Website Content Feedback

Many times I am getting junk char for following URL on Microsoft's IE 6.0.2800.1106 browser on Window XP professional edition. Is it related with my PC or your website?
It works fine after few min.

China Oracle wrote:
I'm a chinese in Dalian.
I want study from Oracle WDP in china.
I found a company which address like this '' ,they said that they can take the 'OCP' education and exam,but i search 'Institution Name Department Name Location ' from '',i could't found anymore in it.
It's not really ? or the 'Search Member' update lowly?
Thks for everyone who can tell me!
Thank you!It seems to me that verifying legitimate workforce training remains a headache, especially for some countries:
for india [] - training locations - [] gives good results, for others countries (and I believe this includes China) it doen't.
Sometimes [] provides reliable results, sometimes it doesn't.
The best course of action is to try and contact the workforce development programme contact for China - See []
- There was a case in India recently of an Institution claiming to offer it was even a Oracle Authorized Edcuation Centre when it wasn't, and I believe it was force to remove its logo's tc.
- It's not really any concern of mine, but I find it annoying/frustrating/unethical that Workforce Development Programme to not seem capable of understanding the importance of maintaining a reliable check so potential students can reliably check a training location is legitimately offering training. Legiimate students can lose out and Oracle itself loses out - only fraudstaers gain (Workforce is not connected with the Certification team)
- It is perfect possilbe to receive education on Oracle from any institution not using unauthorized training materials, however this training will not count towards hands on course requirements.

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    What's your question? The colors are identically drab on both pages.
    For some color inspiration, visit the Kuler site:
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    First, thoroughly read the F1 Help Section on DW Templates to understand how they work. 
    In a nutshell, you would:
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    Nancy O.

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    BTCare Community Manager
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post. If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

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    Someone Solved Your Question?
    Please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’
    Helpful Post?
    If a post has been helpful, say thanks by clicking the ratings star.

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    Are you sure you uploaded to the correct directory?
    Usually, you need a root directory set to something like docs, public, webs or the like.
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    Works fine here in Windows 7 IE9.
    There are two tiny errors in the html (stray </p> and </a> tags) but they shouldn't break it.
    Are you sure it isn't a caching issue?
    In IE9, hit F12 then Ctrl + R then Yes and refresh the page.

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    1. That's due to the board software and not malware.
    2. Click here and follow the instructions, or if desired, download and run Adware Medic; to do this, copy and paste into your browser's address bar.

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    Hi Samer,
    the only integration supported by SAP is the integration with an SAP Enterprise Portal. However, SAP Internet Sales can be easily and extensively modified to fit virtually any needs. Maybe you could have a look at the "Development and Extension Guide" for E-Commerce which is available from the [SAP Service Marketplace|] (-> SAP CRM 2005 -> CRM Core and Standalone Components) and which shows many ways to fit the webshop to your needs.
    Best regards,

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    I think what you are asking might be better put this way:
    "When published, will my current Domain name automatically go to the new site, and if not, what do I need to do to make it so?"
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Maybe you are looking for

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  • Addons gone or de-activated suddenly

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