Where do we define new parnter functions

hi gurus,
where do we define new partner functions for creating new customers
what is the transaction code for that?
Thanks & Regards

Hi Mubeen,
Go to T code VOPA and define your new partner functions.
Reward points if useful.
Vinod Palli

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    Try below LSMW batch input method its very esay to upload data
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    Method               0001   Standard
    Program Name         RFBIKR00
    Program Type         B   Batch Input

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    Hi Jam,
    Check in SPRO
    IMG>Financial Accounting (New)->Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable>Business Transactions->Outgoing Payments->Automatic Outgoing Payments->Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program->
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    Hope clear
    Kishore K

  • How to define a new partner function?

    Dear experts!
    Thank you for your attention!
    we are using ECC6.0, I just want to ask how we can define or create a new partner function?
    Best regard!

    Use Tcode  VOPA
    Partner function
    Specify an alphanumeric key which can have up to 2 characters and a description for a partner function.
    Partner type
    The partner type is an indicator which informs you of the type of partner, for example, partner type customer "KU".
    Currently, you cannot change the partner types in customizing. You canonly select the partner types that are included in the standard SAP R/3 System.
    Error group
    Using the error group, you assign an incompletion procedure to a partner function (see section "Incompletion log").
    Higher-level function
    For a partner function, you can specify the higher-level partner
    function. In this way, you can portray an existing dependency between the partner functions.
    Unique in customer master record
    If you characterize a partner function as unique, you can specify it only once in the customer master record.
    The sold-to party has to be unique in the customer master record whereas you may specify several contact persons.
    Customer hierarchy type
    In this field you can specify whether a partner function can be used for a customer hierarchy. Enter the customer hierarchy type permitted
    for the partner function. Refer to the section "Define hierarchy types
    and assign to account groups".
    Convert functions
    If you work with several languages in the sales and distribution
    system, you can carry out a language-dependent function conversion.
    This means you can display the internal key definition, for example, AG, WE, and so on, differently on the screen depending on the logon language of the user. For example, you can display the key CU as AG when logged on in German. (The conversion is necessary because the partner functions such as AG, WE are partially hardcoded in the programs.)
    Edited by: DWARKESH THAKKAR on Oct 28, 2008 7:16 AM

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    There is a new partner functions been defined for a customer apart from soldto,shipto,payer,billtoparty partner functions.
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    pls help me !!

    You should enhance the standard Data source 0customer_attr with that additional partner function (sales head) as per the proper logic and replicate the same . if it is 3.5 that same object( related to that field length and data type) same object can be added as attribute at info object level and do the transfer rules   and activate that and try to the load.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Add new partner function as a characteristic in structure PAPARTNER

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    I have create 2 new partner functions (Z) in SD and have assinged in customer master. I need these 2 custom partner functions to be transfered to CO-PA during billing. I have followed OSS Notes 12682, 36557 and 36406.
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    Can anyone tell me what is missing?
    Best regards,

    normally it should work fine if you followed SAPNET note 36557 + corresponding. If it is freight cost where the problem occurs, see SAPNET note 411032. See also 93658, maybe thats helpful.
    Best regards, Christian

  • Where do we define partner types like KU,LI,VS,LS...?

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    Their u can select area where u want to define them.
    Only clicking after one of the options u will se partner function on the left side of ur screen, double click on it.
    There u will see all the partner functions...here u can create new partner function or use the available one..
    Hope it helps.

  • Define New Partner Types

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    Hi Piyush,
    You can go to the following path.
    SPROSDBFPartner determinationSet up partner determination---Set up Partner determination for Customer master (or for any other transaction too)
    Here you can see that partner types are also defined along with the partner functions we use. We can copy the partner type and create a new one.
    Whenever we create a new Partner Function, the function has to be assigned to one of the partner types so that the partner function can behave as the partner type. For example if a partner function is assigned to partner type KU, then a partner of that PF can behave like a partner type.
    Reward if it helps.

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    version 2007 PL 15
    When my addon is running the business partner contacts tab is missing the "Define New" option and contacts cannot be added.
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    the problem must be in your addon. I think that you dont catch correctly the events or you work on incorrect form. For solution I recomend to find out the item no in BP contact (its 13) and search  through your code where is the 13 and check if is it correct. Maybe the problem is, that contacts in BP are only in ok form mode - check if have somewhere in code changing of formmode for BP form.

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    I'm beginning to think the PLUS in PRE means MORE PROBLEMS.
    I just can't keep going back to the stores, this is frustrating!!!!!  I only have less than a week before 30 days is up.
    I'm not one to complain like this, but I've just about had it.

    I sure hope you bought to $7.99 protection plan...

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    "XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0"(http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xslt-19991116)
    have "Additional Function" and "Extension Functions".
    It is easy to define a transform function with ms biztalk mapper.
    but how to do with weblogic or with Apache Xalan????!!!!!!
    pleasy give me a sample!!!!!!!!!!!!

    look at the samples bea\wlserver6.0sp1\samples\examples\xml
    Namaste - I bow to the divine in you
    Filip Hanik
    Software Architect
    [email protected]
    "xp" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3b52ff86$[email protected]..
    "XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version1.0"(http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xslt-19991116)
    have "Additional Function" and "Extension Functions".
    It is easy to define a transform function with ms biztalk mapper.
    but how to do with weblogic or with Apache Xalan????!!!!!!
    pleasy give me a sample!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    I have my function defined and registered. In the definition under "Web HTML" tab, I have my pl/sql procedure call under "HTML Call". Where do the parameters go?
    On the customization of form POXPOEPO, I am using Builtin - Launch a function. I want to pass the po_header_id, so under "Parameters", I did "Insert Item Value" of :PO_HEADERS.PO_HEADER_ID
    My custom HMTL page is popping up, but the parameter is not being passed. Is there something in the Function Definition where I can define the incoming paramaters?

    Post your question in below forum:
    General EBS Discussion

  • New Node functions in PI 7

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    Can anybody tell me what are the new node function(s) added in PI 7 compare to XI 3? Apart from node fucntions what are the new functions available in PI 7?

    Refer PI 7.1 Blogs:
    SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 - Details [original link is broken]
    New in SAP PI 7.1
    Mapping enhancements:
    1.     Graphical variables:
    2.     Function library: In lower releases, you were able to save and manage user-defined functions as part of one message mapping only. You can now create  function libraries independently of specific message mappings, and can use the functions you define in them in multiple message mappings.
    3.  Correcting Structural Inconsistencies

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    Hai Shilpa,
    1) You can create Account Keys in OBCN t.code this is used for Tax Procedure purpose
    2) Secnond one is the u can create in FI-SD integration purpose
    You define your account keys in this menu option and allocate them to the condition types in the pricing procedures.With the account keys, you group together similar accounts in financial accounting. Using the account key, the SAP System finds the desired G/L accounts.This way you can allocate a separate account key to each condition type within a pricing procedure to implement detailed revenue account determination.For example, you can allocate a freight condition to a freight revenue account, or a surcharge for packaging costs to a corresponding account for packaging revenues.
    u2022ERF freight revenues
    u2022ERL revenues
    u2022ERS sales deductions
    u2022EVV cash settlement
    u2022MWS sales tax
    SPRO u2192 REF IMG u2192 Sales and Distribution u2192 Basic Functions u2192 Account Assignment/Costing  u2192  Revenue Account Determination  u2192 Define and Assign Account Keys
    Madhu I
    Edited by: Madhu I on Apr 14, 2009 4:25 PM

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