What, no position slider?!!!!

Please someone tell me that Logic Studio has not abandoned the postion slider. This was one of the most useful features I've ever encountered in a computer program. I used it ALL THE TIME to instantly (almost) pull the song back to some general area while the song was running. It only took one click. Without it I have to grab a slider, move it to the area, then go up and click in order for playback to begin there. Three steps instead of one. I thought updates were supposed to IMPROVE the program.
Please join me in ******* and moaning. Im sure it would be a simple matter to add it back if enough people bitched.

Hi guys
I assume you all know you can click the bar ruler (where the subdivisions are) to do this... I realise it's not the same as previous versions but it's functionality is pretty much the same.
Also you can set up keycommands to navigate the page - play from selected object etc. You can select different objects (if they're on the same track) using the left and right cursor keys - changing track with up and down.
Also, for what it's worth - markers are really easy to set up and manage (one play through at best) and with the use of KCs you can skip around your project no problem.
If you don't like the way this is implemented, try this:
At the top of your arrange, create an empty audio track - call it ARRANGE or similar.
With the pencil draw in an empty object that's as long as your piece.
Then with the scissors tool and the cursor tool, chop up and mark the track as appropriate - you can even colour the objects if it makes navigation easier.
You can then move around the track with the cursors and use the 'play from' KC, also you can 'set locators' to specific parts of the arrange if you need to focus on certain sections, copy or remove verses etc.
Of course none of this is handy if you only have one screen and are not in the arrange so I'd suggest using the 'go to' KC (mine is set up as 'G' - I'm not sure if this is the default or not). Then you can skip around the piece as fast as your brain+fingers communicate.
hope this is of some help and not a pointless rant.

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    Hi Jess,
    I am not too sure to understand your issue. For eg. when you ask an employee to replace another employee during a vacation or leave of absences (couples of months). In this case you have to override the position. Hope it helps,
    Kind Regards

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                             
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                       
    If a loose connection Apple may be aple to fix that. Otherwise
    Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for $199 for 64 GB 4G and $99 for the other 4Gs. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price              
    A third-party place like the following maybe less. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens
    Try fixing yourself if you are up to it
    iPod Touch Repair – iFixit

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    What's your code?
    EuroTAAC eLearning 2007
    Adobe Community Expert: Authorware, Flash Mobile and Devices
    My blog -
    Authorware tips -

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    You are way over thinking your problem and potentially headed down a path that will cause more problems that it will solve.
    If you have a camera path that is already animated and you want to change the position of the camera path as a whole the easiest way to do that would be to create a null and then parent the camera to the null. Move the null and all of the camera movements you have set up will follow. No expressions are needed. This is the easiest way to change every aspect of a motion path, rotate the entire path, scale the path, or move the path on any axis.
    If you really want to use 3 position sliders to move existing keyframes to a new value adding value + expressions values will allow you to do this. Just add an three expression control sliders to the camera layer (or any layer like the null you are using as a parent) select the name of the slider in the ECW and press enter and rename it. Something like this will be the result.
    Notice that I also have rotation and scale controls in this setup. Now that you have 3 sliders you can separate the position property of the null into individual values enable expressions in each property and type in value +, then use the pickwhip to drag from the X value to your slider named xPosition (in my example) and repeat for each operation. The value + will add the value of the slider to the current value of the position keyframes. The expression will look like this for X:
    value + effect("x position")("Slider")
    If you want to use sliders I would use a null, add expression controls to the null for position, scale, and rotation, keep the camera position property unified and then use your expression control sliders on the null to modify your existing path. I would not suggest doing this directly on camera position with separated X, Y and Z values because this will change the shape of your camera path and would be more difficult to control. You'll probably also want to create a camera POInull and use this preset to tie the camera's point of interest to the null.
    Here's an animation preset you can apply to a null that will give complete control to the motion path of any animated layer you make the child of this null. Search Animation Preset in the After Effects Search Help field if you do not know how to use them, create them, and save them.
    As a final gimme, here's a CS6 project using this animation preset to control a null's position that used to change an animated camera path.

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    Oh and another thing is my timeline vanishes from time to time.

    Thanks Lilybiri,
    I watch your example and read the article...Cheers. But my process is even simpler. I am using J'script to create an array that takes its text from a large text box that is not visible but has a particular name {TTbox_(put in what ever your slide number is to make it unique) } that is just touching the stage. The J'script references and separates the text based on an array position Newtext[num] - the num variable referenced in the array, increments based on the position of a pipe | in the initial text box it could even be a comma. I call and increment the array based on the new position in the timeline I then set the objects.text value in the J'script. Your example requires an Action script that has lots of ifs an else's. Mine only a num value based on the frame the timeline ends up on ( heaps simpler ). All I do is update the TTbox,The J'script can discern the difference between slides and objects. So, so long as you name the TTbox something like TTbox_3 the J'script figures the difference and discards the 3. It will reference new text for each new slide. Or you can just fill one slide with every bit of didactic needed.

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    Hi Sreejith,
    To display the search results as a slider in Content Query web part(CQWP), we can upload the
    JQuery plugin to SharePoint and create a Custom ContentQueryMain.xsl and ItemStyle.xsl to render the results.
    Here are some examples about the detailed steps for integrating a Slider with the Content Query Web Part in the links below for your reference(same for SharePoint 2013):
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • How can I add text "slides" between photos in a slideshow?

    I'm making a presentation to a group. I want to use two or three photos, together, to illustrate a point (and be able to back up and go forward for clarity). But I would like a simple text (white on black background) announcement of what the next topic is, before showing the photos.
    I have no idea what such panels/slides would be called, which makes it a little tricky to find them in the missing manual . . . or anywhere else.
    Is it possible to do this in iPhoto? Or do I have to create the notices/titles/topics in another program (like Photoshop Elements) first?
    Thanks up front. The presentation isn't for over a week yet, so there's time to play.

    If you can create your slide in any text editor, Pages, Word, whatever, all you need to to is type Command+P(to start a print job) , then click on the PDF button in the next window and select Save PDF to iPhoto in the menu that appears. 
    Click to view full size
    This creates a jpeg version of the document and imports it into iPhoto.  From there you can add it to the slideshow.
    With Pages and other apps that let you use a color background you can make very nice title slides. Even Powerpoint.  Make a PP page as a slide and then print that one page as I outlined above.  User the landscape orientation with any application you use.

Maybe you are looking for