPad then try logging out of your account on the phone/iPad by tapping on your id in Settings > Store (Settings > iTunes & App Stores on iOS 6) and then log back in and see if that 'refreshes' the account on it

  • I have downloaded the trialversion of Creative Cloud but dit not purchase it. Now "devellopment" in Lightroom 5 has been disabled but I had a purchased version including serial number of Lightroom 5 . How do I get "devellopment" back?

    How do I get back "devellopment" in Lightroom 5. It has been disabled after I have downloaded a trialversion of Creative Cloud but did not purchase it.

    Uninstall the trial version of the creative cloud. This process will not interfere with your catalog, preferences and personal files it will just remove the application.
    Download the Perpetual License version of LR 5.6 at the link below. Install and enter your serial number, voila.
    Product updates

  • HT1430 my daughter's ipod has been disabled after too many wrong password attempts. The ipod was not synced to a computer. How can we get it started?

    My daughter's ipod touch has been disabled after too many wrong password attempts.
    The ipod was never synced to the computer so can't connect to itunes.
    How else can we enable the ipod touch again?

    Restore, if iTunes will let you.  Everything except the password will be restored.  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  In your case, choose any computer with iTunes software.  Be forewarned that it takes a long time.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
    At the end of the basic Restore, you will be asked if you wish to sync the iPad/iPod.  As before, say "yes."  Note that that sync selection will disappear and the Restore will end if you do not respond within a reasonable time.  If that happens, only the apps that are part of the IOS will appear on your device.  Corrective action is simple -  choose manual "Sync" from the bottom right of iTunes.
    If you're unable to do the Restore, go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.

  • I updated my computer to os x 10.5.8 so I can synchronize iphone with itunes.  For some reason computer does not noticed it has been updated.  Can anyone advise?

    I updated my computer to os x 10.5.8 so I can synchronize iphone with itunes.  For some reason computer does not noticed it has been updated.  Can anyone advise?

    Try what Terence Devlin posted in this topic:
    Terence Devlin
    Apr 14, 2015 11:21 AM
    Re: Is Iphoto gone ? i want it back!
    in response to Johannes666
    Go to the App Store and check out the Purchases List. If iPhoto is there then it will be v9.6.1
    If it is there, then drag your existing iPhoto app (not the library, just the app) to the trash
    Install the App from the App Store.
    Sometimes iPhoto is not visible on the Purchases List. it may be hidden. See this article for details on how to unhide it.
    One question often asked: Will I lose my Photos if I reinstall?
    iPhoto the application and the iPhoto Library are two different parts of the iPhoto programme. So, reinstalling the app should not affect the Library. BUT you should always have a back up before doing this kind of work. Always.

  • Check Point VPN-1 Securemote service causes Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion

    Has anyone ever managed to solve this one?
    We have a problem on Windows 7 SP1 32bit systems.
    when we try to start the Check Point VPN-1 Securemote service we get this message:
    Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion
    When we install a clean Windows 7 from an ISO the checkpoint client without any issues
    when we use the same Windows Setup source and install it from SCCM TS - the CheckPoint client doesn't start
    the client we're installing is : CP_SeucRemoteSecureClient_NGX_R30_HFA3
    which is supported for Win7 x86
    other than that there are no special prerequisites for the CheckPoint client. therefore we know the problem is local :/
    we tried to isolate and minimize the cause of the issues by trying to see the differences between a clean installation from ISO and a clean installation from SCCM
    We know for sure the problem is not from SCCM Client, Programs and Features, Updates, Group Policy
    it seems like the configuration is the same but we can't seem to find any online solution about this issue
    any suggestions?
    Tamir Levy
    Tamir Levy

    Please check if all the dependencies services are running, if not, please start them:
    DNS Server
    Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    Any error message, please post back.
    You can also check solution in this article:
    Hope these could be helpful.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Installing hp deskjet f4235 error: "registry editing has been disabled by administrator"

    I have been trying to install by HP Deskjet F4235 printer and I keep getting this error message: "registry editing has been disabled by administrator". How do I get around this?

    I think I confused Computer Configuration with User Configuration in XP, so yes, this policy does exist in Windows XP, sorry for my negligence.
    And I am still confused with the silent switch you mentioned, do you mean the
    /s in the following command
    REG QUERY "HKLM\System\NBC\Software\CurrentConfig" /s | find /v "REG.EXE" | findstr .
    It doesn’t mean a silent switch but  specifies to query subkeys
    -------Specifies to query all subkeys and value names recursively.
    You can find detailed information in this link:
    Reg query
    To silently run the .reg file (with the /s switch) from a login script batch file, use the following syntax:
    regedit.exe /s path of .reg file
    so I suggest you re-edit the bat file use the above syntax for a test.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • When I try to install Apps from App Store got error "Your Apple ID has been disabled"

    when I try to install Apps from App Store got error "Your Apple ID has been disabled"

    If changing your password does not solve then contact itunes support

  • Re: Satellite P - CD/DVD drive has been disabled after installing itunes 8

    *Help*! After installing itunes 8 my CD/DVD/RW has been disabled.
    This has happened before and I have restored it by deleting the upper and lower filters in the Vista registry but then itunes tells me that "The registry settings used by the itunes drivers for importing and burning CDs and DVDs are missing." and I am unable to burn anything from itunes.
    Does anyone out there know how to restore the CD/DVD/RW drive and retain the full use of itunes please?

    Have you tried to reinstall iTunes?
    Reinstall the old iTunes, reboot the computer and clean by using CCleaner. Then you can install the newest version of iTunes.
    If it doesnt work try to remove the upper- and lower filters again. Maybe you should do this after you have reinstalled iTunes.
    Last but not least, this could be useful for you:

  • TS2446 i have a problem in my account every time i want to install application from app Store on my iphone a message shows that my Apple ID has been disabled, what is the problem? what can i do ?

    i have a problem in my account every time i want to install application from app Store on my iphone a message shows that my Apple ID has been disabled, i creat a new password and still that message shoes ,what is the problem ?can you help me please???!!!!

    If your account is disabled then you might be able to re-enable it via this page :, then 'reset your password'
    You might then need to log out of your account on your phone by tapping on your id in Settings > iTunes & App Store and then log back in so as to 'refresh' the account on it
    If that doesn't fix it then you might need to contact iTunes Support : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page

  • I have music stored  and it wont let me transfer them over all i get is your apple id has been disabled, i have re set my pasword and this has not solved the problem

    i had a iphone in 2010, i purchased music which is still stored on my original apple id, but when i try to transfer the music ,and download apps all it says is your apple id has been disabled, i have tried re setting a new pass word but this has not solved the problem can any one help please

    Contact itunes support

  • Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion

    Windows 7 Pro laptop will not connect to corporate domain. Multiple identical twin laptops have no problem.
    Best suggestion so far has been to leave the domain and rejoin it, BUT the relevant buttons are grayed out and the comment says "Note: The identification of the computer cannot be changed because:- The Workstation service is not running. Open the Services
    snap-in (services.msc) to ensure it is running and set its Startup Type as "Automatic"."
    In services.msc the Workstation service is already set to Automatic but is not started. When I try to start it manually the response is "Windows could not start the Workstation service on Local Computer." and then "Error 1075: The dependency service does
    not exist or has been marked for deletion."
    Rebooting gets me nowhere.
    In all other respects that laptop appears fine and can connect to the Internet, but NOT to the network. I have brought it and a twin laptop home to try on my domestic network and get the same results.
    Any ideas, please?

    Let us go to services.msc and navigate to Network Store Interface Service. Please check whether this service has been set to Automatic and turned on.
    Kim Zhou
    TechNet Community Support

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