Workbench configuration

Someone pls help me in configure of trail version of LC application on local machine.
I have downloaded and installed Workbench trail version on my system.
And when i try to login into workbench its asking the username and password, server name.
Some pls help me what are the credentials i have to enter and how to configure.
Thank you,

Hi Nith,
Thank you for the reply.
When i try to access the http:localhost\8080\adminui
getting below error. and i have not configured  admin password while installing. Do i need to re install the workbench again ?

Similar Messages

  • Error in Runtime WorkBench/Configuration/Save Configuration

    Hi all,
    In Runtime WorkBench, when i choose "Configuration" tab, and after choose "Save Configuration", i get an error message as below:
    "Configuration saved RFC ping failed for the following RFC destinations (created upon saving) in the system DEV800: PMIDEV800, PMITST910"
    In this case, my XI system has one Integration Server: DEV800 and one Business System TST910. Two RFC (Process Monitoring Infrastructure RFC) created: PMIDEV800, PMITST910 can't not function correctly. And i don't know how i can correct this error.
    Anyone can please help me to correct this error?
    Thanks a lot in advance,
    Vinh Vo

    hi vinh vo,
    do chk this link
    Installing and Configuring SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe for the SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment

  • What's the difference between old workbench 2.x configuration and new IFCR configurations?

    I'm an Endeca old-fashioned guy. We moved from workbench 2.1 directly to ToolsAndFrameworks 11, my question is, what's difference between old workbench 2.x and new IFCR conf?
    Looks emgr_update update_mgr_settings isn't doing the same thing ifcr importXML does.
    I manually added a thesaurus entry, and ran emgr_update to load it to workbench, but it didn't show up in our new workbench. And when I ran emgr_update get_all_settings, I can see the thesaurus entry I created in the output. So... What's difference between these 2?
    Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

    emgr_update no longer sets or gets the thesaurus from workbench. In 11 all workbench configurations are saved in IFCR configuration directly.
    Hence the thesaurus entry should be added directly in version 11 Workbench as opposed to xml file in older versions.
    And if you want to migrate the changes across environments then import_site script in control directory can be used.

  • Seeburger splitter configuration issue

    Dear All,
    I am trying to configure the Seeburger splitter for my outbound EDI interfaces, i enteredmapping Name, clicked on Search Services for the Sender-Sercvice, clicked on Search Channels for the 850 channel i am not able to get the channels automatically.
    we have same configuration in DEV and QAS but they are working correctly same objects has been transported to PRD and we are not getting those channels automatically.
    Note:but with same configuration objects we are able to get channels automatically in DEV and QAS .. any ideas?
    Your help will be appreciated.

    Hi Naveen,
    The channel is populated based on party and service. In your case if you have issue only for one interface (one inbound EDI interface), then it might related to cache.
    But if you have problem with all interface, then you need to check the seeburger workbench configuration.

  • How to configure Watchfolder for PS to PDF

    HI all,
    We have a license version of adobe livecycle 8.2 for ReaderEnable and PDF Generator.
    The ReaderEnable was implemented successfully and its working fine.
    A new watchfolder was created for PDF Generator, when I place the .ps in the "input" folder its going to "stage" folder, no failure report was generated, what will be the problem, please see the screen shot below, some of the fields were empty is that causing the problem.
    This is workbench configuration.
    When I validate its not showing any error
    This is livecycle watchfolder path configuration.
    Please advice

    HI Jasmine,
    Installed Acrobat Pro 9 in my machine, now its working fine.
    Finally the watch folders are in place.
    Thanks for the support.

  • How it is possible to reflect workbench changes on clustered environment

    Hi All,
    I am running endeca on MachineA and MachineB with separate MDEX engine.
    Cluster dgraph is implemented on MachineA with MachineB, thus data will updated on machineB when i run baseline update on MachineA.
    I have installed Experience Manager on MachineA and created some pages using Workbench.
    The rules are getting fired for MachineA without baseline update, but i noticed that same are not working for MachineB even though both machines are in cluster.
    When i run baseline update on MachineA rules are working with MachineB.
    How it is possible to reflect workbench changes on both clustered MDEX engine without running baseline update.
    Please share your suggestion.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Guys,
    I have tried to both approaches which you have suggested me.
    But still the rules are not fired for MachineB.
    I have tested it endeca_jspref on MachineB it the rules are not getting reflected for MachineB.
    Below is my MachineA AppConfig.xml file :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    # This file contains settings for an EAC application.
    <spr:beans xmlns:spr=""
    <app appName="WineStore" eacHost="MachineA" eacPort="8888"
    dataPrefix="WineStore" sslEnabled="false" lockManager="LockManager">
    <host id="ITLHost" hostName="MachineA" port="8888" />
    <host id="MDEXHost" hostName="MachineA" port="8888" />
    <host id="MDEXHost2" hostName="MachineB" port="8888" />
    <host id="webstudio" hostName="MachineA" port="8888" >
    <directory name="webstudio-report-dir">./reports</directory>
    <lock-manager id="LockManager" releaseLocksOnFailure="true" />
    <script id="InitialSetup">
        if (ConfigManager.isWebStudioEnabled()) {
"Updating Oracle Endeca Workbench configuration...");
"Finished updating Oracle Endeca Workbench.");
    <script id="BaselineUpdate">
    <![CDATA["Starting baseline update script.");
        // obtain lock
        if (LockManager.acquireLock("update_lock")) {
          // test if data is ready for processing
          if (Forge.isDataReady()) {
            if (ConfigManager.isWebStudioEnabled()) {
              // get Web Studio config, merge with Dev Studio config
            } else {
    // clean directories
    // fetch extracted data files to forge input
    // fetch config files to forge input
    // archive logs and run ITL
    // distributed index, update Dgraphs;
    // if Web Studio is integrated, update Web Studio with latest
    // dimension values
    if (ConfigManager.isWebStudioEnabled()) {
    // archive state files, index
    // (start or) cycle the LogServer
    } else {
    log.warning("Baseline data not ready for processing.");
    // release lock
    LockManager.releaseLock("update_lock");"Baseline update script finished.");
    } else {
    log.warning("Failed to obtain lock.");
    <script id="DistributeIndexAndApply">
    <script id="LoadXQueryModules">
    <script id="ConfigUpdate">
    <provisioned-script-command>./control/runcommand.bat ConfigUpdate run</provisioned-script-command>
    <![CDATA["Starting dgraph config update script.");
        if (ConfigManager.isWebStudioEnabled()) {
        } else {
    log.warning("Web Studio integration is disabled. No action will be taken.");"Finished updating dgraph config.");
    <custom-component id="ConfigManager" host-id="ITLHost" class="com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.component.ConfigManagerComponent">
    <property name="webStudioEnabled" value="true" />
    <property name="webStudioHost" value="MachineA" />
    <property name="webStudioPort" value="8006" />
    <property name="webStudioMaintainedFile1" value="thesaurus.xml" />
    <property name="webStudioMaintainedFile2" value="merch_rule_group_default.xml" />
    <property name="webStudioMaintainedFile3" value="merch_rule_group_default_redirects.xml" />
         <property name="webStudioMaintainedFile4" value="merch_rule_group_MobilePages.xml"/>
         <property name="webStudioMaintainedFile5" value="merch_rule_group_NavigationPages.xml"/>
         <property name="webStudioMaintainedFile6" value="merch_rule_group_SearchPages.xml"/>
    <directory name="devStudioConfigDir">./config/pipeline</directory>
    <directory name="webStudioConfigDir">./data/web_studio/config</directory>
    <directory name="webStudioDgraphConfigDir">./data/web_studio/dgraph_config</directory>
    <directory name="mergedConfigDir">./data/complete_index_config</directory>
    <directory name="webStudioTempDir">./data/web_studio/temp</directory>
    <forge id="Forge" host-id="ITLHost">
    <property name="numStateBackups" value="10" />
    <property name="numLogBackups" value="10" />
    <directory name="incomingDataDir">./data/incoming</directory>
    <directory name="configDir">./data/complete_index_config</directory>
    <directory name="wsTempDir">./data/web_studio/temp</directory>
    <dgidx id="Dgidx" host-id="ITLHost">
    <property name="numLogBackups" value="10" />
    <property name="numIndexBackups" value="3" />
    <dgraph-cluster id="DgraphCluster" getDataInParallel="true">
    <dgraph ref="Dgraph1" />
    <dgraph ref="Dgraph2" />
         <dgraph ref="Dgraph3" />
    <property name="srcIndexDir" value="./data/dgidx_output" />
    <property name="srcIndexHostId" value="ITLHost" />
    <property name="srcPartialsDir" value="./data/partials/forge_output" />
    <property name="srcPartialsHostId" value="ITLHost" />
    <property name="srcCumulativePartialsDir" value="./data/partials/cumulative_partials" />
    <property name="srcCumulativePartialsHostId" value="ITLHost" />
    <property name="srcDgraphConfigDir" value="./data/web_studio/dgraph_config" />
    <property name="srcDgraphConfigHostId" value="ITLHost" />
    <property name="srcXQueryHostId" value="ITLHost" />
    <property name="srcXQueryDir" value="./config/lib/xquery" />
    <property name="numLogBackups" value="10" />
    <property name="shutdownTimeout" value="30" />
    <property name="numIdleSecondsAfterStop" value="0" />
    <directory name="localIndexDir">./data/dgraphs/local_dgraph_input</directory>
    <directory name="localCumulativePartialsDir">./data/dgraphs/local_cumulative_partials</directory>
    <directory name="localDgraphConfigDir">./data/dgraphs/local_dgraph_config</directory>
    <directory name="localXQueryDir">./data/dgraphs/local_xquery</directory>
    <dgraph id="Dgraph1" host-id="MDEXHost" port="15000">
    <property name="restartGroup" value="A" />
    <property name="updateGroup" value="a" />
    <dgraph id="Dgraph2" host-id="MDEXHost" port="15001">
    <property name="restartGroup" value="B" />
    <property name="updateGroup" value="a" />
    <dgraph id="Dgraph3" host-id="MDEXHost2" port="15000">
    <property name="restartGroup" value="B" />
    <property name="updateGroup" value="a" />
    Do i need to change any things else.
    Please suggest me.

  • Error in End-to-End Monitoring

    Dear All,
    when i click display on End-to-End Monitoring, and then not accepting any user etc and the following error message come up
    Logon failed error
    Call of URL http://sapxi:50010/sap/bc/bsp/sap/spi_monitor/ terminated due to error in logon data.
    Logon performed in system XID .
    Logon performed for client 100 and language EN.
    What can I do?
    Check the validity of your SSO ticket for this system.
    If you do not yet have a user ID, contact your system administrator.
    error code: ICF-LE-http-c:100-l:3-T:21-C:3-U:5-P:-L:7
    HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
    Please help.

    Dear All,
    As per your suggestion,I have used PIRWBUSER,
    In Runtime Workbench -> configuration (with user PIRWBUSER) i see "A monitoring configuration for the selected XI domain does not yet exist" and a table with 2 component are checked.
    When i try "Save Configuration", it writes " RFCDEST_NOT_CREATED".
    and I try to use Runtime Workbench -> end-to-end monitoring.But i get "No process defined for this domain ", when "Display".
    Please suggest me,how to procced.
    Sridhar:user is aleady having the SAP_XI_MONITORING role.

  • Queries on Splitter module

               I have configured the example scenario given in Seeburger docs.
    I am with the following errors
    1. When I check the log file of seeburger i am getting Error No configuration found
    2. When I check the audit logs of File adapter channel ,
             SEEBURGER/MSGSPLITTER: There are 1 attachments to split and providing the target channel details. Which are different than the one configured in WorkBench
    1. Is SeeBurger workbench configuration is with respect to partner or with respect to interface
           I mean if I have 10 partners sending the same message then i need to configure 10 Partner data confgiurations in workbench?? because the audit log is showing the partner number/MappingName/ACCEPTED as target channel
    very Thankful for your helpful replies

    Hello ,
                 I am trying to process the orders received.
    For this two partys we have one for sender and other for receiver.
    sender party business service has party details, in case of  Ack receiver is also same,so  no need of configuring again the party details
    Do I also  need to configure the party details at the receiver party business service identifer tab which is  for receiving orders ??
    FYI , adapters used are
    File -- sender
    File - ack receiver
    IDoc - reciever
    I am spinning around this...
    Any more clues will be helpfull
    Thank you

  • How to load XI Mail Adapter screen

    We are using XI 3.0 how to load or how to configure XI mail adaptor, will I goto RWB or some tcode?
    Please advised...
    One more thing, is there any way I send xml messages for some others user eaiml?
    Thanks a lot

    Hi all
    We are using XI30 SAP640 SP20 and trying to create Alerts to eamil setup
    SAPconnect is working fine... all eamil works fine... in SAP system
    System Name XDV
    Follow this documents pdf file URL blow:
    I am sending some paragraph arcording my probelm; someting I didn't understand please help me out
    If you open above URL and check page number I having problem
    QUESTION NO.1 Page No. 4.
    3.1.1 Runtime Workbench Configuration
    ICF Services
    /sap/bc/bsp/sap/spi_monitor for example this services
    all services are actived but when I right click any of them getting an error messages ?
    Will it efect somewhere ?
    QUESTION NO.2 Page No. 6
    System Group Entry
    When I check System Group Entry in RZ21 It does show XDV which is our XI system name with "YES" but
    under Group name is "System 640" not as a documents said ExchangeInfrastructure_System
    is that ok ?
    QUESTION NO.3 Page No. 8
    Set Up the Central Alert Server
    In doc. said RFC dest alert server: None
    In my system define our XI system host name forexample: xdbcixdv
    sould I have to put none or is ok?
    QUESTION NO. 3 Page No. 9
    3.ICF Services: Activate the following services in SICF
    some services are not listed in ICF such as
    When I tried to create its not take longer 15 char. I eamil to SAP they said its ok but services
    are running in background... i am not sure they are answer...? what do you thing?
    QUESTION NO.4 Page No. 9 (same page)
    4. Schedule Alert Processing
    I didn't define schedule, sould I have to do that ? if yes, what sould I do that
    and what kind of Variant report name should I select ?
    QUESTION NO.5 Page No. 10
    6. Schedule Report
    What kind of Report does it said and why we need to do that ?
    QUESTINO NO.6 Page No. 10
    3.2 End-to-End Monitoring
    its show PMI what is that for ? what does it do for alert
    QUESTINO NO.7 Page No. 13
    3. Schedule Alert Report
    I didn't define background job, I will do that so what varlant should I select ?
    QUESTION NO.8 Page No.14
    4. Create System Group
    When I tried to create its never create like Group its does show only sub-group
    why ? I want its show same as picture like yellow folder or group
    as I maintion above its show my XDV system under group System640 with monitoring active YES
    is that ok ?
    QUESTION NO.9 Page No. 15
    6. Exchange Infrastructure Monitor
    When I goto RZ20 and select SAP CCMS Monitor Template, its show Exchange Infrastructure
    When I select it just show gray color look like disabled why is that that why its does not
    shows like picture shows ?
    QUESTINO NO.10 Page No. 16
    1. Create GRMG Customizing File
    Goto sap notes and download file in my computer change name like xdv_sld.txt
    change scenario only system landscape directory for testing purpose
    goto GRMG and updated that file and start it
    its show GREEN check mark which is running fine no errors
    Remember I just only change system landscape directory and create RFC connection
    with test connection no errors...:), i will be create some more RFC connecitno first
    I have to makesure its will works fine... or not ?
    question is that will I have to create all others at this time or 1 is ok ?
    QUESTINO NO.11 Page No. 18
    2. Use Standard XI Monitor as Basis
    can you please tell me what monitor should I select ? from the list ?
    QUESTION NO.12 Page No. 19
    1. Create an Alert Category
    What kind of Alert category will I create, I treid ALRTCATDEF and copy some other category was there
    like XDV_ALRT thats it ?
    can you please tell me what alert category sould I select or where should I go?
    QUESTINO NO.13 Page No. 21
    5. Define Recipients
    I would like to define some user like basis and other users sould I have to define there ?
    and what about next picture "SAP_XI_MONITOR" should I have to define that roules alwyas?
    QUESTINO NO.14 Page No. 22
    7. Alert Inbox
    When I goto Alertinbox does't show any messages at all; ? what i am missing
    QUESTINO NO.15 Page No. 24
    1. Create Alert Category for CCMS
    I didn't understand from page no 24 to till end why we are create again some alert for CCMS
    why we need that?
    Please can you tell me thease answse or any create dummy alert for testing, will be very
    help for me
    Thanks a lot in Advance

  • Handling multiple EDI transaction

    We are getting multiple EDI transactions (940, 850 etc) from our customer. I have defined one Sender Agreement with service interface as functional acknowledgment and one each for EDI transactions (with service interface 940 and service interface 850 etc) in the same configuration scenario.
    There wil be only one communication channel to receive all the EDI files. My problem is whenever I send the EDI 850 transaction it is taking the service interface of 940. Because of that it is executing the 940 interface map instead of 850!!!
    Am I doing any wrong in my configuration? When I test the data in test tab of configuration scenario, it is taking the correct service interface, but it is not happening in the run time... I cleared the cache also.. still no luck...
    Can someone please help me in this? Please guide me if I am doing any wrong.

    I assume that you are using Seeburger for EDI data handlings..if yes
    sender interface details for the payload (850,940) will be determined from the seeburger workbench configurations ..
    after bic mapping execution it will result in two doucments one with FunctionalAck and other with attachement(payload..can be 850 or 940) based on this attachment name will compare with the entries of seeburger workbench and fetches the sender details and based on this receiver will be identified...
    Hope this gives you need info..

  • Requested Resource does not exists.

    Hello Friends,
    I am trying to configure Alert triggers through XI for System errors. But I think there is some problem with Runtime Workbench configuration. When I Click on Alert Configuration i get error: 404 Not found. "The requested resource does not exist".
    Please help.

    Hi Anu,
    Refer sudhir's post in this has all the steps required to resolve this error.
    /message/681255#681255 [original link is broken]

  • Adapter Engine for XI

    Hi, we are using XI 3.0 and try to test services /sap/bc/bsp/sap/spi_monitor and getting some error messages, i am sure in sxmb_adm logging_sync parameter is set to 1, when I goto RWB and select "Component Monitoring" Adapter Engine is yellow
    I am sending screen shot with it

    Hi all
    We are using XI30 SAP640 SP20 and trying to create Alerts to eamil setup
    SAPconnect is working fine... all eamil works fine... in SAP system
    System Name XDV
    Follow this documents pdf file URL blow:
    I am sending some paragraph arcording my probelm; someting I didn't understand please help me out
    If you open above URL and check page number I having problem
    QUESTION NO.1 Page No. 4.
    3.1.1 Runtime Workbench Configuration
    ICF Services
    /sap/bc/bsp/sap/spi_monitor for example this services
    all services are actived but when I right click any of them getting an error messages ?
    Will it efect somewhere ?
    QUESTION NO.2 Page No. 6
    System Group Entry
    When I check System Group Entry in RZ21 It does show XDV which is our XI system name with "YES" but
    under Group name is "System 640" not as a documents said ExchangeInfrastructure_System
    is that ok ?
    QUESTION NO.3 Page No. 8
    Set Up the Central Alert Server
    In doc. said RFC dest alert server: None
    In my system define our XI system host name forexample: xdbcixdv
    sould I have to put none or is ok?
    QUESTION NO. 3 Page No. 9
    3.ICF Services: Activate the following services in SICF
    some services are not listed in ICF such as
    When I tried to create its not take longer 15 char. I eamil to SAP they said its ok but services
    are running in background... i am not sure they are answer...? what do you thing?
    QUESTION NO.4 Page No. 9 (same page)
    4. Schedule Alert Processing
    I didn't define schedule, sould I have to do that ? if yes, what sould I do that
    and what kind of Variant report name should I select ?
    QUESTION NO.5 Page No. 10
    6. Schedule Report
    What kind of Report does it said and why we need to do that ?
    QUESTINO NO.6 Page No. 10
    3.2 End-to-End Monitoring
    its show PMI what is that for ? what does it do for alert
    QUESTINO NO.7 Page No. 13
    3. Schedule Alert Report
    I didn't define background job, I will do that so what varlant should I select ?
    QUESTION NO.8 Page No.14
    4. Create System Group
    When I tried to create its never create like Group its does show only sub-group
    why ? I want its show same as picture like yellow folder or group
    as I maintion above its show my XDV system under group System640 with monitoring active YES
    is that ok ?
    QUESTION NO.9 Page No. 15
    6. Exchange Infrastructure Monitor
    When I goto RZ20 and select SAP CCMS Monitor Template, its show Exchange Infrastructure
    When I select it just show gray color look like disabled why is that that why its does not
    shows like picture shows ?
    QUESTINO NO.10 Page No. 16
    1. Create GRMG Customizing File
    Goto sap notes and download file in my computer change name like xdv_sld.txt
    change scenario only system landscape directory for testing purpose
    goto GRMG and updated that file and start it
    its show GREEN check mark which is running fine no errors
    Remember I just only change system landscape directory and create RFC connection
    with test connection no errors...:), i will be create some more RFC connecitno first
    I have to makesure its will works fine... or not ?
    question is that will I have to create all others at this time or 1 is ok ?
    QUESTINO NO.11 Page No. 18
    2. Use Standard XI Monitor as Basis
    can you please tell me what monitor should I select ? from the list ?
    QUESTION NO.12 Page No. 19
    1. Create an Alert Category
    What kind of Alert category will I create, I treid ALRTCATDEF and copy some other category was there
    like XDV_ALRT thats it ?
    can you please tell me what alert category sould I select or where should I go?
    QUESTINO NO.13 Page No. 21
    5. Define Recipients
    I would like to define some user like basis and other users sould I have to define there ?
    and what about next picture "SAP_XI_MONITOR" should I have to define that roules alwyas?
    QUESTINO NO.14 Page No. 22
    7. Alert Inbox
    When I goto Alertinbox does't show any messages at all; ? what i am missing
    QUESTINO NO.15 Page No. 24
    1. Create Alert Category for CCMS
    I didn't understand from page no 24 to till end why we are create again some alert for CCMS
    why we need that?
    Please can you tell me thease answse or any create dummy alert for testing, will be very
    help for me
    Thanks a lot in Advance

  • How to use AUTO in Mapping name for EDIFACT

    I have a source which will be posting 2 diff kinds of EDIFACT  to XI.
    I want to use just a single channel where i want to configure my .sda module.
    I've seen that we can use 'AUTO' in MappingName parameter, so that the mapping is chosen dynamically.
    However,when i tried to do so, i get an error saying that the adapter cannot find the mapping in the classpath.
    Can anyone guide me as to how to use the AUTO parameter?
    If possible, provide a link for some blog where they are using it.

    Hi Alok,
                  Reason behing not getting the EDI payload was missing of splitter configuration, you need to configure the splitter as
    you need to use AUTO mappingName instead of specific mapping name
    once you configure split parameter of bic  to true, it will generate an attacments like KEY|MAPPINGNAME|ACCEPTED|MessageNo
    then based on this configuration splitter will look for the same key in Seeburger workbench configuration and then generates a XI message (SXMB_MONI entry) ...
    If you dont want acknowledgement of EDI and sure about the version of the mapping then you can configure the mappingName
    directly instead of BIC paramter

  • SAP CRM Client Problems or dependencies for Z Nodes

    Hi Experts,
    I am getting output successfully in my development client. But when I transfer the request from development client to testing client I am getting error mentioned above.
    However after copy the request from development client to testing client, I am able find the changes in testing clientu2019s SAP GUI (component workbench-configuration).
    I created enhancement for Z field creation. But here Standard or default configuration or Custom configurations are not showing Z fields when I click on u2018show Available Fieldsu2019 link. But those Z attributes are appearing in View Structureu2019s node. However these attributes are not generating methods. (I posted this question with subject u2018CRM 7.0 (BSP_WD_CMPWB) problems u2019)
    To overcome the issue I created Z node with BOL entry.
    Now I am able see my Zfields in Z node at configuration.
    I added and I did some coding for event handler.
    I am getting an error on browser(after copying the request from deve to testing client) given below
    Cannot display view BT137I_SCN/Details of UI Component BT137I_SCN
    An exception has occurred
    Exception Class      CX_BSP_INV_ATTR_NAME - BSP exception: An attribute with the name "ZBTADMINI" is not defined
    Source Text Row:      17
    Is there any client dependencies are to take care to get successful results?
    Please suggest me to move further.

    Just to chime in the most common issue when going beyond dev to test with CRM webclient UI is making sure your enhancement set is assigned to the client in test.
    Now please keep in mind you have to maintain BSPWDV_EHSET_ASG specifically in each system instance because you can't transport entries(client is not the key of the table !!!).
    This thread here explains that I even found this frustated and a pain when I first started with CRM webclient UI.  It proves that even moderators are mere mortals lol.
    This problem probably needs a wiki entry along with a SAP Note.
    If this is not in the wiki I will add in it later or you can.
    Take care,

  • Occurred while executing line 5 of valid BeanShell script

    Hello Everyone,
    I am a newbie to Endeca Guided Search. I had created a new Developer project.
    I updated its input source, Properties and Dimension. after doing this when i go to my application directory
    C:\apps\TestApp\control> and try to execute initialize_services.batb
    I am getting the following error.
    [06.20.12 12:15:57] SEVERE: Utility 'emgr_update_update_mgr_settings' failed. Re
    fer to utility logs in [ENDECA_CONF]/logs/shell on host ITLHost.
    Occurred while executing line 5 of valid BeanShell script:
    3| if (ConfigManager.isWebStudioEnabled()) {
    4|"Updating Oracle Endeca Workbench configuration...");
    5| ConfigManager.updateWsConfig();
    6|"Finished updating Oracle Endeca Workbench.");
    7| }
    [06.20.12 12:15:57] SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on o
    bject 'InitialSetup'. Releasing locks.
    some one please help me solve this.
    following is the Dgraph1's configuration from AppConfig.xml
    <dgraph id="Dgraph1" host-id="MDEXHost" port="15000">
    <property name="restartGroup" value="A" />
    <property name="updateGroup" value="a" />
    <!-- <update-dir>./data/dgraphs/Dgraph1/dgraph_input/updates</update-dir> -->
    some one please help me solve this.

    Usually this happens when a under privileged user tries to access particular service, or folders.
    Please try
    1) Grant user access to the service account (since it is windows) if current user is not local administrator.
    2) Check out folder permissions
    3) Check your system path
    We had faced similar problems of ‘Releasing locks’ where some changes were made by "root" user and the service was expecting "endeca" user(On Linux system). The solution that worked for us was to taking ownership of the entire endeca installation directory to "endeca" user.

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