Why would my permissions require constant repair?

My system has been running slowly so I swept for viruses, found none then repaired permissions. There were repairs to several permissions. The problem was solved for a short time but then the slowness returned. I again repaired permissions and found the the same permissions were in need of repair. Just out of curiosity I immediately ran "repair permissions" again and the same permissions were repaired again. Something is changing the permissions as soon as they are reset. Any ideas?

For permission repair, see http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1448
For slowness, see
Mac Maintenance Quick Assist,
Mac OS X speed FAQ,
Speeding up Macs,
How to Speed up Macs, ,
Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance,
Essential Mac Maintenance: Get set up,
Essential Mac Maintenance: Rev up your routines,
Maintaining OS X, 
Five Mac maintenance myths and
Myths of required versus not required maintenance for Mac OS X for information.

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    1. Triple-click the line below to select it:
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    for troubleshooting failure on particular machines, look at the FAQ:
    But it seems like your problems are sooner than would result in any trace file output.
    If the browser cannot show the java console, then it fails to initialize the java plug-in, so I would suggest trying stand alone java applications.
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    Whenever your phone is synced and iTunes recognizes there are new crash reports, a program called MDCrashReportTool sends these reports to Apple. Apple then funnels the reports to the correct app developer's iTunes Connect account. No personal information is transmitted.
    If this bothers you(it shouldn't), you can turn off the sending of the crash reports:
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    I think some of the gurus to whom you refer need an education.
    We all recommend repairing the hard drive and permissions before installing new software not because it's a requirement but because it's a precaution against poorly maintained systems. Doing so will help prevent problems for users who simply don't know what they are doing or never maintain their computer properly. Even toasters need to be cleaned once in a while, if you get my meaning.
    Recently Mac World ran a couple of pieces on the subject that you should find interesting reading:
    Repairing permissions- What you need to know
    Take Control of Permissions in OS X
    Also, Permission Repair- The Full Story and Repair Permissions- A false panacea.
    Why reward points?(Quoted from Discussions Terms of Use.)
    The reward system helps to increase community participation. When a community member gives you (or another member) a reward for providing helpful advice or a solution to their question, your accumulated points will increase your status level within the community.
    Members may reward you with 5 points if they deem that your reply is helpful and 10 points if you post a solution to their issue. Likewise, when you mark a reply as Helpful or Solved in your own created topic, you will be awarding the respondent with the same point values.

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    Mac OS X Version 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
    2008-09-04 13:05:49 -0700
    2008-09-04 13:05:50.011 SystemUIServer90 lang is:en
    Sep 4 13:05:50 localhost mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-001124382992” instead
    2008-09-04 13:05:50.258 MagicMenuHotKeyDaemon105 Started
    Sep 4 13:05:50 localhost mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
    Sep 4 13:05:53 Macintosh mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-001124382992” instead
    Sep 4 13:05:55 Macintosh mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-001124382992” instead
    I have no idea how to resolve either of the above oddities.
    Message was edited by: Bill Strohm

    Hi Bill,
    No need to worry about a small number of ones that always need repeating, it's normally caused by some APP or function using the files for their own use.
    As to the second problem, see if this helps...
    Do you have any Automounts going on?

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    /var/log ▹ install.log
    from the hierarchical list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar. Then select the messages from the last installation or update attempt, starting from the time when you initiated it. If you're not sure when that was, click the Clear Display button in the toolbar of the Console window and then try the installation again.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Edit it out by search-and-replace in a text editor before posting.

  • You don't have Add and Customize Pages permissions required to perform this action - but i do!

    I am having a similar problem to the one described by this post here:
    However, his resolution of changing web.config under wwwroot did not fix my issue.
    Here is the situation on a recently upgraded SP2010.
    1) Create a document library. Set the document template to "basic page"
    2) give a user full control on the document library.
    3) Go, under that users credentials, to the document library and create a new document.
    4) Name the document whatever and hit create
    5) a page is displayed which says the following: "Web Part Error:
    A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. You don't have Add and Customize Pages permissions required to perform this action."
    6) Become confused as giving someone "full control" on the library should obviously inherit the permissions to when they create a document and try and edit it.
    If i give the user "full control" on the entire site (site actions -> site permissions), then the document pops open an editor which would allow you to add content to the basic page. Obviously, i do not want to give users full control to the
    entire site :)
    Giving the user  "Add and Customize Pages" permissions on the entire SITE allows them to edit get the popup to edit the file, but this is not desireable either since then they could "Add, change, or delete HTML pages or Web Part pages,
    and edit the Web site using a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible editor.". I do not want them to edit any web pages, i just want them to edit a particular lists webpage!
    Things i have tried:
    - Set the permissions on the "MSContentEditor" webpart to have the user have full control of the web part.
    - set the permissions on ALL the web parts to have the user have full control (permissions on the web parts list)
    - Edited web.config to add a line to mark "contentEditorWebPart" as safe, and then restarted IIS.
    - Recreated test lists and was able to duplicate the behaviour
    So I am wondering, is this a sharepoint bug or what? Should a web part not inherit the permissions of the list it is working in? if not, what are the exact items i need to set permissions on to get this webpart to display correctly?
    Setting global site permissions is not an option.
    Another workaround is to make a "wiki page library" which allows you to copy and paste text into a static page, and also edit that text. I can move all the content over to a "wiki page library", and thats what i probably will end up doing
    in the end, but its annoying because there is alot of content to move, and it all has to be done by hand as you cannot upload documents to a wiki afaik. Also the wiki uses a different editor, its inline instead of a popup in IE which is probably why it is
    This may not be a bug and could be a simple permissions problem or something else, but i have been looking at this for hours and it doesnt make any sense to me.
    Any help appreciated thanks!

    Yes, you must have “Add and Customize Pages” permission
    from site level to perform this action, the permission is not in list permission level.
    You can add a new permission level which only includes “Add and Customize Pages” permission, and then create new SharePoint group with this permission
    Add the users into the SharePoint group and these users will get the “Add and Customize Pages” permission
    from site level.(site permissions)
    Additionally to add/edit page, the users also need the permission level “Contributor” in list permission level.
    (you should know when you grant the full control to the users in list permission level, the users won’t get the permission from site level)
    If you need further help, please let me know.
    Hope this helps
    Everything will be fine.

  • After iTunes 11.1 (126) Update - (iTunes) permissions won't repair?

    After the new iTunes 11.1 (126) update, not only was I disappointed that COVER-FLOW hadn't been reinstated (we knew that), I had the the little inconvenience of the wrong tracks playing when a specific track, or album, had been selected. For example, the new "Drenge" album was selected, but what was played was mix of Bob Dylan's "Desire" and Nirvana's "In Utero". I tried a few others and found that the new iTunes was sluggish and froze for short periods. When I tried to close it down a permanent freeze of the application occurred.
    Initially, I tried to remedy the problem by using "The Disk Utility" to do a disk repair. There was no need as the disk was fine, but the disk permissions, which were all fine prior to the iTunes update, were said to be repaired.
    However, when I tried to us iTune again the same problems occurred.
    I did another few permissions repair and found the same list of permissions were not repaired, all iTunes. (I have a copy of the list).
    I have an iMac (Mid 2011 version) which is running OS X 10.8.5 (12F37). I don't think that this is too old to be out of date, and has been running without a problem until the latest iTunes update.
    I reported this to iTunes support last week, They e-mail me back to say that I should contact Apple Support UK and would be charged for the pleasure of having support correcting the problem! HUH!
    To say that I was annoyed and upset was a little understated.
    I then uninstalled iTunes with "CleanMyMac" and reloaded a fresh iTunes 11.1 (126) from the Apple UK website.
    The inconvenience of reloading my entire iTunes Library, was a small price to pay for a fully functional iTunes. BUT, after doing so, I was extremely annoyed to find that my newly installed iTunes 11.1 (126) just refuses to repair and the disk permissions refuse to repair.
    iTunes contacted me again to say that they to were confused as to why this continues to be problematic? They suggested I do a disk partitioning and a reload of my entire Mac.
    I have spoken to the independent company that services all our Mac products and they suggested that a full clean install is more than likely to be the only solution.
    Before I do this,…  are there any other suggestions as to how I can resolve this??
    Any suggestion will be most welcome.
    Still, a very loyal Mac user!
    (Well, the loyalty is being tested to the limit at the moment).

    I would either try the iTunes forum or the Mavericks forum

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    when I try to save a new file from numbers, I'm given the error of it can't create a file. why would that be?

    Try using /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility to repair file permissions.

  • I constantly need to repair permissions, hundreds need repairing weekly

    Hi, this is not a new problem with my MacBook Pro, and I have recently encounter the same problem whilst trying to fix a friends MacBook Pro after she approached me with the same issue. I have had a mac in new form or another since 1994 so without being a certified Mac technician, I know my way around pretty well. I use my mac all day every day and am always on grand to help my friends with theirs so I'm totally baffled by this issue.
    Each week I have to repair my permissions, in fact if I use it more that usual then it will be a disk utility fix in 2 or 3 days, the permissions that need to be fixd vary depending on what programmes I have been using, itunes comes up more than most.  After a few months of this I decided that the hard drive must bat fault so, having the old one still in warranty, brought a new one, backed it up and returned the old one to the store hoping to get a refund, they tested it and found no fault with the drive... So I reformatted it and cleaned it and have had no problems with it since it's in a hard case and used as an external.  Again after a few weeks I have the same permissions problem back again on the new drive... So I diced to update the operating system, now running 10.8.5, it's made no difference. I still have fix my permissions every couple of days as it get he dreaded rainbow wheel and my work flow becomes impossible. So my fiend came to me with her MacBook Pro, I much newer model than men and told me of the dreaded spinning wheel . I fixed her permissions and then again in  a few days time the spinning wheel was back. I changed her hard drive too and the problem persisted the same as my own.
    Please can someone help me figure this out ... Why am I getting these constant permission issues
    I have downloaded disk warrior and put both macs through the software,
    Is anyone else having these problems...
    Sorry for the long winded explanation. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

    Hi. Yes I know of the ones I can safely ignore, but I'm talking about hundreds of permissions that need to be repaired every few days and the reason why I run disk utility is because my programmes won't run properly and every action is greeted by a minutes worth of rainbow wheel. That is when I rerun disk utility to find yet again a hundred or more permissions that have to be repaired and continue to have to be repaired.
    Desperate for some help with this.

  • HT5170 Why would I be getting this update if I am not, to the best of my knowledge, anyone's ARD client???

    Why would I be getting this update if I am not, to the best of my knowledge, anyone's ARD client? I have not installed ARD in this computer, but am constantly getting permissions repair messages regarding remote management from Disk Utility. Very weird...

    Yes, it's annoying but the messages are innocuous and you may ignore them. They will be repeated every time you repair permissions. The ARD client was installed by Software Update at some point in the past.
    You don't need to repair permissions unless you've received a permissions error message from OS X.

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    That Apple may give you a refurbished unit should yours develop a problem is stated in the warranty, and is very common among manufacturers of electronic devices like the iPod. It's not cost effective for any manufacturer to replace a failed unit with a new one, nor to repair the customer's device, so providing refurbished units is standard industry policy.
    As RG said, refurbished iPods go through a complete reconditioning process, so there is no reason other than unmet expectations why a refurbished iPod would not be as good a replacement as would a new iPod. In any case, you've already been told Apple's policy on the matter, so complaining here will do no good, particularly since we're all just fellow users here.
    If the replacement iPod is having problems, something which is unusualy but not unheard-of, I'd first suggest you start a new thread detailing the problem and perhaps someone can offer suggestions.  Otherwise, you'll need to take the replacement iPod back to the Apple Store or call Apple tech support and discuss the problem with them. I'd suggest you be calm and polite with them, no matter how frustrated you are (as apparently you were the minute you first walked into the Store); people are far more willing to go above and beyond normal policy for someone who is being reasonable than they are for ranters.

  • Permissions: Verify vs Repair

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    And should I be doing either/both on a regular basis? (If so, how often?)
    Thanks in advance,

    They probably left that in due to the Unix permission restrictions: you can only Repair if you are running Disk Utility from an Admin account, and not all users have that privilege. As for how often, I would recommend repairing:
    -- Before AND after applying any Apple O.S. update.
    -- After installing any new application.
    -- After any unexpected system crash (kernel panic). Do it together with Disk Repair.

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    Apple can contact me and I will proudly pay for one.  But making me wait a month for an unlocked one, puts AT&T, Sprint & Verizon's interests before mine, and that is not right, for it is MY money that keeps you guys in business, so my best interests should come first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I understand your frustration, but when any form of rationing is required you have to prioritise. The number of unlocked vs packaged phones will be quite small and the number of unlocked buyers wishing to upgrade immediately will be smaller still. Against this you have the corporations sharing $billions between them.
    It would, you're correct, have been fairer to release all at the same time, but fairer doesn't come into it: it's business.

Maybe you are looking for

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