Wht is Serial # -SERNR in MM?

Hi Experts,
Just for curiosity sake, wuld like to know MM things(I know some thing, but wuld like to know more),
1 - Wht is Batch managed?
2 - Wht is Equipement #?
3 - Wht is Serial Number?
Pls. clarify with real world example.

Managing the cost on batch or serial number level means new valuation method.
An item managed by serial/batch numbers will have another option for the valuation method, which is NOT one of the current three (standard, moving average, FIFO).
1. W/c category depends upon your reqmt. You can take Machine as a w/c category. Default values, and if reqd. scheduling , cap. details are the data to be fed.
2.If you want to take single result for no. of euipment, then select summarized result as control indcator. Else select single result.
If you want to record results once again after you`ve done rr, then select the characteristic in RR screen, and unlock it. Later you can again perform RR.
3. In QA32, Equipment no. cannot be viewed. It can be known from the Inspection Lot.
This Program is used to upload the Equipment details to SAP .... Select all the equipment numbers for the material number serial number

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    I guys.
    I didn't find any BAPI  to create an Inbound Delivery with Reference to PO using Serial Numbers so I've made a Function Module with BDCData.
      LOOP AT serial.
        ADD 1 TO ld_count.
        ld_value = serial-sernr.
        CONCATENATE  'RIPW0-SERNR(' ld_count ')' INTO ld_field.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING ld_field ld_value.
    This works fine for 10 entries, but when I'm trying to use 1000 entries in serial Internal Table I'm getting the error: Screen 0000 is too large for internal batch input area - Message no. 00379.
    Please note that my issue is the Serial numbers, so don't answer me please with BAPIs that doesnt allow me to deal with this.
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance,

    As I expect, it solved my problem. It's not pretty, but it works...
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLIPW1'       '0200'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'     'RIPW0-SERNR(01)'.
      DATA: ld_valor(4) TYPE n,
            ld_tabix TYPE sy-tabix.
      LOOP AT serial.
        ld_tabix = sy-tabix.
        IF ld_next = 'X'.
          CLEAR ld_next.
          ld_count = 2.
          ADD 1 TO ld_count.
        ld_value = serial-sernr.
        CONCATENATE  'RIPW0-SERNR(' ld_count ')' INTO ld_field.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING ld_field ld_value.
        ld_valor = ld_tabix + 17.
        ld_valor = ld_valor MOD 18.
        IF ld_tabix NE 1 AND ( ld_tabix EQ 19 OR ld_valor EQ 0 ).
          ld_next = 'X'.
          PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'     '=PNPG'.
          PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLIPW1'       '0200'.
          PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'     'RIPW0-SERNR(01)'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'     '=RWS'.

  • Help required in Transformations (XML Conversion)

    Hi All,
    Iam using transformations for reading the data from XML to Internal tables. Everything is working fine.
    Here my question is, If some tags are missing in the XML file, program is giving error 'TAG XXX is missing'.
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    Please help. thanks.

    My transformation is as below... Please let me know you mail ID so that i will send XML format
    <?sap.transform simple?>
    <tt:transform xmlns:tt="http://www.sap.com/transformation-templates" template="temp">
      <tt:root name="ROOT"/>
      <tt:template name="temp">
        <tt:loop ref="ROOT">
          <!-- Read Header Details -->
            <!-- Profile ID -->
                <tt:value ref="$ref.profile"/>
            <!-- BOL Number -->
            <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($ref.bol)">
                <tt:value ref="$ref.bol"/>
            <!-- CopyIndicator -->
            <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($ref.copy)">
                <tt:value ref="$ref.copy"/>
            <!-- LineCountNumeric -->
            <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($ref.lcn)">
                <tt:value ref="$ref.lcn"/>
            <!-- GrossWeightMeasure -->
            <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($ref.gwm)">
                <tt:value ref="$ref.gwm"/>
              <!-- Pro Number -->
            <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($ref.pro)">
                <tt:value ref="$ref.pro"/>
            <!-- DespatchAdviceTypeCode -->
            <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($ref.dac)">
                <tt:value ref="$ref.dac"/>
            <!-- Reading Trailer Number and Scac code -->
              <!-- Trailer Number -->
              <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($ref.trailer)">
                  <tt:value ref="$ref.trailer"/>
              <!-- SCAC Code -->
              <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($ref.scac)">
                  <tt:value ref="$ref.scac"/>
            <!-- Reading PO Details -->
            <tt:loop name="details" ref="$ref.details">
                <!-- PO Number -->
                <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($details.po)">
                    <tt:value ref="$details.po"/>
                <!-- Item Number -->
                <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($details.item)">
                    <tt:value ref="$details.item"/>
                <!--Reading  Material Details -->
                  <!--Material Details -->
                  <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($details.matnr)">
                      <tt:value ref="$details.matnr"/>
                  <!--Quantity -->
                  <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($details.tiq)">
                      <tt:value ref="$details.tiq"/>
                  <!--Packing Slip -->
                  <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($details.packing)">
                      <tt:value ref="$details.packing"/>
                  <!--Reading Serial Number Details -->
                  <tt:loop name="serial" ref="$ref.serial">
                      <!--Serial Number -->
                      <tt:s-cond check="not-initial($serial.sernr)">
                          <tt:value ref="$serial.sernr"/>
    We are reading the data from XML..Please suggest.. Please let me know how to use <tt:group>
    Edited by: Sreedhar841 on May 27, 2010 4:09 PM

  • Creating QRY and need Serial Number Table for Field SERNR

    I am creating a SQVI Query that will give me all material in stock and their serial number or batch number. I was able to create the batch number by using:
    LQUA-WERKS = Plant
    LQUA-MATNR = Part Number
    LQUA-LGPLA = Storage Bin
    LQUA-VERME = Available Stock
    LQUA-WDATU = Date of Goods Receipt
    LQUA-BDATU = Date of Last Movement
    LQUA-LGTYP = Storage Type
    LQUA-EDATU = Date of Last Placement into Stock
    LQUA-CHARG = Batch Number
    OK I would like to add the Serial Number and when I review in lets say lQ01 I can't find the table name for the serial number - just the field name which is SERNR.
    Does anyone know of the table name and how I can link to table LQUA?

    Quant and the equipment master do not have direct relationship and if you are not using HUM, there is no connection between quant and the equipment master.
    If you are using the euqipment master...  There are number of tables that stores the serial number by the different type of assignments.  For example, if you are looking for serial number assigned to delivery, you can look in SER01.  If you search for table SER*, you will see all of them.  These tables have the key field of "OBKNR" which can be used to access the table OBJK to find the equipment number for the serial number.
    If not, SERI will give you serial number detail.

  • Update asset master record serial number (ANLA-SERNR) when doing GR

    Hi gurus,
    The client has a requirement to update the serial# on an asset master record when the user process goods receipt through MIGO.  I've looked at the functional side to find a solution for this but I have not found any.  Is there a BADI or another functionality that we can use to update the serial# on an asset master record upon GR?

    Dear Camb
    Did  you  find  a  solution  for this issue?

  • Open field ANLA-SERNR - Serial Number

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    Currently the Serial Number field in AA Master Data for Create and Change is only on display even though the Screen Layout Rules is set for Optional.
    What is missing?

    Hey Nathan,
    There was a missing authorization on the Asset Views.
    Its sorted now,
    Thanks for the help

  • Report for Inventory Status for Serialized Materials

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    Also I have another issue. Whenever I try to find the stock type for a particular EQUNR in table EQBS, it gives a message saying that no data exists for this EQUNR in this table. I wanted to know what could be the possible reasons for this. I am currently investigating on the following reasons, 1. I think the material is flagged for deletion so that all the EQUNRs and SERNRs associated with that material will be deleted. However, I don’t know how to see all the material associated with a particular EQUNR? Another reason I think is that that EQUNR, or that SERNR does not have any quantity in SAP so no stock type. I could be wrong, but still searching. Can you think of something which could cause this problem (i.e. the message saying that no data exists for this EQUNR in table EQBS?)
    Thank you for your help.

    Hello Azz,
    Have you tried transaction code IQ09 report? I this this will meet your requirement to some extent.
    Arif Mansuri

  • Serial number field and table

    I want Serial number field and table,
    Scenario like this,for returnable packging material we have assigned serial numbers,mtrl type is LEIH,so for tracking of RTP material now we are going to Develop one Report for this i need ur Help.
    Logic is:1)Matrl doc at the time of Delievery.
                Qty,Posting Date,Customer,Mvt type,Serial numbers for all.
                 Beacause at the time of Del we are mentioned all serial numbrs.
                2)Material Document at the time of GI.
                Same field as mentioned as above.
    After that,3)System is to Calculate How many Matrl are deliever to Custmer upto current  Period.Say  10.
    4)Calculte  How many Matrl are Recieved from the Custmer upto current  period.say 5
    5)Del - Issue=Total Number of Material is in Customer side.Say 5
    6)According to the Serial Number wise system has to calculate in which month delieverred matrl is in still customer side.
    (Ex PGI date 20.02.2007  3 qty
    Serial Number    1,2,3
    Issue date    20.03.2007   2 qty
    Serial Number    2,3
    Serial number  1 still is in Customer side.
    Age is 2 month)
    I am giving simple ex.
    so pls any body is having this idea pls Shared with me.

    Hi Raghu,
    Check table SER01(Document Header for Serial Numbers for Delivery).
    OBJK is the object table and you will have SERNR as serial number in this table.
    check table EQUI
                          EQUI -SERGE
    EQUI-SERGE is Manufacturer serial number.chk if this is the one u r looking for.
    key in plant and material in this table to fetch the Serial number profile of the material.
    Check in IKPF AND ISEG Tables... ( inventory )
    Hope it will hep u

  • Problem with updating serial numbers in sales order!

    I am trying to update serial numbers for a sales order in SAP. I tried using both SERNR_ADD_TO_AU and SERNR_ADD_TO_DOCUMENT. However, in both cases the FM returned the number of serial numbers created but these did not reflect in the sales order. The code for both is as below:
    WA_SERXX-SDAUFNR = '0000001733'.
    WA_SERXX-POSNR = '000010'.
    WA_SERXX-KUNDE = '0000009000'.
    WA_SERNR-SERNR = '000000001234ABCDAR'.
    WA_SERNR-SERNR = '000000001234ABCDAQ'.
        operation                       = 'SDAU'
        objkopf                         = 'SER02'
        serxx                           = wa_serxx
        material                        = 'P1-TEST'
       PROFILE                         = 'Z001'
        quantity                        = '2'
      M_CHARGE                        =
       J_VORGANG                       = 'PMS2'
      KMATNR                          =
      CUOBJ                           =
      R_MATERIAL                      =
      BSTCH                           =
      BSTUP                           =
      SNBWG                           =
      EMATN                           =
      KDAUF                           =
      KDPOS                           =
      AUTOMATIC                       = ' '
      NO_ENQUEUE                      = ' '
      MORE_ALLOWED                    = ' '
      BUDAT                           =
       ANZSN                           = anzsn
       NEW_OBKNR                       = new_obknr
       SERIAL_COMMIT                   = serial_commit
       STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED              = status_not_allowed
        sernr                           = IT_SERNR
        r_sernr                         = it_ser1
      XVBPA                           =
      T_SMESG                         =
      KONFIGURATIONS_ERROR            = 1
      GENERAL_SERIAL_ERROR            = 2
      NO_PROFILE_OPERATION            = 3
      OTHERS                          = 5
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    commit work and wait.
        sernr                       = '000000001234ABCDAR'
        profile                     = 'Z001'
        material                    = 'P1-TEST'
      M_CHARGE                    =
        quantity                    = '1'
      J_VORGANG                   = 'PMS2'
      KMATNR                      =
      CUOBJ                       =
        document                    = '0000001733'
        item                        = '000010'
        debitor                     = '0000009000'
        vbtyp                       = 'C'
        sd_auart                    = 'OR'
        sd_postyp                   = 'TAN'
       ANZSN                       = ANZSN
      ZEILEN_ID                   =
       SERIAL_COMMIT               = SERIAL_COMMIT
      SERIALNUMBER_ERRORS         = 2
      NO_PROFILE_OPERATION        = 4
      OTHERS                      = 5
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.

    In order to maintain customer specific serial numbers you can do the following steps:
    1. Maintain the serial numbers provided by your client in tcode IQ01. this will create the customer serial numbers in the system.
    2. In the material master under Sales View maintain the serial number profile as 0002. this is sap standard.
    3. Once the above has been maintained you can assign serial numbers at the time of delivery and NOT in sales order.
    I hope this helps.

  • Serial number copy functionality when creating return orders from standards

    Hi all,
    Serial number is not copying when i create return order from the standard orders in below scenario.
    I implemented one BADI for copying Serial number to Sales order when doing Post goods receipt.
    So after doing inbound delivery and PGR, serial number is copied to the sales order but when i create return order with reference to the Standard order Serial number is not copying.
    When i go VA02 for standard order and selecting the technical objects then if i create the return order serial number is copying.
    Please help me in the above issue.
    I used the following logic to copy serial number from inbound delivery PGR.
                    sernr                 = lwa_sernr-sernr
                    profile               = 'NEOP'
                    material              = lwa_mseg-matnr
                    quantity              = 1
                    document              = lwa_mseg-kdauf
                    item                  = lwa_mseg-kdpos
                    debitor               = lwa_mseg-kunnr
                    vbtyp                 = 'C'
                    sd_auart              = lv_auart
                    sd_postyp             = lv_pstyv
                    konfigurations_error  = 1
                    serialnumber_errors   = 2
                    serialnumber_warnings = 3
                    OTHERS                = 4.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                  COMMIT WORK.
                  WAIT UP TO 2 SECONDS.
    Edited by: Rajesh Sanapala on Feb 16, 2009 12:48 PM

    I have the same problem.
    Can you please share how you solved it?
    thank you

  • Copy from VBRP to technical object Serial Number in Sales Order

    Hi SAP colleagues,
    I need some help in the following issue. Hopefully somebody can assist. In a F2 invoice in the field VBRP-CHARG, the serial number of the product is available. In the business of my client, many return orders exist (KR, RE, etc.). The return order is created while referencing to the billing document. At this moment SAP users (transaction VA01) must fill in the serial number manually via Extra -> Technical Objects. Regularly people forget to do this or use an incorrect serial number. This leads to all kind of problems further on in the process.
    The question is: how can this process be automatized? So the serial number which is available in VBRP-CHARG, should be copied automatically into the return order in the technical object area in the field SERNR.
    Who knows how to solve this technically in SAP?
    Best regards,

    Hi Karan,
    First of all thanks a lot for your answer. Unfortunately it is more complex... The batch number which is available in VBRP-CHARG should be copied into the Technical Object area in the sales order. Menu path: Extra -> Technical Objects. So this is equipment functionality related to sales orders. So copying using copy control from VBRP to VBAP or VBAK will not solve the problem. Do you have any idee how this can be achieved (tables like SER02, OBJK are relevant)?
    Best regards,

  • Serial number in sales order creation

    HI all,
         please help to me........
    My requirement a add the serial number BAPI sales order.
    problem is their no serial number in bapi structure.
                How to add serial number crate a salesorder bapi.
    serial number is RIPW0-SERNR.
    Thanks & Regards,

    refer to this link
    refer to this code...
    Also if you set the * CONVERT_PARVW_AUART = 'X' parameter to 'X' you can use sold to party as SP and ship to party as SH.
    --Data Declaration--
    Data: st_BAPISDHEAD like BAPISDHEAD, " Sales Order Header Data
    ta_BAPIITEMIN like BAPIITEMIN occurs 0 with header line, " Ln item
    ta_BAPIPARTNR like BAPIPARTNR occurs 0 with header line, " Partner
    d_BAPIRETURN1 like BAPIRETURN1, " Bapi return msg
    d_vbeln like bapivbeln-VBELN. " Sales Order Number
    Move the data to create sales order in the repective parameters------*
    move: 'TA' to st_BAPISDHEAD-DOC_TYPE, " Sales document type
    '15493' to st_BAPISDHEAD-PURCH_NO_C,
    '00010' to ta_BAPIITEMIN-ITM_NUMBER,
    'Y-351' to ta_BAPIITEMIN-MATERIAL,
    '1100' to ta_BAPIITEMIN-PLANT,
    '1' to ta_BAPIITEMIN-REQ_QTY,
    'AG' to ta_BAPIPARTNR-PARTN_ROLE, " Sold to Party
    '0000007777' to ta_BAPIPARTNR-PARTN_NUMB.
    Append the internal tables-------------------------------------------*
    append ta_BAPIPARTNR.
    clear ta_BAPIPARTNR.
    append ta_BAPIITEMIN.
    clear ta_BAPIITEMIN.
    Move ship to party---------------------------------------------------*
    move: 'RG' to ta_BAPIPARTNR-PARTN_ROLE, " Ship to party
    '0000007777' to ta_BAPIPARTNR-PARTN_NUMB.
    Append the internal tables-------------------------------------------*
    append ta_BAPIPARTNR.
    clear ta_BAPIPARTNR.
    Call the Bapi to create the sales order
    SALESDOCUMENT = d_vbeln
    if d_vbeln <> space.
    write: 'Sales order No. ', d_vbeln.

  • 'Maintain serial numbers for total quantity error in bapi_goodsmvt_create

    HI Experts,
    I am doing a goods movement programatically by using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE.
    Though I am passing the serial no. for the document item still I am getting an error: 'Maintain serial numbers for total quantity'.
    My code goes like this:
    *-- Read all the items for the item category belonging to the plant
         loop at lt_lips into lw_lips where pstyv is not initial.
    *-- Process the goods movement -  Fill the data
              lw_gmvt-material = lw_lips-matnr.
              lw_gmvt-plant = lw_cat-werks.
              lw_gmvt-stge_loc = lw_cat-lgort.
              lw_gmvt-batch = lw_lips-charg.
              lw_gmvt-move_type = lw_cat-bwlvs.
              lw_gmvt-customer = <st_xvbpa>-kunnr.
              lw_gmvt-s_ord_item = lw_lips-posnr.
              lw_gmvt-entry_qnt = lw_lips-lfimg.
              lw_gmvt-entry_uom = lw_lips-meins.
              lw_gmvt-entry_uom_iso = lw_lips-meins.
             lw_gmvt-ref_doc = xlikp-vbeln.
              lw_gmvt-quantity = lw_lips-lfimg.
              lw_gmvt-base_uom = lw_lips-meins.
              append lw_gmvt to lt_gmvt.
              clear: lw_gmvt.
    BOC for serial numbers
              if lt_ser02 is not initial and lt_objk is not initial.
                clear: lw_ser02,
                read table lt_ser02 into lw_ser02 with key sdaufnr = cvbak-vbeln
                                                           posnr = lw_lips-posnr
                                                           sd_postyp = lw_lips-pstyv binary search.
                if sy-subrc = 0.
                  read table lt_objk into lw_objk with key obknr = lw_ser02-obknr binary search.
                  if sy-subrc = 0.
    *-- Check if serial number is populated
                  if lw_objk-sernr is not initial.
    *-- Fill the serial number table for BAPI movement
                      clear: lw_sno.
                      lw_sno-matdoc_itm = lw_lips-posnr.
                      lw_sno-serialno = lw_objk-sernr.
                      append lw_sno to lt_sno.
                  endif. "Serial number not initial
                  endif. "OBJK read
                endif. "SER02 read
              endif. "SER02 and OBJK is not initial
    EOC for serial numbers
            endif. "Category table read
            clear: lw_cat, lw_lips.
    *-- Execute the BAPI only if item table is filled on the above condition
         if lt_gmvt is not initial.
    *-- Fill the header details
            lw_header-pstng_date = xlikp-erdat.
            lw_code-gm_code = lc_03.
                GOODSMVT_HEADER               = lw_header
                GOODSMVT_CODE                 = lw_code
                MATERIALDOCUMENT              = lv_mblnr
                MATDOCUMENTYEAR               = lv_mjahr
                GOODSMVT_ITEM                 = lt_gmvt
                GOODSMVT_SERIALNUMBER         = lt_sno
                RETURN                        = lt_return.
    Please suggest.

    Hi Banerjee,
    Actually we are trying to use the same bapi from se37, we are passing all the details which is required to process the bapi_goodmvt_create. But still the bapi returning the same error what sangeeta got in the above. Can you please guide me how to achieve this.
    how the values has to pass to the Serial Number?
    What exactly meant by Counter Values ?

  • Maintain serial number for total quantity" error in BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE

    I also encountered the error "Maintain serial number for total quantity" in using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE .
    In retrieving the serial number, I use this code:
    Select all
            READ TABLE l_it_ser03 ASSIGNING <ser03> WITH KEY mblnr = <gm_items>-mat_doc
                                                             mjahr = <gm_items>-doc_year
                                                             zeile = <gm_items>-matdoc_itm.
            IF sy-subrc is INITIAL.
                <gm_items>-matdoc_itm TO l_wa_goodsmvt_sernum-matdoc_itm,
                <ser03>-sernr         TO l_wa_goodsmvt_sernum-serialno.
                APPEND l_wa_goodsmvt_sernum TO l_it_goodsmvt_sernum.
    And then i pass the l_it_goodsnvt_sernum to BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE.
    The error shows up whenever i tried to execute a PO having the serialised parts from the Goods Issue, but if the GI has no serialized part, the program works well.
    Please, please help.
    Thank you.

    may i know how you solve the issue ?

  • Sales order for a sernr

    Hi Gurus,
    Please let me know how to find the sales order number associated to a sernr ?
    Thanks in advance

    Serial numbers used in logistics are not stored directly in the SD documents but in the serialisation tables SERxx.
    SER00 - General Header Table for Serial Number Management
    SER01 - Document Header for Serial Numbers for Delivery
    SER02 - Document Header for Serial Nos for Maint.Contract (SD Orde
    SER03 - Document Header for Serial Numbers for Goods Movements
    also note that the serial numbers are not stored there themselves but via an object number which links to the serial number in table OBJK

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