Wer spricht deutsch im Forum?

Moin miteinander,
habe Photoshop Elements 6 und einen Intel iMac 10.5.6 und einen Updater, der nicht updaten kann.
Und zig-Foren angeklickt - alles englisch, japanisch...
Schnüff jaul.

Ich kann eine Nachricht gerne übersetzen und vieleicht kommt dann eine Antwort. Benütze PSE 7 unter Vista und habe keinerlei Knowhow mit Macs. Soweit ich mich aber erinnern kann gibt es bei PSE nie ein Update und dann kommt, meistens im Herbst, aber eine neue Version heraus. So war es jedenfalls die letzten Jahre mit PCs.
For all not able to read this: Helga asks that she has PSE 6 on a Mac and the Updater does not update. I replied to her that I have PSE 7 running under Vista and, as far as I remember, Adobe does not issue updates but brings a new release during the fall. So done over the past years.

Similar Messages

  • Deutsches PageMaker-Forum?

    Weiter unten hatte ich zwei Fragen zum PageMaker gestellt.
    Da mir bisher leider niemand helfen konnte, glaube ich, daß ich mit meinen Problemen in diesem Forum falsch bin (es heißt ja auch Meinungsforum).
    Andererseits bin ich sicher, daß sich mir noch einige Fragen ergeben werden.
    Ich habe meinen Chef überredet, dieses teure Programm zu kaufen, weil die Druckerei PageMaker-Dateien bevorzugt - und nun sitze ich seit Stunden über einer einfachen Satzdatei, die in meinem bisherigen DTP-Programm eine Sache von 30 Minuten war.
    Wie -um alles in der Welt- kann ich zum Beispiel den PageMaker überzeugen, den transparenten Hintergrund einer GIF-Datei auch transparent darzustellen???
    Aber wie gesagt - in diesem Forum bin ich sicherlich falsch.
    Kennt jemand eine spezielle PageMaker-Newsgroup (möglichst in deutscher Sprache)??
    Vielen Dank im Voraus!
    Mit besten Grüßen (aber doch ein wenig frustriert)

    das Print-Forum ist für ein Programm wie Pagemaker das richtige!
    Mögliche Helfer zu Pagemaker-Problemen werden das Meinungsforum nicht unbedingt auch abonniert haben.

  • Your account does not have access to the forums system.

    Greetings, My name is Jeff, I'm from Netwrix Corporation, which is a Microsoft partner. I have a problem with accessing Microsoft TechNet forum. After signing-in to my account: [email protected], I go to TechNet
    forum, and get a message that:  "Your account does not have access to the forums system." And also I've noticed that all my posts were deleted from TechNet forums. Can moderators tell me why did that happen? Why didn't I receive any warning
    about my account suspension? 
    I've already submitted 2 tickets to MSDN Site Feedback Inquiry but didn't receive any answer.
    I've called Microsoft TechNet at 800-344-2121 and Professional
    Support team at 1-800-936-5800.  But everybody send me to the MSDN Site Feedback Inquiry from which I didn't get any answer.
    Anybody can help me with my problem?

    Is this the profile you're referencing?
    It doesn't appear to be banned, but you're definitely right about there being no activity listed.
    I'd suggest contacting the forums team directly by sending an email to fissues (at) microsoft [dot] com. The admins do monitor this forum, so you'll probably get a response here as well.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,085+ strong and growing)

  • Some iPhoto pictures missing after time machine recovery, were there errors reported during backup that I missed?

    Hello. I used time machine/time capsule to automatically back up my sytem over the last 3 years and I used the backups to recover my system to a new hard drive when the original drive began to fail. After recovery, I noticed there are missing photos in iPhoto.
    I'm curios where I should look to see why they weren't backed up, and why it wasn't obvious to me at the time that they weren't backed up.
    Does time machine explicitly call out issues when it can't back up a file or does it just squirrel a message away in the system log?
    I'd like to know because I'd like avoid this issue going forward.
    Full disclosure & History -
    The hard drive on my late 2009 27" iMac was exhibiting issues and started to go bad. No problem I thought, I'll get a new one and recover the system from my time capsule.
    The full recovery was initiated from the OS install media. Upon recovery, the system wouldn't boot. After booting from the OS install media and reinstalling the OS on top of the recovered data the system booted and seemed to retain almost everything. This may not be the best way to recover but it seemed to work.
    I additionally had to:
    repatch the OS
    reinstall iWork
    relicense MS Office (otherwise office seemed to be intact)
    When I started looking through my iPhoto libraries, there were some events with no pictures (mostly the newer events). I couldn't find the pictures on the time capsule either so I'm curios if there was anyway I could have known that backups weren't completing successfully. I had run a time machine incremental backup before pulling out the old hard drive and it seemed to complete successfully so I'm at a loss. I can understand that as the hard drive began to fail, there may have been issues backing up the data, but I somehow missed it if/when the problems were reported.
    Should I go through the old system logs that were backed up on the time capsule and look for backupd messages/errors? Going forward, how do I know if there are backup issues?
    It took me a couple weeks to realize the drive was failing. I had noticed that the system performance was getting bad, and the system would occassionally hang. It would come back OK after a restart. I thought it was because the filesystem was getting close to full (30GB left on a 1 TB drive) so I was chasing down cleaning up some data to make more room. There were suggestions in other forums to try and keep the filesystem 10% free.
    While moving data from the internal drive to a new external drive (to free up space) the system would hang. I eventually found a couple disk0 errors in the kernel log and I actually witnessed disk0 disappear while running an iostat. I'm thinking it took me too long to know the disk was going bad, and so the pictures I imported over the last 3-4 weeks may be gone.
    I still have the original drive so I'll see if anything else can be salvaged from it.
    Looking for some suggestions on
    1) the ability to know if time machine backups are successful and are in sync with my system
    2) the ability to know when there are hardware issues that I should be aware of
    If you got to this point, thanks for taking the time to read through all this.

    Hi Mike,
    I just saw this post and saw no one has responded.  You might have figured out but in case, I wanted to let you know what I found out.  I had the same problem.  Hard drive failure, they installed a new one and my iPhoto pictures were missing.  I couldn't find them on Time Machine either which baffled (and frustrated) me b/c I just backed up my drive and I was missing pictures from over a year ago. 
    I found this article and it allowed me to at least find my pictures...so they weren't lost after all. 
    As for why they aren't showing up in iPhoto or Time Machine, the lady at the Mac store said it is probably an OS conflict.  Which makes sense since I can see the actual pictures in the iPhoto content file (per the article mentioned above).  However, I didn't have my computer with me at the store to have a Genius person help me resolve the conflict.
    BUT, if you can find the pictures, then maybe you can reimport them into iPhoto?  Just a thought.
    Good luck!

  • Why is the format of my posting on SDN forum getting messed up?

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    I don't think anyone will read such messge posting. Any help to get it properlyformatted as I post?

    Yes, I agree that Martin is very courageous and we are lucky to have him on our team and in the community and advocating community needs.
    But to your other point:
    It seems sometime that you are working for a 20 staff startup and not a Software giant like SAP AG.
    You know Olivier, historically SDN did start like a startup (with about that size of a team group as I recall).  And I hate to have to remind us of this but sometimes when you are small you are much more agile, responsive, efficient. But that is also because in those early days the "platform" team (our SDN IT) was dedicated to our community needs only, although of course we were a comparatively  small community back then.
    To further be candid, there are certain elements that get lost or displaced when you become a big, successful community although you can be certain that there remain some of the "original" crew enhanced with newer excellent additions (think Laure, Martin, Moshe, for example). 
    And core values haven't changed: (connect, contribute, collaborate).  But logistics certainly have changed and we all are painfully aware of the shortcomings.
    It is art and science to maintain a healthy community as a community grows.  From my life experience living in a co-operative (15 years) there are cycles to the life of a community and if a community doesn't evolve and change it eventually implodes.
    A lot of its fate is in the hands of its members.
    That means the participants are no less "responsible" than the governing body. 
    If the community "outlives" its purpose, it will shrivel and die.
    To your "capacity planning" comment.  When the community assets and capabilities were added- blogs to forums, wikis to blogs, thought was given to the environments that would (at the time they were selected) provide the best functions and services.  Platforms, capabilities and demands for specific functions also evolve and change.

  • [Forum FAQ] Troubleshooting error "The specified SQL server instance is not valid" when installing SCOM reporting service

    If you have failed to install SCOM reporting service, you may encounter below error when you reinstall it:
    “The specified SQL server instance is not valid”.
    (Figure 1)
    Figure 1.
    This issue may be caused by multiple reasons, for example the reasons in Figure 1.
    However, you may find that SSRS and Report Server website are configured correctly and no SSL or proxy Server is used. In these scenario, you can open the log file under path
    to find the root reason:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles
    Later, you will find the error as below:
    ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportServerDisabledException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportServerDisabledException:
    The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key that is used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
    (0x80090016): Keyset does not exist (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090016)
    at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
    at RSManagedCrypto.RSCrypto.ReencryptSymmetricKey(Byte[] symKeyBlob, Byte[] pPublicKeyBlob)
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ConnectionManager.<GetEncryptionKey>b__2()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---;
    According to the error message, you can delete encrypted content by following the steps below:
    Open SQL Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
    Select “Encryption Keys”.
    Click “Delete” to delete all encrypted content. (Figure 2)
    Figure 2.
    After that, we can install SCOM reporting service again, after successfully install reporting service, we should see the SCOM operation console as below:
    Figure 3.
    In addition, you may also encounter other errors when installing SCOM reporting service, and the troubleshooting steps may be different. However, we can also check SQL reporting
    service logs to find the root reason.
    Here are some articles that would be helpful for SCOM reporting service installation and troubleshooting:
    How to Install the Operations Manager Reporting Server
    Unable to install SCOM 2012 Reporting Services
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    I'm afraid you must use a dedicated instance of SQL Server for each site(SCOM/SCCM). Some similar issues were disscussed on this forum:
    SCCM and SCOM - SQL Server 
    SCOM, SCCM, SQL on same server?
    Yog Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Request for iPhone developer forum

    There has been a recent influx of new iPhone developers in the developer forums. They often don't identify their problem as being specific to the iPhone. You have to look at what they are talking about and see that it is all iPhone stuff. Apparently the iPhone SDK is significantly different enough that answers to basic questions for MacOS X development are not correct for the iPhone SDK.
    If there were an iPhone SDK forum they might be more inclined to put iPhone-specific questions in there.

    I completely agree with the previous sentiments for an iPhone developer forum. Why?
    I am part of the problem. I have come into the Apple development process "solely" to work on the iPhone. I know nothing about Mac OS X. Because of that I was astounded that the iPhone documentation was not "iPhone" but rather Xcode documentation. Yes I understand that there is a great deal of overlap BUT from my point of view it looks as though Apple was extremely lazy in just dumping all of their code and documentation on the iPhone developer. They need about 5 editors to weed out what is and is not iPhone. Just my two cents.
    -Doug Danforth

  • Forum and windows 7 upgrade

    What good is a forum that locks most of the threads?
    Many posts about signing up for a windows 7 upgrade, (locked I might add) but has anyone actually received one?
    I signed up over a month ago and they have not even got around to sending it yet! In my opinion, this is unacceptable support.. HP knew this was going to be comming for a long time.
    I really hate to be one of those folks that says "I'll never buy HP again", especially since my family owns 3 HP laptops.. but come on now.

    Hi smellynorman,
    Welcome to the HP Consumer Support Community! 
    I believe when attempting to make your post, you were looking at the forums for the day-long Windows® 7 Experts event that occured on 11/5/2009.  While these threads were locked at the end of the event, our normal Notebooks - Operating Systems and Software forum remains open.
    Please feel free to go make your post in that forum.  Thank you for your feedback.  If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to let us know.  Thanks!
    Message Edited by SandyD on 11-06-2009 08:22 AM
    Clicking the "Kudos star" to the left is a great way to say thanks!
    When your problem has been solved, accept the solution by clicking the "Accept as Solution" button to help other members in the future!
    Rules of Participation

  • ERROR Message/ Forum won't send data

    Far too often when I click on a link, I get a message like this one:
    Safari can’t open the page “http://discussions.apple.com/myposts.jspa?start=40&range=10” because it could not load any data from this location.
    I interpret this as the forum software discarding my request because it cannot keep up. Unless you can assure me otherwise, I interpret this as a SERIOUS performance issue -- it seems the software is doing "load-shedding" (akin to rolling blackouts) just to keep up.

    Thank you "Hosts"!
    Safari Update [for Panther] 1.3.2 dated 5 January 2006 appears to solve the frequent "no data" error messages that were occurring on the forums.

  • Einziges Adobe Forum?

    bevor ich für meine eigentliches Thema einen Thread erstelle einmla die Frage, ob dieses hier tatsächlich das einzige Forum zu den einzelnen Adobe Produkten ist?
    Im englischsprachigen Forum kann man ja nach Produkt sortieren - geht das hier bei uns Deutschen nicht? Ich denke der deutschsprachige Markt dürfte nicht gerade klein sein - anhand der wenigen Besucher hier nehme ich an, dass es für die meissten einfach zu schwierig ist, auf das deutsche Forum zu stossen (war bei mir auch nur Zufall)
    Oder gibt es doch noch irgendwo ein vernünftiges Adobe Forum für deutschrachige Nutzer
    Hmmm....wenn man bedenkt was Adobe für ein Weltunternehmen ist und ich mir dann die technische Seite des Forums anschaue - das passt irgentwie nicht zusammen...
    Beste Grüsse

    Hallo Cedric,
    ja - das offizielle deutsche Adobe-Forum erscheint etwas "übersichtlich". Aber gerade durch einen Hinweis dort bin ich vor Jahren auf das unabhängige schweizer Forum "Hilf Dir Selbst" von Urs Gamper gestoßen http://www.hilfdirselbst.ch/foren/, wo man in der Regel sehr schnelle Hilfe bei den professionellen Programmen erhält - ausgenommen die Elements- und Videoprogramme.
    Und speziell für Lightroom gibt es ein weiteres unabhängiges Forum http://www.forum-lightroom.de/phpboard/.
    Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir weiterhelfen
    Viele Grüße
    Wollte dir schon am Samstag antworten. Hatte da aber leider nicht das Passwort zur Hand

  • Jeff: Download instructions reference this forum-

    The download instructions reference this forum, so I was wondering about users who are caught in a situation in which they can access the Adobe store but not the Adobe forums because they were banned from the forums years ago or had their forum account disabled for whatever reason.
    Any thoughts on what they are supposed to do if Customer Service directs them to this forum?  It has happened.  Create a new account maybe?

    Really would depend on why someone was banned from the forums in the first place and the severity of the ban.  The forums is another method we are using to support and engage with our users.  If the product is current or the previous version, as long as they also have not been banned from contacting support, they should be able to contact our support team via phone or chat.
    For prior than previous versions or beta versions of the software the forums are the only support option available.

  • Microsoft TechNet Wiki BizTalk Guru - Winners for November!!

    The results for November's
    TechNet Guru competition have been posted!
    Sorry for the delay copying over to the forums, busy times indeed!
    Congratulations to all our new Gurus for November!
    We will be interviewing some of the winners and highlighting their achievements, as the month unfolds.
    Post your DECEMBER contributions here:
    Read all about December's competition in the stickied post, at the top of this forum.
    Below is a summary of the medal winners for  November. The last column being a few of the comments from the judges.
    Unfortunately, runners up and their judge feedback comments had to be trimmed from THIS post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit, however
    the full version is available on TechNet Wiki.
    Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.
     BizTalk Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Steef-Jan Wiggers
    Windows Azure BizTalk Services EAI Bridges – Diagnostics
    Mandi Ohlinger: "Anyone and everyone who's using BizTalk Services needs this topic. Well done!"
    TGN: "WABS, I LOVE YOU! and I love this article! well described and a bunch of good images to help the explaination! Great work Steef-Jan!"
    Ed Price: "I love the large and thorough Introduction section!" 
    Suleiman Shakhtour
    BizTalk Server: How to Extract Email Attachments By Pipeline
    Mandi Ohlinger: "A great solution to a common problem. We need more of these. Thank you for the source code links!"
    Ed Price: "This is a fantastic topic! Thanks for this great contribution!" 
    Tomasso Groenendijk
    How to use Business Rules in the ESB Toolkit and test them with the BRE TestTool
    Ed Price: "Great use of images to clearly express each step. Congratulations Tomasso, in winning your first Guru medal!" 
     SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Brandon Atkinson
    Use the XML Viewer Web Part, HTML, and JavaScript to Build Custom Web Parts
    TVG: "No full-trust solutions, brilliant. But make sure that the injected JavaScript never impacts the functionalities on the page."
    GO: "Excellent article! The GOLD medal winner for me! This article is well written with small images and a very fluent english. You'll read and understand every word. Technical but for each level. An excellent resource for the SharePoint
    Community! Thanks Brandon! "
    Craig Lussier: "Fantastic article. Superb walk through with commentary, images and code. Well done!" 
    Matthew Yarlett
    A Complete Guide to Getting and Setting Fields using PowerShell
    Jinchun Chen: "It is really a good article for getting start on using field in PowerShell."
    Craig Lussier: "Excellent reference with high reuse value. Great work Matthew!"
    GO: "Powershell, Powershell and again Powershell. The message here is clear. Everything is possible with Powershell. This article deserves absolutly a medal."
    TVG: "Excellent! I would create a PowerShell command library so that I can simply download this script from this page and reuse it directly with the correct parameters.."
    Benoit Jester - MTFC
    SharePoint 2013: Search - User Segmentation
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice article."
    TVG: "Very interesting!"
    Ed Price: "Benoit does a great job telling the story through images. It was an incredibly competitive month for SharePoint. We also need to mention Steven Andrews' amazing Deep Zoom Image article."
    Craig Lussier: "Highly detailed and insightful walk through of this new SharePoint 2013 search feature. Great article!"
    GO: "Again a great article from Benoit. Well Done!"
     Small Basic Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Dynamic Graphics
    Ed Price: "Incredibly detailed. A fantastic resource to keep coming back to! From the comments: "Wanted to say WOW - this is great!" and "Awesome. Thanks""
    Nonki Takahashi
    How to Make a Check Box
    Ed Price: "Well formatted and in-depth how-to article! Great job!"
    Joe Dwyer
    Why Small Basic is a great programming language for beginners
    Ed Price: "A well-articulated value statement for Small Basic! Thanks, Joe!"
     SQL BI and Power BI (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, Power Pivot) Technical Guru - November 2013  
    How to add JPEG and PNG report export when SSRS 2012 is integrated with SP 2013
    Jinchun Chen: "Good sharing."
    Ed Price: "Although this article could benefit from improved formatting, formatting on the code, and an image... the clarity and quality of the topic are what earns this article a prominent placing. Johnsom earns his first medal!"
    Tim Pacl
    SSRS: Converting Between Tablix Controls (Matrix, Table List)
    Ed Price: "Tim proves consistency with another fantastic article that is very thorough! We have a strong showing from SSRS in the BI category for November!" 
    Michael Amadi
    Calculating the % difference between the same measure evaluated in two
    user selected contexts
    Ed Price: "Michael earns his first Guru medal and gives us a Power Pivot article for BI! Great use of images and code!" 
     Transact-SQL Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Naomi  N
    T-SQL: Create Report for Last 10 Years of Data
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent article solving a common problem."
    Ed Price: "Good details in the Solutions section!"
    Samuel Lester: "Handy code and very slick solution!"
    Ronen Ariely
    Random String
    Samuel Lester: "Great comparison and VERY useful information in the application testing space as you mentioned."
    Ed Price: "Great detail and depth!"
    Richard Mueller: "I disagree with several statements in the article. For example GUID values will be random." 
    Saeid Hasani
    Simplified CASE expression
    Ed Price: "Incredibly clear and detailed explanations. Great job taking Carsten's advice (in the comments) and giving it good code formatting. It helps a lot!"
    Samuel Lester: "Extremely thorough and a great read! Good addition!" 
     Visual Basic Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Reed Kimble
    Generate Color Sequences using a RGB Color Cube in VB.Net
    Richard Mueller: "I love the color cube. Very well explained."
    MR: "Great article and well written."
    SB: "Article has narrative and text and shows concept well"
    Ed Price: "Once again, Reed delivers an astonishingly thorough article that's easy to read and understand. Great topic!"
    Shapes - Areas + Volumes
    SB: "This had narrative, code and practical usage for beginners to VB. THis would get people going quickly using VB and I can see it being useful for beginners to VB."
    Ed Price: ".paul. earns his first Gold Guru medal! The code could be formatted better, but as SB mentions, this is very informative and the perfect article for a new coder! Could benefit from a TOC and headers."
    Richard Mueller: "Good explanation. I would like to have seen the missing classes without downloading the source code."
    MR: "Good example of OOP. Maybe include a GetArea returning a Double as well?"
     Visual C# Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Jaliya Udagedara
    Thread.Sleep vs. Task.Delay
    NN: "Short and swift and very informative article. I like all articles by Jaliya and this is no exception"
    Ed Price: "Great formatting with thorough explanations!" 
    Difference between Static Class, Sealed Class and Abstract Class in C#
    NN: "This article explains some basic C# concepts, but it will be much better if it would provide examples"
    Ed Price: "Good comparison for starters, but it could go deeper on each class." 
    Muralidharan Deenathayalan
    Learn about Class,Object and Constructors
    NN: "Good and simple article that is helpful for C# beginners"
    Ed Price: "As NN mentions above, this is a good article for new coders. As Carsten mentions in the comments, it would benefit from better code formatting."
     Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Various Media Objects for Windows Phone and Their Roles
    RC: "A few interesting additions to the Media for
    Windows Phone docs. For completeness it should also address how Media Foundation fits in. Also please update the MediaElement link to point at Windows Phone docs rather than Silverlight."
    Ed Price: "Great explanations of the classes! This article could benefit from a TOC."
    AN: A good article, and useful subject!
     Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - November 2013  
    dev hedgehog
    Custom Tree Virtualizing Panel
    Ed Price: "The introduction sets expectations very well, and then the sections are divided very clearly. Great code formatting. Per the comments, thanks for adding the TOC!"
    Peter Laker: "Love this tip. Great contribution hedgehog!"
    Magnus (MM8)
    WPF: Programmatically Selecting and Focusing a Row or Cell in a DataGrid
    Peter Laker: "Great subject, very informative, lots of explanation."
    Ed Price: "Very thorough and well formatted!" 
    WPF Treeview Using Self Reference Table and Entity Framework
    Peter Laker: "Great article, great walk through and nice presentation."
    Ed Price: "Great topic! It would benefit from a TOC and Headers. Some great TreeView articles this month!"
     SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Uwe Ricken
    When Foreign Keys will conflict with FILLFACTOR
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice! I love it."
    NN: "Great article, very comprehensive. Few drawbacks - it doesn't explain in details what the correct solution should be. Also, the code samples to the article include line numbers which make them harder to copy"
    Ed Price: "As Saeid in the comments wrote, "I love this article. This article defines the quality!" Between the explanations, code, comments, and diagram, the story is told well."
    Samuel Lester: "Outstanding explanation, format, and write-up! Superb again Uwe!"
    DB: "Very interesting both in content and technique. "
    DRC: "Very nice article, well documented with sample script and sample output. If we add the references to few of the topics discussed, would be helpful to understand the concept better so that the reader will get the complete picture
    of the blog talks about. Definitely a TechNet WIKI article. "
    Ronen Ariely
    SQL Server: Create Random String Using CLR
    NN: "This article can not be read by its own without reading the article it refers to. The code is not explained, the process of creating CLR function is also not explained. So, it is not clear how this
    C# code is used in SQL Server at all"
    Ed Price: "This could benefit from much more explanation. "
    Samuel Lester: "Very good article and a great in-depth break-out that compliments your broader random string tech-net Wiki article. Great read!"
    DRC: "It would have been better if the code would also provide the below details: 1. How to load the dll generated in SQL Server memory 2. Sample T SQL script to use the function and a sample output for the same. "
     Windows Server Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Mr X
    How to protect your Active Directory from RID Pool Depletion
    GL: "Good background and procedures."
    JH: "great diagram, great topic. well written"
    Richard Mueller: "Great information that could prevent a disaster."
    JM: "Very good article" 
    Mr X
    How to extend the Delegation of Control Wizard templates in Active
    Directory Users and Computers
    Richard Mueller: "Very valuable information. Needs a TOC. The tables and images help a lot."
    GL: "Good detail in this article. I'd like to see a use case added."
    JH: "very useful, nicely illustrated"
    JM: "Very good article, but it would be good to improve readability by fixing minor errors in grammar (missing articles, pluralization sometimes incorrect)"
    Mr X
    Delegate moving user, group and computer accounts between Organizational
    Units in Active Directory
    JM: "This is an excellent article and I'm sure a lot of Admins will find it very helpful."
    JH: "good topic, well organized table, easy to read"
    Ed Price: "Great table and good use of cross-linking to related Wiki articles!"
    Richard Mueller: "A great table and great references."
    GL: "Good article."
    As mentioned above, runners up and their judge feedback were removed from this forum post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit.
    A great big thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to last month's competition.
    Hopefully we will see you ALL again in this month's listings?
    As mentioned above, runners up and comments were removed from this post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit.
    You will find the complete post, comments and feedback on the
    main announcement post.
    Please join the discussion, add a comment, or suggest future categories.
    If you have not yet contributed an article for this month, and you think you can write a more useful, clever, or better produced wiki article than the winners above,
    here's your chance! :D
    Best regards,
    Pete Laker
    More about the TechNet Guru Awards:
    TechNet Guru Competitions
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    Congrats to Steef-Jan, Suleiman, and Tomasso!
     BizTalk Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Steef-Jan Wiggers
    Windows Azure BizTalk Services EAI Bridges – Diagnostics
    Mandi Ohlinger: "Anyone and everyone who's using BizTalk Services needs this topic. Well done!"
    TGN: "WABS, I LOVE YOU! and I love this article! well described and a bunch of good images to help the explaination! Great work Steef-Jan!"
    Ed Price: "I love the large and thorough Introduction section!" 
    Suleiman Shakhtour
    BizTalk Server: How to Extract Email Attachments By Pipeline
    Mandi Ohlinger: "A great solution to a common problem. We need more of these. Thank you for the source code links!"
    Ed Price: "This is a fantastic topic! Thanks for this great contribution!" 
    Tomasso Groenendijk
    How to use Business Rules in the ESB Toolkit and test them with the BRE TestTool
    Ed Price: "Great use of images to clearly express each step. Congratulations Tomasso, in winning your first Guru medal!" 
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Microsoft TechNet Wiki SSAS Guru - Winners for November!!

    The results for November's
    TechNet Guru competition have been posted!
    Sorry for the delay copying over to the forums, busy times indeed!
    Congratulations to all our new Gurus for November!
    We will be interviewing some of the winners and highlighting their achievements, as the month unfolds.
    Post your DECEMBER contributions here:
    Read all about December's competition in the stickied post, at the top of this forum.
    Below is a summary of the medal winners for  November. The last column being a few of the comments from the judges.
    Unfortunately, runners up and their judge feedback comments had to be trimmed from THIS post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit, however
    the full version is available on TechNet Wiki.
    Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.
     BizTalk Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Steef-Jan Wiggers
    Windows Azure BizTalk Services EAI Bridges – Diagnostics
    Mandi Ohlinger: "Anyone and everyone who's using BizTalk Services needs this topic. Well done!"
    TGN: "WABS, I LOVE YOU! and I love this article! well described and a bunch of good images to help the explaination! Great work Steef-Jan!"
    Ed Price: "I love the large and thorough Introduction section!" 
    Suleiman Shakhtour
    BizTalk Server: How to Extract Email Attachments By Pipeline
    Mandi Ohlinger: "A great solution to a common problem. We need more of these. Thank you for the source code links!"
    Ed Price: "This is a fantastic topic! Thanks for this great contribution!" 
    Tomasso Groenendijk
    How to use Business Rules in the ESB Toolkit and test them with the BRE TestTool
    Ed Price: "Great use of images to clearly express each step. Congratulations Tomasso, in winning your first Guru medal!" 
     SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Brandon Atkinson
    Use the XML Viewer Web Part, HTML, and JavaScript to Build Custom Web Parts
    TVG: "No full-trust solutions, brilliant. But make sure that the injected JavaScript never impacts the functionalities on the page."
    GO: "Excellent article! The GOLD medal winner for me! This article is well written with small images and a very fluent english. You'll read and understand every word. Technical but for each level. An excellent resource for the SharePoint
    Community! Thanks Brandon! "
    Craig Lussier: "Fantastic article. Superb walk through with commentary, images and code. Well done!" 
    Matthew Yarlett
    A Complete Guide to Getting and Setting Fields using PowerShell
    Jinchun Chen: "It is really a good article for getting start on using field in PowerShell."
    Craig Lussier: "Excellent reference with high reuse value. Great work Matthew!"
    GO: "Powershell, Powershell and again Powershell. The message here is clear. Everything is possible with Powershell. This article deserves absolutly a medal."
    TVG: "Excellent! I would create a PowerShell command library so that I can simply download this script from this page and reuse it directly with the correct parameters.."
    Benoit Jester - MTFC
    SharePoint 2013: Search - User Segmentation
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice article."
    TVG: "Very interesting!"
    Ed Price: "Benoit does a great job telling the story through images. It was an incredibly competitive month for SharePoint. We also need to mention Steven Andrews' amazing Deep Zoom Image article."
    Craig Lussier: "Highly detailed and insightful walk through of this new SharePoint 2013 search feature. Great article!"
    GO: "Again a great article from Benoit. Well Done!"
     Small Basic Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Dynamic Graphics
    Ed Price: "Incredibly detailed. A fantastic resource to keep coming back to! From the comments: "Wanted to say WOW - this is great!" and "Awesome. Thanks""
    Nonki Takahashi
    How to Make a Check Box
    Ed Price: "Well formatted and in-depth how-to article! Great job!"
    Joe Dwyer
    Why Small Basic is a great programming language for beginners
    Ed Price: "A well-articulated value statement for Small Basic! Thanks, Joe!"
     SQL BI and Power BI (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, Power Pivot) Technical Guru - November 2013  
    How to add JPEG and PNG report export when SSRS 2012 is integrated with SP 2013
    Jinchun Chen: "Good sharing."
    Ed Price: "Although this article could benefit from improved formatting, formatting on the code, and an image... the clarity and quality of the topic are what earns this article a prominent placing. Johnsom earns his first medal!"
    Tim Pacl
    SSRS: Converting Between Tablix Controls (Matrix, Table List)
    Ed Price: "Tim proves consistency with another fantastic article that is very thorough! We have a strong showing from SSRS in the BI category for November!" 
    Michael Amadi
    Calculating the % difference between the same measure evaluated in two
    user selected contexts
    Ed Price: "Michael earns his first Guru medal and gives us a Power Pivot article for BI! Great use of images and code!" 
     Transact-SQL Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Naomi  N
    T-SQL: Create Report for Last 10 Years of Data
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent article solving a common problem."
    Ed Price: "Good details in the Solutions section!"
    Samuel Lester: "Handy code and very slick solution!"
    Ronen Ariely
    Random String
    Samuel Lester: "Great comparison and VERY useful information in the application testing space as you mentioned."
    Ed Price: "Great detail and depth!"
    Richard Mueller: "I disagree with several statements in the article. For example GUID values will be random." 
    Saeid Hasani
    Simplified CASE expression
    Ed Price: "Incredibly clear and detailed explanations. Great job taking Carsten's advice (in the comments) and giving it good code formatting. It helps a lot!"
    Samuel Lester: "Extremely thorough and a great read! Good addition!" 
     Visual Basic Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Reed Kimble
    Generate Color Sequences using a RGB Color Cube in VB.Net
    Richard Mueller: "I love the color cube. Very well explained."
    MR: "Great article and well written."
    SB: "Article has narrative and text and shows concept well"
    Ed Price: "Once again, Reed delivers an astonishingly thorough article that's easy to read and understand. Great topic!"
    Shapes - Areas + Volumes
    SB: "This had narrative, code and practical usage for beginners to VB. THis would get people going quickly using VB and I can see it being useful for beginners to VB."
    Ed Price: ".paul. earns his first Gold Guru medal! The code could be formatted better, but as SB mentions, this is very informative and the perfect article for a new coder! Could benefit from a TOC and headers."
    Richard Mueller: "Good explanation. I would like to have seen the missing classes without downloading the source code."
    MR: "Good example of OOP. Maybe include a GetArea returning a Double as well?"
     Visual C# Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Jaliya Udagedara
    Thread.Sleep vs. Task.Delay
    NN: "Short and swift and very informative article. I like all articles by Jaliya and this is no exception"
    Ed Price: "Great formatting with thorough explanations!" 
    Difference between Static Class, Sealed Class and Abstract Class in C#
    NN: "This article explains some basic C# concepts, but it will be much better if it would provide examples"
    Ed Price: "Good comparison for starters, but it could go deeper on each class." 
    Muralidharan Deenathayalan
    Learn about Class,Object and Constructors
    NN: "Good and simple article that is helpful for C# beginners"
    Ed Price: "As NN mentions above, this is a good article for new coders. As Carsten mentions in the comments, it would benefit from better code formatting."
     Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Various Media Objects for Windows Phone and Their Roles
    RC: "A few interesting additions to the Media for
    Windows Phone docs. For completeness it should also address how Media Foundation fits in. Also please update the MediaElement link to point at Windows Phone docs rather than Silverlight."
    Ed Price: "Great explanations of the classes! This article could benefit from a TOC."
    AN: A good article, and useful subject!
     Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - November 2013  
    dev hedgehog
    Custom Tree Virtualizing Panel
    Ed Price: "The introduction sets expectations very well, and then the sections are divided very clearly. Great code formatting. Per the comments, thanks for adding the TOC!"
    Peter Laker: "Love this tip. Great contribution hedgehog!"
    Magnus (MM8)
    WPF: Programmatically Selecting and Focusing a Row or Cell in a DataGrid
    Peter Laker: "Great subject, very informative, lots of explanation."
    Ed Price: "Very thorough and well formatted!" 
    WPF Treeview Using Self Reference Table and Entity Framework
    Peter Laker: "Great article, great walk through and nice presentation."
    Ed Price: "Great topic! It would benefit from a TOC and Headers. Some great TreeView articles this month!"
     SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Uwe Ricken
    When Foreign Keys will conflict with FILLFACTOR
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice! I love it."
    NN: "Great article, very comprehensive. Few drawbacks - it doesn't explain in details what the correct solution should be. Also, the code samples to the article include line numbers which make them harder to copy"
    Ed Price: "As Saeid in the comments wrote, "I love this article. This article defines the quality!" Between the explanations, code, comments, and diagram, the story is told well."
    Samuel Lester: "Outstanding explanation, format, and write-up! Superb again Uwe!"
    DB: "Very interesting both in content and technique. "
    DRC: "Very nice article, well documented with sample script and sample output. If we add the references to few of the topics discussed, would be helpful to understand the concept better so that the reader will get the complete picture
    of the blog talks about. Definitely a TechNet WIKI article. "
    Ronen Ariely
    SQL Server: Create Random String Using CLR
    NN: "This article can not be read by its own without reading the article it refers to. The code is not explained, the process of creating CLR function is also not explained. So, it is not clear how this
    C# code is used in SQL Server at all"
    Ed Price: "This could benefit from much more explanation. "
    Samuel Lester: "Very good article and a great in-depth break-out that compliments your broader random string tech-net Wiki article. Great read!"
    DRC: "It would have been better if the code would also provide the below details: 1. How to load the dll generated in SQL Server memory 2. Sample T SQL script to use the function and a sample output for the same. "
     Windows Server Technical Guru - November 2013  
    Mr X
    How to protect your Active Directory from RID Pool Depletion
    GL: "Good background and procedures."
    JH: "great diagram, great topic. well written"
    Richard Mueller: "Great information that could prevent a disaster."
    JM: "Very good article" 
    Mr X
    How to extend the Delegation of Control Wizard templates in Active
    Directory Users and Computers
    Richard Mueller: "Very valuable information. Needs a TOC. The tables and images help a lot."
    GL: "Good detail in this article. I'd like to see a use case added."
    JH: "very useful, nicely illustrated"
    JM: "Very good article, but it would be good to improve readability by fixing minor errors in grammar (missing articles, pluralization sometimes incorrect)"
    Mr X
    Delegate moving user, group and computer accounts between Organizational
    Units in Active Directory
    JM: "This is an excellent article and I'm sure a lot of Admins will find it very helpful."
    JH: "good topic, well organized table, easy to read"
    Ed Price: "Great table and good use of cross-linking to related Wiki articles!"
    Richard Mueller: "A great table and great references."
    GL: "Good article."
    As mentioned above, runners up and their judge feedback were removed from this forum post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit.
    A great big thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to last month's competition.
    Hopefully we will see you ALL again in this month's listings?
    As mentioned above, runners up and comments were removed from this post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit.
    You will find the complete post, comments and feedback on the
    main announcement post.
    Please join the discussion, add a comment, or suggest future categories.
    If you have not yet contributed an article for this month, and you think you can write a more useful, clever, or better produced wiki article than the winners above,
    here's your chance! :D
    Best regards,
    Pete Laker
    More about the TechNet Guru Awards:
    TechNet Guru Competitions
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    Congrats to Johnsom, Tim, and Michael!
     SQL BI and Power BI (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, Power Pivot) Technical Guru - November 2013  
    How to add JPEG and PNG report export when SSRS 2012 is integrated with SP 2013
    Jinchun Chen: "Good sharing."
    Ed Price: "Although this article could benefit from improved formatting, formatting on the code, and an image... the clarity and quality of the topic are what earns this article a prominent placing. Johnsom earns his first medal!"
    Tim Pacl
    SSRS: Converting Between Tablix Controls (Matrix, Table List)
    Ed Price: "Tim proves consistency with another fantastic article that is very thorough! We have a strong showing from SSRS in the BI category for November!" 
    Michael Amadi
    Calculating the % difference between the same measure evaluated in two
    user selected contexts
    Ed Price: "Michael earns his first Guru medal and gives us a Power Pivot article for BI! Great use of images and code!" 
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • March's TechNet Wiki System Center Guru Winners announced!!

    The results for March'sTechNet
    Guru competition have been posted!
    http://blogs.technet.com/b/wikininjas/archive/2014/04/17/the-microsoft-technet-guru-awards-march-2014.aspx <- results page!
    Congratulations to all our new Gurus for March!
    We will be interviewing some of the winners and highlighting their achievements, as the month unfolds.
    Below is a summary of the medal winners, the last column being a few of the comments from the judges.
    Unfortunately, runners up and their judge feedback comments had to be trimmed from THIS post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit, however the full version is shown in the link above.
    Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.
     BizTalk Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Tomasso Groenendijk
    Using BAM in the ESB Toolkit
    Ed Price: "Incredibly valuable and very well written! Great article!"
    Mandi Ohlinger: "A custom BAM dashboard - LOVE it! Another great ESB addition to the Wiki."
    TGN: "Nice one, I really liked this one, explains how to use the ESB together with BAM, great work and well explained!"
    Steef-Jan Wiggers
    Windows Azure BizTalk Services: Pulling Messages from a Service Bus Queue
    Ed Price: "This is amazingly well written with beautiful images and formatting. Great job!"
    TGN: "Azure, Azure, Azure! Nice one Steef-Jan, people are waiting on articles like this. Good job, and thanks for the contribution!"
    Mandi Ohlinger: "A very informative How To. Screen shots are very helpful."
    Detecting a Missing Message
    Mandi Ohlinger: "GREAT addition to the Wiki and to any user who suspects missing messages. The BizTalk support team can use this orchestration. "
    Ed Price: "I love the visuals on the orchestration implementation! Important topic!"
    TGN: "Nice article, great to see a solution to detect missing files."
     Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Eihab Isaac
    FIM 2010 R2 BHOLD: Non-BHOLD Approval Process
    Ed Price: "Very thorough explanations! Great formatting and colors on the tables and code snippets! And the images are also helpful!"
    PG: "Nice article, we need more of these."
    Micah Rowland
    FIM:How To Use PowerShell to View a Metaverse Object's Connector's Attribututes
    Side By Side
    PG: "Nice article, nice format. well written"
    Ed Price: "Good code snippet and use of code comments. Could use more explanations and maybe breaking the code into sections with more information about each section. Good job!"
    Giriraj Singh
    FIM:Delete Bulk Expected Rule Entries Using FIM OTB features
    Ed Price: "Good procedural steps! It could benefit from more explanations, a grammar pass, and some images. Good article!"
    PG: "Short but nice article."
     SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Matthew Yarlett
    SharePoint: Use PowerShell to find Fields using a Managed Metadata TermSet
    Jinchun Chen: "Good article."
    Ed Price: "Although this is Matt's shorter article this month, this is an incredibly important topic, and the code is perfect! As Dan says in the comments: "Matthew Yarlett has done it again!! IMHO when it comes to SharePoint powershell
    you are second to none." This is a great article!" 
    Rahul A Shinde
    SharePoint 2013: Deploy and apply theme to SharePoint sites with PowerShell
    Ed Price: "Fantastic explanations and use of images!" 
    Matthew Yarlett
    SharePoint: Testing Email Alerts in UAT and DEV Environments
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice! It can be used for troubleshooting SharePoint Incoming/Outgoing related issues too."
    Ed Price: "Wow! This article is astonishingly thorough!"
     Small Basic Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic: Centering Text in Graphics Window
    RZ: "Clearly written explanation with nice graphics to go with it."
    Ed Price: "I love having the three options like this! And the images really bring it to life! The links to the shared programs (with their source code) really help if you want to dig deeper and learn more!"
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic Known Issue: 23589
    - Controls.GetTextBoxText() Returns CR+LF as Newline from Multi-Line Text Box in Local but CR in Remote
    RZ: "Bugs are always hard to track down, especially the unknown unknowns :( Good job on hunting it down!"
    Ed Price: "This acts as a valuable KB article! Great addition to the troubleshooting library!"
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic: Expression
    RZ: "Good introduction to expressions"
    Ed Price: "Short and sweet intro to Expressions. Thanks, Nonki!"
     SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Michael Amadi
    A Practical Example of How to Apply Power Query Data
    Transformations on Structured and Unstructured Datasets
    NN: "This is a terrific tutorial on Power Pivot with very helpful images. Great article"
    Ed Price: "This is a fantastic combination of Power Query and Power Pivot... a valuable contribution!"
     SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - March 2014  
    chandra sekhar pathivada
    managing database backups across all the instances without maintenance plan
    Samuel Lester: "Chandra, outstanding contribution and information! Your SSIS package handles many of the shortcomings of Maintenance Plans. MPs were originally created to assist DBAs with the more common administrative
    tasks, but as the scale continues to grow across enterprise environments, we're all forced to write our own enhanced versions such as this. Thanks for the addition and please do add to the Gallery if you haven't yet."
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice. It is suggested to add error outputs in the package to handler unexpected errors."
    NN: "Good article. The SSIS solution can use a bit more explanation. Also See Also section is missing"
    DRC: "This is good article, The only this which can be corrected is : ==> This can be achieved using “maintenance Cleanup Task • Maintenance Plan has a control flow item “maintenance Cleanup Task” to delete the old backup files based
    on age of the backup, but it creates the problem when it deletes the full database backups based on n no.of days leaving all the dependent intermediate differential and transaction logs which are useless. "
    Understanding Logging in Tempdb.Is Tempdb re-created or rebuilt after SQL
    Server restart
    NN: "Very good article with an interesting analysis"
    DRC: "This article is good and provides lots of detailed information along with sample query and screenshot. The screenshot of few need few more details (files of model are missing) This article can be broken down into 2 1) understanding
    tempdb recreation 2) Logging in Tempdb 1) understanding tempdb recreation:- This is not concluded properly. The article doesnt talk about the physical files which are recreated even if we delete the tempdb files "
    Samuel Lester: "Shanky, very nice article on the internals of TempDB! It was tough judging this month as both articles were very informative contributions!" 
     System Center Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Mr X
    How to manage VM pinning within a Hyper-V cluster by
    combining the use of System Center VMM and Orchestrator
    Ed Price: "Mr. X, this is another incredibly thorough article! Fantastic job!"
    Idan Vexler
    Create Custom XML For OSD In SCCM  
    Ed Price: "Love the list of requirements! Very thorough in dividing each step!"
    Omar Lopez (loplim)
    SCOM 2012 - Create Alert / Monitor Based on Windows event ( Administrator login
    alert )
    Ed Price: "Good use of images. Could use a TOC with sections and more descriptions. Good job!"
     Transact-SQL Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Jayakumaur (JK)
    Understanding IDENTITY in SQL Server
    Ed Price: "Wow, what a competitive month! This article is amazing, with thorough explanations in each section!"
    Richard Mueller: "A good tutorial on an important feature of T-SQL."
    Durval Ramos
    Paging a Query with SQL Server
    Ed Price: "Durval's article is fantastically thorough and easy to follow!"
    Richard Mueller: "Very useful concept when populating controls from a query, which should improve performance. I like the images. Well done."
    Naomi N
    T-SQL: Split String with a Twist
    Richard Mueller: "Very intersting problem with an original solution."
    Ed Price: "A very powerful and well-articulated solution from Naomi!"
     Visual Basic Technical Guru - March 2014  
    The Thinker 
    Exporting and Importing Wireless Settings Using Netsh in VB.NET
    SB: "Code could be formatted better, task is something I can see as potentially useful although I would prefer a bit more narrative description and comments in the code explaining why it was done a certain
    way, although the code is simple enough to work through." 
    MR: "Great tool code!" 
    Ed Price: "This is a good contribution! One way to improve an article like this is to explain the parts of the code more in depth, as a way to introduce each snippet (and maybe dividing a block up more). Then you could link to the Gallery
    iteam if the reader wants to access the entire snippet at once. The images are also very helpful! Great job!" 
    Richard Mueller: "Perhaps this code should be in the gallery. There should be more explanation in a Wiki."
     Visual C# Technical Guru - March 2014  
    João Sousa
    ASP.NET WebAPI 2 - Stream Windows Azure blobs
    NN: "Very nice tutorial and also can be downloaded from the Gallery"
    Ed Price: "I love to see this ASP.NET content! Each step is very clear! Great code formatting!"
    Raghunathan S
    C# Code Compilation at Runtime from C# Windows Forms Application
    Ed Price: "Good descriptions and code formatting. It could benefit from a TOC. Great article!"
    NN: "This looks like an interesting article, but too short and the code is hard to read in its present format"
    Raghunathan S
    Creating a Simple logging class with System.Diagnostics namespace in C#
    NN: "Good article, but too short"
    Ed Price: "This is a pretty good article. It could benefit from a TOC and more descriptions around what the code is doing and why. Good job!"
     Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Matthew Yarlett
    Wiki: Basic Image Formatting using Pixlr
    BL: "This deserves credit as much for the idea as for the actual article - many authors contribute from computers that may not have authoring tools installed and this simple online solution has the potential to iprove
    quality a lot."
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent explanation of a useful tool for Wiki authors. A "See Also" section would be useful."
    PG: "Nice artilce, well done, nice layout. Great!"
    NN: "Good article"
    Durval Ramos
    VBA & VBS Portal
    NN: "Very good new portal about VBA. Introduction may be improved a bit"
    Richard Mueller: "A great collection of Wiki articles. Excellent use of recommended features in a Wiki article."
    PG: "Nice article good start!"
    BL: "Another great initial compilation of relevant resources. Would be very interested in seeing how this develop over time."
    Mr X
    Wiki: System Center Orchestrator Portal
    NN: "Good new portal. Missing See Also section with links to other portals"
    Richard Mueller: "A good collection of articles. This Portal adds a lot to the TechNet Wiki."
    PG: "Nice and neat article? Suggestion to add more references to related articles and platforms on Wiki."
    BL: "great initial compilation of SC Orchestrator resources. Hoping this will grow over time as the product has a few other active Wiki contributors."
     Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Isham Mohamed
    Pin Windows Phone 8 app to start screen on first launch.
    Peter Laker: "A very useful and informative article! Also, Nice use of fonts and images."
    Ed Price: "Good explanation, but it could benefit from a TOC and tweaked formatting. Good job!"
    Ibraheem Osama Mohamed
    Coming from an asp.net background, let’s build our first Windows Store Application
    Ed Price: "Great job on the formatting, explanations, and code snippets!"
    Peter Laker: "Excellent primer for those moving from asp.net and all beginners."
    The Performance Analyzer Paradox
    Ed Price: "This is a good philosophical article, but it would be richer with examples and visuals. "
    Peter Laker: "Nice story, good reading, very worthy entry and gratefully received!"
     Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Magnus (MM8)
    WPF/MVVM: Handling Changes To Dependency Properties In The View
    Ed Price: "Nice, thorough topic with good explanations! Could benefit from code formatting. Great article!"
    Peter Laker: "A nice primer on a fundamental aspect of xaml. Great layout, images, descriptions, etc."
    dev hedgehog
    Trick To Use StaticResource With Path
    Peter Laker: "A very useful and commonly pondered subject. Thanks for a great contribution!"
    Ed Price: "This is a great solution with good code formatting and code comments!"
     Windows Server Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Mr X
    How to manage your DC/DNS servers with dynamic IPs in Windows Azure
    JM: "This is an excellent article, however you need to change all instances of the term "on-promise" to "on-premise.""
    JH: "really detailed, very complete with scripts added"
    Richard Mueller: "This might be the best article I have judged. Code formatting could be improved, but otherwise an outstanding contribution."
    Mr X
    How to assign a private Static IP to a Windows Azure VM
    JH: "excellent, concise, good topic"
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent documentation of the use of very new tools to manage IP addresses."
    JM: "Another excellent article, thanks much for your contributions!"
    Mahdi Tehrani
    Customize DST time zone configuration across the forest with GPO
    JM: "This is an excellent article, however you need to change all instances of the term "Daylight Time Saving" to "Daylight Savings Time.""
    JH: "good info, great illustrations and writing"
    Richard Mueller: "Original work for an tricky problem. I think the script should run as a Startup script instead of a Logon script on the clients. A "See Also" section and links would help."
    ----------------- 8< -------------------
    As mentioned above, runners up and their judge feedback were removed from this forum post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit.
    A great big thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to last month's competition.
    Read all about THIS month's competition [usually in a stickied post] at the top of this forum, otherwise there is usually a list of forum links for this month's theme/announcement at the bottom of the submission page below:
    Best regards,
    Pete Laker
    More about the TechNet Guru Awards:
    TechNet Guru Competitions
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    Congrats to Mr X, Idan, and Omar:
     System Center Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Mr X
    How to manage VM pinning within a Hyper-V cluster by
    combining the use of System Center VMM and Orchestrator
    Ed Price: "Mr. X, this is another incredibly thorough article! Fantastic job!"
    Idan Vexler
    Create Custom XML For OSD In SCCM  
    Ed Price: "Love the list of requirements! Very thorough in dividing each step!"
    Omar Lopez (loplim)
    SCOM 2012 - Create Alert / Monitor Based on Windows event ( Administrator login
    alert )
    Ed Price: "Good use of images. Could use a TOC with sections and more descriptions. Good job!"
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • March's TechNet Wiki TN Wiki Guru Winners announced!!

    The results for March'sTechNet
    Guru competition have been posted!
    http://blogs.technet.com/b/wikininjas/archive/2014/04/17/the-microsoft-technet-guru-awards-march-2014.aspx <- results page!
    Congratulations to all our new Gurus for March!
    We will be interviewing some of the winners and highlighting their achievements, as the month unfolds.
    Below is a summary of the medal winners, the last column being a few of the comments from the judges.
    Unfortunately, runners up and their judge feedback comments had to be trimmed from THIS post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit, however the full version is shown in the link above.
    Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.
     BizTalk Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Tomasso Groenendijk
    Using BAM in the ESB Toolkit
    Ed Price: "Incredibly valuable and very well written! Great article!"
    Mandi Ohlinger: "A custom BAM dashboard - LOVE it! Another great ESB addition to the Wiki."
    TGN: "Nice one, I really liked this one, explains how to use the ESB together with BAM, great work and well explained!"
    Steef-Jan Wiggers
    Windows Azure BizTalk Services: Pulling Messages from a Service Bus Queue
    Ed Price: "This is amazingly well written with beautiful images and formatting. Great job!"
    TGN: "Azure, Azure, Azure! Nice one Steef-Jan, people are waiting on articles like this. Good job, and thanks for the contribution!"
    Mandi Ohlinger: "A very informative How To. Screen shots are very helpful."
    Detecting a Missing Message
    Mandi Ohlinger: "GREAT addition to the Wiki and to any user who suspects missing messages. The BizTalk support team can use this orchestration. "
    Ed Price: "I love the visuals on the orchestration implementation! Important topic!"
    TGN: "Nice article, great to see a solution to detect missing files."
     Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Eihab Isaac
    FIM 2010 R2 BHOLD: Non-BHOLD Approval Process
    Ed Price: "Very thorough explanations! Great formatting and colors on the tables and code snippets! And the images are also helpful!"
    PG: "Nice article, we need more of these."
    Micah Rowland
    FIM:How To Use PowerShell to View a Metaverse Object's Connector's Attribututes
    Side By Side
    PG: "Nice article, nice format. well written"
    Ed Price: "Good code snippet and use of code comments. Could use more explanations and maybe breaking the code into sections with more information about each section. Good job!"
    Giriraj Singh
    FIM:Delete Bulk Expected Rule Entries Using FIM OTB features
    Ed Price: "Good procedural steps! It could benefit from more explanations, a grammar pass, and some images. Good article!"
    PG: "Short but nice article."
     SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Matthew Yarlett
    SharePoint: Use PowerShell to find Fields using a Managed Metadata TermSet
    Jinchun Chen: "Good article."
    Ed Price: "Although this is Matt's shorter article this month, this is an incredibly important topic, and the code is perfect! As Dan says in the comments: "Matthew Yarlett has done it again!! IMHO when it comes to SharePoint powershell
    you are second to none." This is a great article!" 
    Rahul A Shinde
    SharePoint 2013: Deploy and apply theme to SharePoint sites with PowerShell
    Ed Price: "Fantastic explanations and use of images!" 
    Matthew Yarlett
    SharePoint: Testing Email Alerts in UAT and DEV Environments
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice! It can be used for troubleshooting SharePoint Incoming/Outgoing related issues too."
    Ed Price: "Wow! This article is astonishingly thorough!"
     Small Basic Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic: Centering Text in Graphics Window
    RZ: "Clearly written explanation with nice graphics to go with it."
    Ed Price: "I love having the three options like this! And the images really bring it to life! The links to the shared programs (with their source code) really help if you want to dig deeper and learn more!"
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic Known Issue: 23589
    - Controls.GetTextBoxText() Returns CR+LF as Newline from Multi-Line Text Box in Local but CR in Remote
    RZ: "Bugs are always hard to track down, especially the unknown unknowns :( Good job on hunting it down!"
    Ed Price: "This acts as a valuable KB article! Great addition to the troubleshooting library!"
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic: Expression
    RZ: "Good introduction to expressions"
    Ed Price: "Short and sweet intro to Expressions. Thanks, Nonki!"
     SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Michael Amadi
    A Practical Example of How to Apply Power Query Data
    Transformations on Structured and Unstructured Datasets
    NN: "This is a terrific tutorial on Power Pivot with very helpful images. Great article"
    Ed Price: "This is a fantastic combination of Power Query and Power Pivot... a valuable contribution!"
     SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - March 2014  
    chandra sekhar pathivada
    managing database backups across all the instances without maintenance plan
    Samuel Lester: "Chandra, outstanding contribution and information! Your SSIS package handles many of the shortcomings of Maintenance Plans. MPs were originally created to assist DBAs with the more common administrative
    tasks, but as the scale continues to grow across enterprise environments, we're all forced to write our own enhanced versions such as this. Thanks for the addition and please do add to the Gallery if you haven't yet."
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice. It is suggested to add error outputs in the package to handler unexpected errors."
    NN: "Good article. The SSIS solution can use a bit more explanation. Also See Also section is missing"
    DRC: "This is good article, The only this which can be corrected is : ==> This can be achieved using “maintenance Cleanup Task • Maintenance Plan has a control flow item “maintenance Cleanup Task” to delete the old backup files based
    on age of the backup, but it creates the problem when it deletes the full database backups based on n no.of days leaving all the dependent intermediate differential and transaction logs which are useless. "
    Understanding Logging in Tempdb.Is Tempdb re-created or rebuilt after SQL
    Server restart
    NN: "Very good article with an interesting analysis"
    DRC: "This article is good and provides lots of detailed information along with sample query and screenshot. The screenshot of few need few more details (files of model are missing) This article can be broken down into 2 1) understanding
    tempdb recreation 2) Logging in Tempdb 1) understanding tempdb recreation:- This is not concluded properly. The article doesnt talk about the physical files which are recreated even if we delete the tempdb files "
    Samuel Lester: "Shanky, very nice article on the internals of TempDB! It was tough judging this month as both articles were very informative contributions!" 
     System Center Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Mr X
    How to manage VM pinning within a Hyper-V cluster by
    combining the use of System Center VMM and Orchestrator
    Ed Price: "Mr. X, this is another incredibly thorough article! Fantastic job!"
    Idan Vexler
    Create Custom XML For OSD In SCCM  
    Ed Price: "Love the list of requirements! Very thorough in dividing each step!"
    Omar Lopez (loplim)
    SCOM 2012 - Create Alert / Monitor Based on Windows event ( Administrator login
    alert )
    Ed Price: "Good use of images. Could use a TOC with sections and more descriptions. Good job!"
     Transact-SQL Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Jayakumaur (JK)
    Understanding IDENTITY in SQL Server
    Ed Price: "Wow, what a competitive month! This article is amazing, with thorough explanations in each section!"
    Richard Mueller: "A good tutorial on an important feature of T-SQL."
    Durval Ramos
    Paging a Query with SQL Server
    Ed Price: "Durval's article is fantastically thorough and easy to follow!"
    Richard Mueller: "Very useful concept when populating controls from a query, which should improve performance. I like the images. Well done."
    Naomi N
    T-SQL: Split String with a Twist
    Richard Mueller: "Very intersting problem with an original solution."
    Ed Price: "A very powerful and well-articulated solution from Naomi!"
     Visual Basic Technical Guru - March 2014  
    The Thinker 
    Exporting and Importing Wireless Settings Using Netsh in VB.NET
    SB: "Code could be formatted better, task is something I can see as potentially useful although I would prefer a bit more narrative description and comments in the code explaining why it was done a certain
    way, although the code is simple enough to work through." 
    MR: "Great tool code!" 
    Ed Price: "This is a good contribution! One way to improve an article like this is to explain the parts of the code more in depth, as a way to introduce each snippet (and maybe dividing a block up more). Then you could link to the Gallery
    iteam if the reader wants to access the entire snippet at once. The images are also very helpful! Great job!" 
    Richard Mueller: "Perhaps this code should be in the gallery. There should be more explanation in a Wiki."
     Visual C# Technical Guru - March 2014  
    João Sousa
    ASP.NET WebAPI 2 - Stream Windows Azure blobs
    NN: "Very nice tutorial and also can be downloaded from the Gallery"
    Ed Price: "I love to see this ASP.NET content! Each step is very clear! Great code formatting!"
    Raghunathan S
    C# Code Compilation at Runtime from C# Windows Forms Application
    Ed Price: "Good descriptions and code formatting. It could benefit from a TOC. Great article!"
    NN: "This looks like an interesting article, but too short and the code is hard to read in its present format"
    Raghunathan S
    Creating a Simple logging class with System.Diagnostics namespace in C#
    NN: "Good article, but too short"
    Ed Price: "This is a pretty good article. It could benefit from a TOC and more descriptions around what the code is doing and why. Good job!"
     Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Matthew Yarlett
    Wiki: Basic Image Formatting using Pixlr
    BL: "This deserves credit as much for the idea as for the actual article - many authors contribute from computers that may not have authoring tools installed and this simple online solution has the potential to iprove
    quality a lot."
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent explanation of a useful tool for Wiki authors. A "See Also" section would be useful."
    PG: "Nice artilce, well done, nice layout. Great!"
    NN: "Good article"
    Durval Ramos
    VBA & VBS Portal
    NN: "Very good new portal about VBA. Introduction may be improved a bit"
    Richard Mueller: "A great collection of Wiki articles. Excellent use of recommended features in a Wiki article."
    PG: "Nice article good start!"
    BL: "Another great initial compilation of relevant resources. Would be very interested in seeing how this develop over time."
    Mr X
    Wiki: System Center Orchestrator Portal
    NN: "Good new portal. Missing See Also section with links to other portals"
    Richard Mueller: "A good collection of articles. This Portal adds a lot to the TechNet Wiki."
    PG: "Nice and neat article? Suggestion to add more references to related articles and platforms on Wiki."
    BL: "great initial compilation of SC Orchestrator resources. Hoping this will grow over time as the product has a few other active Wiki contributors."
     Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Isham Mohamed
    Pin Windows Phone 8 app to start screen on first launch.
    Peter Laker: "A very useful and informative article! Also, Nice use of fonts and images."
    Ed Price: "Good explanation, but it could benefit from a TOC and tweaked formatting. Good job!"
    Ibraheem Osama Mohamed
    Coming from an asp.net background, let’s build our first Windows Store Application
    Ed Price: "Great job on the formatting, explanations, and code snippets!"
    Peter Laker: "Excellent primer for those moving from asp.net and all beginners."
    The Performance Analyzer Paradox
    Ed Price: "This is a good philosophical article, but it would be richer with examples and visuals. "
    Peter Laker: "Nice story, good reading, very worthy entry and gratefully received!"
     Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Magnus (MM8)
    WPF/MVVM: Handling Changes To Dependency Properties In The View
    Ed Price: "Nice, thorough topic with good explanations! Could benefit from code formatting. Great article!"
    Peter Laker: "A nice primer on a fundamental aspect of xaml. Great layout, images, descriptions, etc."
    dev hedgehog
    Trick To Use StaticResource With Path
    Peter Laker: "A very useful and commonly pondered subject. Thanks for a great contribution!"
    Ed Price: "This is a great solution with good code formatting and code comments!"
     Windows Server Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Mr X
    How to manage your DC/DNS servers with dynamic IPs in Windows Azure
    JM: "This is an excellent article, however you need to change all instances of the term "on-promise" to "on-premise.""
    JH: "really detailed, very complete with scripts added"
    Richard Mueller: "This might be the best article I have judged. Code formatting could be improved, but otherwise an outstanding contribution."
    Mr X
    How to assign a private Static IP to a Windows Azure VM
    JH: "excellent, concise, good topic"
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent documentation of the use of very new tools to manage IP addresses."
    JM: "Another excellent article, thanks much for your contributions!"
    Mahdi Tehrani
    Customize DST time zone configuration across the forest with GPO
    JM: "This is an excellent article, however you need to change all instances of the term "Daylight Time Saving" to "Daylight Savings Time.""
    JH: "good info, great illustrations and writing"
    Richard Mueller: "Original work for an tricky problem. I think the script should run as a Startup script instead of a Logon script on the clients. A "See Also" section and links would help."
    ----------------- 8< -------------------
    As mentioned above, runners up and their judge feedback were removed from this forum post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit.
    A great big thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to last month's competition.
    Read all about THIS month's competition [usually in a stickied post] at the top of this forum, otherwise there is usually a list of forum links for this month's theme/announcement at the bottom of the submission page below:
    Best regards,
    Pete Laker
    More about the TechNet Guru Awards:
    TechNet Guru Competitions
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    Congrats to Matthew, Durval, and Mr X:
     Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Matthew Yarlett
    Wiki: Basic Image Formatting using Pixlr
    BL: "This deserves credit as much for the idea as for the actual article - many authors contribute from computers that may not have authoring tools installed and this simple online solution has the potential to iprove quality
    a lot."
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent explanation of a useful tool for Wiki authors. A "See Also" section would be useful."
    PG: "Nice artilce, well done, nice layout. Great!"
    NN: "Good article"
    Durval Ramos
    VBA & VBS Portal
    NN: "Very good new portal about VBA. Introduction may be improved a bit"
    Richard Mueller: "A great collection of Wiki articles. Excellent use of recommended features in a Wiki article."
    PG: "Nice article good start!"
    BL: "Another great initial compilation of relevant resources. Would be very interested in seeing how this develop over time."
    Mr X
    Wiki: System Center Orchestrator Portal
    NN: "Good new portal. Missing See Also section with links to other portals"
    Richard Mueller: "A good collection of articles. This Portal adds a lot to the TechNet Wiki."
    PG: "Nice and neat article? Suggestion to add more references to related articles and platforms on Wiki."
    BL: "great initial compilation of SC Orchestrator resources. Hoping this will grow over time as the product has a few other active Wiki contributors."
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

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