Whats your DE like?

I'm just kinda curious as to what arch users are using for their DEs and what they think about the various programs.
I use compiz-fusion with fusion-icon for my WM.  lxpanel for my panel program and myGtkmenu from the AUR for a customizable menu.

there are lots of topics about this already
See the monthly screenshot thread for what people are using right now: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=92243
the LnF awards for what programs people like (at least the light and fast ones): http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=88515
and there's already a poll going around for people's favorite wm/de: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=85535

Similar Messages

  • Suggestion BOX for Premiere Pro!!! Add your suggestions. what would you like to see in CS 6.5 or CS7

    1. I would appreciate if you could import and link files like in avid media composer.
    Sometimes we work on bigger projects and from different computers, but if I open the project on another computer I have to relink the files, what sometimes is really annoying, and sometimes I take my work  home, but can't, since the files are placed on different servers/locations I just can access at work. So, the "real" import would be very helpful.
    2. You also should be able to have the opportunity to structure your project like in avid media composer.
    If you create a new project, there should be just one place/location where your files are stored like the Avid MediaFiles folder.
    3. On the list view - it should be possible to sort assets, and in the project window the icons are still to large (even though you are already chose the smallest)
    4. Speed/Duration - It should be possible not only to adjust the % it would be nice, also to adjust the frame rate.
    e.g. you have a project/clip with 25/24fps. and you want play it in 24/25fps without skipping/interpolating frames.  Also when you render it, it should be possible to choose this option (with the information that the clip will be played slower or faster, depends what you want)  It's just like you would speed or slow down the indicator in the timeline.
    5. Is it already possible to choose a window via keyboard???
    If the source monitor is activated and I want to activate the timeline, can I do this without using the mouse, like (alt+F4)?   Jumping between the source-project monitor, project window, timeline ....  This would increase my work SPEED also if you in the source monitor and want to jump into the effects panel should be possible  without mouse (tab).
    6.  If you already work on a project and you recognize that you have the wrong audio track settings that would it be possible to change it from mono to stereo and stereo to mono.
    7.  Multicam
    If you have set up a Multicam session with many (and/or) big files, than would it be nice if you could do a right click on it and choose something like - convert to workable quality (proxies) - (also the size of the video e.g. from 720p to 360p should shrink)(option box where you can adjust the quality/size and also what premere pro suggest) because in many cases you have to convert it manually and this are some extra steps you have to do, what I think isn't necessary. After you are done with the editing you should right click again and able to choose - replace with original files - or something like that.
    Editing in MULTICAM MODUS is sometimes still a pain. We want edit sometimes in Multicam - Monitor, but every time I stop recording and press play and just want to change the camera, I get an new edit I don't want (and rec turns automatically on) Then when th rec is on and I go frame by frame and click in the multicam monitor on the camera I want, it doesn't add an edit. This all is so weird and makes multicam uncomfortable to work.
    I'm really interested what your ideas are and maybe adobe picks some of it (hopefully) to improve premiere pro.

    Thx for this input and information!
    I'll try it.
    1&2. Most of the time, the files get moved from one server to another where I have no influence on it. That's why import is so important to me, and still have to work on avid media composer.
    4. I knew that it'll work like this this , but I still hope it's going to be easier in future, so I can avoid an extra sequenz
    5. Thx a lot, because I couldn't find out, and this will speed up my work speed
    6. Never mind, I just had once the problem I made a stereo track (because it was recorded in stereo). Then came the time to mix and master it and figured out (this should be mono) I tried to change it to mono but I couldn't.
    7. I'm using multicam most of the time on a mobile computer and I have footage of 4 cameras in 1080p or 720p50/60. Then I can't edit it in multicam because it's too much for my computer and I have to resize it what takes ages. I know you could say I should purchase a better computer, but I have no problems to edit 2 video tracks in 1080p
    Thank you again, and sry that I posted my wishes in this forum. was looking for suggestion box but couldn'd find it. Now I know it's called wishform.
    Again THX alot.!!!

  • Dear Palm: What I'd like in the next update

    We know that webOS and the Palm Pre are 1.0 1.1 products, so we’re going to cut you some slack for now. But that slack is starting to run out, and looking at the competition there are some areas where I think you could improve the Pre to both catch up to and leap frog over iPhone and BlackBerry and Android. So here’s what I'd like to see in the way of software updates before that slack runs out and the real complaining starts.
    My list is after the break, and it’s by no means comprehensive. Feel free to sound off in the comments if there’s something you think should be added in!
    Oh, and Palm, this isn't an ultimatum or anything. It's a wishlist. Of stuff I want. So consider it a shopping list, and you're the grocery store. Some things we can do without, but others are staple items that we need to get through the week, and if you don't have it, we might have to go across town to the other grocery to get it. After a while, that can get kind of old and we might consider just going to the other store. We don't want to, as it's simply not as nice, but they have a lot of what we need.
    Alert Tones. I can only take so much of “da-ding” before I lose my mind wondering if it’s an email or a text message or a low battery alert or... we need the option to change these tones. And not just “pick a new alert tone,” no, the ability to pick different tones for different alerts. And like we can assign specific ringtones to individual callers, the option to assign a tone to an email account (X for Gmail, Y for Exchange, etc) would be great. To a specific contact, even better.
    App Catalog. As your  posting of the Mojo SDK and anticipated expansion of the App Catalog would seem to indicate, you’re on your way to getting a full-on developer community going. That’s all well and good, but your application store needs some serious work. First off is speed: while once up it works just fine, the load time is interminably long for something that is more or less just a specialized web browser. Second is content: we seriously need more applications. Yes there's side-loading homebrew fun, but for 90% of your users the App Catalog is going to be their primary source of apps.
    Autocorrection Software. While I do really like having a physical keypad, there’s something to be said for a robust autocorrection database. And that something to be said is, "Hey, that's kind of cool."
    Cut, Copy, and Paste. It took Apple a while to get it working, but I’ve got to admit, they got it right. We need the ability to copy uneditable text, i.e. a website. Or a received text message. Simply put, this half-measure implementation of cut, copy, and paste in webOS isn’t going to cut it for long (pun only partly intended).
    Backup. Either I need an option to back up my applications and data on my computer, or Palm Backup needs to be updated such that when I have to reset/replace my phone I don’t have to spend half an hour reconfiguring all the settings that were lost. That means contact link associations, calendar colors, and third-party application settings. You don’t need to back up everything (like photos and music), but it won’t take a huge server investment on your part to build a more robust back-up solution.
    Battery Life. Simply put, it’s not good enough. My Pre - with a Seidio extended battery – still barely makes it through a long day on the road. There are only so many things I can turn off before it stops being useful.
    Bluetooth. OBEX. Now. Don’t be all authoritarian on us and not let us send our contact information or files over Bluetooth. This is a smartphone that you want people to use for business things. Like actually exchanging contact information over something other than Facebook. Beside that, OBEX support would let me easily transfer files and the like without hassling with trying to connect to a computer with WiFi.
    Calendar Attendees. Roger McNamee said our Pre would be able to track our location and alert meeting attendees that we were running late. While that would be fantastic, we aren’t expecting that option to appear any time soon, perhaps we can start down that path by giving us the option to add calendar appointment attendees.
    Camera Options. If my Treo 650 could do it, then my Pre should be able to do it, no? We need the ability to adjust resolution of photos, as well as color options (the old standbys of sepia and black-and-white and the like). If you want to give us some more in-depth options, like white balance and saturation adjustment, or even the ability to adjust just how much post-processing the awesome camera chip does, that’d be fine too.
    Context Linking. This is a slightly more advanced request, but this is also a modern smartphone with a powerful operating system. If I enter a phone number, address, or email in a note or memo, the phone needs to notice what it is and give me options to call/text, map, or email with that data.
    Email Formatting. This is a two-fold update. One: dark blue is classy and all, but I like basic black as the default. Two: this screwy reply/forward formatting has got to end. When I forward an email to a colleague, I want them to get the same email that I got.
    Email Sort. While full email search should be built into Universal Search, there are some search options that need to be built into the email application. Let me sort by more than just date and flagged - how about the option to see just unread messages, or messages from Joe?
    External Notifications. If I walk away from my phone and come back a while later and missed a call, plus four emails and two text messages, I have no way of knowing until I turn the phone on. Our enterprising homebrew developer community has figured out how to hack the center button light so that it lights up on new alerts, so we know it won’t be that hard to implement.
    Google Maps. It works on all manner of other devices, so it’s time to add Street View and Latitude features to the webOS version of Google Maps. Additionally, transit and pedestrian mapping options would certainly be nice. And as webOS apps are supposed to be saving all the time, let Google Maps pick up right where it left off after closing the card. It’s one of those things to make it just that much faster.
    Landscape Mode. It’s nice and all to have it in the browser, but it’s time to start adding landscape mode to more applications, like email, memos, and Doc and PDF View. Also, I need to be able to easily access menus while sideways, what use is an accelerometer-enabled phone if it's handicapped when rotated?
    Launcher. We know it can be done, so just flip the switch and let us to add more launcher pages and be done with it.
    IM Clients. The framework is there, it’s time to flip the switch and give us more than AIM and Google Talk. Give us Windows Live and Yahoo to start, and then some of the more obscure options like ICQ and Facebook chat.
    Media Sync. Apple has taken their ball and gone home, and while a cat-and-mouse game of fixing and breaking iTunes synchronization certainly is fun, especially for us at PreCentral, we’re don't want to have to deal with our media synchronization abilities being broken and fixed all the time. So build in some more options for how we sync our media, or even just build your own media sync plugin for all variety of programs. On that same note, it's a little silly that iTunes is the only way to transfer a playlist to my phone - there's no reason this shouldn't work over USB too.
    Music Player. First off we need the option to remember playback locations, especially for podcasts and audiobooks. Secondly, in that same vein, we need the option to scrub along the playback slider (like it’s actually a slider) to scrub through a song.
    Notifications. Before I say this, I want to say that the notification bar is absolutely fantastic. It’s one of webOS’s best features, in my not so humble opinion. But... it doesn’t work in landscape. We don’t need a persistent landscape notification bar, but when I get an email while browsing in landscape mode, all I get is a chime and buzz. Add in a landscape pop-up bar just to tell me what happened (and then it can go away) and we’ll be set.
    Phone As Modem. You said it was going to work at launch, and we know it can work, but Sprint clearly has put the kibosh on the official solution we know you can implement. Talk to them, we’ll pay if you at least give us the choice. That's more money for Sprint, and we know they’d like that. We need Bluetooth and USB solutions, and if you can get us WiFi hot-spot-ish capabilities, you might just get a big hug from yours truly.
    Scroll Bar. The inertial flick scrolling is nice and all, but sometimes I have a really long webpage or list and repeatedly flicking and flicking and flicking gets rather irritating. A controllable scroll bar would do wonders for this qualm. It doesn’t even have to be persistent like the Palm OS of old, in fact I’d prefer it not. Here’s an example: I flick to start scrolling and a translucent scroll bar appears, then I can grab onto it and slide all the way down the page to where I want to be. When I release, it fades away. Magic, no?
    Sprint Navigation. It’s nice that I can map a contact’s address directly from their contact entry, but when you have the actually-pretty-decent Sprint Navigation application included, why on Earth can’t I send the address over there for real navigation? Same goes for Calendar event locations.
    Syncing Tasks/Memos. Being able to sync my tasks with Exchange is nice and all, if I have an Exchange account. But what of us that don’t? Maybe Google Tasks would be a good option, especially now that it’s out of beta. Additionally, applications like Memos need some sort of syncronization option for PC-based editing, even if that has to be through my Palm Profile.
    Text Messages. Forwarding. Really.
    Undo. This goes along with the upgraded cut, copy, and paste request. There are times when I hit delete and utter expletives at my idiocy. With a simple undo command I’d live a life with less profanity.
    Universal Search. Make. It. Universal. Applications, contacts, and the web are fun and all, but you guys in Sunnyvale need to make it truly universal. I should be able to search my emails and memos and tasks. And if you really want to go wild and crazy, allow third-party applications to join the search mix. All of this information of course means we’re going to need some Universal Search options to filter and order things the way we need them.
    Video Recording. It took Apple two years to get it on the iPhone. We don’t necessarily need fancy video editing tools (but we won’t complain if we get them), but the hardware is more than capable of supporting video recording.
    Virtual Keyboard. At least for landscape mode. Don’t get me wrong, I love the physical keyboard, but I like options.
    Visual Voicemail. Sprint licensed visual voicemail to work on the Samsung Instinct, so it’s time to get them to do it for the Pre. I don’t want to use the excuse of “the iPhone has it,” but it does. So does the BlackBerry Storm.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    I think this is an excellent indicator that not only is Palm reviewing the feedback from the support forums here, but actively reviewing feedback/comments/wishes on other sites as well.
    As the original poster copied this (quite solid, IMO) wishlist from Pre Central, the palm support staff acknowledged first seeing it there.

  • HT204088 How how can I synch my ipod + iphone music to my new computer? I get the same error  "my ipod or iphone is synched with another itunes library.An Ipod can be synched with only one itunes library at a time. What would I like to do Erase and Synch

    How can I synch my ipod & iphone music (purchased from itunes on my old laptop) to my new laptop? I keep getting the same message on my itunes on my new laptop: " The ipod/Iphone is synched with another itunes library. An ipod/iphone can be synched with only one itunes library at a time. What would you like to do - Erase and Synch or Transfer Purchases?" What do I do?
    A couple of other items:
    1) I am guessing Apple does not keep a history of all my music purchases? As I did not have my entire library backed-up anywhere, and relying on the music I have on my ipod and my iphone as my only source of itunes music....I have lost over 500 songs!!!
    2) I used to have an Apple account under another account name, and since have switched to a new account name. Is there anyway to find the history of purchases from my old Apple account name and transfer these over to my new account name and onto my new laptop?
    I hope someone can help, I am having a very difficult time trying to obtain answers. Angie

    The iphone/ipod is NOT a storage/backup device.  Not maintaining a backup copy is a big mistake.
    You can transfer itunes purchases from your iphone/ipod to your computer:
    Authorize your computer for all accounts and then click  File>Transfer Purchases

  • What I would like from Cisco is the meaning of all level 3 or lower email messages my Router can send to me. So, that I can take the appropriate actions.

    v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
    o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
    w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
    .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    My Small Business Router has been sending me email messages. This is a RVS-4000 version 1.
    I just want to understand what my Router is emailing me or telling me...
    The last message I received from my RVS-4000 was:
       Oct 30 13:44:09 - IPSEC EVENT: KLIPS device ipsec0 shut down.
    IPSEC EVENT sounds important. Whatever it is... And what is a KLIPS device ipsec0 shutdown????
    I have Log Levels 0-3 selected...
    Log Level
    Setting which level log Router should recorder. Level from 0 ~ 7 means:
    0: LOG_EMERG(system is unusable)
    1: LOG_ALERT(action must be taken immediately)
    2: LOG_CRIT(critical conditions)
    3: LOG_ERR(error conditions)
    4: LOG_WARNING(warning conditions)
    5: LOG_NOTICE(normal, but significant, condition)
    6: LOG_INFO(informational message)
    7: LOG_DEBUG(debug-level message)
    So, when I get any messages... I'm a little concerned. Because the RVS-4000 thinks it's an Error or better.
    What I would like from Cisco is the meaning of all level 3 or lower email messages my Router can send to me. So, that I can take the appropriate actions.
    I know Cisco inhered these Small Business Routers. When they bought Linksys. However, they have not discontinued them totally and they are still for sale. And Cisco has released a new version 2 of the same Router. So I believe Cisco should support them as well.
    Yes, I'm a pain to Cisco. However, I think you understand I'm being scared by my Routers messages to me... And would like some relief.

    Great suggestions. Problems is this is not the forum for your "wish list" as Apple does not read these USER forums.
    Send your feedback to http://www.apple.com/feedback/iphone.html

  • Getting the photos I print to match what they look like on my screen.

    I'm having a hard time getting the photos I print to match what they look like on my screen.  I even bought a monitor calibrator and tried changing  my color settings in Photoshop and it hasn't seemed to help.  The pictures even look different when I pull them up in The ROES program I use to order prints from.  The pictures come out really dull compared to what they look like in Photoshop.  Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to fix this?

    There are a couple of things to note here right away.
    To get a good screen to print match the first consideration is the monitor brightness and white point temperature. The goal is a visual match to paper white.
    The calibrator will help you set this up. Spend some time to find the right settings, because it will depend on the ambient light and your whole working environment. That includes the Photoshop UI - if you use the now default dark UI, images will appear brighter than in the old light UI.
    The second thing to note is that you don't change any Photoshop color settings. The calibration and profiling is all handled automatically, once you found the right settings for white point. Just let the calibration software run through and do its thing, done. The display profile is set up as system default and Photoshop finds it there.
    Once you have a correct display of the file, you then need a correctly color managed print pipeline. If both are accurate, they will match.

  • Open/file in CS6 only shows the blue psd file.  I want to see what it looks like if open.

    Open/file in CS6 only shows the blue psd file.  I want to see what it looks like if open.
    I posted this earlier, but now I can't find it in the forum?

    You could use Bridge, or depending on your operating system, use one of the codec packs that let you view PSD thumbnails in Windows Explorer.  (I don't know OSX)
    This seems like a popular choice for Windows 7
    Personally, I just use Bridge, but I can see how an app like Sage Thumbs would be useful

  • LR and Adorama - whats your workflow?

    hey folks,
    now that i have my web export solution taken care of, im curious about printing.
    ive used adorama a few times and am happy w/ the results. anyone feel like sharing -- how do you prep your images for use w/ them? what settings have been successful for you in obtaining the best results?

    anybody using LR + www.Adorama.com for printing? if show, whats your print workflow like? do you use LR's "Print" section, or just export large jpgs from the "Library"? do you apply output sharpening, and if so what sort?
    just curious how others are using the tool.

  • What Tool You Like The Most To Use In Adobe Photoshop 6?

    Hi Guys,
    I was looking to ask a question about PS 6! It could kinda silly but I found it interesting! Give me your words about what tool you like the most to use in Adobe Photoshop 6?
    Additions would be highly appreciated!

    Hi Christie!
    Actually the thing is that when we are so eager about designing and start using PS then it's hard to tell that what tool we use the most and what tool we like the most to use! Besides my personnal opinion is to use Lasso tool would be my favorite

  • What Would you like to see changed in FC?

    Hello everybody,
    just  a little introduction, as announced flash catalyst would solve the  problem of many designers to publish their work without one line of  code, well, here begins a death foretold. At  some point things to go well but then the problems begin a dependence  to have a programmer on the left arm in addition to the program is  rather limited. Flash is already incorporating the AS3 language, now wonder why launch a program with a new language, rather confusing, no? as  a designer I do not want to worry about programming, but concentrate on  the aesthetic aspect of my layout, which is why I found interesting the  coming of the catalyst. it was all a lie, or say one more death will be announced shortly birth. but we believe that all this will change and enable designers to express their skills as designers and media .... without a single line of code. otherwise the flash is fine and the catalyst becomes an obsolete program. finally,  each monkey on its branch and rethink that, besides confusing the  catalyst does not become functional in the optical designer.
    What would you like to see changed in Catalyst?
    - Most states
    - can apply Form Email etc
    - better handling of text
    - No dependence with programmers, or if it is not possible to incorporate code changes in the proper catalyst
    more there, and hopefully remember me
    I  want to thank The Adobe team that created the opportunity to open new  horizons to the class of designers, I still think that the catalyst has  great potential ,.... but not the way it is.
    Thank you for your attention
    and say what they liked to see

    Well the forms for sure. At least an email form. This really just needs to be there. Ultimatley I think there just needs to be some training right now if they want this product to get used the way they intended. I am sure I will have a ton more to add to this list as I dig deeper into my first live job using it.
    Not sure on the AS3 thing, it has been out since 2006, although I may have just misread what you were saying.
    A way to change the loading bar would definitly be nice now that I am thinking about it.

  • The bpp from R3 to Ecc6, what is it like?

    the bpp from R3 to Ecc6, what is it like?  and generally, how many times for R3 Server's installation ?
    what is it like?

    It depends upon your system landscape. If you have 3 system landscape then there would be 3 upgrade in the project. DEV,QAS & PRD.

  • Windows 8 upgrading to pro from standard/single language edition pricing, whats your thought on this

    Hi All
    Being in the Tech industry and working day to day life of users issue i have noticed that, even though uncommon, i would need to upgrade from windows 8/8.1 to Pro, and my clients, with this general question, Why is it so expensive if i already got windows
    8, shouldnt it have most of the features and now we just buying the addons? Basic response is yes they are right but you're actually purchasing a WHOLE key and not a partial key from MS. But it does leave a section of question, why should i spend $118 - 140
    to upgrade to Pro when most of the features are already built in?
    Shouldnt microsoft upgrade the key and just install the missing features at a lower price ? e.g if single licensing is $90 and pro is $110, they charge u $20 instead of $110. I understand it about money and such, but i believe more people would upgrade to
    pro easier if the price was adjusted like that instead of it current strategic plan of a full price of Pro just to gain some basic features like Domain ability.
    Whats your thoughts? 
    Lee Snr Systems Adminstrator

    For windows 8.1 as an example, you need $99.99 to add the Windows 8.1 pro pack and get the
    Windows Media Center and the power of Windows 8.1 Pro.
    As I know, Windows 8 pro has added some important features such as Hyper-V, GP, VHD, bitlocker, domain..etc which are essential for business management\small organization. 
    You can find the comparison list in the following link
    We don't have the "power" to change the price :) so I just want to share the links above with you and hope you can understand the value of Windows 8/8.1 pro.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • What is iMac like for gaming?

    Hi. What is it like to play games on a iMac?

    Overall good but if you want state of the art gaming performance then you should have a dedicated gaming PC with top of the line graphics cards, RAM, etc... However if gaming isn't your #1 priority in life then you would probably be very happy gaming with an iMac, there are a variety of specifications available so just choose the one you want and order it. One primary advantage a Mac has over a PC is it can run both OS X and MS Windows, they can even run them simultaneously if you use virtualization software such as VMWare Fusion or Parallels.

  • HT1338 I currently have Snow Leopard and am thinking of upgrading to Lion but have heard some bad things about it.  Should I upgrade or not? What do you like/dislike about Lion?

    I currently have Snow Leopard and am thinking of upgrading to Lion but have heard some bad things about it.  Should I upgrade or not? What do you like/dislike about Lion?

    It is indeed all down to what you need to do with your machine.   Snow leopard is an excellent OS and as Baltwo suggests you have to check out your current apps and programs because PPC won't work on any higher OS than the one you have.
    Andy's comment is very interesting and, I suspect, insider knowledge based     Certainly I would wait for Mavericks now it is on the horizon ... and then add six months or so for the bugs to be ironed out.
    Good luck, whatever you do.   I'm staying with Snow Leopard.

  • When I embed a linked image in a document it 'grows' in thickness. What do I need to do to maintain what it looked like before embedding?

    When I embed a linked image in a document it 'grows' in thickness. What do I need to do to maintain what it looked like before embedding?

    I am using a mac - OSX 10.7.5
    I have Adobe Creative Suites - CS5 - Illustrator version is 15.0.2
    The contents I am placing are all  Vector - Illustrator files
    I used 'simple' linear (line) drawings from SolidWorks that have been converted to ai files. It's just weird because I checked the stroke of the drawing and it's not out of line (stroke is about .5 pts). I also made some of the labels in the examples below earlier and they didn't exhibit the 'larger stroke images'. Perhaps I clicked on something in the Preferences or some other place that caused my problem?
    I am attaching part of some box labels. You can see how the drawings, of the products, on the 'left side' are "thick" (strokes have grown) after embedding them. I think the "Global Logo" was pasted into a template that was not linked and embedded - that's why it's okay. But look at the Quiet Thunder logo - it looks terrible. These labels are only 2.25" X 6.5", so its important I keep the images lightweight.
    Your help is very much appreciated. Thank you!

Maybe you are looking for