Windows instal after crash

I downloaded a virus and it lead to a massive crash. 
I took the notebook to a computer store and they recovered the system.  However, they used some type of temporary Windows version and the computer is now telling me that windows will restart every two hours.
How can I reinstall the original version of Windows that came with the computer when I bought it?  I wasn't given any CDs.
Is there any other solution?
Please help.
It is a HP 15-p067ca TOUCH NOTEBOOK.

See if you can order a set of recovery disks from HP for your model.
Click on the link below and then click on the line labeled Order Recovery Media.​e/hp-pavilion-15-p000-notebook-pc-series/6936226/m​...
If you live in Canada (usually a notebook with a 'ca' suffix means the model is sold in Canada), you may not be able to order the disks online.  In the past, Canadian customers stated that they needed a US address to order online.
Call this number and see if you can order by phone, if you can't order online.
1-(800)-474-6836, (1-800-HP INVENT) (24/7)

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    Hello there, jasibrar.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great steps for troubleshooting your issue:
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    This additional article may prove useful to you as well:
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    Please also check these two blogs to see if any suggestion work for you when the issue happens again:
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    Try downloading and installing the latest HP OSD Utility on the following link.
    After the installation has completed, restart the notebook.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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    Once I clicked it the time glass on the mouse was there for a few seconds and then went away without the application starting up at all.
    A couple times a week I open Dentrix 11.0 in a virtual machine on Windows 7. I experience the same thing almost every time I open the VM. I must first get Windows to "reconnect" my network for me. Do this by opening Start | My Computer, and
    double-click on the mapped network drive leading to the Dentrix data. After I can see the Dentrix data drive, Dentrix will be able to read it too and will open correctly.
    In Dentrix, seeing nothing (or briefly seeing a hourglass and then seeing nothing) is a classic sign that either:
    - The database files are marked as Read Only
    - The program cannot access the data files (probably the folder it is pointed to does not contain any data).
    - Or possibly the database path does not point to the right location where the data files are located
    Open the folder where you installed the program files of Dentrix (probably c:\program files\dentrix\) and double-click to run EP.EXE. The database path will be revealed. You can "Browse" to the correct location, and "OK" through the dialog to
    close them. Then try opening Dentrix again.
    Should that not work, open Start | My Computer, and try to open the path (starting with the drive letter, then the folder structure you saw in EP.EXE).
    By the way, if your path uses UNC (starting with two back-slashes and then the computer name of the server), you'll need to map a network drive and replace your path with a mapped drive path. (Map a drive in Start | My Computer | Tools | Map Network
    Drive). Dentrix really doesn't like UNC paths.
    Dentrix 10.5 can only be installed on Windows XP
    Microsoft .NET 1.0
    Just FYI, Microsoft .Net Framework 1.0 is required only for the "Time Clock" feature of Dentrix. Windows 7 already has .NET Framework features up to version 3.5 built in, and Time Clock (in my experience) works great under Windows 7 without installing
    .NET 1.0.
    Have you tried installing directly in Windows 7? I have a specific reason why I don't (I have a newer version of Dentrix installed on my Win 7 machine, and use the VM to go back to an older database occasionally - so I can't mix two different program versions
    on the same machine). If you were to try installing this program under Windows 7 directly, Dentrix will launch the Microsoft .NET Framework install after the Dentrix install is completed. Just cancel out at that point (Windows will probably give you an "incompatibility"
    error message anyway before allowing the install to go through) and I believe you can run it under Windows 7. That might eliminate the networking-through-the-VM issue. So, if you have no other reason not to install Dentrix on your Windows 7 machine directly,
    I'd try it. You might be surprised and if it works, you'd save yourself some headache with connecting the to network through the virual machine.
    Is why was Dentrix not in its own folder and instead in the Startup programs after All programs?
    During the installation, on the Select Program Folder screen, you must have clicked the "Startup" option under Existing Folders. By default, "Dentrix" will be typed into the box at the top. If you simply clicked Next, it would have gone
    to the correct location. The screen is a little confusing, because something in the list will be highlighted by default, but what is typed into the box at the top will actually be used.

  • Unable to reactivate Windows 7 after clean install - help!

    Yesterday I formatted my C:\ drive in order to perform a fresh install of Windows 7 Home Premium. I am unsure of whether I was using 64 or 32 bit. I didn't have an install disc so borrowed a friend's retail Home Premium disc and used my OEM key to install. This didn't work and I am unable to reactivate my copy of Windows 7. Having read some other forum posts it would seem that I should have made a backup before formatting my hard drive, but it's too late now.
    How can I successfuly reactivate my OEM copy of Windows 7? I am reinstalling on the same exact PC so believe that this should be possible.

    Hello @sad_muso,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I have read your post on how you are not able to activate your version of Windows 7 after a clean install of the operating system, and I would be happy to help you!
    To reactivate Windows 7 on your desktop computer, I recommend following the steps in this document on Windows 7, Vista, XP Product Activation.
    Please re-post with the results of your troubleshooting, and I look forward to your reply!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Recovering earlier installed Windows 7 after installing Arch Linux

    I'm trying to boot windows on my ASUS notebook.
    There was windows 7 from the very beginning (disks C:\ and D:\), then I divided disk D:\ on several partitions and installed Arch Linux. I overwrited Windows boot information by boot part of Linux. Now I want to recover windows, that I still have on hard drive. It doesn's matter what there will be: dualboot or only windows (but dualboot is prefered).
    Disk info:
    [jhon@fckrsns ~]$ sudo fdisk -l
    Disk /dev/sda: 698.7 GiB, 750156374016 bytes, 1465149168 sectors
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
    Disklabel type: gpt
    Disk identifier: 1AFC9DFF-CD3B-4CE1-8CAF-41C3E5B75772
    Device Start End Size Type
    /dev/sda1 2048 411647 200M EFI System
    /dev/sda2 411648 673791 128M Microsoft reserved
    /dev/sda3 673792 586731519 279.5G Microsoft basic data
    /dev/sda4 586731520 691589119 50G Linux filesystem
    /dev/sda5 1412718592 1465147391 25G Windows recovery environment
    /dev/sda6 691589120 901304319 100G Linux filesystem
    /dev/sda7 901304320 1412718591 243.9G Microsoft basic data
    [jhon@fckrsns ~]$ lsblk
    sda 8:0 0 698.7G 0 disk
    ├─sda1 8:1 0 200M 0 part /boot
    ├─sda2 8:2 0 128M 0 part
    ├─sda3 8:3 0 279.5G 0 part
    ├─sda4 8:4 0 50G 0 part /
    ├─sda5 8:5 0 25G 0 part
    ├─sda6 8:6 0 100G 0 part /home
    └─sda7 8:7 0 243.9G 0 part
    sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
    [jhon@fckrsns ~]$ lsblk -f
    ├─sda1 vfat 4DEB-D6D2 /boot
    ├─sda3 ntfs OS 62364BE9364BBCB3
    ├─sda4 ext4 c4da4683-871a-49fa-96a3-4da11387d31d /
    ├─sda5 ntfs Recovery 8ECE4F50CE4F2FAF
    ├─sda6 ext4 3eba01c6-e422-4542-8442-16064c74a563 /home
    └─sda7 ntfs 3B29E7794F6CD932
    OS partition (/dev/sda3):
    [jhon@fckrsns /]$ ls /run/media/jhon/OS
    altera Boot djvureader DrWeb Quarantine eSupport hiberfil.sys MSOCache N56VM.BIN pagefile.sys Program Files Recovery SecurityScanner.dll VisualCLibs
    AsusVibeData bootmgr Documents and Settings eclipse Games Intel MS.Office.2007.Portable.micro.v.1.16 N56VZ.BIN PerfLogs Program Files (x86) $Recycle.Bin System Volume Information Windows
    AVScanner.ini BOOTSECT.BAK DOSBox_SIM END gcc Keil_v5 mtd NVIDIA ProgramData Qt R.G. Catalyst Users
    I tried to recover MBR with different ways:
    with syslinux:
    [jhon@fckrsns /]$ sudo dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/bios/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda
    0+1 records in
    0+1 records out
    440 bytes (440 B) copied, 0.0226394 s, 19.4 kB/s
    with ms-sys:
    [jhon@fckrsns /]$ sudo ms-sys --partition /dev/sda1
    Start sector 2048 (nr of hidden sectors) successfully written to /dev/sda1
    Physical disk drive id 0x80 (C:) successfully written to /dev/sda1
    Number of heads (255) successfully written to /dev/sda1
    [jhon@fckrsns /]$ sudo ms-sys --mbr7 /dev/sda
    Windows 7 master boot record successfully written to /dev/sda
    But there is still no way to boot windows.
    I run grub-mkconfig before and after these manipulations with MBR:
    [jhon@fckrsns ~]$ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    Generating grub configuration file ...
    Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-linux
    Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    Found fallback initramfs image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    No volume groups found
    [jhon@fckrsns /]$ sudo os-prober
    /dev/cdrom: open failed: No medium found
    No volume groups found
    I installed rEFInd, now I have two choices on boot screen: vmlinuz-linux, which it founded, and my earlier installed grub bootloader.
    Maybe I missed something, but i don't know what exactly.
    Last edited by Jhon (2014-09-28 16:45:38)

    Now I know that I don't need MBR at all (but google told me that recovering windows = recovering MBR..)
    Are there any ways to recover boot information on EFI system partition from Linux without using Windows Live CD and it's bootrec.exe?
    I have bootmgr and bootmgfw.efi files on /dev/sda3 (partition with windows installed), what else I need? Simple copy of bootmgfw.efi to /boot/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi and addition of custom menu item to /etc/grub.d/40_custom does'nt work. There is Windows now in rEFInd and GRUB menus, but there is error on loading.

Maybe you are looking for