Why did my Mac not reset?

I bought an Ipad 2 and I am currently in the process of selling my Macbook Pro which I have to ship out on Monday. I wanted to restore the Macbook to factory settings, but I am having some issues. I restarted and did the Command + R hold down to bring up the OSX Lion Utilities menu. I reinstalled Mac OSX on top of the current Hard Drive and let it sit there for seven hours while it downloaded everything. When I came back, I was greeted with the login screen where my old profile with my name and picture is still there for me to login to. I logged in and everything is the same.
So what gives? What do I need to do to get rid of my profile on there and make it like it was when I first bought it?

Do this:
Install or Reinstall Lion from Scratch
If possible backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive.
Boot to the Recovery HD:
Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
Erase the hard drive:
Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button and set to One Pass and click on the OK button. Click on the Erase button and wait until the process has completed. This will take up to several hours depending upon the size of the hard drive.
Quit DU and return to the main menu.
Reinstall Lion: Select Reinstall Lion and click on the Install button.
Note: You can also re-download the Lion installer by opening the App Store application. Hold down the OPTION key and click on the Purchases icon in the toolbar. You should now see an active Install button to the right of your Lion purchase entry. There are situations in which this will not work. For example, if you are already booted into the Lion you originally purchased with your Apple ID or if an instance of the Lion installer is located anywhere on your computer.

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    And I have heard people talk about auto-compacting, but why did such a thing never happen?

    re: TB marks messages for deleted both in its offline copy and in the IMAP proper,
    Any changes such as deleting a message, will mark that email as deleted.
    In thunderbird this will move the email from the Inbox view (''Note this will depend on the deleting method - see below'') and place it in Trash, but in reality it is still in the Inbox folder just 'marked as deleted'.
    As the Server folders and TB folders are looking at the same folders, this will show up on the server as 'marked as deleted'.
    Thats because they are one and the same folders.
    In Thunderbird, you can select to manually Compact all Folders:
    File > compact folders.
    This compacts all folders, removing all 'marked as deleted' emails in Thunderbird..
    when synchronised folders connect with server, those emails are deleted off the server.
    You can also choose to manually compact any single folder.
    right click on folder and select 'compact'.
    There is also an auto compaction function which is initialised when the selected threshhold has been reached.
    This is set up here:
    Tools > Options > Advanced > Network & Disc Space tab
    select the checkbox 'Compact all folders when it will save over eg: 20MB in total.
    click on OK.
    Note if you have been manually compacting or expunging the Inbox on exit then this may not get triggered as often or at all if the threshold is not reached.
    IMAP mail accounts also have the additional option to Expunge emails on the Inbox on Exiting Thunderbird..
    "Tools -> Account Settings -> Server Settings -> Clean up ("Expunge") Inbox on Exit', which will compact the Inbox folder when you exit Thunderbird.
    note this only occurs on the Inbox.
    If you check "Empty Trash on Exit" it will also empty and compact the Trash folder when you exit.
    However, some methods of deleting in IMAP mail accounts can disable this auto expunge. see below.
    '''IMAP mail accounts also have different choices when it comes to deleting.'''
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Deleting_messages_in_IMAP_accounts
    Tools -> Account Settings -> Server Settings for the mail account
    "When I delete a message" has choices for "Move it to the Trash folder", "Mark it as deleted" and "Remove it immediately".
    Your choice of method of deleting may explain why you are not always seeing auto expunging.
    suggest you try option: "Move it to the Trash folder".
    Otherwise you will need to use the folder 'compact' options explained above to compact the folder.

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    /rant on
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    /rant off
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    Hi Robert,
    Thank you for the comments but I somehow think we are miscommunicating.
    1) I have no problem backing up the phone locally (or to icloud if I wanted to)
    2) I have no problem turning on or off cellular data usage for any app on the phone
    3) I have no problem seeing what apps are enabled or how much cellular data they use
    My problem is the following
    APPLE's Notes app used 2.7 GIGABYTES of cellular data (before I disabled cellular data for this app) despite the fact I wasn't even using the app. I didn't change any setting for Notes, I didn't do anything with it except create one note on October 15. It would seem to me that this excessive usage is a bug or oversight in Apple's design of the app.
    The purpose of this post is to warn others of the potential issue and to see if this issue has been observed by anyone else and if there are any actual fixes. Disabling cellular data for the app is a work-around ... but will the problem begin again if cellular data is re-enabled?
    Your suggestion of erasing all content and settings and then restoring the phone from the backup sounds extreme but would it solve the specific problem of excessive cellular data usage and if so .. why?

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    GR/IR Clearing
    Subsequent Debit (Credit Memo)
    We expected the value in red (503127.09) during IR2 to go to GR/IR Clearing account. Can you please advise why it went to the Stock account instead?
    Thanks and Regards,
    Gaurav Sharma
    Message was edited by: Gaurav Sharma

    Hi Dev,
    I appreciate your effort in this. Below, I present some more follow-on documents:
    GR/IR Clearing
    Subsequent Debit (Credit Memo)
    Credit Memo (Cancellation of IR2)
    As per the previous logic and also for proper cancellation, -503127.09 should have hit the Stock Account. Then why did it hit the GR/IR clearing account? Please advise.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Gaurav Sharma

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    Any ideas

    how did you do the SMC reset? the following article tells how to do this:
    use the section for batteries that can be removed to perform the reset then see if it will start up
    if it doesn't what OS are you running?

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    With the amount of information you've provided it's impossible to offer a solution.  We can't see your computer so we need to know the details of your problem and setup, i.e.:
    what version of iPhoto are you using?
    what system version are you running?
    what do you see in the iPhoto window when iPhoto opens?
    what fixes have you tried?
    where is your library located?
    did you apply any updates or upgrades just prior to the problem occurring?
    are you running a "managed" or "referenced" library?
    what type of Mac?
    how much free space on your boot drive?

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    Hi there,
    My Mac Pro crashed twice yesterday.  No logs were created in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ for those as far as I can tell (nothing with the 28th as a date).  The computer just turned itsself off, and restarted.
    I repaired the boot drive by launching from a Snow Leopard disk.  I ran Techtool diagnostic tests yesterday on the computer and everything passed (I skipped the boot drive surface scan, and only the 4 internal drives were connected. 
    Today, it turned off again, there was a grey screen I'd never seen before telling me that my mac would restart because of a problem, and boy, it did.  It wasn't the typical 'kernel panic screen' I saw rarely in the past.  This happened at 3:30 pm my time.  There's an "AvidBinIndexer crash log that is timed at 9:22 am, but none at 3:30 pm.  (Note that I've never looked in the diagnostic reports directory so I may not know what I'm looking at).
    According to the files in the Diagnostic reports directory I've had crash logs since the 13th for Adobe, Avid, File Syncrhonization, qmaster, and Soundsource (for a total of 19 files in that directory, nothing before the 13th)
    Now some background:
    I run a Mac Pro 3,1 with 12 gigs of ram, an eSata card, ATI 5770 graphics card.
    I have 4 internal and 6-7 external drives attached (4 esata, 1 firewire), 1-2 usb.
    I upgraded to Mountain Lion on Jan 24 from Lion, however, this problem occured a few times before.
    I had a USB backup drive that had volume problems, that I had to backup / reformat / repair, and so my first suspicion was that it was to blame.  But no, today it rebooted and that drive wasn't connected.  All other drives were however, and on.  It occured just after I woke the computer from sleep.
    Any ideas on what's up?  What can I post here that could help someone diagnose this?  Any things to try to further narrow down the issue?

    what a long post....Apple, btw, does not read this stuff, so ranting, raving, and complaining here might make you feel good, but it does no good at all. That being said, I, too have a Mac Pro Quad Core Xeon with 6 gigs of ram and an nVidia 8800 GT graphics card (not as good as yours, alas) and I've had no problems at all with it. Yes, it doesn't have Thunderbolt, but maybe we Mac pro owners will get lucky and someone will come out with an adapter (probably not). No, you probably don't have to throw away your Mac Pro, but if you do, I'll take it, for a small "recycling" fee >:-) That was a joke.  Yes, the Mac Pro's future isn't quite clear, YET. Hopefully that will improve very soon. As for not being able to upgrade to Mountain Lion. Don't worry about that too much, Nobody is forcing you to do that.  Your Mac Pro won't quit working if it isn't installed. From what  I've heard, you should give the new OS a chance, and wait to get it, in case there might be some bugs, or stuff not working with the new OS, which has been known to happen. Yes, we Mac Pro owners don't like being treated like mushrooms-kept in the dark, and being fed......... but Apple is Apple and it will do what it does, and there is nothing you or me can really do to change that. All I can say is....trust, have faith, be patient, go for a walk, do something else to take your mind off of this problem. IF apple decides to drop the Mac Pro for good, and that's a big "IF", I think they will anger a whole bunch of people
    which isn't good. However, that hasn't happened...YET. Let us hope that it doesn't
    John B

  • Why did I have to reset my password?

    I have had to reset my password today for no reason that I can see.
    Was there a problem with icloud, or has someone tried to hack me??

    Perhaps your previous password did not meet Apple's stricter standards for password security which they are now enforcing.

  • Why is my Mac not allowing me to browse Search Engines?

    Over the past two days I can no longer hit a search engine webpage (yahoo, bing, google is all I have tried) directly from any browser Safari, FireFox, Chrome in the URL field on my Macbook running OSX 10.8.4. I haven't changed any network settings either on my router or macbook to cause this change. The odd time a search will load in google through the browser, but when I try and click a link in the results it will not load the link.
    I've also tried resetting the modem and router a few times, no issues with internet service to the house, also tried my cell phone and MacMini which have no issues visiting the sites above.
    Driving me nuts, as I get my work done on my Macbook.
    Anybody know why?

    Try one of the common troubleshooting step.
    Start up in Safe Mode.

  • Why is my Mac not working properly now?

    1. I emptird trash
    2. I verified permissions & then repaired permissions.
    3. I restarted the machine to reset the pram...
    Instead of pressing cmd & alt with P & R, I pressed cmd & ctrl with P & R...
    Since then my mac had been showing grey screen with apple logo & then turning itself off.
    I can get to a language selection box by repeating the cmd+ctrl+P+R.
    After choosing English, OS X Utilities box appears with four options.
    Options are:
    Restore From Time Machine Backup
    Reinstall OS X
    Get Help Online
    Disk Utility
    I went into disk utility and selected the previously working hard drive from the list...
    I'm not really sure what to do or if I can rescue the situation...
    I'll attach some photos I've taken.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    mr2sticks wrote:
    Thanks for the reply!
    I got the red error message, Disk cannot be repaired.
    You have directory damage and you should not use your MBP until the damage has been repaired to avoid damaging your directory any further.  The following software will repair you directory:
    You must use the versions that are compatible w/your OS system & keep the utilities updated to avoid damaging/harming/trashing your system.  http://www.alsoft.com/DiskWarrior/index.html
    DiskWarrior   Highly recommended for *directory damage* repairs.
    TechTool Pro   Multi-functional utility.
    Drive Genius Multi-functional utility.
    You will need to make your own decision on which to purchase.  Read up on them on their websites because each does something a little different.
    OS X (10.6.6)
    After you repair your directory, update your OS to OS 10.6.8 which is the last version of Snow Leopard.  Use Software Update as you are probably behind in other updates.

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