Will Verizon tech run Ethernet from ONT to Router?

I am thinking of switching to FiOS and getting 150Mbps internet.  I understand the std coax install can't handle these higher speeds.  If the ONT is installed in the basement, will the tech run ethernet cable to the router which I want placed in my home office on the 1st floor?  Would there be an extra charge if done as part of the new install?  Thanks.

tw88 wrote:
I am thinking of switching to FiOS and getting 150Mbps internet.  I understand the std coax install can't handle these higher speeds.  If the ONT is installed in the basement, will the tech run ethernet cable to the router which I want placed in my home office on the 1st floor?  Would there be an extra charge if done as part of the new install?  Thanks.
Think I'd provide the connection  myself at the point where I'd like it to be.  Typically any electrician would do this for you.

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    Are both your AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express 802.11"n" devices?
    If yes, you can configure the Express to "extend a wireless network" and it will  provide more wireless coverage and the Etherent port will be enabled so that you can connect an Ethernet device.
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     Lately i've been having connectivity issues(bad lag, pages stop loading) and the problem appears to be the coax line that is running between my ONT(in the garage) and office(two floors up) .  How do i know it's the coax? Well, when the router is in the office and  I ping yahoo.com, i get an average of 120ms, ~10% packet loss. Then I moved the actiontec router to a 3 foot cable directly attached to my ONT and I get 20ms, zero packet loss. Unless im missing something it seems like there is a problem with the lines in my house and their ability to do internet over coax. My FIOS TV service works fine. I have tested all my other coax lines and they all have the same issue except for the one in the living room, however i cant use that line because wireless doesn't reach the office. So the only solution im seeing is to run an ethernet line from the ONT directly to the office. The distance is at most 75ft so signaling should not be an issue. Will Verizon install the ethernet line for me or will I have to do it myself? I feel like im not getting proper service and Verizon should be responsible for fixing it. If anyone here has other suggestions to remedy my problem please let me know. Thx guys!

    I can't answer the question about Verizon running Cat5 for you.  I'm sure someone else here will have that answer.  But some thoughts about the problem you're seeing.
    Is the coax from the garage to your office reasonably new and in good shape?
    Have you tried changing the connectors at both ends?
    How are splitters configured?  I would think you should have the router on one 3.5 dB leg of the first splitter and the rest of the house off any other splits.  And a splitter could be bad.  You could try getting a coax "barrel" from Radio Shack and, as a test, bypassing any splitter in between the ONT and the router in your office.
    Is the run from the garage to the router about the same as the run to the living room?  I'm wondering if the router itself might be defective and require more signal than it should. 
    FWIW, it sounds like I have a similar setup to yours and it just works.  I know some prefer Cat5 ONT-router for various reason but I like the Verizon default configuration for it's simplicity and for the fact that Verizon will support it if support is needed.   I wonder what tech support would say about your situation if you could get past tier 1 script reading. 
    Good luck.
    The more I think about it the more I suspect a splitter is your problem.  I say that because if I understand you correctly, you get the same results at the end of every piece of coax except in the living room.  Right?  That leads me to think the connection to the ONT is getting screwed up somewhere that it's being split.  FWIW.
    edit & P.P.S.
    This is the "barrel" I had in mind to bypass any splitters for troubleshooting purposes:

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    tftp worked for me but not ftp. My ftp requires a password and I don't know how to send it via scheduler job.
    scheduler job name BkupConfig
      copy running-config startup-config
      copy startup-config tftp://$(TIMESTAMP).txt
    scheduler schedule name Weekly_5am
      job name BkupConfig
      time weekly 01:05:00
    Job Name       : test                              Job Status: Success (0)
    Schedule Name  : test                              User Name : user
    Completion time: Thu Sep  5 11:08:41 2013
    --------------------------------- Job Output ---------------------------------
    `copy running-config startup-config`
    [###                                     ]   6%
    [######                                  ]  12%
    [########                                ]  19%
    [###########                             ]  25%
    [##############                          ]  32%
    [################                        ]  39%
    [###################                     ]  45%
    [######################                  ]  51%
    [########################                ]  59%
    [###########################             ]  65%
    [#############################           ]  71%
    [################################        ]  79%
    [###################################     ]  85%
    [#####################################   ]  91%
    [########################################]  98%
    [########################################] 100%
    Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
    `copy startup-config
    ftp://[email protected]/MDS_Bkup/DowMDS2013-09-05-10.53.05.txt
    Password: Login failed.

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    Pros and cons of switching to Verizon ... would depend on your requirements for service, and your budget and willingness to pay.  Research the carriers, their coverage, their services, and their prices. Then decide what works best.
    Years ago when researching our very first cell phones, Verizon had the best coverage in our area, and comparable pricing to the other carriers, so we went with Verizon.  Over the years I have compared pricing, and for what we have and need, Verizon still comes out even with or better the other carriers available to us, so we stay. 
    So, your friend would need to decide if the termination fee from his/her current carrier is worth the cost of switching.  It's a pretty subjective and personal decision, what works for me or you may not work for your friend.

  • Verizon tech support for FIOS - how to get around the attitude.

    Most are helpful, but some are rather disdainful of macs or linux, or act surprised if you have more than one computer.
    A: Well, if I only had one computer, why would I need a router?
    Linux does not need any special support, and in fact runs quite beautifully on FiOS and the router without any setup at all. It recognizes the router and self-adjusts with DHCP auto. Actually it's much faster and less flawed than Windows.
    Linux doesn't have any recognized or known virus. At all. FUD is generated at various times during calls to FiOS support when I make the mistake of mentioning linux. They act like it's going to break their network.
    I'm an Admin from MSFT, and MSFT uses linux. Extensively. They just don't like to talk about it. "Seven" = NT 7.0. NT is MSFT's version of UNIX, which they licensed fom Novell.
    So, even microsoft contains unix code. Tada.  Lets' drop the operating system arguments for now though.
    I have three Dell servers, six Dell and HP desktops, and two laptops. All but two of them run linux full time, and only one is dual boot. Both laptops run linux exclusively and so do three of the desktops and ALL my servers. I've never in 12 years had a linux virus, and I never will. No, I don't even run a firewall, and there is no linux antivirus software accepted by the linux distributions, because it's useless. Not needed.
    All of these machines, XP, Vista, Ubuntu, Slackware, and Red Hat Server run on four brainless hubs, or switches. A switch is not capable of DHCP or DNS routing. They are passive devices which are not capable of blocking a router. They only stop working when they die. You can have switches [hubs] in ANY conceivable chain or configuration, and they still work the same, as they all take commands from whatever routers you have.
    The only router in my home is the verizon router. I have no need of others, but I've run dual and even triple routers before without a single problem. You set the extra routers to instead of 1.1. Third router? And so on. Painless.
    None of these devices have yet failed or ever blocked internet access, yet half the time when I call verizon FiOS, the tech people tell me to connect directly to the router with my laptop. I've always just TOLD them that I did, but I never ever did that. It's not necessary. If you can't connect to, the router is dead. checking hubs is an astoundingly simple task that only takes a second... you just go to any other computer on that hub, or plug in my laptop, and see if you can get through. I've had one hub fail in the last 8 years, and that didn't fool me for more than a minute. I replaced it and was back in biz without tech support help.
    ONLY in the instance where only ONE computer is down, does it make sense to isolate the router. Thus, the FiOS people are just trained to eliminate the obvious, but they also talk smack. MOCO? Why would I have a major OC24 type network connection in my home? I've been hit with just such questions. Wouldn't verizon know if I had a backbone connection through them???
    Here's the deal: Buy your own equipment, and get warranties. Unless the external box, ONT I believe they call it, has died, you're not likely to get a lot of support anyway - since verizon will not talk about anything other than their router and the ONT.  Save time and just be aware of your own eqiupment. I'm on my sixth day of having no FiOS since Verizon sent me a new also bad router and now I'm awaiting another replacement by the UPS people. Speed is not a hot button issue with verizon service apparently, but they are better than comcast.
    Good thing about verizon is that they don't appear to cap bandwidth, and for that I respect them no matter how much garbage I get from a few of the tech support staff. Even most of those people are pretty nice. One of them actually talked linux with me for a half hour, and that was a breath of fresh air.
    Verizon needs to realize that there are three to six times more linux operating systems in use now worldwide than all windows products combined. The US Army and US Navy have switched to linux systems and dumped windows. I'm shopping for another new desktop, and I'm only buying penguin computers. I won't buy "7" because I've seen the source code, and don't have a high opinion of it. Linux is more robust, and for whatever reason, MSFT still refuses to implement the System Five and UNIX security levels that are inherent to a safe Operating System, and a kernel component of unix. I don't see why not. NT is capable, but all suggestions to turn it 'on' are ignored.
    I want to see verizon get with the program and start to support linux. After all, it's fifteen times cheaper to maintain, and three times less expensive to develop for. Verizon would never have to deal with spyware and viruses from its users ever again. One day I hope verizon will wake up.
    In the meantime, it would be nice if the tech support at FiOS wouldn't misinform clients and customers about linux, macs, and having several computers in the home. There's nothing at all wrong with that. I just bought a netbook from you folks and I'm using that now to get online.

    All I have to say about that is, "People fear what they do not know." Everyone has a comfort zone. Some people's comfort zone is larger than others, or encompasses different aspects of life. Most Windows users aren't comfortable with Mac or Unix operating systems. Most English speakers aren't comfortable with foreign languages. Most two-year-olds aren't comfortable with spinach.
    C'est la vie.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
    "All knowledge is worth having."

  • Will i have problem upgrading from Snow Leopard 10.6.8 to Maverick ?

    will i have problem upgrading from Snow Leopard 10.6.8 to Maverick ?

    Impossible to know. But I would make a backup before doing so, just in case. I would also do the following:
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your Snow Leopard Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior and/or Tech Tool Pro to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    If you wish to save yourself a lot time should you need to reinstall Mavericks at some point in the future then see the following:
    Make Your Own Mavericks, Mountain/Lion Installer
    After downloading the installer you must first save the Install Mac OS X application. After the installer downloads DO NOT click on the Install button. Go to your Applications folder and make a copy of the installer. Move the copy into your Downloads folder. Now you can click on the Install button. You must do this because the installer deletes itself automatically when it finishes installing.
       2. Get a USB flash drive that is at least 8 GBs. Prep this flash drive as follows:
    Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    After DU loads select your flash drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the leftside list. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list.
    Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to an hour depending upon the flash drive size.
    Make your own Mavericks flash drive installer using the Mavericks tool:
    You can also create a Mavericks flash drive installer via the Terminal. Mavericks has its own built-in installer maker you use via the Terminal:
    You will need a freshly partitioned and formatted USB flash drive with at least 8GBs. Leave the name of the flash drive at the system default, "Untitled." Do not change this name. Open the Terminal in the Utilities folder. Copy this entire command line after the prompt in the Terminal's window:
         sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ Mavericks.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume
         /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ Mavericks.app --nointeraction
    Press RETURN. Enter your admin password when prompted. It will not be echoed to the screen so be careful to enter it correctly. Press RETURN, again.
    Wait for the process to complete which will take quite some time. When completed it would be wise to test the installer by checking that it boots the computer and is then ready for installation.

  • Quicktime 10.0 will not play apple trailers from site. I have Mac OS X 10.6.8 - site directs me to download - then states I have it already - all software updated.  What do I do?

    Quicktime 10.0 will not play apple trailers from site. I have Mac OS X 10.6.8 - site directs me to download - then states I have it already - all software updated.  What do I do?

    JessBennet wrote:
    ... I already clicked on the Apple symbol on the top left part of my screen and clicked "Software Update'' but it says I am up to date, which clearly is not right)
    It is Correct for your Current OS = Leopard = 10.5.8
    The first step in Upgrading... is to Snow Leopard = OS X 10.6.x
    It is Not available as a download...
    Do this first...
    Check that your Mac meets the System Requirements for Snow Leopard...
    Snow Leopard Tech Specs
    If so Contact Apple in your Country to Purchase a Snow Leopard Disc...
    In the US...
    1-800-MY-APPLE or 1-800-676-2775
    After the Successful Install, run Software Update to get the latest updates for Snow Leopard.
    Be sure to make a Backup of your Current System Before Upgrading...

  • Express used as extender, can I run ethernet out?

    I'm wanting to get a TV for my bedroom upstairs. I already have a new Airport Express up there working as a network extender. I was wondering if I can run an ethernet cable from the Express to the TV or Bluray player so I can watch Hulu, etc?

    I'd like to further clarify -or- ask a similar question...
    You said that both ports on a 'new' Express will extend Ethernet. This must be when the Express is connected wirelessly, right?  (Otherwise the WAN port would have a cable in it already)
    What about a hard-wired setup?...
    I am planning to extend my Extreme's wi-fi, by Ethernet cable, to a new Express in the basement.  (FaceTime with grandparents drops out in the kids playroom down there). This should be dead easy, your posted method seems to be very popular.  However, I only have a single cat6 running to the basement, currently into an appleTV3.  I will have to unplug the aTV, and plug that cable into the Express's WAN port, to make this happen.
    I would rather not connect the aTV thru wi-fi.  I am expecting that I will be able to patch the aTV into the Express's remaining LAN <-> port and the aTV will continue to work, as if nothing has changed...except for good wi-fi now in the basement.  Essentially, cable-wise, the Express will act as a single port switch.  (Extreme will DHCP the Express; and will also DHCP the Express's <-> port)
    Otherwise, I will have to use a 4port switch...first... and then connect both Express and aTV into that. <yuk>
    (I just feel that connecting backbone network components directly to the Extreme is better than having a switch in the way)
    Bob, can you confirm that the Express will 'pass-thru' any Ethernet cable connection? (IP addressing isn't really a biggie, whoever does it, I can bundle a fixed range if need be)
    Thanks for your guidance,

  • Verizon Orders Note 2 From Samsung Stripped Down

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    While on the phone I decide to ask the Samsung rep why the Verizon model is stripped down compared to it's competitors.  Come to find out, according to the Samsung rep, Verizon orders the phone from Samsung and tells them how they want it equipped ( I can just imagine that conversation...Samsung please remove your calendar widget and other widgets from your phone before I will sell it on our carrier...let me fill it with our bloatware, brand it as our own, oh yeah remove the Google apps from an android phone so they can't be used with the multi-task view, and please remove other features and settings so we can sell our customers a stripped down version).  Samsung allows Verizon to take off these features, settings, and widgets at their disposal.  It's so disappointing to know we have a stripped down version of the baddest phone on the market. 

    4.1.2 was pushed to my G Note 2  on 5/10.   Since then, I have had nothing but problems.   Sitting at my office with WIFI  on, I get no inbound calls despite having 2 bars of signal (I just get notifications that I have a voicemail.)  I can also receive text messages but can only get messages out possibly 1 out of every 10 tries. Had tech on phone today for an hour.  They had me shut phone down, remove battery and SIM for 2 minutes.  Tech was making various unidentified changes on their end, then had me re-install and turn on phone.   Test call responded with 'Mobile Network Not Found' despite 2 to 4 bars of signal.  Tech asked if Mobile data was on and I said no.  Tech had me turn wifi off, and Mobile data on.  At that point I tried calling my phone and was able to get through.   Test call still failed.    Tech had me power phone down and back on after some additional unknown changes.   Test call to #832 worked so tech felt problem was now solved.   Unfortunately.....not really.   Some disturbing comments from the tech:    Backup Assistant will not function over WIFI, so you're forced to use valuable mobile data.   Verizon will not support any WIFI functionality, so if they can make something work with mobile data they feel they're covered.   This sets up a great scenario where they can interfere with WIFI at will and force you to using mobile data.

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    will lightroom cc run on the Mac operating system OSX 10.8 mountain lion?

    You haven't mentioned which version of Lightroom, but anything from 4 up should be no problem. Here's a link to the Lr5 requirements http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/photoshop-lightroom/tech-specs.html

  • Running SAPGUI from Internet Explorer....

    Hi Gurus,
         I would like to get the tech know-how of running SAP GUI from Internet Explorer.  I am basically a functional consultant, but like to explore in both func. and tech.  Please do reply if any option is there..  Thanks in Advance...
    Harish Haridas

    SAP GUI doesn't run on IE. In case you want to know CRM Web UI, then you can run it from the transaction CRM_UI and then the browser will open on the IE, this transaction is available from CRM 7.0 onwards. Incase you are below that version please use the transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB and then test the component CRM_UI_FRAME.

  • Solution For Accessing Verizon E-Mail Overseas & From Non-Verizo​n ISPs

    After suffering like many of you, and not being able to access Verizon e-mail from Thunderbird (also relevant to any of you that use Outlook or other non-web based mail programs) finally got solution very quickly once a good Verizon USA based Tech focused on my problem, issued Verizon Repair Ticket number and problem was solved from Verizon's end in less than 1 hour.
    So, the solution was simple.  I provided the IP Address where I am currently overseas.  Verizon then "white-listed" this IP address, where before it was "black-listed".  Here are some practical suggestions if you're having similar problems.
    1.  If you reach Verizon Tech Support in any country outside USA ask to be transferred to a USA Tech.  Initially, I was connected to multiple techs in Mexico that said that a Verizon Repair Ticket could not be issued for this problem.  That statement is not true; Repair Tickets can and were issued for this problem.  Insist that a Repair Ticket be issued for your problem.  Don't accept anything less!
    2.  Verizon techs in Mexico admitted that they don't have access to same level of information that USA techs do.  Mexico said there was no record of this collective problem that many of us have experienced since mid-September.  I told them to have a look at Verizon e-mail forums!
    3.  No one outside of Verizon can solve this problem as the problem exists on Verizon's mail servers.
    4.  Problem first started on or about September 17, 2014.
    5.  When you deal with Verizon Tech Support in the USA be prepared to give them the IP address where your computer is connected where you currently can't retrieve e-mail.  It is easy to get your IP Address, just Google "what is my IP address" and you'll get a series of numbers, something like 123.45.678.901.  Give this to the tech so that IP address can be white-listed.
    6.  As a practical matter if you're switching locations where you access e-mail, you may have to go through this procedure for each location where you want to get e-mail.  Just depends on whether that location is black listed or white listed.  This suggestion may not be practical if you're traveling to multiple locations overseas and are not in any one location for more than a couple of days.
    As an aside, I think it is unconscionable that Verizon doesn't post a summary of this problem and the solution(s) for it.  Hopefully this posting will save you from making multiple 1+ hour phone calls to Verizon as I've done in the last 3+ weeks.

    Dear Wayward American,
    Thanks for your optimistic post. But for the average overseas traveler who is on business or on a touring vacation and is not at one place for more than a day or two, your comment "This suggestion may not be practical if you're traveling to multiple locations overseas and are not in any one location for more than a couple of days." renders this "solution" by Verizon quite useless. 
    Many overseas hotels have pretty dodgy e-mail systems anyway and may well give you a different IP address every 24 hours!

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