Why is my CPU running 0% idle when I'm running only Finder?

I recently noticed that the fan on my Powerbook was running almost all the time. I went to Activity Monitor and saw that my CPU is running 0% idle. The only other application I was running deliberately was Finder. I looked through the list of background applications and the total CPU usage was well below 100%. What's happening?

Yes. But I went back to Activity Monitor and selected "all processes," I noticed that PrintJobMgr was taking 96% of my CPU resources, even though I wasn't printing anything! So I just killed the process and everything is OK now. Thanks.

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    I read in a previous 'locked' post ...... :
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    The answer is here...thank all and whoever is responsible:
    The key is a utility called ' pom200t1 '
    You will need the following.
    A floppy or if you don't have one an external floppy drive, or if you are savvy to be able to boot a file from a CD-Drive.
    You will also need WinImage as all the files you download come as .ima files
    Download pom200t1-V1.5.zip and pom200t1.zip (if one doesn't work the other should).
    You can find them here:
    http://www.stormpaintball.com/toshiba/pm765.bin (this one is a last ditch attempt).
    Then follow these instructions from the site I posted before:
    Symptom:CPU stays at 598 MHz constantly.
    1) Boot into BIOS. (Press "Esc" during the boot process, before the OS loads, but after entering your password, if you are using boot-time password protection).
    2) Look under the "Others" category.
    3) If the motherboard doesn't have enough information about the CPU, the category "Dynamic CPU Frequency Mode" will be blanked out (you won't see it).
    If the laptop is in this condition it will never go faster than 598 Mhz until you perform the following procedure.
    Note: Although this utility says that it is for a Toshiba Portege M200, the particular fix you need might work on other Toshiba laptops.
    It has worked on 3 different Toshiba Satellite Pro M15 S405s, but *USE AT YOUR OWN RISK*.
    1) Boot into Windows and create the bootable floppy disk from the pom200t1.exe file.
    2) Boot from the floppy disk you just made.
    3) At the menu select option 2 "Repair initial config set"
    4) At the next menu select option 1 "Initial cofiguration" (misspelled)
    5) After a few seconds you should see "Writing a file was completed!" and the laptop will automatically reboot without prompting.
    6) When the laptop reboots go back into the BIOS and look under the "Others" category. You should now see the "Dynamic CPU Frequency Mode". Make sure it is set to "Dynamically Switchable" for CPU throttling.
    7) Reboot into Windows and verify the CPU can throttle in the normal manner. The Intel SpeedStep Technology icon should now be in the systray. Go into the Toshiba Power Management / Power Saver Properties and update all of your Power Save Modes to use the SpeedStep Technology you prefer (Fixed or Automatic), and bump up all the processor speed caps, or you won't be able to go above 798 MHz because the sliders will still be at their old settings (4 or less), whereas they can now go up to 7.Let me know how you get on.
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    pendraggon87 wrote:
    Even if Safari is not open, something else will take up the CPU.  Here is a picture of my current CPU load.
    You know what all of those top three processes have in common? Indexing files.
    Picasa is busy because when you start Picasa, it automatically begins a scan of your entire hard drive to locate any new photos that haven't been cataloged yet. Also, if you have Face Detection turned on, it's going to continually scan every image you already cataloged looking for faces, trying to find a match, and then tagging them with names.
    Mail is busy when it is processing mail, especially if you have a long list of Rules to match against. Again, it should not be using high GPU very often, only when a lot of unscanned mail comes in. I do see CPU spikes caused by Mail, but CPU usage should be low most of the time. I do not agree with what DS Store says about using something other than Mail. I have very large mailboxes online with IMAP and local caching, and I do not have problems with CPU usage. I prefer to have access to my messages when not online. You can try to turn off junk mail filtering in Mail to test if that is the problem; if you turn it off and CPU usage is still high then it is something else. (I have my ISP filter junk mail so that not a lot gets through.)
    mdworker is Spotlight, which of course is scanning your hard drive so that any file can be instantly searchable.
    You mentioned Dropbox earlier, it will scan the local Dropbox folder for changed files and then use your network connection to resolve them.
    But all of those apps should calm down as soon as their latest indexing pass is done...until you change something that causes them to re-index. I seriously would not worry if all of those apps use high CPU for a few minutes but use low CPU 90% of the time. That is how it should work. But if those apps use more then 50% CPU for hours on end, something is probably wrong with your system. One example might be constant I/O errors from a defective hard drive, that cause programs to think they can never quite complete a successful read of the data and so they keep trying. But I'm not saying that's exactly what it is.

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    If you have printed wirelessly to this printer from this Mac, the printer's IP is on the Mac.
    Start a print job.
    The print dialog box will come up showing the selected printer.
    Click on it, and the IP used previously will be displayed.
    If it is there, select it and you are ready to print. You do not have to do anything else.
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    Click Add.

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    I'm guessing, but from the 'top' display, I think you have 8 CPU hyperthreads (maybe this is an intel quad core i7 processor with hyperthreading support, so it looks like you have 8 CPUs).
    The ibis process is saturating 1 CPU hyperthread.  The hypertheaded CPU cannot go any faster, it is giving ibis all its got.
    To go faster here are some of your options (you will most likely not like any of them )
    a)  get another Mac with a faster CPU (more Gigahertz)
    b)  hack your Mac with a hyper cooling kit and mess with the clock frequencies to make your CPU run faster.
    c)  find a more efficient program that does the same thing ibis is doing for you (maybe one that is already written to be multi-threaded).  Just because a program is running at 100% does not mean it is using the most efficient algorithms, and a program with more efficient algorithms will get to its goal faster even though both programs may be using 100% CPU, or actually a more efficient algorithm may actually use less CPU and still get to its goal faster.
    d)  rewrite ibis so it is multi-threaded, thus using more than 1 CPU.  Writing multi-threaded code is not easy, or all the kids would be doing it.  And it tends to only be effective when the data being worked on can be broken down into multiple independent parallel tasks, otherwise the threads end up all just waiting for the slowest task to complete and most of the CPUs sit at idle waiting.
    e) rewrite ibis so it uses more efficient algorithms.
    f)  other ...

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    Answer - no.
    The activity monitor should indicate what is consuming the processor when your system is idle. 
    I just looked at my own system with Safari running and the usage is about 3%.

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    Can someone suggest what may be happening? and are there any methods that I can use to reduce cpu usage of my program?

    It will be impossible to really troubleshoot this without a lot of additional infomation.
    Is the CPU usage only high in the built application, or is it also high if you run the same program in the 8.2 development environment?
    Was the 7.1 program exactly the same, or did you make any modifications since?
    Are you running 8.20 or did you upgrade to 8.2.1?
    What does the program actually do? Does it interact with DAQ hardware? File I/O?
    What does the program do when it is "computing"? Is the CPU use even higher then?
    Is there also a wait statement in the main while loop?
    What is your OS (windows, linux, mac, etc.)
    Is your computer reasonable for the task. Enough RAM, etc.
    How do the various loops communicate with each other? (queues, local-, global-, shared- variables, etc.)
    How much data is exchanged between the loops? At what rate?
    Do you use fixed or variable size arrays?
    Can you give us a more detailed overview of the code?
    How is the memory usage?
    have you done any profiling?
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    You probably don't really need 1080 at 60 for your finished projects but since you're just starting out with Motion, you need to lower your expectations. A long way. 1080 is about 2 million pixels per frame, DV is only about 400,000. That's not just five times as many pixels for the Mac to track; everything in video is exponential.
    Explore the training tutorials available by Mark Spencer. You will get an idea of how his super powerful machine reacts with the software.
    Adding a light roughly doubles the processing time over flat scenes. Two lights increases processing again. Reflections require processing the lights and then calculating the reflections so add another quarter of the time required for flat scenes. Add camera movement, motion blur, and depth of field and you need exponentially more processing time for every frame. The preload of renders into RAM is one of the cooler features of Motion, as comapred to After Effects, but that takes tons of time, to.
    Try working in ye olde DV resolution for a few days. Get to know the software's limitations and what gets imposed by your Macintosh. Step up to 720p/30 and see how things slow down.

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    I have instaled LV 7.1.1 and am using DAQ 7.4.
    Anyone that recognizes this problem?
    Idriz "Minnet" Zogaj, M.Sc. Engineering Physics
    Memory Profesional
    direct: +46 (0) - 734 32 00 10

    Hello Idriz!
    I just wanted to respond here as well so you know that we have read your post on this very forum. Still waiting for an answer from the US and after that I will forward that information to you.
    Jimmie A.
    Applications Engineer, National Instruments
    Jimmie Adolph
    Systems Engineer Manager, National Instruments Northern Region
    Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal

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    Go to System Preferences > Displays > use the underscan slider to adjust picture size on the TV.

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    Periodically double click the home button and close all the apps in the recently used dock. Then power off and then back on the iPod. This frees up memory. The 4G only has 256 MB of memory.
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost       
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync/delete all music and resync
    - Restore from backup. See:                                                
    iOS: How to back up                                                                                     
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.             
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                              

  • Why does my iMac temperature go up when running games through Windows using BootCamp?

    Hey guys,
    These are my current specs: iMac 27 inch, intel i7 quad core 3.5 ghz, 16gb ram and 1tb sata hardrive with nvidia gtx 780m.
    Ive installed windows on my mac and have discovered that when running games the temperature is much higher. For the same game on Windows i've had my CPU run at 80-81 C on roughly all cores and my GPU temp went up to 85 C. On mavericks same game runs at temps of 58 C for CPU and 71 C for GPU. However on mavericks the frames rates are lower even when running same settings as on windows.
    I tend to think that mavericks is somehow limiting my hardware in order to keep the temperature down whereas on windows on my mac I can really feel the kick of the system yet the temperature goes really high. Is there any way to sort this out?

    gpu driver optimising is much more used in windows it give better fps but less stability and as you notice more heat and more noise as the fans work harder
    lower the eye candy and resolution is a cure

  • Why is my ipod running diagnostics/sccessorize test when i didn't tell it

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    Resetting the iPod won't cause you to lose any data.
    To reset, press and hold the MENU and SELECT (center) buttons until you see the Apple logo. This is how you exit diagnostics mode.

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    I had this problem ones before Lion with a server connection i just forced to quite and the problem was away.
    Now it seems permanent on Adobe Bridge. I tried to empty the cache on Bridge, that doesn´t help.
    Problem have to be the Lion update ....any ideas ? I really need to use Bridge again.

    Mylenium wrote:
    You have a hardware defect. Have the thing repaired.
    NonFiction Media wrote:
    @Mylenium, It's not done this before, and seems only to be related to the Adobe software, and in particular to CC.
    Sounds more like an isolated software defect, instead have Adobe repair that.

Maybe you are looking for

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