What parts can i see

hey guys my original aluminum macbook didn't make it throught the holidays without being broken in half. i have a nice shiny macbook pro replacement, now i'm wondering what parts i can sell from my old girl. just the battery? isthe hard drive worthwhile or anything else? the memory modules? where abouts (in b4 ebay) would be the best place to sell these

This is tough to answer... We need more information, How did it break? What actually broke? What do you mean broke in half, cause not to sound like a smarty pants but two halves of a Mac is better than 10 wholes of a PC.

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    You can replace HDD with more capacity and RAM module. This notebook can handle with max 1 GB of RAM. Two memory slots are available. Compatible modules are:
    PC2700 512MB (PA3312U-1M51)
    PC2700 1024MB (PA3313U-1M1G)
    I am not 100% sure but I believe you can also exchange ODD (optical disc drive) with better one. Check please users manuals. Probably there you can find a list of all compatible ODDs.
    Good luck!

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    Purchases you have made from the iTunes Store should in most cases be in the Cloud (unless the rights owner has had it removed or you are in a country which does not permit this).  Other music such as CDs you have ripped are only there if you subscribe to iTunes Match.
    Downloading (using iOS or computer) past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store - http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2519 - enabled with iTunes 10.3 and newer; not all media formats are available in all countries (see: iTunes in the Cloud, iTunes Match, and iTunes Radio availability by country - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5085); apps, books (not audiobooks), music, t.v. shows, and movies (some - not all studios have permitted this).  Downloading previously purchased movies and TV shows requires iTunes 10.6 or later.  Discontinued items not available. For items not included in the iCloud list (e.g., ringtones, audiobooks), or locations or computer systems where iCloud is not (yet?) available, you only get one download per fee paid.  Apple recommends,  "You always back up your iTunes library in the event that a purchased item is no longer available on the iTunes Store," (http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2519).

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    If your 2012 iMac is a 27 inch screen model, the only thing you can upgrade is RAM.
    If this is a new 21 inch screen iMac, then you cannot upgrade anything.
    If you open up your iMac for anything, you not only void your one free year of AppleCare, but you void ever getting the option to purchase and register for the  3-year extended AppleCare warranty and no service of your IMac from Apple, directly.
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    Try going to the application manager to see if the application is listed.
    -If it is te browse thru all your folders, if it is not then there might be an issue with the purticular application, try redownloading it.
    There might be an error msg fore you notice it, keep an eye to see if the word installer comes up at the top of the screen.
    Mark me a KUDOS if this has helped...

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    I hate acting like such a diva, and I don't like badmouthing Apple on their own site, but this is ********. I'm tired of dealing with Apple's horrible products and even worse customer service. I've spent thousands of dollars on their products and have yet to be satisfied. I will never buy another apple product again.
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    m=male and f=female. The numbers after the letter are GPAs. Here is the input file:
    m 2.4
    f 3.2
    m 3.7
    m 4.0
    f 2.9
    f 1.8
    f 3.8
    m 1.7
    m 3.4
    f 2.6
    m 2.8
    m 1.7
    f 3.7
    m 3.9
    f 4.0
    f 3.6
    m 2.3
    f 2.9
    m 3.0
    m 2.7now here is my code:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class gradecalc {
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args)
                                throws FileNotFoundException{
            // TODO code application logic here
    double sumMale=0;
    int numMale=0;
    double sumFemale=0;
    int numFemale=0;
    char gender;
    double gpa;
         Scanner inFile= new Scanner(new FileReader("gpa.txt"));
            PrintWriter outFile= new PrintWriter("gpaResult.txt");
    while (inFile.hasNext())
        gender= inFile.next().charAt(0);
        gpa= inFile.nextDouble();
        switch (gender)
            case 'M':
            case 'm':
                sumMale= sumMale + gpa;
            case 'F':
            case 'f':
                sumFemale= sumFemale + gpa;
                System.out.println("Invalid gender code: "+gender);
    outFile.print("Sum of male students GPAs: " + sumMale);
    outFile.print("Sum of female students GPAs: " + sumFemale);
    }and this is the error message I get when I build and then try to run the program:
    Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
            at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Scanner.java:838)
            at java.util.Scanner.next(Scanner.java:1461)
            at java.util.Scanner.nextDouble(Scanner.java:2387)
            at gradecalc.main(gradecalc.java:32)
    Java Result: 1
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)I feel like I have the code right, yet it doesn't output anything to my file and gives me the above exception. What's the problem here??

    I actually figured it out. I think some of you programmers out there would be proud of me if you saw this completed code. This forum has really helped me out, but I still make some stupid mistakes. Like the one I realized I made on this program seconds after I made this pose. I realized that I had an unknown character at the end of my input document, which you can't see in my post because I must have not copied and pasted that part. I would delete this post, but don't know how.

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    The Late 2008 model 5,1 Aluminum Unibody and the Late 2009 model 6,1 and Mid 2010 model 7,1 White Unibody have a Mini DisplayPort.
    The Early 2006 model 1,1 through Early 2008 model 4,1s plus the Early and Mid 2009 model 5,2s have Mini-DVI ports. Each would take a different adapter to connect with the TV.
    To see which model you have go to the Apple in the upper left corner and select About This Mac, then click on More Info (and then System Report if you’re running 10.7 Lion). When System Profiler comes up check the Model Identifier and post it back here.

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    I was a system administrator in a computing lab. We were up to our ears (and a few other body parts!) in computers. We created an inventory database of all our computers and then I created a system that would query the main switch for the company and retrieve all the MAC numbers of computers using our network.
    When someone connected an unauthorized computer on our network, within a few seconds I would have a window on my desktop computer showing me the computer's MAC number, IP address and what jack they were plugged into, and a small map showing me which cube the person was sitting in inside the building. If it was through our wireless node, I still had their MAC number.
    With that, I had several tools at my disposal with which I could use to find out what they were doing and look at the sites they were visiting. Even if their packets were encrypted, I could still see what site they were visiting.
    Not only that, we also had access to the logs, so even if someone was authorized, we could still go through the logs and see who was looking at what.
    The point is, whoever owns the network can pretty much see anything they want to see on the network. If you want to keep your surfing private, do it at home on the network you own. And always make sure you have all your security precautions in place!

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    Help needed ASAP.

    If you haven't used Photostream there won't be any photos "actually on iCloud".
    Any photos stored as part of an iOS device backup can be viewed on the iOS device after restoring the backup to the iOS device. They can't be viewed online.

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    Your photo stream photos will appear on your iPad in the my photo stream album; photos from the last 30 days will still be in iCloud but cannot be seen on icloud.com. 
    Camera roll photos are only in iCloud as part of your iCloud backup.  However, you can't see them unless you restore the entire backup to your device.

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    It's not a good idea to use a network disk for both Time Machine backups and other things.  By design Time Machine will eventually consume all the space on its output disk, which will then cause problem for your other files.  I'd store those other files on an external disk connected to the Time Capsule.  The problem with that is that Time Machine will only back up files that are local to your Mac.  That means that you'll only have one copy of the files on or attached to your Time Capsule.
    By the way, you've been misled by poor field labeling on this forum into typing a large part of your message into the field intended for the subject.  In the future just type a short summary of your post into that field and type the whole message into the field below that.

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    Where can i see these three logical database. Please let me know what exacttly use of logical data base.
    PAP Applicant master data
    PCH Personnel Planning
    PNP HR Master Data
    PNPCE HR Master Data (Incl. Concurrent Employment)
    Thank you,

    Logical databases are programs that read data from database tables and pass it to other programs for processing. The order of reading the database tables is determined by a hierarchy.
    Many tables in the R/3 System are linked using foreign key relationships. Parts of these relationships form tree-like hierarchical structures. Logical databases allow you to read data easily from database tables that form parts of these structures
    Retrieving Data Using a Logical Database:
    This is the most important event for executable programs that use a logical database. It occurs when the logical database has read a line from the node <table> and made it available to the program in the work area declared using the statement NODES <table>.
    When you define the corresponding event block in the program, you can specify a field list if the logical database supports field selection for this node:
    GET <table> [FIELDS <f1> <f 2>...].
    Refer the The logical database F1S .
    Transation is se36

  • Can't choose what part of image to print when printing actual size.

    I have a pdf file that needs to be printed out to actual size, since the image is a temlate for a part that I need to cut out. Since the actual size is bigger than the paper size, it shows a purple box in the preview box, indicating what part of the document it's going to print. The first time I printed the image, it let me slide the box or the slider below, left to right to select what part of the document on wanted on the paper. But, now it's just locked in place. I'm not sure what changed. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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    Francine, thank you so much for the tips. It took me over two months but I finally got around to trying to take care of this.
    I tried your suggestions in order. Steps 1-3 did not fix the problem, but reinstalling from Pacifist did (thank goodness!). Wish I had tried that from the get-go.
    Thanks again to everyone for all the suggestions.
    There are a couple of things to try:
    1. If you haven't done so lately, try Disk Utility
    and Repair Permissions. Won't hurt, it's quick and
    easy, and there is a remote possibility that it will
    help. It actually does occasionally fix something
    strange like this.
    2. Go to http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/ and
    download the COMBO 10.4.8 updater (it is huge, like
    148MBs) and run it, then Repair Permissions again.
    3. Restart and hold down the Shift key when you hear
    the startup chime. This will force the computer to do
    a Safe boot. When you see the splash screen saying
    "Safe Mode" release the Shift key. The boot will take
    longer than normal as the system repairs the disk,
    empties font caches, and disables startup items. Not
    sure if Image Capture will run correctly with some
    Apple startup items disabled, but you can try it.
    Restart normally afterwards.
    4. You can download Pacifist here:
    It will extract things from your Install disk so you
    can install only what you need, in your case Image
    My Image Capture has never had a problem, so I'm
    afraid all I can recommend is these general
    approaches. Hope one of them helps.
    g4 laptop Mac OS X (10.4.8)

  • What tool can I insert in tool box to undo last stroke and return to where I previously left off, e.g., when I am writing an e=mail and part of the message is deleted--so I don't have to re-write the whole message again?

    what tool can I insert in tool box to undo last stroke and return to where I previously left off, e.g., when I am writing an e=mail and part of the message is deleted--so I don't have to re-write the whole message again?

    Firefox doesn't do email, it's a web browser.
    If you are using Firefox to access web mail, you need to seek support from your service provider or a forum for that service.
    If your problem is with Thunderbird, see this forum for support.
    or this one

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