Website color feedback

Hi guys,
I`m working on a new site and want your feedback on the colors of the website. I know the structure is not perfect, but I want to focus on the colors first.
Please compare the home page Heilpraktiker Marketing with one of the content pages like Heilpraktiker Homepage
How do you like the colors? What would you recommend to focus more on the optin box and increase optin rate?
thanks alot!

What's your question? The colors are identically drab on both pages.
For some color inspiration, visit the Kuler site:
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Download and install the correct versions of the MSVC 2012 runtimes directly from Microsoft after running the cleaner tool. Then try again.
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6

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    I expect this is due to the old version of the website being saved in Firefox's cache rather than being downloaded from the internet.
    You can refresh a web page without using cache (full page refresh) by clicking Ctrl + F5 on the keyboard.
    If that doesn't work the clear the cache using the instructions here: [[How to clear the Firefox cache]].
    Also I notice that you are using Firefox v23. This is now an outdated version. To get the latest security fixes I recommend upgrading to v24. See here for more: [[Update Firefox to the latest version]]

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    China Oracle wrote:
    I'm a chinese in Dalian.
    I want study from Oracle WDP in china.
    I found a company which address like this '' ,they said that they can take the 'OCP' education and exam,but i search 'Institution Name Department Name Location ' from '',i could't found anymore in it.
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    You can check the default color settings:
    * Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Colors
    Also make sure that "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above" has a check mark.
    See also:
    * [[Websites look wrong]]
    * [[Website colors are wrong]]

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    onboard but it's kinda hard when I take them to the Adobe AIR
    website and things don't look as nice as they would other places.
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    clips on what air is all about.The basic introduction and major
    features are not clear.
    * Website colors are dull and not eye catching.
    * Flex seems a bit hard to understand and most of them think
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    That's it. This is some of the feedback I'm getting thus far.
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    of AIR and speed improvement. It appears that AIR/Flash requires a
    lot of resources but I have never tested it fully. I would like to
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    apps on a PC.
    I would also love for AIR to support greater data
    connectivity natively without the need to go throuh another Adobe
    Product or server:
    * MySQL
    * MSSQL
    * ODBC
    * POP3 Email support
    * SOAP connections
    * WebDAV/LDAP support
    * Ability to execute commands from AIR app
    * Ability to read/write to COM ports - this would make it
    great for working with robotics and other micro chip devices. For
    example: Home Automation, Device Timers, etc
    * Ability to connect with other servers or server backend
    scripts when streaming data. What if I don't have a flash media
    server and want yo send the the audio stream to be saved on my
    server with PHP?
    While it's possible to use low level socket to create these
    connections it's not something that most developers will be looking
    foward to in a framework. Lack of adequate data connections or
    support for such extensions will be a turn of for some developers.
    Anyway, you guys have done a great job with AIR thus far but
    I how you continue to push the system forward and at a much greater
    PS. The video link on this page is not working for me in IE
    or firefox:

    I think Adobe should be carefull in not extending AIR/Flex
    into all development areas. Some software projects are clearly not
    suited for AIR/Flex, and I think it should remain this way, or
    otherwise the clean and elegant model may soon be "poluted" with to
    many different things. Like a swish knife that does everything, but
    usually not as good as a dedicated tool.
    I currently see AIR/Flex as a replacement for the current
    AJAX interfaces that tries to mimic the desktop interfaces of our
    everyday OS. We need these kind of interfaces for many types of
    applications, and I think there is also a big need for it in the
    future, as we will base more and more applications in a distributed
    fashion, where we can take our environments with us anywhere.
    I've been working with AJAX long before the acronym was
    invented, and I can only say that it is scary how much work it
    actually requires to do even basic things. Besides, it's a model
    that is weak in many areas, like execution speed, cross-platform,
    browser artifacts, standardisation, etc.
    The HTML/JavaScript model model has been mature for
    replacement in many years now, and a lot of the AJAX desktop
    interfaces we see today, is what I would call totally overkill if
    we consider the work required to do them. I know there's libraries
    etc. that you can draw on, but these are not easily/naturallly
    extendable and will never be, if you compare to flex or similar
    fundamentally strong environments. AJAX is also quite difficult to
    scale to big applications - in other words, it's build on a pretty
    weak fundament.
    I think AIR/Flex has a great potential to develop into areas
    beyond my imagination, though I hope that Adobe will be very
    carefull in what they do to avoid spending time on areas that is
    better suited for other environments.
    So for the time beeing I see AIR/Flex as an AJAX killer,
    though it would be very critical if you marketed the framework as
    such. Many of the potential developers are still very pleased with
    their AJAX skills and applications, and they probably don't like
    the idea of killing those (yet). This is also why Adobe tries (very
    hard) to bridge the gap between Flex and AJAX - though in reality
    it would probably be easier to just trash the AJAX parts.
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    we need now are monitors and TV sets with AIR/Flex engines -
    imagine the posibilities then ;-)

  • Safari Color Management

    I am running Mac OS X Version 10.4.9 with a dual monitor set up.
    Both are Eizo monitors, a Flexscan 1731 and a Coloredge CG 221. Since I've replaced my CRT Barco monitor with the CG221, I've seen huge color differences between Photoshop and Safari.
    I finally realized the differences I see between Photoshop and Safari is that my working space is sRGB, while the monitor's profile (which it seems that Safari assigns to the web) is Adobe 1998. Since Eizo's CG221 has a larger gamut than the Barco monitor and my Flexscan S1731 (which are sRGB monitors), the drastic differences between Safari and Photoshop are more apparent on the CG221.
    Eizo's solution is to calibrate emulating the sRGB space, which is possible with Color Navigator. But this does not sound like the best solution for me. Why should I clip the monitor profile? This would mean the only way to see my monitor's full gamut is to re-calibrate.
    So now my question is, are there any browsers available with color management settings? It'd make sense if I could calibrate my monitor at it's full gamut and have a browser which converts to a working space instead of assigning the monitor profile, or which at least honors embedded profiles.
    I must also note Eizo's suggestion of recalibrating to the sRGB space seems incorrect, because even if I worked in Adobe 1998 most webpages would display incorrectly (except my own which would have images with Adobe 1998 embedded). Even when I view Apple's website colors appear oversaturated, especially in skin tones.
    Any help and feedback is highly appreciated.

    An interesting problem indeed. It sort of emphasizes the lack of color management on the WEB.
    The commonly recommended workaround, to calibrate all monitors to something close to sRGB is suddenly outdated when monitors can display a gamut outside of the sRGB range.
    To clarify your problem a bit.
    Safari uses the monitor color space as working space, always. This is not necessarily a problem, as long as images gets converted into the monitor color space when they are opened. However, this does not happen when the image does not have a color profile. Correct but inconvenient.
    In Photoshop you can choose the working space. Best is if the working space is the same as the target space. Thus, if you work with WEB publishing choose sRGB. If you work with printing choose your printers color space etc.
    But Photoshop will also have a problem if images does not have a color profile, unless the image has an EXIF tag, indicating that the image is in for instance sRGB color space. Photoshop is intelligent enough to understand this, because most digital cameras produce images without color profile but with the EXIF color space tag. In case there is no color profile, and no EXIF color space tag, Photoshop will, depending on your color preference settings, ask you to assign a colorspace or automatically assign working space, which could be whatever.
    There are possible solutions to your problem.
    1. If you publish WEB sites and want to browse them correctly, using your very expensive monitor without lobotomizing it's capabilities. Use Safari or other color managed browser and follow the two rules of image publishing for the WEB
    Rule 1) Images on the web should be published in sRGB color space (otherwise they will not be displayed correctly in browsers on the MS-Windows platforms, with the exception of Safari, viewing images with a color profile)
    Rule 2) Images should have a color profile, in particular the sRGB images (otherwise they will not be displayed correctly on the MacOS platforms. Maybe close to correct if you have calibrated your monitor to PC-gamma)
    For a test, go to
    2) If you want to browse WEB sites, created by people who did not follow the second rule, that is most WEB-sites, and by the way, includes parts of the Apple WEB site.
    Do the following: In Safari, Safari Menu/Report Bugs to Apple - include the following statement.
    Dear Safari development team. Most WEB sites on the internet does not display properly in Safari, due to the fact that most WEB publishers are unaware of that they should include color profiles in their images. Today, Safari effectively disables color management when the color profile is missing, a correct but not very practical approach. In reality, most images published on the WEB are in fact sRGB or close to that but without a color profile. In order to enhance the WEB experience for the vast community of Safari users, could you PLEASE include at least the option in Safari, to "Assume sRGB for WEB colors". Since Safari is already color managed, it should mean only a few lines of code in the Safari application.
    I did this, but probably we need a lot of users to complain before it gets fixed. It has been like this for ever, but I really expected it to be fixed in Safari 3.
    See also and for more information

  • How to import .ASE color swatches into DW?

    I have exported some color palettes from Ilustrator. How can I import them into DW in order to create some website color specs in a .css file, please?

    It's not a perfect solution, but you can use this free online utility ( to extract the color values defined in an ASE file.
    -- Paul

  • Changing background color in 'options'-content- colors hides icons and buttons at various sites

    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
    Please continue here: [[/questions/895755]]</blockquote>
    This has been an ongoing fault through the versions of Firefox. A work around I discovered is to check- 'allow pages to choose own colors' then use no squint to color and then icons and buttons remain visible. This method is not an acceptable procedure and leaves the fields white. And also, a very annoying white flash when transitioning to another page.
    If you are one of the elite group of artists that strive for zero eye strain and love the beauty of a black background with light colored text and are mystified as to how to cure the problem here it is. Be sure to contact and report this bug.

    If you disable website colors and want to show your own colors then background images are hidden as well.<br />
    So buttons that use a background image aren't clearly visible anymore.<br />
    That setting is meant as an accessibility feature and as you've noticed, NoSquint works better as it uses a different way to achieve this.

  • Firefox is not loading websites

    I attempted to Google search some images, but the page stopped loading even though the tab said it was still loaded. I tried to do a web search instead, but Firefox wouldn't load Google at all. I then decided to restart my computer and run a disk cleanup and cleared my history, but even that didn't stop Firefox from not loading Google. Frustrated, I tried going to other websites, such as Facebook and InsaneJournal, but neither of these would load either. I'm absolutely certain that these websites are all running fine, but my concern is that Firefox's latest update -- not the beta -- is causing my problems.

    Firefox > Preferences > Content : Fonts & Colors > Colors > [X] "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"
    See also:
    * [[Website colors are wrong]]

  • Firefox is not loading websites properly on our mac.

    Firefox is not loading banners/background images/various interactive buttons etc on '''all''' web sites: I'm using Firefox/3.6.12 on Mac OS 10.4.11
    Other browsers are fine: ie Safari and Opera.
    Firefox is working fine on our PC.
    I have taken screen shots of Google home page and Firefox home page in Ff and Safari to illustrate this point and can email these to you so you can see what's happening. Ff was working fine yesterday.
    Entering extra information as requested I've noticed that the Default Plugin is showing as disabled in the Technical info under the Trouble shooting menu but is showing as enabled in the plugins list in the Ff drop down.

    Firefox > Preferences > Content : Fonts & Colors > Colors > [X] "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"
    See also:
    * [[Website colors are wrong]]

  • Websites have a weird black border around things, and sites are white.

    I think this layout problem happens in Internet Explorer for me too.
    Here's some pictures of what I'm talking about:

    See [[Website colors are wrong]]
    A possible cause is:<br />
    Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors: Colors > [X] "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"

  • Color Changing Clip Aspect Ratio When Sent Back To FCP

    Color... Love it...BUT...
    When I send my sequence from FCP to Color, grade it, then send it back, the aspect ratio of all the clips is changed to 6.67.
    I only corrected our new TV shows teaser so I was not to concerned with having to go into the motion tab in FCP to change each clips aspect ratio back to 0. However, I will grade the whole 80 minutes tomorrow and I don't have time to change each clip back.
    In color I only change the Primary In.
    Did not mess with the geometry.
    I have the latest update.
    And I have no clue....
    Any help would be great.

    Like Fearless I find its best to not have FCP do the anamorphic squeeze. I never tag anything as anamorphic and just do it on the monitor. At the end of the project I'll nest into a timeline for output and do the squeeze there.
    If everyone on this thread goes from within Color:
    Color > Send Color Feedback
    Please log this bug. The more of us that complain, the quicker they'll fix it. And this one is a killer.
    - pi

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