Why have my widgets stopped working?

Widgets just went blank...Clock, weather, etc. ??

You may need to run a Terminal command to show the user library.
User is:   ~/Library  The (Tilde) character represents your user library.
Open Terminal. That is located in HD > Applications > Utilities
Now copy / paste this command:
chflags nohidden ~/Library/
Now try Go > Go to Folder
Show User Library Directory in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion & 10.8 Mountain Lion

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    Hello generousdragon,
    It sounds like you are unable to use iTunes shortly after launching it. Use the following article to help troubleshoot the issue, named:
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    All the very best,

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    See this thread:
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    2. Go to folder /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/
    3. Copy AppleCamera.plugin to good place (usb memory stick is the best place).
    4. Go to Time machine in date that skype work fine.
    5. Change AppleCamera.plugin with file from Time Machine
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    http://community.skype.com/t5/Mac/OS-X-10-8-5-broke-Video-on-MacBook-Air/td-p/18 91729/page/4

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