Weird Glitches

I have a 8gb nano that I got about a month ago and it sometimes seems to get 'stuck' on a song, if i try to skip or go back or anything it won't do it, the song keeps playing. Also a few times when a new song has started playing the screen whites out. Are these normal problems? do i need to send this in?

You need to go through the 5 R's before you consider sending it in.

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    can't help you directly since I don't have the same equipment configuration, but...
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    Thanks for the quick answers.
    First I updated the graphics driver, but nothing changed. If I disable the hardware acceleration the fonts change a bit but the problem seems to be solved.
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    Are you referring to the aliasing or are you rotating a bunch of layers? I'm not sure what I am supposed to be seeing because I don't see the timeline, the properties of the layer, or the solid without rotation.
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    Absolutely. Let me just clarify here. I love my mac and have never been more satisfied with a product the way I have been with my macs (iMac G5 & Mac Pro). The reason I made the investment in 2005 was because of Windows crashing on me on almost a weekly basis, with me finally ending up loosing very important data. There is no contest - to me - between the stability of the Mac OS versus Windows. I could never see myself going back to Windows. I am very impressed with the support I receive through Apple Care and overall find it comprehensive. With that said, I would have to say that with both my G5 and my Mac Pro, both computers have ended up having bad hard drives and had to be replaced. Now, after getting my computer back, I am more inclined to believe that 99% of my problems had to do with a bad hard drive than anything else. I cannot believe how quiet my machine is now versus when I took it in. Perhaps the upgrade to 10.5.5. pushed it in limits that finally revealed it's problems, who knows. I personally will not be rolling back to an earlier version at this point because so far all of the problems I was experiencing are gone. Thanks to all of you for a very enlightening discussion. Thanks Jen

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    -Unable to remove/uninstall applications
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    I'm having a weird problem with iTunes Match, pmart playlists, and songs downloaded to my iPhone. I have used smart playlist on both my Mac and iPhone for as long as I can remember and havent incountered any significant issues until now.
    The smart playlist in question I've named Top Rated Music.
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    -Match all of the following rules:
    -Rating is *****
    -Genre does not contain Country
    -Limit to 150 items selected by most recently added.
    -Match only checked items
    -Live updating
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    -Restoring phone (Works for a couple days then glitches up again)
    -Replacing phone (Same as above)
    -Deleting song using iTunes (Songs wont delete just reapear)
    -Deleting songs using iPhone (Songs dont apear anymore, but show up using itunes mac)
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Go to Settings > iTunes and App Stores and set to "use cellular data" to ON. Be aware this will use your mobile data allotment when streaming music.

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  • Weird glitches after rendering

    Dear people,
    I did recently huge (for me) step from PRE 3.0 to PRE 8.0 (I hadn't know, there were 9 Version). Anyway, I had in my first video some weird artefacts after rendering my video, and I don't know, how to fix them. (With 3.0 I hadn't such problems, even if I used it already ca. 3 years for many similiar projects).
    You can see this glitch between 0:59-1:10 of my video in the upper right corner.
    I tried it with various configurations, but it had always just various glitches. The youtube video was directly uploaded from PRE, and its quality is much more better than the glitch-full videos I exported as files. Do I do something wrong?
    To my PRE project: it contains a video and many animated text layers. In the PRE preview, before rendering, everything looks good, but the rendering disappoints me :-)
    Actually I wanted submit my video to some art video galleries, but I cannot since it's still a little bit buggy.
    I would highly appreciate any help!
    Thank you, people, in advance,

    Well, perhaps this was one of some differences to my previous videos: I usually use my Sony camcorder, but this time I used my digicam Ricoh K8. The video to this camera is fully incompatible with PRE (even if it's an AVI - I worked with another cameras before, but only with Ricoh K8 I discover incompatibility to just every video cut software), so I converted it through VirtualDub (using also MSU Cartonizer for special effects). As far as I cam recall, I converted it with Helix YUV codec, which I often use, because PRE 3.0 hadn't compatibility problems before.
    About settings of the project, which details do you need exactly? I actually used the default settings. Here I did the screenshots of every part of Project settings:
    (Sorry, it's German version, I hope they haven't shuffled the settings) :-)
    I have a feeling, that the problem is not with video footage, but with some PRE settings, since you can see in the glitch both levels: video and text together. Perhaps rendering failure?

  • Weird glitch in Reconnect Files windows.

    Hello there,
    Have any of you encountered this glitch in FCP? It's impossible to Cancel, Open or Connect to anything and you must force quit and re-start FCP.
    (Mmm? How do i get this picture thing to work?)
    Message was edited by: James M.
    Message was edited by: James M.
    Message was edited by: James M.
    Message was edited by: James M.

    Yes, trashed prefs etc.
    It's really weird, I've had it happen before and just cut my loses and force-quit. This time I thought I'd flag it up.
    It's not just me, I worked at another studio a while ago and a guy there was pulling his hair out as he was 'trapped' in the Reconnect stage, had to force quit. Also, my work colleague here has experienced it.
    I've tried to re-create the exact circumstances of the glitch, but can't get it to work, so maybe it's completely random? Who knows.

  • Event Video Controls -weird glitch in LMS

    I have two courses - one with three event videos and one with five event videos embedded. Everything works perfectly and is completely 508 accessible except for a random glitch that seems to affect the video controls. What happens is as follows:
    The tester uses the tab/enter sequence to  enter the video and play it.
    The video ends and the tester chooses to play the video again without leaving the screen - at this point the play/pause button is still tabbable, but fails to respond to the enter key stroke.
    I'm running Cp 6.01.240 and using the Halo_2 skin on my videos. Using any skin with separate play, pause and stop buttons had failed accessibility testing previously due to massive tabbing issues.
    I'm thinking this is a server side issue that I need to address with the IT guardians of the LMS, rather than a Captivate fix, since this glitch doesn't happen on the same video or even in the same course. I've aready reloaded and resaved the videos and republished the courses (SCORM 1.2) without the bug simply reappearing in a different video each time. Any ideas?

    I had turned off seamless tabbing - and it really helped the overall peroprmance of the course, leaving only this weird little glitch.
    For the edification of anyone who is looking at a similar issue with an event video skin:
    We tracked down the exact set of steps that led to the non-responsive play button. If (and only if) you use the mouse to move the progress bar (we were doing that to speed up the testing process) then the tab/enter sequence on the play/pause button failed. Since we were testing accessibility controls that would not include mouse use, this became a moot point and we moved on.
    As far as using the main project playbar - I'm doing a lot of branching and moving users to specifiic areas of the course, and I don't want them to be able to access slides that are not part of their path. Since the main project playbar accesses all slides in a linear flow, it defeats the purpose of a branched approach.

  • Sometimes when I type in Pages, words get crossed out in a weird glitch. It's really annoying. How can I get rid of this?

    This is an example of what happens, usually after the text reaches the end of the column and goes to the next line. I was also using bullets when I was typing this.

    I suggest using something like OnyX to clear font caches. I had a problem just the other day with weird blue invisibles boxes in all of my Pages documents. I tried manually deleting them but it didn't work until I used OnyX.

  • Weird glitching problem with AE CC [video]

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    I only managed to catch the last couple seconds of this happening. Basically, I went adjust my keylight effect, and AE froze, than began this glitching. At every glitch a new AE icon would appear in the application bar, then immediately close out, you can sort of see this at the end.
    It did this for a good 20 seconds.
    Anyone know why this could happen/heard of this happening?
    EDIT: Almost forgot to add that I was working between AE and Premiere at the time via dynamic link.
    Windows 7 Ultimate (64 Bit)
    Intel Core i7 3770k
    256 gb SSD (OS, Apps, and media catch)
    1 tb 7200 rpm media drive
    16 gb ram
    3 gb Nvidia Quadro k4000
    Adobe Creative Cloud (updated)

    Could by your DynamicLink Server crashingt ands relaunching continually... Could be the footage, could be your Premiere Sequence settings, could be totally something else...

Maybe you are looking for

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