Want to run jax-rpc sample from sun's webservice tutorial in the wls7

i want to deploy the jax-rpc sample that come with the sun's tutorial(hello) and
can works well in the tomcat into wls7,but the wls tell me that some files can't
be found,then i add enough jar files under the jwsdp to the lib directory of the
war package till the deployment success,but when i invoke it in the browser,the
browser tell me "no jax-rpc context available",why?and the same package even can't
be deployed in the jboss,the jboss always complain that the "class not found",but
i am sure the classes is included in the lib jar files,why?who can help me?
thank you

Could you post a stack trace?
zbcong wrote:
i want to deploy the jax-rpc sample that come with the sun's tutorial(hello) and
can works well in the tomcat into wls7,but the wls tell me that some files can't
be found,then i add enough jar files under the jwsdp to the lib directory of the
war package till the deployment success,but when i invoke it in the browser,the
browser tell me "no jax-rpc context available",why?and the same package even can't
be deployed in the jboss,the jboss always complain that the "class not found",but
i am sure the classes is included in the lib jar files,why?who can help me?
thank you

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    Maybe this is just a typo in your post, but the variable name should be JWSDP_HOME, not JWSPD_HOME.

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    }These have been built using
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    import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
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    public static void main(String[] args) {
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    Can someone please explain or give me a plain javac command to compile the HelloClient.java

    Could you post a stack trace?
    zbcong wrote:
    i want to deploy the jax-rpc sample that come with the sun's tutorial(hello) and
    can works well in the tomcat into wls7,but the wls tell me that some files can't
    be found,then i add enough jar files under the jwsdp to the lib directory of the
    war package till the deployment success,but when i invoke it in the browser,the
    browser tell me "no jax-rpc context available",why?and the same package even can't
    be deployed in the jboss,the jboss always complain that the "class not found",but
    i am sure the classes is included in the lib jar files,why?who can help me?
    thank you

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    C:\jwsdp-1.2\docs\tutorial\examples\jaxrpc\hello>ant deploy
    Buildfile: build.xml
    file:C:/jwsdp-1.2/docs/tutorial/examples/jaxrpc/common/targets.xml:14: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: http://localhost:8080/manager/deploy?path=%2Fhello-jaxrpc
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    Error 401 means you're not authorised to view the page. Ant needs to know your username and password for Tomcat before it can access the deployment features.
    Go to http://java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.0/tutorial/doc/GettingStarted2.html and follow the guidelines in the section "Creating the Build Properties File"

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    file:C:/jwstutorial13/examples/jaxrpc/common/targets.xml:151: Warning: Could not
    find file C:\jwstutorial13\examples\jaxrpc\helloservice\build\model.gz to copy.
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    I did that before posting my original message. I'm obviously missing something (noting jumps out at me, as far as being wrong.)
    My files look like this:
    File: build.xml (C:\jwstutorial13\examples\jaxrpc\helloservice\build.xml)
    <!DOCTYPE project [
    <!ENTITY jaxrpctargets SYSTEM "../common/targets.xml">
    <project name="jaxrpc-tutorial" default="build" basedir=".">
    <property file="../../common/build.properties"/>
    <property file="../common/build.properties"/>
    <property file="build.properties"/>
    <target name="build" depends="build-service"
    description="Executes the targets needed to build the service.">
    File: build.properties (C:\jwstutorial13\examples\jaxrpc\helloservice\build.properties).
    File: build.properties (C:\jwstutorial13\examples\jaxrpc\common\build.properties)
    # This file contains properties common to the tutorial examples
    # for JAX-RPC.
    # tut.root=C:/wspack-docs
    This is where I thought the problem might be, but I can't determine what's wrong. The pathelements in this file, were set in build.properties ((C:\jwstutorial13\examples\jaxrpc\common\build.properties), referenced above.
    File: targets.xml (C:\jwstutorial13\examples\jaxrpc\common\targets.xml)
    <!-- targets.xml: Referenced by the build.xml files, this file
    contains targets common to all of the jaxrpc examples. -->
    <path id="compile.classpath">
    <pathelement location="${javamail.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jaf.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jaxp-api.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${dom.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${sax.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${xalan.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${xercesImpl.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jaxrpc-api.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jaxrpc-impl.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jaxrpc-spi.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${commons-logging.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${saaj-api.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${saaj-impl.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${relaxngDatatype.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${xsdlib.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jax-qname.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${ant.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${build}/shared"/>
    <path id="run.classpath">
    <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
    <pathelement location="${dist}/${client.jar}"/>
    <taskdef name="deploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask" />
    <taskdef name="undeploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask" />
    <taskdef name="list" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ListTask" />
    <taskdef name="start" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.StartTask" />
    <taskdef name="stop" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.StopTask" />
    <taskdef name="install" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"/>
    <taskdef name="reload" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"/>
    <taskdef name="remove" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"/>     
    <target name="install" description="Install web application"
    <install url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
    path="/${context.path}" war="file:${example.path}/${build}"/>
    <target name="deploy"
    description="Deploys a Web application">
    <deploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
    path="/${context.path}" war="file:${war.path}"
    <target name="undeploy"
    description="Undeploys a Web application">
    <undeploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
    <target name="redeploy"
    description="Undeploys and deploys a Web aplication">
    <antcall target="undeploy" />
    <antcall target="deploy" />
    <target name="list"
    description="Lists Web applications">
    <echo message="Listing the applications...."/>
    <target name="start"
    description="Starts a Web application">
    <echo message="Starting the application...."/>
    <target name="stop"
    description="Stops a Web application">
    <echo message="Stopping the application...."/>
    <target name="prepare"
    description="Creates the build directory" >
    <echo message="Creating the required directories...." />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/${example}" />
    <target name="prepare-dist"
    description="Creates the dist directory" >
    <echo message="Creating the required directories...." />
    <mkdir dir="${dist}" />
    <target name="set-wscompile" >
    <condition property="wscompile" value="${wscompile.dir}/wscompile.bat">
    <os family="windows"/>
    <condition property="wscompile" value="${wscompile.dir}/wscompile.sh">
    <os family="windows"/>
    <target name="set-wsdeploy" >
    <condition property="wsdeploy" value="${wsdeploy.dir}/wsdeploy.bat">
    <os family="windows"/>
    <condition property="wsdeploy" value="${wsdeploy.dir}/wsdeploy.sh">
    <os family="windows"/>
    <target name="compile-service" depends="prepare"
    description="Compiles the server-side source code">
    <echo message="Compiling the server-side source code...."/>
    <javac srcdir="${src}"
    <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
    <target name="setup-web-inf"
    description="Copies files to build/WEB-INF">
    <echo message="Setting up ${build}/WEB-INF...."/>
    <delete dir="${build}/WEB-INF" />
    <copy todir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes/${example}">
    <fileset dir="${build}/${example}" />
    <fileset dir="${build}/${example}" />
    <copy file="${build}/${model.file}" todir="${build}/WEB-INF" />
    <copy file="web.xml" todir="${build}/WEB-INF" />
    <copy file="jaxrpc-ri.xml" todir="${build}/WEB-INF" />
    <target name="package-service" depends="prepare-dist"
    description="Packages the WAR file">
    <echo message="Packaging the WAR...."/>
    <delete file="${dist}/${portable.war}" />
    <jar jarfile="${dist}/${portable.war}" >
    <fileset dir="${build}" includes="WEB-INF/**" />
    <target name="process-war" depends="set-wsdeploy"
    description="Runs wsdeploy to generate the ties and
    create a deployable WAR file">
    <delete file="dist/${deployable.war}" />
    <antcall target="run-wsdeploy">
    <param name="param1" value="-o dist/${deployable.war} dist/${portable.war}"/>
    <target name="run-wscompile" depends="prepare,set-wscompile"
    description="Runs wscompile">
    <echo message="Running wscompile:"/>
    <echo message=" ${wscompile} ${param1}"/>
    <exec executable="${wscompile}">
    <arg line="${param1}"/>
    <target name="run-wsdeploy" depends="prepare,set-wsdeploy"
    description="Runs wsdeploy">
    <echo message="Running wsdeploy:"/>
    <echo message=" ${wsdeploy} ${param1}"/>
    <exec executable="${wsdeploy}">
    <arg line="${param1}"/>
    <target name="generate-sei-service"
    description="Runs wscompile to generate the model file">
    <antcall target="run-wscompile">
    <param name="param1" value="-define -d ${build} -nd ${build}
    -classpath ${build} ${config.interface.file}
    -model ${build}/${model.file}"/>
    <delete file="${build}/MyHelloService.wsdl"/>
    <target name="generate-interface"
    description="Runs wscompile to generate the service endpoint
    <antcall target="run-wscompile">
    <param name="param1" value="-import -d ${build} -nd ${build}
    -f:norpcstructures -classpath ${build} ${config.wsdl.file}"/>
    <target name="generate-stubs"
    description="Runs wscompile to generate the client stub classes">
    <antcall target="run-wscompile">
    <param name="param1" value="-gen:client -d ${build}
    -classpath ${build} ${config.wsdl.file}"/>
    <target name="compile-client" depends="prepare"
    description="Compiles the client-side source code" >
    <echo message="Compiling the client source code...."/>
    <javac srcdir="${src}"
    <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
    <classpath path="${build}" />
    <target name="package-client" depends="prepare-dist"
    description="Builds the JAR file that contains the client">
    <echo message="Building the client JAR file...."/>
    <delete file="${dist}/${client.jar}" />
    <jar jarfile="${dist}/${client.jar}" >
    <fileset dir="${build}" />
    <target name="package-dynamic" depends="prepare-dist"
    description="Builds the JAR file that contains the dynamic proxy client">
    <echo message="Building the client JAR file...."/>
    <delete file="${dist}/${client.jar}" />
    <jar jarfile="${dist}/${client.jar}" >
    <fileset dir="${build}" includes="**/HelloClient.class" />
    <fileset dir="${build}" includes="**/HelloIF.class" />
    <target name="build-service" depends="clean,compile-service,generate-sei-service,
    description="Executes the targets needed to build the service.">
    <target name="build-static" depends="clean,generate-stubs,
    description="Executes the targets needed to build a static stub client.">
    <target name="build-dii" depends="clean,prepare,compile-client,package-client"
    description="Executes the targets needed to build a DII client.">
    <target name="build-dynamic" depends="clean,prepare,generate-interface,
    description="Executes the targets needed to build a dynamic proxy client.">
    <target name="build-webclient" depends="clean,generate-stubs"
    description="Executes the targets needed to build a web client.">
    <target name="run-client"
    description="Runs a stand-alone (non-J2EE) client">
    <java classname="${client.class}" fork="yes" >
    <arg line="${endpoint.address}" />
    <classpath refid="run.classpath" />
    <target name="run-secure-client"
    description="Runs a client with basic authentication over SSL">
    <java classname="${client.class}" fork="yes" >
    <arg line="${username} ${password} ${endpoint.address}" />
    <classpath refid="run.classpath" />
    <target name="run-mutualauth-client"
    description="Runs a client with mutual authentication over SSL">
    <java classname="${client.class}" fork="yes" >
    <arg line="${key.store} ${key.store.password}
    ${trust.store} ${trust.store.password}
    ${endpoint.address}" />
    <classpath refid="run.classpath" />
    <target name="clean"
    description="Removes the build directory">
    <delete dir="${build}" />
    <target name="listprops" depends="set-wscompile"
    description="Displays values of some of the properties of this
    build file">
    <echo message="jaxrpc.home = ${jaxrpc.home}" />
    <echo message="wscompile = ${wscompile}" />
    <echo message="build = ${build}" />
    <echo message="src = ${src}" />
    <echo message="dist = ${dist}" />
    <echo message=" " />
    <echo message="example = ${example}" />
    <echo message="client.jar = ${client.jar}" />
    <echo message="client.class = ${client.class}" />
    <echo message=" " />
    <echo message="host = ${host}" />
    <echo message="port = ${port}" />
    <echo message="secure.port = ${secure.port}" />
    <echo message="trust.store = ${trust.store}" />
    <echo message="trust.store.password = ${trust.store.password}" />
    <echo message=" " />
    <echo message="username = ${username}" />
    <echo message="password = ${password}" />
    <echo message="url = ${url}" />
    <echo message=" " />
    <echo message="context.path = ${context.path}" />
    <echo message="secure.context.path = ${secure.context.path}" />
    <echo message="url.pattern = ${url.pattern}" />
    <echo message="endpoint.address = ${endpoint.address}" />
    <echo message="secure.endpoint = ${secure.endpoint}" />
    <echo message=" " />
    <echo message="war.path = ${war.path}" />
    <echo message="portable.war = ${portable.war}" />
    <echo message="deployable.war = ${deployable.war}" />
    File: targets.xml ( C:\jwstutorial13\examples\common\targets.xml)
    <taskdef name="list" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ListTask"/>
    <taskdef name="install" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"/>
    <taskdef name="reload" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"/>
    <taskdef name="remove" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"/>     
    <taskdef name="deploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask"/>     
    <taskdef name="undeploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask"/>     
    <target name="list" description="List web applications" >
    <list url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}" />
    <target name="install" description="Install web application"
    <install url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
    path="/${context.path}" war="file:${build}"/>
    <target name="reload" description="Reload web application"
    <reload url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
    <target name="remove" description="Remove web application">
    <remove url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
    <target name="package"
    description="Packages the WAR file">
    <echo message="Packaging the WAR...."/>
    <delete file="dist/${war.file}" />
    <jar jarfile="dist/${war.file}" >
    <fileset dir="${build}" />
    <target name="deploy" description="Deploy a Web application">
    <deploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
    path="/${context.path}" war="file:/${example.path}/dist/${war.file}"
    <!--<target name="deploy" description="Deploy a Web application">
    <deploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
    path="/${context.path}" war="file:/${example.path}/dist/${war.file}"
    </target> -->
    <target name="undeploy" description="Undeploy web application">
    <undeploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
    File: build.properties (C:\jwstutorial13\examples\common\build.properties)
    Finally, here is how I've got my PATH Environmental Variable Set:
    %JWSDP_HOME%\apache-ant\bin;%JWSDP_HOME%\jwsdp-shared\bin;%JWSDP_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32\WBEM;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\
    I set this up according to the instructions at the beginning of the tutorial.
    JWSDP_HOME: C:\jwsdp-1.3
    JAVA_HOME: C:\j2sdk1.4.1_05
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Want to run a BDC even if there is an error in the TCode

      In one of the screens in my BDC an error comes (this happens when that transaction is run from command prompt in foreground also). But in the actual transaction after the user sees the error, he is able to continue changing the fields on the screen and post it. However in BDC, as soon as the error comes, the BDC exits and comes back. I would like it to continue, just the way it does during the manual entry, is there a way I can do this?
    The Tcode is LT06 and when user enters the Material doc and click on enter the error occurs, but in the manual mode he is able to enter the Destn Bin, storage type etc and continue. However that is not the case with BDC. I also tried using function module L_TO_CREATE_POSTING_CHANGE, but it gives the same error as the screen
    FORM create_to USING r_mblnr TYPE mblnr
                         r_to_lgort TYPE lgort_d
                         r_sto_bin TYPE lgpla
                   CHANGING rt_bapi_message TYPE type_t_bapi_message
                            r_success TYPE c.
      DATA: v_mode TYPE c,
            wa_bapi_message TYPE bdcmsgcoll.
      CLEAR s_bdcdata.
      REFRESH t_bdcdata.
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPML02B' '0203'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RL02B-MBLNR'
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RL02B-MJAHR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RL02B-DUNKL'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPML03T' '0102'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'LTAP-NLTYP'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'LTAP-NLBER'
                                    '001'.        "destn storage section
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'LTAP-NLPLA'
                                    r_sto_bin.        "destn storage section
      v_mode = 'N'.
                       USING t_bdcdata
                       MODE   v_mode
                       UPDATE 'S'
                       MESSAGES INTO t_messtab.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        LOOP AT t_messtab INTO wa_bapi_message.
          APPEND wa_bapi_message TO rt_bapi_message.
       MESSAGE ID wa_bapi_message-msgid TYPE wa_bapi_message-msgtyp NUMBER wa_bapi_message-msgnr
         WITH wa_bapi_message-msgv1 wa_bapi_message-msgv2 wa_bapi_message-msgv3 wa_bapi_message-msgv4.
        LOOP AT t_messtab INTO wa_bapi_message.
       MESSAGE ID wa_bapi_message-msgid TYPE wa_bapi_message-msgtyp NUMBER wa_bapi_message-msgnr
         WITH wa_bapi_message-msgv1 wa_bapi_message-msgv2 wa_bapi_message-msgv3 wa_bapi_message-msgv4.
          APPEND wa_bapi_message TO rt_bapi_message.
       APPEND t_messtab to rt_bapi_message.
    ENDFORM.                    "create_to
    Thanks for reading

    Hi ,
    Now as per the transaction an error is prompted only when the compiler interprets it as false on a data field or a combination of them . Now its in the programmers hand to validate the data before submitting it to the screen .. now this validation should cover all scenario's . One point i want to make here is that bdc is nothing but replaying how the user enter's manually for no of records..
    i dont know about this tcode LT06 .
    //The Tcode is LT06 and when user enters the Material doc and click on enter the error occurs, but in the manual mode he is able to enter the Destn Bin, storage type etc and continue. However that is not the case with BDC.//
    you are entering the material doc no in screen 0203 ..use all screen mode and check what is the error prompting if any and in the normal debugging track that error if some user exit is written using sy-binpt with some error message..
    did you tried some relavant tcode other than LT06 which can be used for this purpose cause sometimes we have alternate tcodes to run the bdc .. please check on this .

  • I want to run an NI GPIB card and a Keithly GPIB in the same machine.

    I want to run a NI GPIB and a Keithly in the same machine for software development. Our labs use both types of card. Another employee tried to make it happen, but failed. I would like to use 1 machine due to software licensing issues.

    There shouldn't be any interaction between the two GPIB drivers. The NI interfaces will use NI-488.2, wil the Keithley interfaces will use their low-level device driver. Each driver will manage the their own hardware.
    In LabVIEW, you will use the NI-488.2 Vis to communicate with the NI interface. The Keithley driver has to install their own driver interface VIs.
    The only problem is you want to use VISA for both interfaces. I don't know if there is a Keithley implementation of VISA, but there can nly be one installed in the system. The NI_VISA driver will allow you to control the NI interface, but not the Keithley interface. You can still use the Keithley interface using the low-level driver.
    Finally, here is a knowledge base I found that has
    some information that may be useful to you Using a Keithley PC488 GPIB Interface with LabVIEW
    Hope this helps.
    National Instruments.

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    Try to Import Contacts from a SIM Card or use software from samsung to sync the old phone to your address book on your computer and use this info to sync to the iphone using iTunes.
    Transferring information to iPhone from another phone

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    Well as I suspected I love OWC company I pulled out the mac hard drive , they offered me a Macdrive  free trial program to check your drive on PC Windows and yesSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS it all there nothing lost
    woohooooo , thank you but nothing is dead, when you have faith , this was a prayer answered big time I wanted a pro so much and I get to use my 500  plust 250 plus 120 GB drives all of them
    ladies and gentlemen and I get to keep the 2 GB in from my macbook 13 inch and sell all the parts
    thanks for the support, now the case is Solved. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Dear Micha,
    Did you maintain the host file in Drivers\etc file:
    hope this will solve the problem
    If you did not add them plz add the hosts as follows:
     rhino.acme.com          # source server
      x.acme.com              # x client host
          (your PI server IP)   server Id name
    And also check your Java web start version.
    download the correct version for sun website.
    Best Regards
    Praveen K Kurni

  • Problems with the jax-rpc testcase from the JWSDP tutorial

    I have e few problems with the hello case from the JWSDP tutorial.
    Everything works fine during the build/compile/installation phase but when I'm accessing the url http://localhost:8080/jaxrpc-hello/jaxrpc, the server wont find the service and I get:
    404 The requested resource (/jaxrpc-hello/jaxrpc) is not available.
    I've trippel checked the environment settings and other properties and I don't know where to go to error check.
    I've tried to install the client as well but it wont detect the service so I guess there is a problem on the server side.
    I'm quite new to the whole "Web Service thing" So I would be happy to get som help.

    if you run the tomcat manager application at http://localhost:8080/manager/list, what do you see? I suppose if you have successfully run the ant "install" task after "compile-server" and "xrpcc-server", you will see that your service is registered with its context path, but is not "running". This will be probably because of a runtime error. For further diagnosis of errors like these, I recommend to take a look at the log file at "<%JWSDP_HOME%>/logs/catalina.out".
    If you are satisfied with this answer, please be so kind and assign some of your duke dollars to me ;-)

  • Is there an easy way to run an Ajax function from input type=file to test the file name in DB?

    I've had the <input type="file">  ... <cffile ...> thing going for a few years now. 
    There is a database where the uploaded file names are stored once the files are uploaded to the server.  It sees things in terms of problems and stores uploaded file name accordingly with the ProbID prepended onto the file name; e.g., MyPicture.jpg would end up in the designated directory and databawe as P416_MyPicture.jpg.  This allows user to store pictures with the same name in different problems without a conflict.  There has been an issue with certain characters (e.g., spaces, +, #, etc.) causing problems when they are in file names so we have come up with a way using the <cffile ... rename> to replace these chars with _.  This means that MyPic+.jpg would end up being P416_MyPic_.jpg. 
         This is where the problem appears.  If someone were to upload MyPic+.jpg after someone else uploaded MyPic_.jpg in the same problem, then the + file would overwrite the _ file before the system knew they had a problem.  And there is now way to restore the original file without going to the system backup and doing so – which is a whole other story … especially, if the person doesn’t tell anyone.
         The logical solution would be to be able to test the new final file name (the name after making the substitutions mentioned above) against the existing files in the database before you went from the page where the <input type=file> control to the associated _action.cfm page where the <cffile> object is located.  Given that this seems to be the province of Ajax, this would seem like a natural use of the really interesting technology.  I have can determine the file name from the onChange action on the <input type=File> so that this would be the place for Ajax to come to the rescue by looking up the final file name and then letting the user know whether the resultant name is a unique within the database or not.  If so, I'll just enable the Add button which sets right next to the <input > control and let them upload it.  If not, I'll put up an error message telling them that this file already exists in the system.
         This would be the perfect solution.  It would let me do some Ajax stuff like I've wanted to do for the past year, but never have had the time to do because this is the project that won't go away.  This is, in fact, the last thing of any consequence that remains to do on this 2-1/2 year nightmare – be careful what you wish for.  If I can get this done this week, then maybe I can finally take a weekend off … maybe it will finally come to an end.
         Which finally leads to my question:  I'm looking for some tips on how to get this thing going since I can barely spell Ajax.  I've got a book and looked at some stuff online about CF and Ajax, but a good example or two or three would be worth a day's worth of poking around on the web and in my books.
         Thanks in advance for any suggestions, ideas, help, whatever.

         Thank you for your suggestion, but, after spending the night working with Ben Forta's CF8, vol 2, Chap 34, working with <cfajaxproxy>, I was able to do exactly what I wanted and it appears, after some testing, to work exactly as I had envisoned it should. 
         I am now calling a JavaScript function (testFileName) from the onChage event on the <input type="file"> or Browse button, which calls my proxy.cfc that contains the server side of the equation.  This funciton testFileName (I've run out of cleaver function/file names).  The query contained therein hits the database to see if the passed in parameters can pull up an existing file.  If they do, the particulars (file name, data attahced, etc.) are returned to the JavaScipt procedure that puts up the error notice.  The user can then chose to either overwrite the file or quit.  Quiting leaves the your on the Attachment PopUp where he/she started with nothing being uploaded. 
         Thanks again for your suggestion.  I appreciate your taking the time to do so.

  • I got a new computer and want to put my itunes library from my phone into itunes on the comp.

    .. now these are mp3 i downloaded on my old comp, which broke beyond repair, not one of these songs i bought from i tunes. can i transfer them,having been trying with no success. do i have to download all the songs again

    If you do not have access to the iTunes Library on your Old computer... or its Backup...
    See these 2 Links...
    Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device
    Syncing to a New Computer...
    If you do have access... See Here...
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer

  • Can someone from Sun post license terms for the 1.6.13 version of the JRE?

    A section of the 1.6.13 README relating to redistribution of the JRE appears to be out of date. I need an updated version that reflects the new plugin architecture. I'm updating a private JRE but would like to exclude as much as possible to reduce the surface of the static JRE.
    Here is the out-of-date section. I'm looking for an updated version ASAP. Thanks!
    When redistributing the JRE on Microsoft Windows as a private
    application runtime (not accessible by other applications)
    with a custom launcher, the following files are also
    optional. These are libraries and executables that are used
    for Java support in Internet Explorer and Mozilla family browsers;
    these files are not needed in a private JRE redistribution.
    bin\NPJPI*.dll (The filename changes in every release)

    Yes, I didn't make that clear (first thing in the morning). Even though the JMF Diagnostic applet doesn't work for me on RedHat 9.0 using the Java Plugin with JDK 1.4.2, JMF DOES work for me from the command line. It seems that the Java 1.4.2 Plugin isn't finding JMF on the path. For me, the Java 1.5 Plugin resolves this issue.

  • Hallo i want to unlock my iphone bought from t-mobile in germany. The provider said, that apple don't want to unlock my iphone when i pay a fee. why not?

    i want to unlock my iphone.
    My provider t-mobile germany said, that they can not unlock my iphone because Apple don't want it.
    Why not?

    dtilley wrote:
    1. ........ I bought the phone independantly of a supplier and am having trouble getting it unlocked.
    2. Apple should never have allowed a carrier to lock my phone without my permission.
    3. It is restrictive practice and may be unlawful in some countries.
    4. disgraceful business.
    do not trust the carriers or Apple n one.
    5. You must work for Apple ?
    1. Wrong. You did not research well to find out the cost difference between - what you thought you bought and what actually it would cost. If you had you would not have made this statement.
    2. Correct. Apple will never does such a thing.
    3. Correct. Perhaps in all countries.
    4. Correct.
    Trust yourself first.
    5. Wrong. No one here does. All are Apple products' users here.
    Did you read http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1937 before you purchased that iPhone ?

Maybe you are looking for