What lens to buy next

Hey guys
I have a 7D and two lenses, a fixed 50mm and a 18-135mm kit lens
Im wondering which is the best lens to get next fir everday photography,  like pictures of my kids playing, street photography, cars. General stuff

Not all 100mm lenses are macro lenses. But some are.
There is the EF 100mm f2 USM. There are also the EF 100/2.8 USM Macro, and the EF 100/2.8L IS USM Macro.
If you want to shoot macro, the EF 100/2.8 USM sells for around $500, but the tripod mounting ring and lens hood are sold separately and would make a final cost higher.
There is also the EF-S 60mm f2.8 USM Macro lens, which is around $400, if memory serves. It's more compact than the 100mm and can't be fitted with a tripod ring. It's lens hood is also sold separately.
If you are interested in shooting close-ups, you also could just get macro extension tubes to use with your 18-135mm. Canon sells individual 12mm and 25mm tubes. Or, the Kenko set of three tubes (12mm, 20mm & 36mm) sells for about $200 US. Adding extension behind your 18-135mm will allow it to focus much closer... the more extension, the closer it can focus and the higher the magnification. You also can use extension tubes on your 50mm lens.
Alan Myers
San Jose, Calif., USA
"Walk softly and carry a big lens."
GEAR: 5DII, 7D(x2), 50D(x3), some other cameras, various lenses & accessories

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    At this point, my wife's photography needs are satisfied with the new SL1 and 18-55mm STM lens. It is a massive improvement over the older XTi w/ 17-40 4L. This also involved adding new manual speedlites.
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    Originally, the next lens was to be a 60mm macro, but I have been having good enough results for now using close-up diopter with the kit lens at 55mm.
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    If you can find a "real" camera store, you might want to try out a 55-250mm.  
    I had the non-STM version of that lens was never very happy with it.  The STM gets much better reviews and image-quality for the price is supposed to be very good (again... I have not personally tried the STM version.)
    Avoid the 75-300mm USM -- that lens has the reputation for being one of the most marginal lenses (both in build quality and image quality) in the line-up.
    The 70-300mm USM is MUCH MUCH better (but I think the retail price on that lens is closer to $650 -- so you'd expect it to be better, and it is.)
    I will say that I gave away my 55-250 to a relative (again, not the STM version) for two reaons.  #1 I was not thrilled with the image quality and, #2 I found myself using the 55-250mm range FAR less often than I would have imagined. 
    Oddly, I own the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM (the original -- I bought my copy new, but before Canon introduced the II generation of that lens.)  I use that lens quite often.  But I'm not using it to shoot subjects at a distance, I'm using it because it has a fantastic look.  I'll take a portrait that I could have taken with a shorter lens, but the image looks much better when I use the 70-200 f/2.8 (although I'm usually using it nearer to f/4) and stand farther away to get approximately the same frame.  The compression and quality of the out-of-focus background has a great look to it.  So I could use it as a sports lens (and a lot of people do), but I actually tend to use more like a portrait lens.
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    "... got me a fisheye lens attachment ..."  
    How about a real fisheye like the 8-15mm f4 L USM.  This is a most fun lens.  It is the oppisite of a long tele.
    How about a macro like the 100mm f2.8 USM?  They open up a whole new world to you.
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    Kind of an either-or situation with the 50 and the 100 macro. The 50 won't do macro, and 100mm on your crop sensor camera is 160mm, which is awfully long for portraits unless you are outside with lots of room to back away from the subject.
    What about the Canon EF-s 60mm macro? It should do a great job at both portraits and macro.
    Good luck!
    Canon 6D, Canon T3i, EF 70-200mm L f/2.8 IS mk2; EF 24-105 f/4 L; EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS; EF 85mm f/1.8; Sigma 35mm f/1.4 "Art"; EF 1.4x extender mk. 3; 3x Phottix Mitros+ speedlites
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    Welcome to the Apple community Jalm14ts
    If you mean that Find My Phone is asking for a password to a different Apple ID to your current Apple ID.
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    BetterWay wrote:
    The camera is not so much of an issue here as making sure that you get the right glass(lens) .
    Both Nikon and Canon have specialty lenses to allow Macro (1:1 or lifesize or greater magnification) images to be made.
    I would also recommend that you get a good tripod and focusing rails to mount your camera on as most macro photography is best done using manual focus and moving the camera.  This is due to the fact that macro lenses have a very shallow depth of field.
    If you don't want to go to this extreme, then at least get a small sturdy tripod and always use a remote shutter release.
    All of this is related to DSLR's.
    If you want to go the PnS route, then look for one that emphasizes its macro capability and again, use a tripod.  Again, the lens is the most important item here.
    Actually, no - lens is not the most important - coins are highly reflective and as a result VERY difficult to light properly - the lighting equipment is going to be the most important.
    Lens will be second most important - you can probably do fine for coin photography with one of the common pseudo-macro lenses that only do 1:2 and not 1:1.  However a true 1:1 macro lens will give you the most flexibility.
    Since the lighting equipment is the most important, the key here is going to be that the camera has support for an external flash.  This is guaranteed for an SLR but rare in P&S cameras.
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    Any suggestions on what lens should I go for???

    neeraj87 wrote:
    Thanks for the feedback. 
    My dilema is not just regarding Yellowstone National Park. I want to buy a lens that will accompany me to almost everywhere and can be used to take long distance shots. 
    What you said is absolutely true, I cannot decide between extra reach of 100mm and aperture. 
    And the reason you can't decide is, there is no one right answer.  Welcome to the black hole of SLR photography. 
    I've been in the same dilemma myself for some time now.  I’ve been dreaming about a big white zoom for years and finally started seriously considering the purchase a year ago or so.  So I got on these websites and started doing my research and long story short…  I bought a 6D!  Didn’t see that coming.  So now my problem is worse, as coming from a crop, 200mm isn’t very long on a full frame.
    I do suggest renting if you have the ability to, it helps put things in perspective.  It’s easy to get jaded online as everyone fawns over the big boy lenses (70-200 II, 24-70 II…) and you get to thinking that a lowly 100-400L or 70-200 I can’t be very good.  They are good, and if you don’t spend your free time shooting pictures of test charts then you probably won’t notice the difference.  The 100-400 wasn’t even on my list until I used one for a weekend.
    And finally, intended use maters.  Pesonally I’m leaning towards the 70-200/2.8 because I want a fast lens and I LOVE thin depth of field.  However, if I was getting ready to go to Africa on a safari there’d be no question that I’d be buying a 400mm lens.

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    So after months of debate, Ive decided to switch to mac after being a pc user for over 20 years. Now my dilemma is choosing what computer to buy and when. I have definitely decided to wait until Snow Leopard comes out and when I can get the student deals. However, choosing the right computer has been the issue. I hear that they are phasing out the white macbook so why would I purchase a new one? As well, I have been reading about many issues with buying a first generation unibody model. So where does that leave me? Do I wait for apple to fix the quirks with the new aluminum macbook or by the old white macbook knowing that they might not exist in the next couple years? I would like to get this computer by August but am willing to wait knowing I made the right decision. Thanks.
    If you don't need a new computer until August then wait. I don't care what brand you buy, or what model within that brand, some will inevitably have problems. These forums are like a hospital, this is where you come when you have a problem. Out of the hundreds of thousands macs sold every year proportionally very few have problems. Your chances of getting a quirky one are quite slim. But if you are going to wait for a model where 100 percent of them that come off the assembly line will never have a problem you are going to be waiting a very long time.
    Message was edited by: pogster

  • Lens to buy

    I'm going into sport photography, I only have a thousand dolllars to spare on a lens, what Lens can i buy? I use a Canon 7D

    What lenses do you have now? What kind of sports photography? It's hard to recommend anything without more info.
    I shoot sports a lot  with a pair of 7Ds and my most frequently used lenses for the purpose are 70-200 and 300mm.
    I use IS versions of both 70-200/4 and f2.8. With 300mm I also use both f4 and f2.8 variants, with and without 1.4X and 2X teleconverters.
    My 300/4 IS and 70-200/4 IS both were within your budget or less, assuming we're talking US $. I bought both of them used. New they would have been over your budget.  
    Other lenses I use for sports less frequently to infrequently (Canon unless otherwise noted): EF-S 10-22mm, Tokina 12-24, EF 20/2.8, 28/1.8, 28-135, 24-70/2.8, 50/1.4, 85/1.8, 135/2  and 500/4.
    Some folks like to use 70-300s for sports. If looking at those, I'd recommend only the USM versions in order for focus to be quick enough for sports (70-300 USM IS, 70-300 DO USM IS, 70-300L IS USM). Other folks really like the 100-400L. All these are largely "good daylight" zooms, with f5 and f5.6 apertures at their longer focal lengths.  
    For some sports, specialty lenses such as fisheye are sometimes used, too.
    And there are a number of third party lenses that are possibile alternatives, depending upon your needs.
    Alan Myers
    San Jose, Calif., USA
    "Walk softly and carry a big lens."
    GEAR: 5DII, 7D(x2), 50D(x3), some other cameras, various lenses & accessories

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    do i hook up the --(Apple Mini-DVI to Video Adapter) to my ibook then hook up the --(Apple AV Cable for iBook) to the adapter??....
    thanks for the help...

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