Won't mount CDs/DVDs, Automatically Ejects

I just got this brand new Macbook Aluminum. CD drive worked perfectly until the other day when I tried making a disk image. Now whenever I insert a CD, any CD, my notebook whirs for a minute or so and then ejects the CD without mounting it. I've tried everything in Apple support, repairing disk permissions, and booting up directly from CD. These CDs work on other computers but not on mine. Any ideas for something I could try, or does it sound like a problem with the hardware?

Thanks for your help... It had already been updated and I had selected what I wanted to do when inserting a CD. I brought it into the Apple store today and they said the drive was faulty and replaced the whole computer. It looks like it was a hardware issue, not a software one. Hopefully this one won't break so soon...

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    Mine has done this on occasion.
    After ejecting a few times/restarting, it works.
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    Cheers all!

    Hello HankMossop,
    I would recommend taking a look through the following article for some useful troubleshooting steps that can help get your SuperDrive working.
    Apple Computers: Troubleshooting the slot-loading SuperDrive

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    Use another Windows system to put the Drivers folder from the Leopard CD on a USB or FW storage device and then apply the drivers individually on your BootCamp Vista from the storage device. There is some information about this on page 24 of the BootCamp installation instructions.
    Message was edited by: xnav

  • ComboDrive - CDs suddenly won't mount but DVDs will, after updates

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    CDs and DVDs use 2 different optical subsystem: It may happen that the CD part dies while the DVD part keeps working fine.
    If you dare to, you might try to clean the drive's lenses with compressed air - standard lens cleaner disks can't be used on slot in drives.

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    Profiler details for my cd/dvd drive is :
    Firmware Revision: AP09
    Interconnect: ATAPI
    Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
    Cache: 2048 KB
    Reads DVD: Yes
    CD-Write: -R, -RW
    DVD-Write: -R, -R DL, -RW, +R, +RW, +R DL
    Burn Underrun Protection CD: Yes
    Burn Underrun Protection DVD: Yes
    Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
    Media: No
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Regards & Thanks

    had the exact same problem. Found by accident a solution on eBay.
    --- part of the description ---
    Q) The drive keeps ejecting CDs and DVDs after installation?
    A) The screws which holds the drive chassis down are apparently too long for the drive. I suggest loosen them or screw the left drive rail in with a single screw in the front, removed the CD guide completely and screwed it all back together
    The back screws should be loosened and / or left out completely if the problem persists.
    --- end part ---
    So I decided to open my MBP and used the guides form ww.ifixit.com and loosened the screws as described above, closed my MBP.
    The problem is now gone !

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    [In my opinion it isn't worth wasting time trying to figure out the reason. You know the problem goes away in a clean account, so make a clean account and migrate into it.]
    -Irresponsible and lazy advice. Migration is arduous, often creating more conflicts in other areas than solved. If you miss anything when crossing over, the logging out and back in as different users to migrate over and over is time consuming AND frustrating. Not to mention all personal settings. So I won't.
    Pulling out the [.plists] of the relevant files and putting them into a folder on the desktop or just the desktop itself, logging out and in and TRYING to load the cd/dvd usually does the trick when the system is in conflict or with most things that may become corrupt.
    If that doesn't work there are numerous software solutions for trial use out there to help.

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    I should have updated this ages ago. Sorry.
    The solution to the problem was to remove the DVD drive, take the cover off it and clean the lens in the reader mechanism. Just Google up the disassembly directions for your particular Mac model.
    Downhillracer1's solution, compressed air blown in through the disc slot is certainly easier and might do the trick if all you've got is a spec of dust on the lens, but if it's a problem with some kind of film deposited, opening it up and cleaning the lens is more thorough.
    My DVD drive now reads and burns with no problem.

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    I've used DVD-RWs in my Superdrive before with no problems; in fact, these are the first DVDs of any format that have ever refused to mount on my PowerBook.
    Is there any software I can try, any Superdrive firmware updates available? If necessary I can use my Windows laptop to rip the discs onto my external HD and use the Mac to access them from there, but I'm not happy that my Superdrive apparently won't read finalised major-brand DVD-RWs when it's done so with no problems in the past.
    17 PB G4 (2005 version)   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1Gb RAM

    It is always a good idea to go to your Apple and then Software Update to make sure your Computer is running the latest updates, Be sure you Repair permissions before and after the Update.
    Media has always been a problem, you might run 10 or 15 from a stack of 30 and then I have seen brand new 30 pack not accept 1 of the 30.
    Unless it is just imparitive I would suggest DVD-R Media it appears they like most Mac Burners better.
    Yes I know that you shouldn't be having this issue but until Apple does something about this issue, you are stuck.

  • Why won't my CDs/DVDs play any more!?!?

    Hi knowledgeable and helpful peeps here's a problem for you... my CD drive suddenly seems to have stopped working. It seems to coincide with the latest iTunes update. Used to work fine before, was able to rip CDs with no problems. Now it won't work! Looking at the device properties for the drive it still says 'this device is working properly' (when it clearly aint!) When I put a CD in, the light flashes and every so often the cursor changes to a little cd icon then changes back to normal, and ultimately nothing happens! They're not recognised in iTunes or any other media player. I ran the CD diagnostics in iTunes and here's what it said:-
    Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Time Computers P4M266-8235
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    LowerFilters: PxHelp20 (, Pfc (,
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    Video Driver: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 \GeForce FX 5200
    IDE\DiskWDCWD2000BB-00GUA0____________________08.02D08, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    IDE\CdRomVOM-12E48X_____________________________100D___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [1,0]
    Some computers need an update to the ATA or IDE bus driver, or Intel chipset. If iTunes has problems recognizing CDs or hanging or crashing while importing or burning CDs, check the support site for the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.
    Current user is administrator.
    D: VOM-12E48X, Rev 100D
    Drive is empty.
    But there IS a CD in the drive! Can anyone help? I'm not very knowledgeable about PC's but have tried all the troubleshooting/help programs on Windows with no luck. So frustrating! It just seems to have happened since getting the latest update of iTunes, but maybe thats just a coincidence. I've had the pc for about 18 months and have encountered no problems like this before. Thanks in advance for any guidance!

    Well what your describing isn't really a itunes issue, its more an issue with either "The System or windows" OR its a issue with the drive itself.
    You need to see if windows can read from the drive by putting a CD in the drive, then going to "My COmputer" and clicking on the drives icon or rightclickthing the icon/drive and selecting "Open"
    Also goto the PC makers site and install BIOS, chipset and CD ROM FIrmware updates

  • PowrBook won't read CDs / DVD's - help! (please).

    Hi there
    I recently updated my computer to Tiger and everything was grand. As of today, the PowerBook will not read CD's and not read DVD's. Dashboard Confessional was in the drive when it kicked out and it didn't work again - I'm blaming him....
    Can anyone give me any suggestions - what can i do to get the Mac to read the CD's / DVD's? Do I need a firmware update (if so, where do I get that from, there are hundreds) - or do I need to take the battery out and put it in again as someone has suggested?
    Please help
    Many Thanks
    Martin and Shannon

    Looks like we have the same bs

  • DVDs won't mount - discs ejecting

    (Inadvertently posted to aluminum forum -- this belongs here.)
    Searched and did not find exactly this problem in prior posts.
    CDs still mount and play fine, but now all DVDs won't mount and are automatically ejected. I've looked previously at region settings, decided not to change, now can't even find region settings to verify I'm still set to 1. I don't really think it's a region problem though, as I'm pretty sure I didn't even try to change regions.
    Any suggestions? Thanks.

    Not quite sure what's wrong here, but let's see what System Profiler (Applications>Utilities) has to say about your drive.
    Open up System Profiler, then click "Disc burning" in the left-hand column. Next to "Reads DVD" what does it say?

  • Blank cds/dvds not mounting, iLife '06 will not install

    After auto upgrades to Tiger v10.4.8 blank cds and dvds will not mount but are automatically ejected. I have a superdrive Sony DVD RW DW -U10A. It will recognize and read cds and dvds that have data. I also attempted to install iLife '06. The installer v 2.1.0 said it could not install. Somewhere I read that these problems are related to the upgrades from Jaguar. Any ideas--chattrod
    iMac Power PC G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Sony DVD RW DW-U10A

    To Apple Discussions!
    You posted in the wrong forum. This area is for "G5" iMacs. Your system info confirms you have a G4 iMac.
    You need to respost in the G4 iMac (Flat Panel) Forums where the knowledgeable users using the same model iMac as yourself hangout & will be able to help you.

  • DVD won't mount (again !)

    This topic has been on a few times, but none of the aswers worked for me.
    I have a powerbook 1,66GHz Al that won't mount a DVD-R (noise for about 15s and eject without any messages). The same DVD mount and play correctly on an ibook 1.2 GHz under 10.4.4.
    My preferences are : ask me what to do for new CD/DVD. For when inserting a DVD, I tried DVD player and VLC with the same result.
    I installed Tiger from scratch and did not reinstall yet any iphoto, idvd, ilife...
    I'm just wondering if this is the reason that I cannot read these DVD.
    Any idea ?

    I did not realise that CDs had to be finalized before use in other machines.

  • EMac SuperDrive won't mount DVDs

    My eMac won't mount any DVDs, including the OS X 10.3 DVD with my system software.
    The SuperDrive will mount CDs that I can play and rip with iTunes.
    I think I have followed most of the suggestions that I have found posted here in this forum, including restarting the system and starting the DVD Player and then inserting the disk. I have tried a cleaner CD as well.
    As I understand it, the Firmware update for SuperDrives that is posted on the Apple site is for eMacs with USB 2.0, newer machines than mine.
    I have had the computer for just over two years and I haven't used the DVD feature much. This seems like a premature failure if I have to replace this drive already.
    Any suggestions are much appreciated.
    eMac 1 Ghz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   512 MB SDRAM

    I am glad to hear of your good experience.
    I am in the same place: my eMac is just over two years old. Here is where my situation differs: I don't have AppleCare, so this will be my nickel if I need to replace the drive.
    Yes, it is a Sony optical drive.
    I tried the things that Don suggested above and the drive still refuses to mount any DVD at all. I think that, like you, I have a hardware problem.
    Thanks to both of you for your posts.
    eMac 1 Ghz Mac OS X (10.3.9) 512 MB SDRAM
    eMac 1 Ghz Mac OS X (10.3.9) 512 MB SDRAM

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