WD4A, iView parameter + Application usage

Hi All,
I have a requirement and need your support to understand how can i achieve below functionality, in WD4A.
Present Scenario-
Portal iview has WD4A application "AP1", application consists of Component "A", the comp "A" has 5 tabs and each tab displays button.
On click of Button navigation take place with different parameters Ex.
On click of Button in TAB1 Comp "B" view is displayed with different set of UI Elements
On click of Button in TAB2 Comp "C" view is displayed with different set of UI Elements
On click of Button in TAB3 Comp "D" view is displayed with different set of UI Elements and etc...
Continued due to page restrictions.....

Continued due to page restrictions.....
New functionality required is:
User is being provided with a link in email, the URL (link) has the required parameters.
Based on the parameters, user should be Navigated to Portal iView executes application "AP1" and provide the same functionality as available when button is clicked from respective tab, i.e..  Navigate to appropriate component.
My Concern is:
As i have the component A that is being accessed by Application AP1 and is configured in iView, how can i use the same application, retain same functionality and include the new functionality of passing the parameter via URL and displaying appropriate component view.

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    Hi Steffi,
    In the application URL, you can add the required parameters. First parameter followed by '?' question mark then '&' (only AND symbol). See the example below:
    [Pls reward points if helpful]

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    Edited by: Shruti Shah on Jan 7, 2008 5:40 PM

    Hi Shruti,
    You can use the UME APIs to get the logged in user.
    something like the below
    IWDClientUser user=null;
        IUser iuser=null;
                 msgMgr.reportException("null  SAP user",false);
            catch(Exception ex)
    Award points if helpful.

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         Yosemite 10.10.2
         ARD 3.8.3
    Remote Computer:
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         Yosemite 10.10.3
         ARD 3.8.3
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    Come on Apple - you seem to have forgotten your credo "It just works!"
    I thought I would never say it, but thank god for TeamViewer!

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    I believe that, if you you disable uploading, it automatically disables the automatic report data generation on the clients... but I may be wrong. In order to track application usage and user accounting, I you might need to enable the automatic uploading.
    The other thing to try would be to check the "Rebuild data for report" checkbox when running a report. This is the "hint" to the client that it needs to send data to the admin.

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    Kind regards

    Hi Prakash,
    I have developed a tool to start several kinds of reports, transaction, Visual composer apps,...
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    Kind regards

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    If you are looking for a powerful tool but not as expensive as Wily you should check out Panorama.

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    Data type : alphanumeric
    Keep History :Latest Value
    Schema: Scott
    Select Query: select 'xyz' from dual
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    Hi starak,
    Try this :
    - Remove the query from the refresh tab.
    - In your package you should a step for the variable in declare mode. You should not have a step in refresh mode.
    - When generating a scenario, tell ODI to use the variable as parameter.
    Hope it helps,

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    Thank you.
    Edited by: training 2go on Dec 14, 2009 12:57 PM

    I ran the report and let it sit for at least 10 minutes, but it did not retrieve any records or produce an error message.
    The table has 200 records and should only retrieve 26 records.
    I'm not sure that I understand your question about whether or not the record selection is being pushed to the database.
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    Is there a list of known issues with Crystal when using an ACT! database? I ask because there is other Crystal functionality that does not work with an ACT! database.
    Thank you.

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