What is Security of skype mobile?????

As we know skype on pc is very secure (my ISP can't sniffing), is the skype on mobile also very secure????
please answer me...Thanks.

where is the replies????

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    Hi, EyalN,
    Please start by contacting Skype Customer Service; your enquiry will be routed to the correct people within Skype.
    Here is a link to the instruction on how to contact Skype Customer Service via their secure portal: Contact Customer Service
    As you know you wish to contact Customer Service, skip past Step 2 of the instruction and proceed to Step 3, Continue Support Request (the "button" appears at the lower right corner of the website page). You may also skip past in Step 4 where you will be referred back here to the Community; no need to do this as the Community is where you started!
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

  • What Do Users Want Skype To Be?

    This is a question to the rest of the Skype userbase: what do you want skype to be for you?
    I'll start it off.
    1) I want skype to be a free and minimalist text messenger, group chat, conference call and conference video call client. All functionality should be around optimizing the experience of these 4 activities. That means streamlined functionality for these purposes--fast, error free, no disconnects, no user problems. It also means no superfluous functionality--ads, unecessarily complex emoticons, bulky left panel that can't be separated from the individual chats, etc.
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    5) Make the UI less bulky. There is so much dead space on the skype UI. The actual chat represents only ~50% of the actual volume of the UI when at a reasonable size. The left side-bar is too big, especially with no hideable functionality. The titlebars, ads, and even text box all have huge, white dead-zones.
    Bottom line: streamline the Skype codebase, streamline the UI, streamline the options we have as users and stop adding/removing/breaking things each update just to appear fresh. Keep what works, fix what doesn't.

    The most active thread on this issue is at
    That is actually a link to page 2, where I posted some comparison images showing that "compact" mode only shows about 20% more information, and some suggestions for a "truly compact" mode.
    Zhuinden has been doing a sterling job posting instructions on how to downgrade to 6.21 (and make it stick) until version 7.0 is fixed. Here's a link:
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    Click here to read my blog post on Skype 7 and basic principles of GUI design

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    Don't tell me I don't have my story right, try doing some research and find out what you are doing wrong.
    If your battery is dying quickly, read this:
    If you ABSOLUTELY have to use a task killer, read this:
    I would be willing to bet that you are using an automatic task killer and killing apps willy-nilly, thinking you're making things better so here's one more for you:

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    PC version is fine this problem is only with Skype mobile.

    I'm having the same issue with my PC version, but not the mobile version.
    I'm only posting here because it's the closest post I could find to my problem, and Skype customer service appears to be impossible to access directly. I've found many posts of people that just get stuck in a loop, and then the Skype rep posting on that board just gives a link to the same loop. It's insanity.
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    Skype's privacy says itself:
    Skype will take appropriate organizational and technical measures to protect the personal data and traffic data provided to it or collected by it with due observance of the applicable obligations and exceptions under the relevant legislation. Your personal and traffic data can only be accessed by authorized employees of Microsoft or its affiliates, subsidiaries or service providers who need to have access to this data in order to be able to fulfill their given duties.
    So how about 256 AES encryption? lol
    Microsoft authorised employees can look into your voice calls, video calls messages and everything!!!

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    Easy steps to delete skype chat history off your mobiles.
    1. Sign out of skype from your mobile
    2. Sign into skype on your computer
    3. Go to tools-options- privacy settings
    4. Click on clear history
    5. Sign out of skype from your computer
    6. On your mobile go to settings-applications manager-skype and clear data
    7. Sign back on to skype on your mobile and your message history should be deleted
    ... hope this helps those that are struggling in deleting their skype chat history off their mobile

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    thebestkids wrote:
    I get an error message when I try to use my Skype mobile app.  It says Skyoe mobile can only be used on Verizon Wireless in the US...to learn about using Skype mobile to make free or low cost calls from the US visit www.verizonwireless.com/skypemobile  ...ok.  First of all I am trying to make my call from the US...this app used to work...I am a former Alltel customer , I spent 1 1/2 hours on the phone with a Verizon tech who could not help me and an hour with the Verizon outlet by my house...is anyone else having this problem?   Please help!
    First off, are you on a Verizon or an Alltel plan?  With that what PRL is your phone using?
    I wonder if you were connecting to a former Alltel tower that somehow still thinks it an Alltel tower or your phone thought it was an Alltel tower.  Either way the Skype app could have not gotten the right message or code that "Yes, you are on Verizon.  Please continue connecting".  BTW There is no basis to this thought just past experience with issues with merged areas.
    If anything , I hope this give you some ideas.

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    thebestkids wrote:
    I get an error message when I try to use my Skype mobile app.  It says Skyoe mobile can only be used on Verizon Wireless in the US...to learn about using Skype mobile to make free or low cost calls from the US visit www.verizonwireless.com/skypemobile  ...ok.  First of all I am trying to make my call from the US...this app used to work...I am a former Alltel customer , I spent 1 1/2 hours on the phone with a Verizon tech who could not help me and an hour with the Verizon outlet by my house...is anyone else having this problem?   Please help!
    First off, are you on a Verizon or an Alltel plan?  With that what PRL is your phone using?
    I wonder if you were connecting to a former Alltel tower that somehow still thinks it an Alltel tower or your phone thought it was an Alltel tower.  Either way the Skype app could have not gotten the right message or code that "Yes, you are on Verizon.  Please continue connecting".  BTW There is no basis to this thought just past experience with issues with merged areas.
    If anything , I hope this give you some ideas.

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    Go to Solution.

    I can't reproduce that crash Capreolus is describing. Actually "Lalt+shift+1/2" does nothing for me even though I have four languages set up. Does one need to set up this shortcut first?
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

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    You won't be able to change your rescue email address until you can answer 2 of your questions, you will need to contact iTunes Support / Apple to get the questions reset.
    Contacting Apple about account security : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5699
    When they've been reset you can then use the steps half-way down this page to update your rescue email address for potential future use : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5312

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    Hi Mary, the other so called "Features" of iClound will not work for like Syncing, but eMail will.
    MobileMe & dot Mac will still work last I heard.
    iCloud Mail setup, even in 10.4/10.5…
    Don't delete your old account yet. Just setup a new one in Mail>Preferences>Accounts, little plus icon. Choose IMAP as account type, not ,mac or MobileMe.
    IMAP (Incoming Mail Server) information:
              ▪          Server name: imap.mail.me.com
              ▪          SSL Required: Yes
              ▪          Port: 993
              ▪          Username: [email protected] (use your @me.com address from your iCloud account)
              ▪          Password: Your iCloud password
    SMTP (outgoing mail server) information:
              ▪          Server name: smtp.mail.me.com
              ▪          SSL Required: Yes
              ▪          Port: 587
              ▪          SMTP Authentication Required: Yes
              ▪          Username: [email protected] (use your @me.com address from your iCloud account)
              ▪          Password: Your iCloud password

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You might try to see if you can change your security questions. Start here, change your country if necessary and go to manage your account > Password and Security.
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    The built in app, FaceTime.

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