Who missed deadline?

Business requirement - Send escalation mails to different levels of the manager based on how many days a work item is past due. For example in a parallel processing workflow,  agent A, B, C were chosen to do approval.  If agent C forwarded work item to agent D,  escalation mail should go to D's supervisor instead of C's supervisor when deadline is missed.
Problem - How do I capture the actual agent after a work item was forwarded(although I can see it obviously in workflow log).  I found function modules available to use but they all require work item ID as input parameter.  The issue I had was I won't be able to get work item ID until work item is executed(through binding).  I also tried to use "Method Before work item EXECUTION" but I did not see information I want populated in workflow container.
Could anyone please share your thoughts how this problem can be solved?
Thank you,

Hi Gareth,
How can I use that FM in this particular decision step? You said to use that FM when deadline was reached - I assumed you meant to use "modeled" deadline. Again I am still stuck at where could I capture _WORKITEM.WorkitemID in the step container before the step is executed to pass it to the new method I created with this FM?  I don't think you meant to customize the Decision.Process method with this FM....  Could you please tell me what I missed?
I got an idea from your reply by trying Modeled deadline.  I thought I can use dummy method in the outcome branch when deadline is reached to get parent ID(what I am after).   My simple test workflow is like this:  workflow start (ID 331288) -> Specify agent ->(ID 331289) -> Approval (ID 331290 ) -> Dummy (ID 331291).  Surprising the parent WI ID of  331291 is not 331290 but 331288. I also test it with FM "SWW_WI_FIND_FATHER_WIS" and get the same result.  This is so strange ....  Do you know why?
Thanks again,
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        Merta Her
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        Merta Her

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    Hi Mikkel,
    Yes the correct approach for this scenario is to use a modeled deadline outcome, and then just add a sendmail step after that outcome.  This is really very simple to do.  Modeled deadlines don't have to be complicated.
    If you want to send the email to the same recipients the work item was sent to, and you used a rule to find your recipients, use the RULERESULT element in the rule binding to capture who the recipients are.
    You can't use RSWUWFML2 for this process - that's not what this program does (its just for notifying recipients the FIRST time the work item has been added to their inbox).  Although you could use its replacement application SWNCONFIG in 6.40 to do something similar.
    However best approach is to use the modeled deadline outcome + send mail step.

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    You can try with transaction SM30, table SWWVTYPTXT.
    Look for workitem type 'D' missed deadline, you can then change the text according to your need.
    Be aware this is a SAP standard change.

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    i have found a easy solution.
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    Hi Workflow learner,
    I am also learning workflows and I have been asked to create a workflow deadline which will escalate the workitem to the next level approver once the deadline is missed.
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    So yeah, I feel your pain but I've found a kind of workaround that will give you some of the missing layout features you miss from the previous versions of Skype, including the compact view and opening chats in new windows.
    To do so, follow these steps.
    Log into Skype, (obviously).
    On the page that appears click VIEW.
    Then click on SPLIT WINDOW.
    Then close the second window that appears.
    Please be sure to tell anyone you know about this topic and to reply to keep others aware of the workaround.
    It should also be noted that you'll still be running 6.21 or 6.22, so any changes to the client itself will still be in effect and some of the minor cosmetic changes, (such as borders and colour schemed), will still be present too, but fundamentally it will look and work like previous versions.
    Admin's: please feel free to pin this topic if a great deal of people find it helpful, I definately think that others would be happy with this help.
    Go to Solution.

    There's also a really useful blog article that summarizes how you can tweak the new layout: http://blogs.skype.com/2014/11/13/getting-to-grips-with-the-2014-skype-layout/
    NanaTeppler wrote:
    I just upgraded to version My chat window for IMs now has blue text on a lighter blue background. Now some of us are old and decrepit and find this difficult to see. Is there a way to change the chat area text back to black on a white background?
    Currently there's no option to deactivate the blue chat bubble background, but we've heard the feedback from quite a few users and are looking into how we can improve the readability.
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

  • Stop Missed Deadline Notification

    Dear Experts,
    The requirement is as follows:
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    2. Field is not filled before save.
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    Please help how to stop the latest end deadline message if the field is filled with in the time frame manually.
    Thanks a lot,

    Everytime you model a workflow you have to think about how the process can be influenced and will this effect the workflow.
    So in your case. you can change a field through a workitem or without.
    And you want to set deadline monitoring on the workitem, the whole workitem will be invalid when someone has changed it in SAP.
    So you should use a fork 1:2 in one branch the workitem with its monitoring and in the other a wait for event, which monitors the change of that field, you might have to create your own event and control it though field restrictions in change documents.
    Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

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    In my PO release  workflow  scenario, deadline is not working . On searching in this forum  I come to know that a batch  job u201CSWWDHEXu201D with step u201CRSWWDHEXu201D  needs to be scheduled with frequency 3 mins, so i did this. Now the issue is no workitem is getting created and the above batch job is also getting cancelled due to error. The error description is as follows :
    Runtime Errors         MOVE_NOT_SUPPORTED.
    Short text
        Conversion from type "D" to "T" not supported.
    Error analysis
        The fields "ABAPFIELD" (type "D") and "<SWC_CONT>" (type "T")
        cannot normally be transported to each other.
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    Hi Akshay,
    II have copied the Std workflow WS20000075 into a custom one and in the latest end tab, i have selected "Workitem creaton" for Refer Date/Time field and given 5 mins. I have deactivated the workflow in which i have created the containers for date and time and used "Expresion" for latest end and also commented the zmethod in delegated object. Even now also the job is getting cancelled with the same error.
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    Hi all,
    My requirement is triggering of email if tasks is not acted upon within two days.
    Can anyody explain how emails can be triggered to user if user hasnt acted upon task withinn 2 days?
    Edited by: sanj_dell on Mar 7, 2012 5:01 AM

    I suppose you are getting notifications to your inbox. If yes, then you could change the setting in transaction SO16 that the system will send the notifications as emails. Anyhow, be careful with this, since this is a global setting and then all notifications will be sent as emails in the system.
    Another option: in the deadline tab, you should be able to change the it as "modeled deadline". This will mean that a new branch will appear into the workflow. And you can add an email sending step into this branch. Probably this is a better approach since you can formulate the email text by yourself and you don't need to worry about changing the global setting.

  • Doubts in workflow steps

    I want to use a local workflow in exsisting scenario with minor modification.
    My doubt is In one step(change basic material data field in basic data2 in material master material) i send it one user(user1) with previous step results and he should change the data in specified field and it has deadline monitor.
    if the work item has reached deadline i again send it to new user(user2), at the same time i should get who missed deadline detail and should deativate the unexecuted workitem(user1's inbox)
    and send mail to the new user(user2) with details of previous step results.
    workflow like this:
                   previous step
                   send mail to responsible agent
                   send change material work item
                   the change is not finished again
                    start with sendmail to responisble user
                    step and execution continue        
    how to do this.
    please suggest me.

    For your scenario the workflow design should look something like this,
    In the workflow container create a variable with length 1.
    Make sure that you pass this variable to all the activities in the workflow. That is from Workflow -->Task.
    Step 1: send mail to responsible agent
    Step 2: send change material work item
    Step 3: The change is not finished again and if changes are successfully done set the variable created in the workflow container as "X" otherwise "SPACE".
    Step 4: Here create a loop until operation step, this activity should check the value of variable created in the container. If it is X come out or send the mail again.
       Step/Activity 1
       Step/Activity 2
       Step/Activity 3
    CHECK the variabl value set in step 3.
    Depending up on the variable teh control is transferred to Step/Activity 1.
    Mail me if you are not clear. Because some parts of Workflow cannot be explained without the screen shots.
    You give your mail ID will send a document on Workflow.
    Venkat Ramanan N

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    What Adobe has done is blindly pull the rug right out from under our feet by deprecating support for ColdFusion in Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver has been the one and only application I and thousands of others have used to code, design and FTP websites for years. Some of us have been using Dreamweaver as far back as when Allaire built it specifically to help ColdFusion developers. Dreamweaver offered ColdFusion tag support, a design view when needed, and an efficient way to FTP files.
    It seems what Adobe is telling us now is that Dreamweaver is somehow not the right application for developing ColdFusion websites, but oddly enough the correct one for PHP developers. The only reason I can see that Adobe stripped the support for ColdFusion within Dreamweaver is to sell us CF Builder... which is suspiciously missing from any Creative Cloud subscription. Otherwise there was no real reason to pull support from ColdFusion within Dreamweaver.  
    What's more, it is going to take me and others weeks to learn a new program and that's time most of us don't have to spare. It's enough to keep up with the browser changes. I am a one man shop, as are many who used Dreamweaver, and every minute we use learning a new program instead of building websites is money lost. So Adobe is costing us money.
    The reality for a lot of developers is that we can barely pay the Creative Cloud subscription fees every month, much less purchase a whole new program just because Adobe has forced our hand. I just don't understand why Adobe would drop support for ColdFusion within Dreamweaver when the program was working. It wasn't like the program was broken and the ColdFusion tag support was causing a problem with the program.
    All Adobe has done is caused ill will towards their company and probably many developers to go out of business, at the least lose money when the economy is so tight. Thanks Adobe, for nothing.

    You can, relatively easily, put the rug back in place. Since you're a CC Subscriber, you can move back to a previous version of DW through the Creative Cloud Desktop App...
    Open the CC Desktop App
    Click Apps tab
    Scroll down to filters and versions
    Click previous versions
    Download and install an older version of DW
    From there, use the older DWCS6 until you have the time and inclination to learn CF Builder or move to another non-Adobe application. There's no reason to sit and struggle with the new non-CF version of DW CC, blow billable hours and miss deadlines due to training.
    As far as I've seen, there is no plan to bring any CF support back into DW. Adobe's plan is to move people to the perpetual license CF Builder instead.

  • Error in Schedule Background Job for Deadline Monitoring of swu3

    While Auto Customization swu3 i am getting error message 'Output device "" not known' in 'Schedule Background Job for Deadline Monitoring'
    Please advice what could be cause of it

    the earlier problem of background job was solved by changing the  output device assigned to user wf-batch .
    regarding the transport request :
    when i was trying to execute the step : "Schedule bakgrd for missed deadlines " MANUEL it was giving me an option of SAVE AND SCHEDULE . which was creating the transport request . but when i executed it automatically it worked fine without asking a request to me ... i don't know why )-: ... probablly we can specify a different interval then the standard of three minutes and which will be transported (it's just a guess) . i have  executed it  automatically ...
    well thanks all for u r help

  • Alert notification configuration for Deadline

    We are in SRM7.0. For Sc and PO,I have to send alert when the workitem is not processed for 48 hours. I did the configuration in SPRO. The system is trying to send the alert. Whne I check the log in SLG1, it is giving the error message as 'No alert category found'.
    When I check the SOST, I see mails with subject 'Alert could not be delivered. Please check document &OBJECT_ID&'. All are in
    error status. The send method used is 'RML'. I could see the message 'Cannot process message, no route from <user1> to <user2>.
    In SCOT, there is no node created under RML.
    Can anyone help me in configuring this alert notification for deadline?

    Did you Verify your configuration in IMG > Application Server>Basis Services-->Generic Business Tools --> Alert Management
    These configurations are required for you to set up Deadline monitoring
    1. IMG activity Define Transaction Types
    2. IMG activity Define Events
    3. IMG activity Define Alert Categories - In the event schema the alert categories are assigned as Subcategories only to events that are to generate alerts. They determine the recipients and the subscribers  ( Subscription) and also the short and long text of the alerts. SRM supplies a predefined alert category for the relevant object type in the classification SRM Alerts and you can copy and modify this.
    This is done in Event Control for the Object TYpe and Event Schema Combination in Deadline Monitoring COnfiguration under Process Controlled workflow configuration. Make sure each event which you are scheduling is having a Event Category and Subcategory of the Event. Seems you are missing something here.
    For more information, see the Help Portal under
    http://help.sap.com/ -> SAP R/3 Enterprise, Release 4.70 -> SAP-NetWeaver Components -> SAP Web Application Server -> Basis-Services / Communication Interface -> Business Workplace and Services -> Alert Management -> Alert Category
    4. Then you schedule Background job for generating Deadline Alerts. Job SWWDHEX is schedule for this purpose. This is done in Automatic Workflow Customizing(SWU3) --> Maintain Runtime Environment -->Schedule Background job for Missed Deadlines
    See also
    Note 1051787 - SRM notifications not displayed in UWL
    Virender Singh

  • Deadline path not reachable...

    Hi All,
    I have created a PR workflow in which i am sending a workitem for overall release. I have set the modeled deadline for the same to 2 minutes. But it is not flowing into deadline branch even after 30 minutes. What can be the reason for the same?
    Please advice.

    please check in the transaction SWU3
    probably the configuration for Schedule Background Job for Missed Deadlines is not configured

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