What about FREE CS2

I'm from Russia, and I'm really interesting in graphics at all. But to be honest it is to expensive for me. I only bought a PSE 10 and CorelDraw X6, but for some pdf files, I cann't open it in CDRx6, and if I can use AI cs2 for free to open this kind of files to get some images it will be so good!!! Can you explain, if I can buy any old version of cs AI or some thing like that. Or if any of you have this old version with license that I can get from you as a gift as to end user. PLEASE =)))

No one in this forum is capable of giving you anything for free.  You will need to contact Adobe customer support directly to try to get someone at Adobe to give you something for free.

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  • Adobe, please make a formal statement about "free" CS2

    Folks, we have heard the whole gambit of ideas and discussions concerning Adobe's "giveaway" of CS2.
    To my knowledge, there has only ever been ONE SINGLE post about CS2 NOT being released for free - and that post was in a FORUM. InDesign Secrets picked up on that one post and repeated what was said there.  On Adobe's CS2 download page, there is NOTHING said one way or the other.  Forum statements are always on a personal level - they are NOT a professional solution for official announcements, and should not be regarded as such.
    Adobe, could you please be so kind as to issue a formal statement? 
    There are many people out there who would use CS2 if it were released for free - folks who will never purchase the newer versions - folks who normally use only freeware.  It would be a great benefit to those folks, and it would increase your popularity, and you might even make sales with those people once they get used to your products. 
    I, myself have a license for CS3 Premium, CS4 Standard, InDesign CS2, but I would recommend CS2 to other folks to use instead of GIMP or other freeware.  In fact, when the word went out, I was surprised and pleased and wrote to my friends.  Then I had second thoughts and had to tell them "never mind - I was misled".  Now, after reading the posts in this here forum, I am somewhat bewildered and confused.
    Please make a formal statement about this!

    I do not agree with your examples they can’t be used in this case.
    The shop and speed examples just don’t make sense. The digital nature of this whole situation alone makes comparisons like shops or driving-speed-limits impossible. When you enter a shop and take something the object is moved, in this case there is nothing moved! (that’s just one point, there many others but that would make this post too long).
    Also realise that the knife cuts both ways.
    Ignorance of law applies to both user and provider.
    If the user did wat he/she could to make sure that it seemed legit than they have done their part.
    If adobe did to make sure then the user/visitor of the site can not simply grab the stuff, than the visitor places him/herself in in “illegal situation”.
    If adobe gave the public the false presumption that content could be downloaded for free (NOT moved / stolen) then Adobe is also at fault and put themselves in a position where they can’t just make a statement that illegal activity has taken place on the user’s part.
    To my knowledge A EULA is NOT intended when you have a license.
    Even though literlally means “End User License Agreement” ,  it initially can’t be tied with a purchase. That will become clear AFTER you read the EULA. If you want the requirement that an initial purchase is mandatory than you must inform the user before he/she opens the EULA. Adobe has not properly informed the public on the downloadpage.
    (You can not use the forum for that)
    And what about freeware tools? And promotion based sites which from time to time give away software. They all have EULA’s a EULA is also to inform the user of the circumstances he/she can use the software.
    If it is not clear on the website (downloadpage) than how is the user supposed to know if he/she can download and install?
    - First off, the site which promoted this are respected sites. And still there are sites wich have not done any retration
    (and see the points below about notification and retraction).
    - Then you have the downloadpage which has no form of restriction/ID authentication and the serials are right there.
    - I installed and read the EULA and at that point it seemed al legit.
    And you still have the other points which you still can’t place under “ignorance of law” when the user has done it’s part by checking the below
    There was and still is no notification on the adobe download site
    Serials are displayed on the adobe download site
    The EULA literally states "obtained" not "purchased"
    Everything can be registered and will show up in your "My Adobe" profile
    No adobe ID is needed to reach the adobe downloadpage
    Adobe admitted that the whole thing could be seen as an giveaway
    Adobe only used the forum to communicate that it was not intended as an giveaway, but as an way for owners with genuine CS2 license to reinstall because of the de-activation of authentication servers. BUT they never stated that downloading and using this version without a previous CS2 license is illegal.
    · IF it is illegal to download and install then adobe would state that literally asap (right at the moment they explained in the forum that this is not for non CS2-license holders). Now there is only silence and adobe forum moderators are not responding to issue directly (an sort of "edict" from the adobe management not to discuss until further notice?)
    · Days after this fiasco adobe hasn't taken any precautions to avoid further downloading/misunderstanding. (they still left the page as is, they even removed the requirement of an adobe ID to reach the page)
    You cannot use the shop or speed example in this case, pro or against adobe.
    The software world is totally different.
    There are enough examples where older versions are given away as form promotions, and there even promotions which began “silent’ and then went viral.
    And realise that the UK law doesn’t apply for the rest of the world, Adobe realises this and therefore hasn’t made an official statement yet. Not just a forum statement which led to some retractions within certain sites.
    The assumption of “Consent of the copyright owner” was given on the moment when the downloadpage went up AND no form of notification was given.
    Adobe still hasn’t informed me properly through email that download and install of the CS2 is only valid for users who have a previous genuine license.
    ”...Where copyright exists, the owner is not required to tell people - it's an automatic right....”
    I do not believe this, you must always supply enough/proper information or else how is the public to know?
    And I still have these questions
    Where is stated on the downloadpage that it is intended for CS2 license holders?
    · Why is that page accessible for everyone without an adobe ID?
    Why Can the content be directly downloaded without even going to the downloadpage without any form of ID authentication.
    Why is the EULA not customised for this?
    Why is there still no notification on the download page?
    Why am I able to register it and it shows up in my "My Adobe"?
    Why have the users who have registered this with their full and valid address and email information not received any mail about this
    Why is the forum the only communication channel to about this? When and Where will be the official statement? Will this be outside the forum. If not, why not use the website homepage and email adresses of the registered users?
    Why are there still no takedowns issued on the sites which still promote this as free?
    Knowing that there was no form of proper notification (and still none), how are the people who downloaded, installed and registered this to know that this was not some form of promotion?

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    No reason to be embarassed. You are not alone.
    You will need an external drive. If you have a Time Machine drive without enough disk space you can create the clone there however it's advised that you keep your Time Machine and clone on separate drives. If the drive dies you loose both types of backup.
    Download and install the clone software. Everyone has their favorite. These are the two most common applications used. I prefer SuperDuper because of it's simplicity in setting up. It's also free for the first clone where with CCC you have to give a Credit Card then cancel if you do not want to keep.
    SuperDuper! http://www.shirt-pocket.com/
    CCC http://www.bombich.com/download.html
    Select your drive in the To popup. Click on Copy Now. That's it.
    Yes, it really is that simple....

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    POP: yahoo, aol, comcast/time warnder/road runner
    Imap: google, hotmail, and more including icloud.
    If you want to use multiple devices - move to imap, I would even say "exchange", but Google does not support free exchange anymore, since January of that year. So Ironically  Icloud or Hotmail would be my choices right now.
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    Please help me figure out how to get this installed.

    There is nothing to figure out. It means what it says - CS2 will not work on intel-based Macs and is not free, either. You are wasting your time with an illegal activity.

  • What about HUGE libraries?

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    I know this is an unusual situation but I would love to know where I can find out more information about this sort of detail.

    Babaganoosh wrote:
    Edit: Here is what Apple says about this:
    "Your purchased music, apps, and books, as well as your Photo Stream, don’t count against your free storage. That leaves your mail, documents, Camera Roll, account information, settings, and other app data. "
    That seems to indicate that the 5GB is not taken up by music, whether or not it's purchased or that which falls under 'Match'.
    No, that would indicate that if it is purchased from the iTunes store it does not count against the limit.
    If it was not purchased from the iTunes store and does not "Match", it will count against the 5GB limit.

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    As we all know BT's Fibre rollout plans keep getting put back and back. The rural areas are suffering and of course Bt announce BT sport free for fibre users (Yes I'm aware that any non fibre users can use the app to watch sport if with broadband) also to top this off they have announced 18 new channels for fibre users only at a cheap cost. My question is what about the little guys ? My exchange has no plans yet for fibre although 2 miles north or south they have fibre. Why should we be penalised for not having it ? I've had Youview for nearly a year now and to be comepletly honest it seems orientated to fibre users only. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me ?

    "don't moan about it taking a bit longer to get to you" It's not just a bit though Colin its 5 years if not longer could be 10 years. I took Youview on being told by many different Bt staff i could get the same services as everyone else. Surely when the youview service was sold to me they could have explained there and then certain services were for fibre only. It just annoys me to find i can't get these services and even more so things are finally hitting the platform.. Colin really your answer is to move ? bit drastic don't you think ?.

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    Spotlight lists items and shows preview images.  BUT what about showing the path/location address of an item in my computer.
    Especially important if I've put the item in the wrong folder and what to locate it without multi-steps. iMac OS X 10.5 was more useful.
    Old OSX Spotlight function automatically displayed path/location within the machine:  e.g. desktop/folder/sub-folder/item.
    Can I make Spotlight show the path?

    Press option-command and the path is displayed at the bottom of the little preview window.  Press command-return and the enclosing folder opens. 

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