Why will apple do this???

Hi all,
When I'm reading this forum I see a lot of topics about problems with Itunes and Ipod Update.
Why will Apple realeas a new Itunes and Ipod Update if there are so many problems with it.
Is this because of finding solutions for these problems and come out with a new update?
Hope Apple will come very soon with a new update
  Windows XP   Ipod Video 60 Gb
  Windows XP   Ipod Video 60 Gb

Every time after Apple releases the latest version of iTunes or iPod updaters, you will see this kind of topic.
May be I am the lucky person and I have had no such probelm so far since iTunes 4 upgrade.
Bear in mind that this forum is for iPod users who experience problems and look for solutions.
I am sure there are millions of happy users with the upgrades.

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