Why should i get 3G?

I am debating on purchasing an IPAD2 or a macbook pro.  Yes, they are completely different. I'm leaning towards the ipad2 right now, but am confused on the 3G.  It already has wifi, why do I need the 3G?

The built in map program also uses the gps, if itis available.  The other option, not mentioned in the discussion, is a wifi only pad.  If you have an iphone or droid that can tether the 3g signal, you get the 3 g protability with the 130 buck up front cost.  You are going to pay for the data either way, check with your carrier.  But if you will only need the 3 g as a back up, the wifi only is a good option.  If your daily routine is on the road, you probably want the 3 g for the pure convenience.

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    for i in ( select index_name from user_indexes where table_name='BALANCES' )
    dbms_output.put_line ( i ) ;
    end loop ;
    end ;
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    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PUT_LINE'
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 6:
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    u need use like this
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    dbms_output.put_line( i.index_name ) ;
    end loop ;
    end ;
    since i variable is not of number or character type
    its a binary_integer
    i won't have any meaning here so use i.index_name
    if u want to know the count then better use a variable say
    for i in (....)
    end loop

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    Message was edited by: BlingMe

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    1. The iPad Air 2 has a new Battery that promises longer battery life. But of course that will depend on what you do with it. Battery intensive activities like games, and video playback will use more battery than regular activities like browsing or email answering.
    2.  Not sure what Aspect ratio would do to internet browsing.   As long as the website is built correctly it will adapt to the screen.
    3.  The iPad does not have a user accessible file system.  You can use cloud services, like iCloud Drive, or Google Drive, Dropbox etc... to get files to and from the iPad through Apps that can access these services.  Alternatively other Apps exist that will let you upload files directly to the App through a browser on your computer.   But for most transfers iTunes is required.
    4. No. Torrents and torrent Apps are not allowed in the store outside of BitTorrent's Sync for Image shack
    5. You can only make and receive cell calls and text messages on the iPad if you own an iPhone in conjunction with the iPad. Otherwise no.   4G is strictly for Internet access, not Phone service. 
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    The battery meter is really just an estimate
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    Apple recommends that once a month you let the iPad fully discharge & then recharge to 100%.
    How to Calibrate Your Mac, iPhone, or iPad Battery

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