Wireless slow reconnect at wake up

I notice that it takes 5 minutes or more after wake up for airport to reconnect with the wireless router we use in our office. When I turn on the computer after it has been off the wireless connects right away. Any ideas? thanks!

Have you tried deleting the network from the list and re-adding it?

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    Could be a timeout setting (I assume you're using NetworkManager).  I have the same issue, but usually take the 15-30 seconds to think about what I'm going to accomplish next

  • Wireless slow reconnects or slow roaming

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    I have 2 Linksys WAP2000 access points, both configured as "access points", and a Windows XP SP2 native supplicant/client with a Ralink chipset and latest driver rt2860 version
    I set identical settings in both access points: SSID, WPA2-AES, Radius, EAP-TLS. Theoretically, this should make roaming seamless.
    However, the whole roaming process takes at least 35 seconds (during which I have no connectivity; so it's lethal for real-time apps).
    This 35-second time lapse also occurs when I only have 1 access point and go out of its wireless coverage and then back in. ie. it ALWAYS takes 35 seconds to authenticate, whether it's roaming or not.
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    I don't see any messages at all in the Radius server log until these 35 seconds pass.
    The Radius server messages are processed quickly and in a matter of 2-3 seconds the Access-Accept message is sent and the Win XP client immediately accesses the LAN (continuous ping test).
    So I'm deducing that communication coming back from the Radius server to the supplicant via the access point is quick and clean. It looks like the bottleneck is when the client "sends" to the AP, ie. it doesn't "associate" quickly enough.
    Now, how can I determine if this is a "wlan driver" issue or if the problem is on the WAP2000 access point?

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    10.7.3 did not correct this bug.
    I'm also using MS Messenger and notification sounds are also buffered until the headphones are switched on.
    I found other threads dealing with this bug :
    http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/26991/os-x-lion-mail-app-sound-effects- bug
    I'm currently trying the tip given in the last discussion :
    "Success - in the Audio Midi Setup (Applications/Utilities) I changed the output to 2ch - 32bit Float and all the audio works well."
    My headphones already had this setting, but internal speakers had 2ch - 24bit... is it a possible explanation ? Time will tell ...

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    How can I get AirPort to reconnect after wake again?  Any tips appreciated.  Thanks.

    It might help to reset the connection settings on your Mac using these steps one at a time until the problem is resolved, recognizing that, depending on your problem, not all of these steps will make sense:
    1) Use the AirPort menu bar item to turn AirPort off, then on again.
    2) Try to select your Wi-Fi network from the AirPort menu.
    3) In the Network panel of System Preferences delete the AirPort item from the left column, then add it back.
    4) In the same panel as (3), define a new location and see if you can make that work.
    5) In the same panel, select the AirPort connection item, click the "Advanced" button, select the "TCP/IP" tab, then click "Renew DHCP Lease".  Note that the fix this step implements may be temporary.
    6) In the folder /Library/Preferences ( _not_ <yourhomefolder>/Library/Preferences), move the folder SystemConfiguration onto the Desktop, then restart your computer. See if you can now make your AirPort connection work.
    These steps may not help, but they'll only take a couple of minutes to try.  Before you try these, if you have any special network settings on your Mac for things like DSL credentials, note all your network settings, because the latter steps will destroy them.  If you got all the way to the last step, if things don't work any worse than before, you can trash the saved SystemConfiguration folder.

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    Thanks for any help.
    iMac Intel Core Duo 2gig.   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   2Gig ram


  • Wireless slow

    I have a MacBookPro3,1 model and I noticed that my internet was really slow on my Macbook Pro. Sometimes it's really fast loading pages, and other times it will take 30 seconds to load a page with just text. I tested all of my PC's and they're just fine on the wireless. I finally wired my Macbook Pro and now it's fast on the internet. I was just talking to my buddy who also has a Macbook Pro and he's also experiencing the same issues with his, and his is almost a year newer than mine. Anyone know if these wireless cards are going bad or what? I'm running 10.5.6 and even after a restore the wireless is slow. I can't see that I'm getting disconnected from the wireless but my adium always disconnects/reconnects every minute or so. Now that I'm wired to my router everything is fine.

    Sounds like you have wireless interference. Wireless interference comes from virtually everything ranging from small factors such as your body being between your computer and your router to larger physical bodies/barriers, such as walls. Wood and concrete are especially adept at blocking wireless signals, but more importantly, +other electronic devices that operate at 2.4 GHz or similar frequencies, i.e. cordless phones, can have very detrimental effects on your wireless performance.+
    My advice:
    Remove/move any and all 2.4 GHz wireless devices, like cordless phones, that you can
    Use interface robustness. Apple changed where they hid it between Tiger and Leopard. For Leopard:
    Go into Airport Admin in utilities. Click on the base station on the left you want. Click on manual setup at the bottom. Click on wireless at the top. Click on wireless options at the bottom and that should take you to a screen that gives you the option of using Inter, Robust.
    Lastly, try moving your router's location. I had similar problems, moved my router literally 2 feet, and it's like magic. Good luck. Hope this helps

  • Wireless connection lost upon wake from sleep

    I recently joined the 21st century and purchased broadband internet for my home. I am connecting via wireless ethernet using an original Airport card and flying-saucer type base station. All I did was connect the base station to the cable modem with an ethernet cable, plug it in, and restart my eMac. The network showed up right away and I was connected. Unfortunately, after my Mac went to sleep and I woke it up, not only was there not a connection, but there was no sign of the network.
    Airport status showed it was still on, but in the spot where the networks show there was nothing. Restarting corrected the problem, but I assume only until it sleeps again. I can change the settings to make it monitor-only sleep, but I would like a more permanent solution.
    What might help to fix the problem, and was there something I needed to do besides just turn my machine off and on to set up this network?

    If you pose this problem over in the Airport or Tiger networking forums, you'll find you've stumbled into a morass of conflicting reports. There have been a disturbing number of reports of Airport connections lost in Tiger after wake from system sleep, usually not reconnected until after a restart. Some people have some success checking the box to put the Airport icon in the menubar ans using that to turn Airport off, wait a few minutes, and turn it back on, yet others have reported that only works part of the time and others report it doesn't work at all. Some have reported improvement after downloading and running the full OS X Update Combo 10.4.10 (PPC) on top of an OS updated via Software Update. And the large majority of Airport users never report any problems at all using Tiger. It really sounds like there's no one cause and no one fix.
    There is a workaround: don't let the Mac go into system sleep. Use the Energy Saver system preference to set system sleep to Never, uncheck the 'put hard drives to sleep when possible' box, and set the display-only sleep to say 20 minutes. If the eMac is in a bedroom and the sleepers are sensitive to fan noise or power LED lights, that will be a problem, but likely less aggravating than losing your broadband connection.

  • Linksys wireless slows gigabit-connected Mac

    I have a gigabit-ethernet LAN connecting from my PowerMac running OSX 10.4.11 to a Dell XPS, a Mac 7600, and HP Laserjet 4200 printer. My cable modem connects to my PowerMac via built-in GBEthernet. IPNetRouter is normally my software router/firewall that connects to the rest of the LAN through a second GBEthernet card in the PowerMac. This wired LAN is very quick. Its only shortcoming is that the Internet connection to the PC and Mac7600 drops out several times a day and I have to disconnect the power on the modem to reset the network. I can live with that.
    My problem today is that a new PC Laptop that is 802.11n wireless ready has been added to the mix. I'm a GBEthernet jock who knows virtually nothing about wireless communications. We're now using a Linksys 2.4Ghz wireless router that is 802.11g to connect to the PC laptop. To accomplish this, we have made the Linksys the router/firewall. The cable modem now connects directly to the Linksys WAN port. The Linksys also has four 10/100 Ethernet ports. One of these ports is connected to a GB Ethernet port on an 8 port Netgear GBEthernet switch that connects to the rest of the LAN. All cables are Monster cables Cat 6. My PowerMac, which previously was the gateway/firewall machine, is now connected via its built-in GBEthernet port directly to the Netgear LAN switch. The PowerMac's second Ethernet card and software router are turned off and disconnected from the network.
    This works fine. The Dell XPS ethernet connection is fast enough, but not as fast as when it was getting its signals via GB Ethernet. What does NOT work fine is my PowerMac's Internet connection. It is as slow as a telephone connection or worse. I was hoping for Ethernet 10/100 speed, but I'm not getting it.
    Now for the questions: If I replace the Linksys with an Airport Extreme base station (that has a GB Ethernet WAN port and internal switch instead of the LInksys' 10/100 WAN port and internal switch) is my Internet performance on the PowerMac likely to improve? Does anyone know why I'm getting such slow Internet access with the current configuration? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

    Can you access the Internet if you connect your Mac, via an ethernet cable, to one of your Linksys router's LAN ports instead of wireless? Be sure to turn off the Airport card on your Mac and setup your Built-in Ethernet.
    You access your network settings as follows: System Preferences > Network > Show > Network Status > Built-in Ethernet > Configure > TCP/IP
    If your router is providing DHCP service (default), then the following values (or close approximate) should display on the TCP/IP tab:
    Configure IPv4: Using DHCP
    IP Address: 192.168.1.n
    Subnet Mask:
    If the IP address reads something like 169.n.n.n, then your Mac is not getting the DHCP private addresses. If this is the case, try clicking on "Renew DHCP Lease" to see if your Mac get assigned a proper address.
    You may find the following reference helpful: http://homepage.mac.com/car1son/initiallinksyssetup.html
    Let me know your results...

  • 10.9.2 upgrade and now wifi will not automatically reconnect after wake from sleep

    I upgraded to 10.9.2 on my mid-2012 Macbook air and now when i wake the laptop from sleep the wifi will not automatically reconnect. I have to physically click on my network to re-join it.

    Test after taking each of the following steps that you haven't already tried. Back up all data before making any changes.
    1. Make sure the network is on the preferred list by following these instructions. It's important to read the article carefully, as it's the starting point for any further efforts to solve the problem. If you skip any of the steps, the problem may not be solved. Make sure the box marked
    Remember networks this computer has joined
    is checked.
    2. Follow the instructions in this support article under the heading
    Symptom: After restarting or waking from sleep, my computer might not connect to the Internet
    3. Reset the PRAM.
    4. Make a note of all your settings for Wi-Fi in the Network preference pane, then delete the connection from the connection list and recreate it with the same settings. You do this by clicking the plus-sign icon below the connection list, and selecting Wi-Fi as the interface in the sheet that opens. Select Join other network from the Network Name menu, then select your network. Enter the password when prompted and save it in the keychain.
    5. From the Location menu at the top of the Network preference pane, select Edit Locations. A sheet will drop down. Click the plus-sign button to create a new location. Give it any name you want. In the new location, set up the Wi-Fi service with the same settings you used before. Click Apply and test.
    6. Launch the Keychain Access application. Search for and delete all AirPort network password items that refer to the network. Make a note of the password first.
    7. Repair permissions on the startup volume.
    8. Turn off Bluetooth and test.
    9. Reset the System Management Controller.
    10. Reinstall OS X.

  • Wireless slowed to a crawl

    Hiya there
    A few days ago (around midnight) by BT Home Hub restarted a few times, I though nothing of it I was watching a movie at the time and i just assumed it was an update to the firmware.
    The next morning I turned on my computer (which is connected via cable) and all was fine and thought no more of the issue, later though my daughter came down saying her wireless connection was not working.  I have taken a look at it the signal is all green bars but the connection keeps going on and off and when on is painfully slow I though perhaps i had better investigate so i turned on my Play station (also wireless connected) and got the same problem, On-line gaming is a no no simply connecting at such a slow painful speed that it isn't worth it, it cant even get on-line half the time.
    Has anyone any ideas what the issue might be ?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi ZooBurner,
    Thanks for posting. Have you tried changing the wireless channel? I suspect it might have changed when the hub reset so you might need to "tune it in" so to speak. Have a look at this link
    Let me know how you get on.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

  • Can a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Wake my MB?

    Hello Everyone,
    I just purchased an external monitor, which I am planning on wall-mounting. While at my desk, I will have my MacBook in a drawer with the Apple Wireless Keyboard and Mouse on the desk, in order to create more space. Which brings me to my question.
    If I keep my MacBook in the drawer with the lid closed, will I be able to wake it into clamshell mode with the Apple Wireless Keyboard and / or Bluetooth Mighty Mouse?

    Hello Everyone,
    I just purchased an external monitor, which I am
    planning on wall-mounting. While at my desk, I will
    have my MacBook in a drawer with the Apple Wireless
    Keyboard and Mouse on the desk, in order to create
    more space. Which brings me to my question.
    If I keep my MacBook in the drawer with the lid
    closed, will I be able to wake it into clamshell mode
    with the Apple Wireless Keyboard and / or Bluetooth
    Mighty Mouse?
    Yep, it works, i just tested it, It works with my macbook+mighty mouse+s-video out, lid closed. Enjoy!

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