WB 1.6.0 has not updated even though Logic Pro 9.1.1 is installed

I've posted this also on the Logic Pro forum.
My computer refused to update Waveburner 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 even though Logic 9.1.1 is installed - tells me everything is up to date, which it is not!
How do I get it to comply?
Can I somehow uninstall the 9.1.1 update and the reinstall? and how would I do that?
I'm very confused and any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm away for the weekend so I won't be around to answer questions, sorry...

Fixed - see Logic pro forum for answer....

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    Not Charge
    - See:      
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    - Try another cable.
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
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    I agree with Johan...
    What Exchange server are you on?
    First run Update-CsUserDatabase - this sync FE database with AD info
    Running with -verbose will post that replication will take place in 5 minutes..
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    Here's a script a created to clear teh cached files on a client system, this should be run as teh standard user, as it grabs teh logge don users creds and clears the directory according to the logged on user..
    Save as a batch, on a network share accessible by everyone and run away safe time!
    @echo off
    rem ###### Check if Lync is running, exit if it is... #####
    tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq lync.exe" | find "lync.exe" >nul
    If %errorlevel%==0 goto LyncIsRunningError
    rem ###### Grab logged on user info, and remove Lync cache files, All of them! ######
    for /f "tokens=2 delims=\" %%a in ('wmic computersystem get username ^| findstr /v "UserName"') do @set username=%%a
    set uname=%username: =%
    If Exist "C:\Users\%uname%\appdata\local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\" rmdir "C:\Users\%uname%\appdata\local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\" /S /Q
    echo Clearing Lync 2013 Address Books... Done!
    echo Sign back into Lync 2013 to download the current address book.
    goto End
    echo ERROR: Lync found to be running, closing all instances!
    taskkill /f /im lync.exe
    taskkill /f /im UCMapi.exe
    echo Done, waiting 5 seconds and trying again.
    timeout 5
    goto Start
    And do you have any idea of difficult it is to place a cmd output into a variable in BATCH scripting?! redic!
    No it will say it can't remove a certain folder in the cached location if the user has outlook running... i didn't no script to close outlook for it doesn't get effect, or it still works either way..
    I'm also going to add that you go onto the FE server and check the attribute on user contactcard to ensure that the DisplayADPhoto attribute is set to True..
    Logon onto FE server - open powershell - and user the export-csuserdata command with the -legacy option to export as an xml file and then open the xml in IE and search for that attribute...

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           Go to transaction "SE16N" and enter table "VBUK" and give the delivery number in the field sales document number. Now you type "&SAP_EDIT" in the transaction bar and execute. Here you can change the status(Total goods movement). And see If you can actually bill the document. Kindly please let me know If you need any more information on this.
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    This is a user to user forum with "some" Adobe staff participation, make requests at this link

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    By the way, I'm still VERY happy with my ipod video. I would not trade it for anything else.. As a long time IBM platform user, I never saw myself buying an apple product; only because I was too scared of incompatability issues.. I love old classic movies, so the ipod video is perfect for me; and that inspired me to do a videocast, on itunes.
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    Everything works fine through itunes, i can see all episodes and my feed validates with the feed validator.
    About 2 months ago my artwork dissappeared from the feed and since then it has never updated again.
    Hope someone can help.
    Store Address: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/beyond-silence/id513494851
    Feed Address: http://www.hiddenagenda.dj/podcast/BeyondSilenceRSS.xml

    Hi Roger, just to update you on the situation.
    I did some more digging into the problem im having and it was suggested that i tried re-submitting the feed to the store.
    On doing so i got the error message that my hosting does not have byte-range support which it seems a lot of people are having problems with. Having read further it seems apple introduced these changes around the time my podcast stopped updating which seems to tie into how the issue started.
    So i created a test feed with one episode and a link to a media file from a working podcast and still it would not submit, i was getting the 'We have difficulty reading this feed. Connection Reset error'
    Luckily i have another hosting provider so i uploaded the exact same test feed and the feed got accepted.
    So i have come to the conclusion that my host does not have byte-range support but also it seems this is stopping it reading the actual .xml file as well as the .mp3 content which from reading other posts should not happen.
    So im in the process of uploading the latest episode to my host that has byte-range support enabled and im going to update my current feed with one episode and a link to the .mp3 file on the server with byte-range support enabled and im hoping fingers crossed the feed updates.
    Obviously i can set up a new feed on the server with byte-range support enabled but if my current feed fails to update at all im concerned i will never be able to update the feed again and therefore never be able to add the feed URL redirect code in order to keep my subscribers.
    Thought id share this with you as it may help you in helping others having similar problems.
    Richard Pitts

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