What is going on with my fonts?

My system log is filling up with this error message:
Aug 28 23:54:09 wasabi com.apple.ATSServer[141]: FODBError: FODBReadFromAnnexAuxFile - annexDB and annex_aux keys do not match
Aug 28 23:55:01 wasabi com.apple.ATSServer[141]: FODBError: FODBReadFromAnnexAuxFile - annexDB and annex_aux keys do not match
Aug 28 23:55:31: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Aug 28 23:55:58 wasabi com.apple.ATSServer[141]: FODBError: FODBReadFromAnnexAuxFile - annexDB and annex_aux keys do not match
Aug 28 23:56:31: --- last message repeated 13 times ---
Aug 28 23:56:31 wasabi com.apple.ATSServer[141]: FODBError: FODBReadFromAnnexAuxFile - annexDB and annex_aux keys do not match
etc. etc. etc.
What is going on? How can I get my keys to match up again?
Thanks for any help.

From all the other posts on the forum about deleting Time Phonetic, it doesnt exsist on my mac. So wondering if i am gettng same problem with a different font.
Your problem is different and more difficult, since your Latin is not being replaced by junk characters. I think sometimes it is caused by bad font caches and sometimes by duplicated Latin system fonts. For one possible fix you can check out this:

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    From all the other posts on the forum about deleting Time Phonetic, it doesnt exsist on my mac. So wondering if i am gettng same problem with a different font.
    Your problem is different and more difficult, since your Latin is not being replaced by junk characters. I think sometimes it is caused by bad font caches and sometimes by duplicated Latin system fonts. For one possible fix you can check out this:

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    Here and there and on occasion, a letter will be replaced by a square or something.
    Should I go with a different system font?
    Last edited by Robotman (2013-03-29 12:16:25)

    mariusmeyer wrote:You should probably set a UTF-8 locale. Check the wiki how it's done.
    I thought I did! I uncommented "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" in /etc/locale.gen, and ran "sudo locale-gen".
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    The Arial Font works on the MacBook Pro, but it is not listed on the iMac.
    By not listed, do you mean it doesn't show up in the font lists of apps you're using, or it literally isn't on the hard drive?
    Look in the /Library/Fonts/ folder. That's the Library from the root of the drive, not in the System folder or your user account. Is Arial.ttf actually missing?

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    Type '''about:config''' in the Location (address) bar and press the "Enter" key. When you see a warning, click '''I'll be careful, I promise!''' button.
    * Preferences that have been modified are shown as '''bold (user set)'''.
    * Preferences can be '''Reset to the default''' or changed via the right-click context menu.
    -> In the '''Filter bar''', type '''browser.sessionhistory.max_entries'''
    * Right click the preference '''browser.sessionhistory.max_entries''' and click '''Modify'''
    * Change value from 0 to whatever you want over 0 (Default value is 50)
    * click OK
    -> Close the '''about:config''' tab and then Restart Firefox.
    See this post:
    * https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/860894#answer-229574
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    Regarding the USB, see if zapping the PRAM helps.
    Regarding your storage space check out the following: 
    HD Space Checkers:
    Disk Inventory X (FREE)
    WhatSize (SHAREWARE)
    OmniDiskSweeper (FREE)
    GrandPerspective (FREE - donation)
    Mac Performance Guide
    Slimming your hard drive
    Quick fix How To Quickly Free Up Hard Drive Space on Mac OS

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    The single download means that you won't be able to redownload it from the store without paying, either on a computer's iTunes or an iOS device - it doesn't stop you from copying the audiobook to your other computers or syncing it to your iOS devices, you just can't redownload it. (I believe that they are all supplied to Apple by audible.com, so I assume that it's them requiring the one-time download.)
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    - selecting its Books tab and selecting the audiobooks that you want to sync to the iPad and syncing/applying that selection.
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    You could also try closing its Music app via the iPad's taskbar : Force an app to close in iOS.
    And do a soft-reset and retry syncing.
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    zihsuan wrote:
    The Apple outlet is an authorised service provider that does AppleCare as well as far as I know
    Contacting Apple World Wide for Support and Service

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    [Per Guidelines:  Keep it Relevant and Appropriate].

    Chris, As explained, and to be honest I am usually very long-winded and detailed in my explanations because readers miss things, as you might have done in this case. It is not my problem alone. Whenever we have a problem with any utility or especially in the case of ATT services, I always check with anyone that I know that uses the service and over a broad area, not just in my street but anyone I know in an approximate 8 - 10 mile area, to see if our issues are isolated just to us. If they are, then I know that it is most likely a piece of equipment we are using. In this situation, as there have been in others, every single person that I spoke to is experiencing the same situation. And again - this is why I said that I have thrown up my hands in exasperation and usually get another family member to call customer service if there is a problem, as I know exactly what they are going to tell me. "Let us check your line - (you then spend 45 minutes on the phone with them) No... everything seems fine, it must be your RG, you need to buy a new one." Mea culpa - I have no patience or time for scripted c.s. reps.  Two years ago, we had a lightening strike that literally struck the ATT box next door. The wires in all the boxes on the street (including the ones in our yard) were fused and black when the box was opened. And yet... when one of my neighbours (who apparently did not connect the lightening strike with the loss of service - sigh... what can I say...) called ATT, they got the same response. "No, we don't see any problems here, it must be your RG." Com'n! It was a lightening strike!  And on an aside - the new cable is now still hanging from my backyard fence as they were supposed to come back to bury it. Two years ago... So the dear space-cadet neighbours, paid for a new RG, hooked it up to find there was no reception (ya think?) and to then find out that theirs was just fine, and now there was the hassle of having to package the new one and take it to the UPS store to ship it back, and which is another frustration, because it is not possible to return it to a local store or office. Unlike yours truly, they apparently did not do their research with other users, even though we had no service for over a week.  So - by a process of survey and elimination, it cannot be the RG, unless everyone I spoke with is using the same RG. But there have been quite a few changes that we have noticed recently, ranging from new look menus, to those very beautiful images when first turning on the TV. So is it not entirely possible that in all the changes and tweaking, something else has been affected? Look it happens - but I can never understand why they can't just say,"Sorry, we are working on "upgrades" so we apologise but you might experience these little set-backs for a while until we are through." Why always blame it on the RG? Another way to make more money?   

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    So far I`ve tried iosnoop, which gets me a lot of seemingly bad messages that scroll endlessly up the screen saying things like:
    dtrace: error on enabled probe ID 4 (ID 1031: io:mach_kernel:buf_strategy:start): invalid user access in action #3 at DIF offset 0
    and this launchd stuff:
    launchd ??/<unknown (NULL v_parent)>/<unknown (NULL v_name)>
    This stuff just goes on and on and on and on... forever and never stops.
    What does it all mean???? Is the drive dying on me? What if I reformat it? Would this stuff stop?

    Is this a one-time occurence, or is it continuous?
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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar          

  • HT201442 I've reset this thing like 3 times now what's going on with it? why won't it connect to my iTunes?

    I've reset this thing like 3 times now what's going on with it? why won't it connect to my iTunes?

    Beyond resetting what have you tried?
    Common fixes can be to use a different USB port or different USB cable. You can also try updating iTunes, or uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes.
    Does your computer see it at all? Is there a little chirp when you plug it in?

  • What is going on with the scroll function? It doesn't seem to work in any applications, now that I downloaded the new Mountain Lion?

    What is going on with the scroll function. It doesn't seem to work ever since I downloaded Mountain Lion.

    I've noticed this too...when I'm in Safari, scrolling is a bit jerky and sometimes it stops even though I'm still scrolling...my fingers go right off the trackpad.  I just downloaded the new updates onto my brand new macbook air- had to do it manually as "power nap" doesn't work, even after the SMC reset.  Lamesauce.

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    Update to latest patched version that no longer relies on Rosetta and PowerPC
    Visit www.RoaringApps.com for a list and table of what version is supported, can be updated and which are not.
    A year ago this was news.
    Hopefully people kept a boot drive with the old OS so they could dual boot for a month or two whiile sorting out the changes and updates.

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