Will my PB G4 handle 10.4xx?

I have a Powerbook G4, 500mhz, 512mb ram (256mb pc100 + 256mb pc133) and 80gb hd.
Is 10.4 heavier than 10.3 - I mean, will my PB be slower if I install 10.4xx?
Is it easy to upgrade? (my thought was to clone harddrive before I start)
Would my PB be faster if I get more RAM?
thank you!

Hi thaa, Welcome to Apple Discussions.
if you're running 10.3 now without issue, you'll be fine with 10.4. Here are the System Requirements for 10.4 While you exceed them, the added RAM will help. IMO it needs at least 512MB the more the merrier.
Yes, the upgrade install is like any other install. (Oh, you may find you get a double boot on restart only the first time. This would be normal for a 10.4 installation.)
Cloning your hard drive is ALWAYS a good idea!
And be sure to run "Verify Disk" in Utilities/Disk Utility before you begin the upgrade and repair permissions when finished.
Good luck. Let us know if you have further questions.
EDIT: After the upgrade apply the 10.4.10 Combo Updater PPC and repair permissions again.
[email protected]
Message was edited by: macjack

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    Yes. By default the JMS service's thread pool is limited to 1000 threads. The Broker runs best when it can allocate two threads per
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    3.Configure the JVM to improve performance in highly threaded applications.
    4.And if you are running on Solaris and plan on going over ~1000 connections you will also need to:
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    Step 1: Increase thread pool limit for JMS service
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    support 1000 connections you will need to set the property to 2000. You can do this by adding the following line to
    $JMQ_VARHOME/stores/<broker instance name>/props/config.properties:
    Or by running jmqcmd:
    jmqcmd update svc -n jms -o maxThreads=2000
    Step 2: Configure the broker's socket read timeout
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    $JMQ_VARHOME/stores/<broker instance name>/props/config.properties :
    Step 3: On Solaris pass additional parameters to the JVM
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    -Xss128k -Xconcurrentio
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    Test 1:
    1) Import ANY Canon 5DMKII into AE CS5.5
    2) Add it to a new Comp
    3) Add that comp to the render queue
    4) Select ProRes 4444 as output codec
    5) Render and compare with your original Canon Footage
    Expected Result in the Quicktime Player 7:
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    It does NOT.
    Actual Result
    Gamma is WRONG
    Color is slighty shifted
    And Noise/banding has been increased significantly.
    Test 2:
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    2) Import the same Canon File
    3) Setup a 4444 Codec like in AE
    4) Render out
    Expected Result in the Quicktime Player 7:
    The ProRes File Should look somewhat like the original.
    It does.
    Actual Result
    ProRes transcode looks 100% identical to the source
    Test 2 Expanded
    Import the Compressor-created 4444 file into AE and repeat test 1
    Expected Result in the Quicktime Player 7:
    The ProRes File Should look somewhat like the Compressor-Created file.
    It does NOT.
    Actual Result
    Gamma is TOTALLY WRONG
    Color is LESS shifted than when exporting the Canon file directly
    Noise/banding is MORE than the compressor created file but LESS than when exporting the canon file directly...
    I am more or less speechless. I have been reading about this problem on a million blogs. Including adobe's own.
    Since at least since CS3. There have been several invain work-arounds. And now this. CS 5.5 - with the same problem.
    Adobe, how many versions do you need to get it right.
    Perhaps, you could look a little a Apple's technology, as it seems to be much more effective and advanced than yours.

    Hi Rick,
    first things FIRST ;-)
    Thank you very much for taking the time to make that post.
    My color settings in AE are correct. And I am using a color managed workflow -)
    It plays NO PART whether I enable the "Use Legacy Gamma"....
    Your example is correct in BUT it only applies to the realm in which you created it > RGB
    and it does not exhibit temporal H264 artifacts stemming from a YUV 4:2:0 (609 Color Space) Matrix
    You dont exaclty round-trip the way that I was describing a rountrip in my initial post.
    I know that a ramp can reveal certain things but it is a highly virtual comparison and does not really apply to live-worl  footage.
    At least in this case ;-)
    You take RGB-generated grays and then output to ProRes
    I took a YUV-color-realm movie entered into the realm of RGB (AE) and then exported to ProRes
    And THAT is where the problem lies.
    I am uploading the file in question. It is a movie from the 5DMKII.
    That is the source I have been testing with all along.
    It is great in that it has a dark area with quite a bit of noise. THAT noise after AE has encoded it to ProRes will look banded and become worse.
    Not so when encoding with Compressor.
    Besides, and this I cannot wrap my head around, when compressor is compressing the exact same file it is 295MB in size but when doing it with AE it is 413.
    Something wrong there ?
    Anyway, here is the link to the file if you wanna try with that.
    I am uploading a screen shot to show you which area you should look out for.
    And rememeber this is NOT visible when looking at it in AE. you HAVE to rountrip and open the source and the rountripped file in the Quicktime Player.
    Remember, most folks are WATCHING the movies in the quicktime player on OS X... So I would LIKE my files looking identical to the source when watched in the QT player. I dont believe that any consumer out there, just aiming to watch a movie has AE installed so that he can watch the movie in the way I (all AE users) intended it to look.
    Adobe we NEED this to work.
    When/if you do the test - make a real world comparison.
    Open the Original source in AE and out-encode it to PR4444.
    Then open the quicktime player and load up both (PR4444 and ORG source)
    Put them on top of each other and flip back n forth. Huge difference in the area that I have hi-lighted in SS below.
    The noise in the original is very present in the original file in that area...
    When looking at adobes encode the noise has become large square fields(almost) looks a little like banding.
    When using Apple's compressor to rountrip it looks exactly like original.
    Might I add, taking the original file and opening it directly in AME (bypassing AE altogether) will have the same impact on the file
    as when exported directly from AE. So it seems as if adobes Quicktime encoding framework has a bug altogether. I tried all of this with the
    cineform codec as well. When using adobe to encode to cineform it displayed the same artifacts.
    Original Source Footage Download
    Screenshot of area to look for

  • When will we get better handling of Fuji raw files?

    Why is it that Fuji raw files (I'm using a Fuji X-T1 camera) are treated so badly in Lightroom? I have just tried Irident Developer and just exporting random photo of my son with default settings in Irident got me a vastly better result than I able to get from Lightroom.

    I was quite concerned myself when reading some of the posts about LR processing X-trans files, even after the fix done in LR 4.4 (Adobe's Fujifilm X-Trans sensor processing tested: Digital Photography Review)
    What I noticed though, is that the articles with "comparisons" are biased and usually talk about "detail" and trying to "fix" it to no avail. My experience with every single raw file available was, however,  that it is possible to do a much better job with LR than what the articles present, leading me to think that the authors are either clueless or marketing agents in disguise.
    Moreover, some of the files that are presented as "better" are in fact quite over-sharpened showing an obviously digital result.
    My recommendation is to try and see with your own eyes. I was able to test the packages using trial periods and finally ended up sticking to LR for the overall way it handles the images.
    Here go a couple of raw files for you to try:
    Dropbox - DSCF2432.RAF
    Dropbox - DSCF2425.RAF
    100% comparisons between LR (PROVIA profile) and OOC jpg (PROVIA Film Simulation):
    1.A                                                              2.B
    2.A                                                                                                   2.B
    Any preference?
    1.A and 2.A are the Raw files processed with LR. 1.B and 2.B are OOC JPG, PROVIA

  • Will the latest iMac handle FCP and Canon 5d Footage

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    Anyone using the new iMac's with success or I am going to need to go the pro route?
    I was hoping to go with the cheapest 24" and load it with 8mg of ram.
    Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

    Spring 2008, I edited on campus with a 20" iMac with a 1gb ram and a processor speed of 2.4 Ghz if I'm correct. I'll be honest I was so impressed with that machine. Today, I own a 2.6Ghz Macbook Pro and edit Full HD footage everyday at work. You'll be amazed at just how nice that new iMac will work. Actually, your thoughts are the same as mine, with the exception of the ram. I don't think that you need it. In fact, you might not even notice it. Stick to your guts on the pure power of the basic iMac, it may be much stronger than you think. I know that my next purchase will also be the basic 24" model. Why? Well, because my Macbook Pro 17" 2.6 Ghz with 4gb ram and 512 graphics card seems really similar to the 20" iMac I was using back in Spring of 2008 -- at a third of the cost.
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    Try the troublshoooting steps in this page.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
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